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Stop saying people don't use desktop Linux because it's hard.
It's not.
It's buggy, unreliable and unpolished.
That's why people are not using it.
Can't wait for the baby duck cope.
Yeah but so is macOS. I've used it and it's not as good as the shills make it out to be.
>Linux is hard
it really isn't and that's a good thing
>It's buggy, unreliable and unpolished.
So is Windows.
But it's still better than anything out there, especially since Microsoft started fucking with Windows for no good reason.
Computing in general is imperfect. Linux has a noticeably higher number of problems but it's not like using any other operating system guarantees smooth sailing
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OP is a faggot with nothing better to do with xer life, an hero can't come quick enough.
>Buggy, unreliable, unpolished
That doesn't mean difficult to anyone that is paying attention. However when dealing with normies you have to understand that if the OS isn't limiting their choices to 2 options it becomes "too hard" for them.
This is why Apple products are absolute garbage. There is only 1 or 2 ways to do things and the OS governs how you complete your tasks.
Windblows at least allows for a lot of different ways to do things so you can get things accomplished the way you like to. The only thing about them is they want to spyhard on you. People love windows and a lot of us would too, if it weren't for the spyware
Works on my machine.
>spyware meme
No one cares what porn you jerk off to in your basement.
If no one cares then why is advertising becoming a trillion Dollar industry?
But since you're on /g/ you most likely don't do anything.
Works on my machine
I just really dislike the choice of package managers. They're all either mediocre or have too small of a community. Some examples:
retarded beer terminology
changes ownership of it's installation folder (/usr/local shouldn't be owned by your user)
packages SEVERLY out of date in some cases
not much faster
not enough packages
no mac-specific stuff (e.g. pinentry-mac)
My Nintendo DS can browse the web too, however I’m interested in more than just text viewing
Jay thread
The only barrier is literally laziness.
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They already have an OS if you want to be a productive coder. Linux users don't want that, they want attention on identity and being intrinsically special instead of their accomplishments, and the worst offenders pick FreeBSD.
>interested in more than just text viewing
don't use shitty gnome or tryhard kde and you'll be fine
use just works gnome
sure if you're gay and you think you're pc should work like a phone
>you're pc should work like a phone
The price of control is responsability.
I went from Fedora kde to Windows 11 pro and immediately noticed videos like on youtube or twitch are more fluid in windows. I spend a lot of time watching streams and videos so that on its own will have me stay on Windows 11. I still like that Linux is being developped and eventually, hopefully they'll fix this or improve ffmpeg so the experience is better.
it's *your btw I use GNOME btw
>It's buggy, unreliable and unpolished
that only applies when you're trying to rice your setups with weird shit and larp
i'm on gentoo and i'll admit its buggy, but when running native linux software instead of trying to use compatibility layers for windows shit it runs better than windows
when i try to treat it like windows and run windows programs through proton or straight up just a VM through qemu, it pisses itself because of some weird drivers issues (its an older computer though)
just use your generic DE, and generic easy to setup distro, with stock standard options that automatically detect all the shit you need, and you'll have no issues at all
and i could do that aswell, but im human waste that wants to do shit the hard way
if you used normal hardware not outdated garbage you would notice that things run better including games through translation layers
Long time windows user here. Can confirm. I don't use Linux because it is buggy, unreliable and unpolished.
Win+WSL2 will be the comfiest combo if Microsoft can iron out the bugs.
I just use Linux because I hate automatic updates man.
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i'm making a new gimp plugin for the 80 something time
and bloated as much as windows 11/10
it's a little bit buggy but the advantages outweigh the minor problems

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