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is my data on this memory stick fucking gone? what is the probability?

i tried to cut and paste all the data from the stick to an external drive, then it crashed after 10 pictures and it has been giving me pic related ever since
why are you making a new thread about this
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to increase chances of getting response
the connector pins have gone. open the stick and solder then pins back together, this will give you enough time to plug it in and extract data.
>the connector pins have gone

what can suddenly cause that abruptly to happen? some type of short circuit because i unplugged it without clicking "safely unplug the drive" ?

or just a freak coincidence of old age?
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they are weak as shit, simply unplugging the stick while its plugged in can cause it.

these are the pins in question, soldering is easy. this fix is literally a 5 minute job
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please dont abandon me you are my only hope

does it look like mine has this issue?
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The black part inside looks slanted. Maybe it's causing the pins to not make full connection? Idk anything about usb plugs tho, just my guess.Good luck on getting your porn collection back though anon.
if the USB connector wiggles up and down, then yes thats your problem.
if you're too inept to attempt to replace the connector any good PC repair place will be able to rip you off for $100 to replace it.
AOI/QC faggot here, the leads look fine, but just touch them and reflow them just in case.
Also if you want a stronger mounting, fill those side holes. They just help mount the part better. I guess part of "planned obselescence" is being a lazy fucking sack of shit and not fully topflowing the barrel.
>b-but it's only class 2 tho
No excuses.
Otherwise clean the inside of the USB and reflow any joints that don't look good and clean
clean the whole thing with alcohol actually.
Good luck
Yeah that's a sign of structural instability in general, which could easily have broken some traces/pins on the inside even if it looks ok on the outside. I would just remove the connector and solder a spare USB cable straight to the board. I've saved "dead" flash drives doing this exact method.
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any hope left or did I completely destroy the data recoverability?
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oh god what have i done
Not an expert on this sort of thing, but in my opinion you should stop fucking with it and breaking parts off. If the data is that important and you have no backups, it might be worth considering professional recovery. Randomly breaking parts of this thing off without understanding what you're doing will probably just make things worse.
lmao nigga
buy a flash drive with the exact same brand
remove the nand from your fucked up drive and solder it on the good one ezpz
It's fucking fucked, bro. Let it go.
I am completely defeated after 8 hours of this fucking shit. Fuckimg sucks i lose my pictures.

But hey ome day i am dead anyway and so are you all so it doesnt really matter
anon these drives are built by 8 year old taiwanese kids in a warehouse and you're a grown ass man it's a simple soldering job
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I spent 2 years to mount a curtain rod in my ceiling but I am going to try it

I.hope the power surge from plugging it in in its current state didnt wipe out the data
Its from Lexar but I cant find the same model.
This model
>resoldering a hundred pin fine-pitch TSOP chip instead of just replacing the broken usb port that has 6 whole pins
This person is correct, especially at this point.
Most people are goddamn apes when it comes to sensitive electronics, I don't even know how
>I would just remove the connector and solder a spare USB cable straight to the board.

I dont understand.
>she thinks pins on nands are soldered individually
>she doesn't know you just throw the nand on a stencil, apply solder paste, squeeze a little flux on the board, add some hot air and it literally snaps into place wa la
>literal job kids do in factories
women need to get the fuck off /g/
Its still ghetto since you're fucking with the nand chips, plus you need to buy a new specific drive
As opposed to just soldering 4 wires and getting a usb port (salvaged from literally any peripheral)
bro it's easier to solder 4 than like 20 .5mm paws
dumb as fuck
What do you not understand? You know what soldering is? You know what a board is? You know what a USB cable is?
Your problem is either one of the data lines somehow not reaching the controller, or a failed controller. The data should be fine unless you killed the big chip with static.
Last year, I've tripped over the fucking wire and pulled down a 2tb to the floor while it was spinning with shit on it going back to 2008. Entire libraries of most important shit to me gone. Was told it needs lab work and a doner drive, 2k for the job with a 50/50 chance of recovery. feelsbadman.jpg
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Cut a USB cable and solder the power and data wires to the contacts on the PCB board where the gold pins used to be. The wires should be are colour coded.
In what world is it easier to resolder a nand chip than it is to resolder 4 pins?
resoldering a nand chip is a 3 minute job plus another ten waiting for it to cool back down
vs a 5 minute job to resolder 4 pins without wasting any time on cooling down, and it could be done with just a soldering iron without any special equipment
Why are you still using Windows 7?
>this thread
Babby's first storage failure
anyone with a toaster and tweezers can swap a nand on a usb stick
but even buying the same brand means very little now. op caught a real big break having a mounted ic whatsoever.
i don't think reflowing the plug will do much at all, yes the pins look bent but if it doesn't work by applying slight constant pressure on the drive when plugged in (hold it very gently up or down with your finger) swapping the plug isn't going to fix it.
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>this nigga unplugged his external storage without clicking "safely unplug the drive" first and is surprised that it broke
LOL retard you did this to yourself
it's fucking over
I did this so many times without issues that i thought it was a fake warning
Yeah this shit feels bad. But maybe we make it a bigger deal than it really is. We only look at a lot of this stuff once in many years
I really hope I can figure out what you are telling me to do. Its all very cryptic
What is the part that hold the data?
If you stop fucking with the flash part, which seems to be tsop-48, then its recoverable by anyone who has a pc3k flash or rusolut. Very easy.
First i'd reflow USB connection and try it. As you dont have the case on, try and see If the pcb gets hot.
Second, i think you just fucked up the filesystem by not using safely remove.
Thirdly flash Memory is in a constant state of degradation and maybe its time was just over.
I feel like im in a situation i cannot solve anymore. If i look on the bright side it was only pictures of people. It was not like a thousand hours worth of accounting work or anything like that
Moving forward on to the life lessons... what is the safest technology to back up your data? I backed up my laptop to an external ssd yesterday, i will make a second ome today because i hqve another ome

But are ssd really safe tho?
By the time posted i guess you are a burger. I remember those companies:
Desert data recovery, blizzard ddr, 300 dollar data recovery. Google them and contact them, most dont askl money for diagnostics. Ill stop spoonfeeding more info now.
No im in belgium it 9 am here but i will try to find someone to do it for me. I probably did fuck the file system so im that case no one can help me, right?
Thats the easiest problem.
I also plugged it back in with the bare pins like in the last pic hoping for a miracle but got a power surge error on my laptop. That may have electrocuted any chance of data recovery?

How can one person be so stupid. Yes its true
if the "usb device" shows up in this tool you might be able to recover it.
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To me it looks like OP deliberately fucked his stick up.
Dont touch it anymore. I fucked up and keep spoonfeeding you, maybe its the hangover.

Dont connect it anymore, i think you shorted something.
Ive decided to send it to a data recovery service. I dont have high hopes so here goes nothing. Also reading on how to store data to avoid catastrophy
>Also reading on how to store data to avoid catastrophy
make a backup faggot
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>it's just pictures
>"pictures of people"
>desperate enough for these 'pictures' back to send it to a recovery service
Yes i am coping hard. Please understand
I wouldn't have stored anything of value on an unreliable piece of shit medium like a thumb drive.

I'd just break out a soldering iron and solder a usb cable onto it. If it still doesn't work right then something with the USB circuitry is fried and the flash chip will need transplanted.
>I wouldn't have stored anything of value on an unreliable piece of shit medium like a thumb drive.

yes it was an expensive lesson

im shipping it to data recovery praying for them to be able to salvage the data, but luckily it was 'just' pictures of me and my family, not thousands of hours worth of work

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