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Why can't macOS do package managers right? It's just like Linux distros: You have way too many and all of them are either mediocre or have too small of a community.
retarded beer brewing terminology (tap, keg, ...)
changes owner and permissions of the installation folder (/usr/local shouldn't be owned by your user)
package manifests are written in a literal who language (Tcl)
lots of packages are either unmaintained or SEVERELY out of date
less slow, but also not as fast
doesn't even support Sonoma, let alone Sequoia
last update in 2022
otherwise cool (uses dpkg and apt-tools)
not enough packages
no mac-specific packages (e.g. pinentry-mac)
otherwise amazing

Why can't there be a built in way to get common UNIX tools on a UNIX workstation, that just works?
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>Why can't there be a built in way to get common UNIX tools on a UNIX workstation, that just works?
Now try getting a working version of GCC (no, the glorified symlink that's just clang under the hood doesn't count).
Except GCC is the industry standard. You don't need industry standard tools?
clang is better
winamp.exe: 4.5mb
just works
meanwhile loonix:
-random ass name music player- size: 800tb
1kb of the actual software, 799.999mb of random libraries
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found your problem
4.5MB + entirety of winapi and bunch of compat layers from win98 somewhere in C:\WINDOWS, that'll be 30GB + tip
apple does not care about any industry standard it does not set
even the version of clang they ship is often missing features from upstream since they ultimately want everyone to use swift for systems programming
homebrew is a mediocre ruby app but it's okay enough to be the defacto standard
i think it even leaked once that apple employees use homebrew internally
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>he doesn't use nix on his macmachine
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>tfw I will never EVER use macOS
I might have to use windows for work at times, but there's literally no reason for me to use apple ever for anything.
package managers are fucking stupid. good thing MS and Apple lets users install programs through a .dmg or .exe
You're right! Never EVER use lincucks anon!
t. poorfag
using nix over here, no issues OP
Get over yourself. It works.

Update your memes faggot
determinate systems has a macOS installer for nix.
I love running a seperate update process for every single application I install
>bu- but you can disable auto updates
And then I have to be subscribed to an RSS feed and click through dozens of menus just du update the whole thing, great.
Instead I could run a cron job that updates my programs automatically, but no that's way too good for macfags and wintards.
I own a decked out Framework laptop that cost me more than a Fagbook would have
nix is alright but I'm looking for a BSD-style package manager on the operating system which is (partly) based on BSD code.
>Get over yourself
>Just use a package manager that takes literal minutes to update its cache
>What you actually need to do stuff instead of stare at a spinning beer icon?
>homebrew, macports, fink, pkgsrc
These all have nothing to do with macOS
>common UNIX tools
macOS comes with all of those installed, lmao
Except that you have download Xcode CLT, which take up no less than 5GB of space, but that besides the point.
Does it have gnupg preinstalled? Oh no it doesn't
Does it have gcc preinstalled? Oh wait something's not right
Does it have a version of bash that's not 5 years out of date?
YWNBPBA (You will never be paid by Apple). Stop trying to shill your iToys for free. You're literally worse than Jannies
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>Food analogy the package manager.
Imagine being so fat that every time you update software, you think of food.
Xcode command line tools are like 300mb wtf are you talking about

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