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Why do you have to make me paranoid about everything?
>google spies on you
>protonmail is FBI's honeypot
>matrix is mossad's honeypot
>bitcoin is traceable
>monero is traceable
>tor is traceable
>i2p is even worse
>>google spies on you
True but only if you let them
>>protonmail is FBI's honeypot
Somewhat true, still should be avoided
>>matrix is mossad's honeypot
>>bitcoin is traceable
Literally by design. It's considered a feature by maxxies (it isn't)
>>monero is traceable
>>tor is traceable
>>i2p is even worse
Not even close to true
I just went back to fully using Google+Samsung+Microsoft ecosystem and pozzmaxxing, because might as well be a normalchad and have best compatibility, performance, visuals, and security in the world in trade for privacy that seems like a never ending rabbit hole. Every time you use something be it Firefox or Brave or Proton or Tutamail or Quad9 or NextDNS or Ubuntu or Mint there's always someone telling you you can go deeper and that you are not private. Fuck that shit. Pozzmax.
>paranoid: Exhibiting or characterized by extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others.
This isn't paranoia, its reality dumbass.
>>>monero is traceable
It is https://vimeo.com/1009284260
>>tor is traceable
Even if the CIA doesn't run most of the nodes even though they have resources to do so, even if the traffic is encrypted, metadata such as packet sizes, timings, and volume remains visible. An adversary observing enough network points can use this metadata to correlate traffic entering and exiting the Tor network, significantly reducing the pool of possible originators. This doesn't require compromising Tor nodes, just observing the traffic flows at the network level (ISPs, backbones, etc.).
>>>i2p is even worse
>Not even close to true
I knew a guy who hosted a 'p website which makes him credible enough when he says the protocol is not even as secure as tor and to stop shilling it. Although he might have been biased because he always hosted his stuff through tor tho.
isnt firefox more secure than chrome though
you need to use librewolf or another schizo firefox fork but chrome is a target
you dont need to*
desu i just dont care, i'm too aware now that they are all bugged as well and that privacy is pretty much dead because of how sophisticated tracking is nowadays, not even fucking tor and vpns are safe. so might as well just normalchad max. the whole low IQ = high IQ, and then midwit meme makes sense in everything. popular things are popular for a reason
>Literally by design. It's considered a feature by maxxies (it isn't)
It definitely is.
That's the whole point of bitcoin that it is completely transparent. I.e. if it was made a global currency anyone would be able to check all transactions. This is a great feature and why it was made in the first place.
Of course in that case monero would also exist, to hide stuff that needs to be hidden.
Chainanalysis claims every few years they cracked it. Timestamp or fuck off.
>This doesn't require compromising Tor nodes, just observing the traffic flows at the network level (ISPs, backbones, etc.).
I'm aware timing attacks are theoretically possible. Can you give me any case of this happening with fully updated networks?
>I knew a guy who hosted a 'p website which makes him credible enough when he says the protocol is not even as secure as tor and to stop shilling it.
Absurd argument. Also we call it an eepsite. Try harder.

>It definitely is.
I don't think everyone should know all of my cashflows.

I'd trust it more to quickly patch up severe vulnerabilities. The benefits of ff are mostly privacy-related and less reliance on google.
i kind of agree with you, but just be aware chrome is a bigger target, cause more people use it
so what email to use?
Ideally none. If you can selfhost do that. Otherwise proton or tuta, always through the onion link and encrypt with PGP. But seriously, fuck email it's almost as bad as SMS.
>I don't think everyone should know all of my cashflows.
Why not? I dont' give a shit. Worst things I've done are drugs and hookers. Hookers are legal here so idgaf, and drugs are socially acceptable these days so I also dgaf.
And anyway nobody gives a shit about you mate.
But this would mean anyone could trace the transactions of big money.
>Why not?
I like privacy and I think it should be the standard for every adult.
>And anyway nobody gives a shit about you mate.
Couldn't care less, I don't want a world in which we normalize minimal amount of privacy.
>But this would mean anyone could trace the transactions of big money.
They also know of XMR and can still just employ shell companies. Except for a few investigative journalists nobody will care.
Honestly? I get a warm and fuzzy feeling inside when I believe I'm private on the internet. I get a yucky feeling inside when I feel I'm being watched and logged eternally on the internet.
This would probably the reaction of most people if they truly understood what these companies are doing. I believe that all this: "I have nothing to hide" is cope for being lazy.
Want evidence? Look at how people act when their privacy is being infringed upon in the real world; uncomfortable, potentially angry.
>Also we call it an eepsite.
By 'p I mean child porn.
>Can you give me any case of this happening
>Operation Onymous (2014)
>The Carnegie Mellon University Attack (2015)
>The FBI vs. Playpen (2015)
>Suspected NSA Targeting (from Snowden Leaks)
Why do you like privacy?
I only like it cause I'm hiding shit, like being on 4chan which is socially unacceptable.
Otherwise I don't give a shit if someone wants to find out what food I ordered or what clothes I bought. They are wasting their time not mine.
And no I don't use social media, because that's vain.
There is a difference between willingly advertising your shit and someone spending time and effort to find out by themselves. The first demeans you, the second empowers you.
And like I said you can still use monero if you want to hide something for whatever reason.
>By 'p I mean child porn.
Anon wtf.
>>Operation Onymous (2014)
0d, also required a sybil attack.
>>The Carnegie Mellon University Attack (2015)
Part of the former
>>The FBI vs. Playpen (2015)
Misconfigured site
>>Suspected NSA Targeting (from Snowden Leaks)
A lot that comes out of the Snowden leaks is fairly vague.

So there's one account and it also required a sybil attack (6.4% of the guard nodes) and a 0d. This is already fought by using vanguards.

>Why do you like privacy?
I like when people only barely know more about me than I'm willing to reveal. I just never liked being too open.
>like being on 4chan which is socially unacceptable
>There is a difference between willingly advertising your shit and someone spending time and effort to find out by themselves.
For me it's in effect similar if I can easily choose privacy-conserving technology or methods.
he is anarcho-whatever or libertarian so he cares about this more than others without these views
>Anon is friends with 'p site owner

Yeah, they're going to catch you eventually.
No, I just like privacy. I don't really think about politics.
everything you do is political my guy
>protonmail is fbi's honeypot
they're not even from the US, the FBI has no jurisdiction over proton. Your emails are encrypted end to end, even if they were a honeypot the only data they have to give the FBI would be "1298ijfiAJF0ti349tiu4t94iug====fjufjuheguhergh" and shit
>matrix is mossad's honeypot
The Matrix homeserver, yes; any other server is fine and the protocol itself is fine.
>bitcoin is traceable
Yes it is, all transactions are viewable on the blockchain and there have been cases of AI investigation using this blockchain forensic data to trace transactions back to specific people.
>monero is traceable
Nope, unlike bitcoin transactions arent viewable on the blockchain.
>tor is traceable
No, it isn't; and if you're so worried about that, use a Bridge.
>i2p is even worse
You have never touched i2p.
>Somewhat true, still should be avoided
citation or youre fucking gay.
I await the day tyrone rapes your pedo ass in prison
I didn't say that I'm a pedophile myself, but I also don't mind people regardless of what they do or are. Additionally in my defense I could say that at that time I wasn't as indifferent and apathetic towards everything as I'm now and I did report and try to doxx him.
>but I also don't mind people regardless of what they do or are.
association with crooks makes you a crook, too. you suffer from a lack of morality.
there is a reason being an accomplice to a crime is a crime, too, even if you didnt commit the crime.

there is zero valid reason for you to want to associate with a pedophile unless you think that theres nothing wrong with preying on kids.

>Additionally in my defense I could say that at that time I wasn't as indifferent and apathetic towards everything as I'm now and I did report and try to doxx him.
Based, good work anon.
It's called FUD
So am I supposed to just stop using discord?
you use discord??? unironically!?
youre not an adult, right!?!
i apologize, its not nice to poke at others for their hobbies;

look man - no, of course not. chat where you want, just be careful of who is present.

find some personal friends and populate a server with them; no pedos, youre fine.
>Babbys first 4chan induced PTSD
whats the second
the great reset
third is the bnwo
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>Additionally in my defense I could say that at that time I wasn't as indifferent and apathetic towards everything as I'm now
Real thugs stay offline.
it's called FUD - fear, uncertainty, and doubt. it's what the glowniggers resort to, when they don't have another option.
was cutting off your penis also political?
>citation or youre fucking gay.
French activist a few years back
>the FBI has no jurisdiction over proton.
Indirectly they do through MLATs
>Your emails are encrypted end to end
As they perform the encryption it can't be trusted. If they also handle the decryption which I think they do they also require the private keys, thereby making the encryption irrelevant except for MITM from third parties.
Bitcoin was literally invented by a U.S. intelligence agency, retard
tor is traceable, all they got to do is watch your ISP and an exit node,
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dont forget exploding pagers, walkie talkies, and likely cell phones
Also reminder, none of the "encryption" protocols can be trusted. Its all backdoored shits
>He doesn't know
Literally demoralization or trolling, who knows.
>>google spies on you
>>protonmail is FBI's honeypot
>>matrix is mossad's honeypot
>>bitcoin is traceable
>>monero is traceable
>>tor is traceable
>>i2p is even worse
spyper bump
You should be paranoid. Maybe paranoia will motivate people to do something. Or maybe you cattle deserve to be handled like this. I don't know.
I remember in pre-Snowden times people would make fun of you when you told them the government is spying on everyone. Then after the leaks everyone was suddenly silent. I don't think we can even imagine how bad things really are.
You want to be paranoid because paranoia is a delusion of self-importance. Not mattering IRL terrifies the weak.
poo loo sirs
Thats why whenever you hear it is traceable, you should continue reading recommendations like making 7+ transactions before sending a real one and consider other options like TornadoCash and SCRT blockchain
>>monero is traceable
>Nope, unlike bitcoin transactions arent viewable >on the blockchain.
>>>monero is traceable

Read the fucking manual.
>That's the whole point of bitcoin that it is completely transparent. I.e. if it was made a global currency anyone would be able to check all transactions

Stop pretending you understand anything like that.
I know you are an yet another degen from 4chan who knows nothing not only about monero, cryptography etc, but bitcoin.

It is not a feature, but a technical limitation of that time
Tor is not traceable?
Boystown has been discovered because tor was traceable.

damn im on a list now
Yes, there is literally no legit reason to use discord In 2024
they have backdoors for governments
everything you do stay there forever even If you delete your account.
full of pedophiles and edgy kids.
friends you make on discord isn't real and only friends with you to expand their friend list to look edgy.
every chat message you have been sold to every company existing.
and no encrypted text messages might as well use plain text files.

Grow the fuck up old man, you were never supposed to use discord In the first place.
>Read the fucking manual.
I did. The whole point is that it isn't unless every other transaction got already identified. Once there is full blockchain anonymity this won't even be the case anymore.

Timing attack because the website owner did not update his software.
Same here; I know what you mean. I see very little difference between some psycho trying to record me through my window and what these psychopathic, rapacious companies are doing. But bear in mind normalfags (NPCs, goyim, or golem) exist to be brainwashed and to work and die for society and the people that control it (and I don't mean da jooz). This is why a total lack of self-awareness and abstract thinking is hardcoded into them.

They don't understand that you're doing x if you do it with subtlety. Imagine this scenario: these companies become actual humans, not abstract business entities. Instead of doing it through algorithms and high-tech devices that look like magic to the golems, they'd have to walk around taking photos of young girls everywhere they go, recording their conversations, and writing down absolutely everything (including when they get their periods). And then they'd talk out loud about how they want to predict their behaviors.

Even the common argument of
>nothing to hide
>nothing to fear
fails because of how careless these companies are with our data (which they intentionally leak/sell anyway).
And that's all without even getting into "conspiracy" theories about how the government uses these companies for surveillance and brainwashing (which they do).
fourth is cuckoldry
don't ask me
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You just learn to not care eventually
Why do you care so much about big corpos or ZOG having your info? They can't do anything to you unless you do something illegal. You should worry more about stalkers and individual assholes doxxing you.

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