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>Pajeet doesn't answer my questions
>Demands I change things in my service
>I point out his API has an error
>I ask him to look into it
>He schedules a meeting to fix my service
>I fix the error in his service and cancel the meeting
>He complains to my boss that I'm not going to his meetings
What the fuck is his problem?
Are Indian developers the absolute worst fucking people to work with?
>What the fuck is his problem?
He's indian
>Are Indian developers the absolute worst fucking people to work with?

get used to it, because they've invaded corporate america
Imagine having to be "taught" by one. It's fucking driving me to pure anger and hatred. Every single fucking time I try and help and ((politely)) guide him to the answer, he gets spiteful and retarded. I'm supposed to be 'mentored' by him, but so far I'm fixing basic config issues made by him. I'm not even "intermediate" and this useless fuck is supposed to have a phd.
I guarantee that pajeet will go to your boss and say you're not cooperating, and do it preemptively when he thinks you're going to complain about how he can't teach
We had a pajeet we had to get a knowledge transfer from, refused to cooperate on online meetings so he could get a ticket out here from India, and then in person he kept trying to get a job by talking to random managers, which didn't work.
He kept withholding information and hiding how they did things, or only answering when we asked extremely specific questions
>stock image
>race baiting garbage
I'm not going to take a picture of my coworker faggot
Want one even better? Not only is the piece of scum doing that. The 2 times I gave tidbits of advice via email, I saw the fucker go active, (assumingly) change the configs, then fucking respond "I don't seem to be having that issue. Can you double check and then schedule a meet up to if it doesn't work?"

I nearly blew a fuse. By the grace of god that fucker better believe there's a god, because it took everything inside me not to go over there and strangle him to death. I really wanted to throw everything away for that single moment.

I hate this shit. Early on, there was a mostly white personnel and stuff ran smoothly (sure, a few quips and tuffs here and there, but nothing major). Now it's all of these DEI hires and production has gone down hill.

Choke on your own drool. It's not like these statements are coming out of thin air. Do you genuinely believe people would be complaining if these fucking Indians weren't as bad? Before all this, I NEVER even though about them. Now, seeing how absolutely wretched they are, it's really opened my eyes.
> I saw the fucker go active, (assumingly) change the configs, then fucking respond "I don't seem to be having that issue. Can you double check and then schedule a meet up to if it doesn't work?"
That's a good one, they definitely lie, often by omission, and manipulate and gaslight. You then look like the bad guy for accusing a coworker of doing something that could easily be explained by like "Oh maybe he was active for other reasons. Maybe he changed it earlier and forgot."
>SAVE ME /g/!!!!!!!
Lmao even

This Jeet is a professional liar.

My roommate's story of jeetery is the following:

Has Jeet boss
Boss tells him to do the needful and prepare a PowerPoint presentation on the attached dataset

My roommate does the needful and goes to the meeting where the Jeet will present the PowerPoint slides my roommate made.

Meeting starts
Higher up: "Mr. Jeet, we needed a presentation on Dataset0002"
Jeet *looking at roommate*: "why did you prepare the wrong dataset. This mistake has cost us all our time today."
Roommate luckily has everything archived and the higher-up's emails.
*Forwards proof he asked for wrong dataset*

Mr. Jeet the next day threatens to fire him for not being a good team player.

My roommate was nearly in tears on the phone later.

Was really fucked up shit.
That's classic pajeet shittery too, and reminds me that in messages about my service, the pajeet goes "our service," but when something isn't working it's "anon's service."

Office politics? What office politics? These bottom of the barrel filth play retarded and helpless the moment for ANYTHING. Even perceived slights. They know full and well they shouldn't be in the positions they're in, so when they feel slighted (seeing ghosts) they determine it to be some form of exposure and start maliciously trying to get you canned.

Look at >>102477507

What the fuck are you defending these roaches???
Indians are the worst "people" on the planet. Even blacks are unironically superior to them in every way.
They know what they're doing.
Man, I'm so glad I'm not in corporate life.
death penalty
Indians are subhuman. I have and own a ClickBank platinum business. For many years I used DigitalAccessPass for the membership. It's created by an INDIAN WOMAN. The site was permanently hacked, literally Chink inserted his PayPal into the sales page over and over and over. Stole literally hundreds of thousands from me this way.

It was because the pajeet software was dogshit, shoddy, and compromised entirely. So I would open tickets with "Veena" and she would just gaslight and insult and blame literally everyone and everything else and insist she can't help and isn't responsible because it is definitely all these other companies faults. My web host (white man) said DAP is constantly hacked and he saw many similar cases.

Eventually I deleted Indians from my website by swapping to MemberPress. I also deletes Sucuri which is jeeted too, for white people security firms. I haven't been hacked in over 2 years now.
Hello sar,

Where to send application for employment?

Will do the needful with your payments platforming.

Veena is stupid bich.

Nidish is greatest payment creation in all of village.
>Eventually I deleted Indians from my website by swapping to MemberPress. I also deletes Sucuri which is jeeted too

this is the grammatical prowess of a, lowballing it, millionaire btw
Honestly the main problem with Jeets in American companies is that they are told to go to America to save their village. Their mission is to get into a position to hire and then bring more of the village over. To achieve this, a few smart Indians do the needful, and then they employ the absolute stupidest retards from their village, often working with them to lie about credentials.

This problem only get worse over time, and it's been happening at least 25 years now.

My Dad who is white giga brain coder and my Indian friend both say this is what's happening.

I think if we can spread the info on what they're doing around more, then boomer management will be more aware of the risk it poses.
Fucking scumbags, says a lot about why India is such a shithole, when they treat their teammates like adversaries
Did you make sure he knew well in advance that the meeting was no longer necessary?
From his point of view,
>anon demands I fix something that he's perfectly able to fix himself
>fine, schedule a meeting
>meeting comes, no sign of anon
>"nvm i fixed it myself"
>this fucking guy, time to complain to his boss
The error was in his service, but I looked into his issue for him, at night, and said I found it and it wasn't a problem for us. Didn't get a reply that night or in the morning.
In the morning I asked him if everything is all set now that it's fixed, no reply.
I then declined the meeting. When he asked why, I explained. No reply, but he complained to my boss that I wasn't there and was refusing to go to his meetings.
He didn't ask me if we should have a meeting either, just put it on my calendar with no replies to any of my questions.
Indians are not human.
I am so glad that more and more people are discovering this fact.
Your roommate is based. Never take the fall for another coworker.
Based but he didn't anticipate the pajeet boss blaming him for it.
He now needs to do the needful and go to his pajeet boss's boss and say he's being threatened
But ultimately he's fucked anyway
The boss will probably side with your roommate unless he is also a jeet.
If he's white there's a chance, and if there have been previous instances of lying.
But usually they just pick the path of least resistance, which is to tell both parties to not do it again and move on.
>I have and own a ClickBank platinum business
Yet you use WordPress instead of rolling a bespoke web service with actual security. Curious!
They've been allowed in. You don't blame rats for a rat infestation
I do actually, that's why I poison them with anticoagulants.

Roommate quit a few months after to start his own business that's thriving.

The business where that happened was Fidelity.
Your roommate sounds like he's better off after that hard-won education.
They say the most crushing types of betrayals are ones where you're genuinely attempting to do the right thing and get punished for it.
Pajeets aren't human
That's not blaming the rats. Blame would look like
>why do the rats keep doing this?
>dont they know how bad it is to steal food and shit on the floor?
You don't ask these questions because it is simply in the rat's immutable nature. Cutting them down is like cutting grass, if you feel any animosity while doing it then you probably have issues. The blame should go to whoever let them in, whoever didn't do their job to block the hole they enter from, etc.
Its similar with Pajeets. You consider them subhuman yet apply human constructs like responsibility or justice to them.
I hate jeets. I have no feelings in my heart towards them other than hatred. I absolutely want them to suffer.
What'd jeets ever do to you?
they were born
You dont even know what office politics means. You think that only happens in the higher up? Youre worse than the indians you are shitting at.
It maybe a him problem but youre not smart enough to get around it.
this is why indians should only ever be contractors and never employees.

as soon as they worm themselves in, the employees will defend the contractors and each other and it becomes a huge cancer
Lol yep almost all websites are WordPress. Next time you're on a website that isn't some Fortune 500 company, type /wp-admin into the address bar. You will be shocked at what you find.

Most things aren't done irl the way self help gurus and professors say (so not like go-getter "let's hop on a call" hustler grindset stuff people are scammed with).

Yes, I am worse than the steetshitters actively being malicious and deliberately trying to get normal employees fired. Are you fucking hearing yourself pajeet?

Smart enough to get around what? The fact that, when it's pointed out, that they are being spiteful they'll IMMEDIATELY jump to 'racism' or something similar. Why? Why is that every single time one of them screws something up *it just so happens that the other person is pointing out their race*, explain?

I couldn't agree more.

You have to be deliberately dense to not read everyone's account on this thread
I switched from Fidelity to Schwab this morning. Jews > Jeets at this point...
I need to hear more pajeet coworker horror stories. it helps me heal
Then you are retarded and easily manipulated. Someone could shoot you and you would be mad at the bullet. You would take the bullet out of your body and melt it just to make it suffer.
Bullets cannot suffer, Jeets can.
Would you torture a mosquito for biting you? Jeets are more sentient than bullets but are probably around animals.
>Would you torture a mosquito for biting you?
I once did that trick where you flex the muscles in your arm and it stops the mosquito from pulling out its proboscis so that it eventually bursts from blood pressure. Does that count?
>Jeets are more sentient than bullets but are probably around animals.
No, most animals are far more intelligent than jeets.
So you actually, like, hate mosquitos? Ti the point where you want to take revenge on them? Thats kind of sick (in a bad way)
If there was a button in front of me that would immediately kill every mosquito on Earth, I would press it.
good morning saar
Indians are not just incompent, but hugely arrogant

>company has operations in India
>India continually fails to meet expectations
>boss brings up list of fuckups to Mr. Jeet - without mentioning where from
>"Well saar clearly we must deep dive why your site is failing"
>"Actually, this is all data from India. HERE's our performance"
>condescending cunt immediately shuts up
>fast forward an indefinite amount of time
>repeat same shit

I swear nothing has made me hate these fuckers more than working with them.
They love pulling out all the stops when they think you have a problem, and have no problem CCing your manager to try and fuck you over, but the moment they're at fault they pretend like the situation doesn't exist.

It's pretty apt that you're using a mosquito reference, because fucking Indians are blood sucking pathogens that need to be exterminated. There is nothing wrong with the need to extinguish some group that has all cons and very little (practically zero) pros.

You have to realize that this hatred did not randomly evolve from nowhere. If they weren't so bad, no one would be complaining. When have you ever seen a widespread sudden condemnation of Congolese in I.T? You don't because that's just as common.

Thanks anon, I didn't know about that. I'll try it some time.
How do you combat these tactics?
I would say the only feasible strategy is to document EVERY interaction you have with them, down to register phone calls and up to timeline every commit they make. More realistically move the fuck away from corporate if possible.
Here is some local news about Indians and Australia.

Recently Jacinta Allen has found that there is not enough slave labor in Australia. To combat this lack of slave labor she seeks to introduce more Indians to the forever debt system of Australia.

She will bring them into Australia through visas, give them a stalling phony education degree, which takes much longer to complete than stated, teach them nothing valuable, then force them to work minimum wage in unclean nongreen factories to maintain a renter's apartment in Australia.

This is a technical analysis of her policy, and conforms with her character and the character analysis of the institution. This institution is effectively irremovable by law even though it is illegal according to the constitution of Australia.

They cannot be voted out, because the premier chooses the representatives which vote for her.
The slave labor industries which have continuously treated the local population poorly and have refused to introduce green infrastructure have effectively run out of labor.
They have not technically run out of labor, but are running out of willing employees.
Gotta respect the grindset though. Trust nobody not even yourself
This is why you have proof of everything you can. Hell, forward the threat of being fired for the guy messing up to if he can, find a way to document that stuff. Ask for written reprisal so you have a trail to follow.
Indians are the absolute worst fucking people to work with. All of them are absolute garbage. They're terrible. They're intellectually lazy. They do everything they can to make things everyone else's fault. They blow themselves up to look like BIG MEN and leave the fallout to be everyone else's problem. I quit my last job because after the reorg my manager was an Indian and pull all this shit.
itt kissless pigskins and chinkshits who can't fizzbuzz
>he didn't anticipate the pajeet boss blaming him
funny. Because I didn't anticipate my pajeet boss making me work like a slave and conclude that I did nothing either but I am a pajeet not living in 'murica.
From what I notice, my fellow Pajeets are literally the same here and there. I am passionate about software so I gave up on corporate life. Making a living out of graphics design freelancing.
I can't yeet them here because, well, its all pajeets here and someone else, possibly more incompetent will replace them but what's stopping you, white man?
Just yeet the jeets out of the industry. Or is it already started? From what I see, its only a matter of time before Canada get fucked over by jeets within a decade or two.
I think hate towards pajeets is universal, even among pajeets.
Pajeets win because they will work for 1/100th what Westoids will, and they're far more mercenary and politically aggressive.
>What the fuck is his problem?
>Are Indian developers the absolute worst fucking people to work with?
A real pajeet here. I'm developing a software that has real time computing requirements, hoping to make a business out of it and my team size is only 1.
Yep, its just me and it'll always stay the same. Not because I can't hire people but because there are hardly any pajeets talented enough to get any job done for me here. I know how shit the tech industry is as I used to be a part of it. Its less work and more show off with tremendous melodrama.
>Are Indian developers the absolute worst fucking people to work with?
Yes, as an Indian, I find them impossible to work with. Everything needs to be repeated several times to get it through them. Not communication issue, just plain old skill issue. They pick up jobs beyond their capabilities and can't wait to deliver a poor service and get it over with. But also, all these are stuff that people can figure out on their own if they did it themselves so these kinds of sevice jobs shouldn't exist in the first place, imo.
Note: not all Indians are like this. Typical ones are extremely narcissistic with high inferiority complex. Needless to say, anyone who is atypical will leave a pleasant impression, so beware.
so you chose pajeets over chinks?
Do you regret it or are you fine with it as China isn't getting more influential?
I did not choose. The business chose and I had to put up with it. I would imagine Chinese agencies to be worse than jeets though, if only due to a worse language barrier.
As I got no choice, I decided to disconnect myself from the corporate world and I happened to develop a passion for creating software so I'm cooking a tex editor now. Offline and better version of Overleaf. gotta see.
Do you ever feel like you're stuck in barovia and happen to one of the NPC's that has a soul, but only solely for the purposes of feeding your vampire (Corporate/Brahmin) overlords?
yeah this is the exact reason i just quit school and went into being an aircraft mechanic instead
dealing with mexican bosses and shop owners is a heck of a lot better than dealing with poojeet leadership
>solely for the purposes of feeding your vampire (Corporate/Brahmin) overlords?
yes. There was this time when I had to work 48 hrs straight once with no sleep and bath because there was so much work and I was the only capable individual. So everyone made sure to constantly put pressure over me with excuses like
>"investor are gonna visit, even though we started working on the prototype last week, we need to make sure the product is ready",
>"we already started marketing so finish the development of product ASAP",
>"we got an order and the payment was done, get done with the development, also, add these 3 new additional features that no one talked about till now and we'll ship it. We don't have any time for testing so if there are any issues, you'll take the blame"
and a few more. Management's objectives kept on changing, with no proper business plan, aiming to sell snake oil to investors and there was also no proper dedicated time for product's R&D. I was reluctant on quitting because I worked so hard and put so much effort into it but no matter what I did, it all amounted to nothing so I eventually did loose my shit and quit.
Im Indian but was pretty much raised in Dubai. Never could understand other Indians (including my parents) and how they were *always* trying to fuck over each other to get ahead but were still so bad at it. Every. Single. Time.

Other than the narrow mindedness, inability to consider another's point of view or opinion if it means they'd have to correct their own, ego issues etc. they're also genetically... ugly. And predisposed to diabetes, cardiac issues + susceptible to cardiotoxins. Sadly I have the genetic traits too, having being born of them.

I do hate myself, one of the reasons being that I'm of Indian origin; but I hate Indians more - agree with everything about them ITT especially about corporate jeets so lie and backstab constantly to try to prove their worth (most of them). The few out of the ~ 1.8 B who are decent (actually intelligent yet humble and curious) are fine, but most of them are just bad at what they do except being donkeys who are easily pushed around and that's why corporate likes them (they can be worked to the bone with minimal compensation).
Never try to help or give unsolicited advice to Indian niggers. At best they'll consider it a threat to their position (because they know they're not fit for it having been so poor at it from past experience) and at worst a slight or denigration (their massive unwarranted egos getting hurt).
Don't hate yourself. Remember how Darwinian evolution works, yes Indians are largely subhumans, but everything was "subhuman" at one point until some genetic anomaly happened. It's creatures like yourself that turned fish into aryans over years. Try to procreate and help the Indian race to succeed.
>to maintain a renter's apartment in Australia
Still better than Canada's policy to load so many into an apartment that fire codes are violated and then the municipality doesn't enforce any regulations against the slumlords because that would be racist (actually because slumlords are influential on the local political scene.)

Give up on enforcing minimum standards and the economy will rebalance itself around providing a lower quality of life for workers especially the economically precarious. Then business owners go crying to the government about how they don't have enough slave labour that will work in these conditions for so little and Canada's governments go 'oh poor baby. poor sweetums.' and give them whatever they ask for.

It can't be voted out because even Canada's socialist federal party shows up to protests/events of foreign labourer orgs to speak in favour of this modern scab labour.
There is finally media attention that has forced the governing party to act... by doing a shell game moving the slave labour from a notorious government program to a new one. Or announcing a brutal 10% cut... following a 80% increase in the years prior.
If I could, yes. I'd be like that one mexican dude who set up an electric chair for a roach he caught.
Unfortunately, it wasn't unsolicited. I'd fuck off away from him if I could, but it was directly tied to tasks I needed to accomplish. Thanks for responding, I had completely forgotten about this thread. I simply cannot express, in words, the levels of vitriolic unfettered hated I have for these 'people'.
Oh I know, we just migrated a huge company off WordPress and onto Laravel - but we still support lots of businesses on WordPress that are mission-critical to their sectors. We roll our own plugins for those though; too much risk using externally-written ones unless they've been audited and version-locked.
ITT OP replies to himself and thinks he's a software engineer because he edits config files
^^mad saaar
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