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>Korean TVs take snapshots of your screen multiple times a second and run those images trough AI image recognition algorithms to accurately describe what the user is doing. That info is phoned back home. This spying only happens when you use your TV as a monitor and use your own media trough HDMI or other cable. Spying is not happening if you watch TV, netflix or YouTube. They are only interested in YOUR personal content.


Is there anything we can do or is it just over? Do we already live in dystopia?
well people have been disillusioned by snowden like a decade ago, and private companies are less capable of harming you than the government
>posts a link to article
>article is paywalled
funny enough they are just selling this data onto MS and OAI for training, i very much doubt samsung actually uses all that raw video for anything meaningful
If you can't anti-paywall an article, then you don't belong here.
>Don't connect TV to the internet
>None of this happens

This. Winfags on their laptops are furious that "smart" tv is spying on them for some reason.
>some old gook knows I jerk it to futa cbt guro
Enjoy you old faggot
not doing extra work to see your slop nigger
thanks for posting an actual link
apparently tvs have been doing this shit since 2015, so a full decade.
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>your tv connects to the internet
Government are a bunch of nepo retards. Companies are a bunch of nepo retards.
You guys are lucky the Chinese, Russians and North Koreans don't want to fuck you up presently.
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>have older tv
>vga input
>no ethernet
>no wifi
>no bluetooth
>no smartshit
>nothing to connect to anything with
it's just that shrimple
Chinese economy is collapsing
Russia can't even defeat jewkraine
NKorea struggles to feed its people

I think I'm safe thanks
>tv comes with esim
>connects to tower
>transmits acr data
Just don't connect the TV to an Internet connection??????????
Then how can I watch hulu and netflix?
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>have house
>install faraday cage around outer walls
it's just that shrimple
>5G modem activates

Anti-lead paint activism was a government psyop.
It's only going to get better. Wait until they have eye-tracking front-facing cameras that log what you own and what you do and force you to pay attention to ads.
>Is there anything we can do or is it just over?
you could disconnect your TV from the internet and have an external NUC with Linux or something as your OS for multimedia, I'd guess
but the real solution is that we need to have FOSS firmwares for TVs.
O guess they have their own nepo retards
>he doesnt know
>no one mentions Apple
>Sukhdik immediately starts posting about Apple
So some Korean has snapshots of my osrs accounts botting?
you have to opt in. on lg, there's multiple licenses you can agree and disagree to. just disagree on the telemetry part.
Entirely hypothetically, if someone was working on classified shit at home and at some point they connect their government issued laptop to a TV monitor, do I have to report it as a possible breach?
Nah you'll be fine
>Is there anything we can do
Petition the EU to ban it, and try to live in the EU yourself. When the EU passes laws, corpos will comply with them since the EU is one of the single biggest markets on the planet. And the EU is the only market that even pretends to give a shit about average people.
i hate this mindset
you should not allow spying on people to become common
because youre not interesting doesnt mean that someone else isnt left having to try to save everyone and this makes it harder for people to be born and gradually come to the idea of helping others
its wrong on many levels
>he greentexts vague things he can't prove
literally just don't connect to the internet. are you really this stupid? yes, you are
go to your router.
and make a new firewall rule from tv -> wan action drop
now you can still use it to watch stuff from your jellyfin server but it cant connect to the internet in any way.
>schizo is both arguing and answering to himself
Buy Chinese.
Connecting your TV to the Internet was a mistake.
>tv comes with esim
Well go on show us where on the circuit board. Oh you won't? Faggot.
Per device esim faggotry is mega expensive for a fleet of devices anyway. Only subscription devices get that crap.
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>Conversely, opting out of advertisement/tracking (LIn-OOut and LOut-OOut) disables ACR in both the countries. There is a complete absence of communication with any ACR domains during these phases.
All caps because I know nobody ITT read the article, much less the paper.
No, I'm not defending smartshit, I'm just explaining the authors' findings.

>you have to opt in.
The only person who mentioned opting in. Sad.
Who *claps* the fuck *claps* connects their TV *claps* to the fucking *claps* internet?
>Samsung is gathering 80tb of gay porn from my current set up just to fuck up their AI.
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Shit doesn't work for me.
More reason to use AppleTv instead of shitty Samsung native apps

how many times nigger. It's THROUGH

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>Andjeet still trying to push the Apple-India meme
update your script, you disgusting monkey
projector chads keep winning
I like korea and the korean people of the xx version. Microsoft and Apple do it too. Korea is an occupied country sucking big american cock though so they probably have to do it for the NSA and CIA.
Won't work if the site is just paywalled permanently.
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Why were boomers allowed to have TVs, phones and PCs that don't do this shit and not us?
>Per device esim faggotry is mega expensive for a fleet of devices anyway. Only subscription devices get that crap.
It's honestly not. The only real killer is the roaming if you don't buy and put in a domestic Sim.
If you are SMALL scale as a business, you can get 10c a month SIMs with like $2 per gb of data for low usage pools. If you're a mega Corp, it's even cheaper. And if you can get some cuck company to front the other side of it in exchange for the data, you can cover the costs and profit.
There are multiple ways to prevent the tv from connecting to the internet.

If you cant figure it out, you deserve to have that data sent out.
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>on the circuit board
esims are embedded into all modern cpus
Sadly Ukraine is collapsing.. Hopefully they'll take out enough russniggers on the way out.
Chromecast, firestick, njudea shield?
Yes fellow glownigger
what are the odds phones aren't doing this too
My phone only open for ten minutes a day, so I don't care.
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You know nothing.
usa government actually uses phones so they care about the data security there
Im somewhat confused as to why they dont care at all about TV's that billions of people have in their homes.
>Im somewhat confused as to why they dont care at all about TV's that billions of people have in their homes.
of course they care, that's why they support this technology
now they can get access (via their worst Korea vassal state) to what you're looking on your TV
made of
virtual insanity
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>Spam Samsung and LG servers with 24/7 meatspin
>mfw I don't even have a TV
first tv i bought with my own money was LG 3dtv. maybe 2012 idk.
connected it to network so it could play files directly from computer, wrote a little browser control for it that could change channel and input over ethernet connection. discovered it had a thing where you could request an image of whatever was on screen via ethernet.
then i read an article about how it phoned home about file names of any usb stick plugged into it. the outcome was that they pushed an update where you had to agree to them spying on you in order to use smart tv services iirc. annoying because it updated OTA and then wouldn't allow any ethernet interaction without agreeing to new eula which i never did out of principle.
felt pretty retarded and pissed off desu. i have a second hand digital signage display as a tv now. never give lg any money ever again. i never liked any smart or network shit always thought it was a gimmick but that experience really solidified it. never bought a new pc never used windows never owned a smart phone. fuck every single one of them.
and that's why i didn't connect my tv to the net
wendell from level1techs told me this 2 years ago
>not a single chinese or korean name as an author

fucking LOL
my gf won't switch from integrated Netflix TV app to watching on Windows. she will be my downfall one day.
And you people laughed at me for still using a CRT TV and monitor
>/g/ discovers ACR
You would be shocked by the level of telemetry in a smart TV if you ever developed for one.
But did you prevent it from connecting itself to the net?
https://archive dot ph/rJvDq
Just a function of corp executive psychopathy.
>snapshots multiple times a second
>sends them to headquarters
>check my TVs internet usage
>1mb in the last month
What image compression tools are they using bros?

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