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Could one of you remind me again why HE even exists?
I dont really understand the manger.
So we get a group of people to genocide in the next witch hunt chimp out
I thought that was managements job
>why HE even exists?
To prove the system is auto-rejecting all candidates.
It just shows that the "system" is rotten and they're doing mostly employee theft from other companies -which means unnecessary higher salaries and cost for the company-
Normally a company would want to hire at the lowest possible salary...
too little, too late. do you know how many young people already roped themselves trying to get a job to find their place? fucking entitled pieces of shits.
>google article
>source is a plebbit post
I heckin' love online journalism!
> hr droids are useless eaters
I'd believe this.
> be me
> hiring manager in infosec
> business is rapidly moving from startup into hyper growth
> need to add talent to my team
> submit req to HR
> so. much. paperwork.
> 1 week passes
> no resumes hit my desk
> another week passes
> no resumes hit my desk
> "hey HR, what's the deal?"
> "nobody even remotely qualified"
> doubt.jpg
> another week
> no resumes
> I relay my situation to co-founder over a bourbon
> "ask for a stack of the resumes they rejected" he says with a hint of a smirk
> really.mp3
> I ask, HR pushed back
> co-founder jumps in and resumes magically appear
> out of 40 resumes that HR rejected, 10 were phonescreen NOW, an additional 4 were "move direct to interview loop"
> of those 4, 3 had already accepted offers
> hired the 4th
I have no idea what the fuck HR actually does, other than justify each other's existence and come up with useless titles. "Business Partner"
thanks for reading my blog


Meant to write HR
to protect the company from lawsuits filed by roasties and cripples when they are correctly discriminated against for being unable to do the job
It shows nobody looked at any of the resumes
Post the article
pretty sure HR being involved in hiring process is US bullshit here in Europe we never used to do it but I see this shitty behavior in big corps. When I go apply for a industry niche like clean room work I get to speak to a normal technician not some recruiter or HR guy who has no idea what the work entails. Same so far for various embedded positions.
This is happening at basically every company. If any resumes did end up at your desk you would've found them to be the worst candidate but also "well we aren't getting any others, lets just hire them". Rinse and repeat and now you've got the bottom 5% of candidates employed. Seen it too many times
Since your close to the co-founder you should try and convince him to try a recruiting agency.

HR should know who you're hiring but it would be interesting to compare
How ugly/old/incelish are the best candidates?
I bet these roasties just select on basis of what makes her cunt tingle.
HE created the earth and your sorry ass in 7 days.
High explosive is used to help clear out buildings, where an armor piercing round would just leave a hole, HE blows the building to fuck.

Unironically I started checking the "neurodivergent" box and IMMEDIATELY got call backs whereas before my 7 years experience wasn't doing anything for me. DEI works btw ;)
Why don't companies strictly use HR exactly as legally required and nothing more/less?
Why put them in charge of hiring when it's such a disaster?
Because HR somehow managed to hoodwink the entire management class that they're the only thing standing between them and a multi-million lawsuit.

Those fucking clowns used to just file paperwork and write pay checks, but somehow now they run the place. No wonder everything's going down the shitter. At no point should HR ever be involved in a recruiting process beyond getting a line of candidates in front of the interview room at a set date and time.
If you're looking for diamonds, and you find gold, you should stop looking for diamonds.
The resume says that he works at the company and he applied to the position he already has at the company. That proves nobody looked at it. You fucking retard.
placebo, I've been checking that box, the trans one and the Mexican one forever, doesn't do shit
Isnt this standard due to the influx of international resumes most companies get? I know Facebook for instance are flooded constantly by pajeets.
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Bullshit, I’m a medically diagnosed tard and I would never fucking hire a "neurodivergent", it’s a term exclusively used by faggots that took a Tumblr survey to compensate for their shitty personality
I managed to get a wife and put tard babies in her, and that’s the absolute peak of effort for tards, anyone that thinks they need special accommodations for answering emails and sitting in Teams calls should go 41% themselves
to avoid disparate impact lawsuits
better to hire nobody then hire too much of the "wrong" demographic and get reamed by the justice department
Fun fact: it's legal in the US to hire retards and cripples and pay them proportionally to how much work they can do compared to other workers, even if that means paying less than minimum wage.
Isn't that.... Illegal in general? I can't hire a Mexican and then arbitrarily decide I'm going to pay him half as much as everyone else just cuz he's Mexican so why does whether or not they have extra 'zomes matter?
that poster is just a retarded yuro making things up
HR is dumb. Someone from a direct competitor to where I work applied after they got layed off and HR ignored the resume completely. Luckily a manager saw it and HR finally hired the person and we learnt their trade secrets.
So this article's only source is a single reddit post.
they exist simply to have women at the company so they dont get sued. why? because used their democratic privileges to give themselves the power to sue companies that dont hire them.
NTA, neither american, but didn't he say
>pay them proportionally to how much work they can do compared to other workers
Like, paying some bad to do less job so you pay less justifying they did less job?
nta, but I vaguely remember seeing on the news years ago that goodwill did this. They’d put a positive spin on it since they’re known for giving tards jobs but then everyone found out that they only pay them 2 bucks an hour something.
Did you even check their social media profiles if they align with company culture? I bet the to-bo rapist you've hired doesn't even have pronouns in his bio
I know what he said and that's not legal in most if not all areas. You can't just arbitrarily pay burger flipper A less than burger flipper b because A is performing worse than b. You reprimand them, give them corrective training, or fire them. Paying someone less just because is not legal.
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Why do unemployed people always talk so confidently?
To give Karen a job that isn't walking around Walmart and pretending random customers are employees.
i cant
HR exists because of something called "disparate impact" which means if you have characteristics that make you a "minorty" and the employement doesn't reflect the demographic of the jurisdiction then you are suffering from disparity.
if HR doesn't hire anyone then no one suffers according to their paper trail or lack thereof
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to deal with clustered infantries, soft targets and also general demolition
this guys is a trans mexican
this article's source is a fucking reddit post
HR dept in the company I work for doesn't touch recruiting. 3rd party agency screens the resumes, 1st round interview, then the resumes land on the team lead's desk.
OP is a gigafaggot and a redditor
Without HR, the entire business would be people who spent 24/7 working on projects, and therefore a lot of nice conveniences of the job would get overlooked, like having access to coffee or at least decent internal communication of what is happening in different departments. These aren't important to the company mission, but they help make working not insufferable.

However, HR should literally never be recruiting. As much as possible you want the incentive structures of the people doing the job to align with successful completion of the job. If the company has high turnover, HR gets fired. But if employees don't get hired, HR can easily claim "no one qualified" and leave it at that. In contrast, recruiters are paid for finding hirable candidates and having them stay at the company, so there's a strong incentive for recruiters to find good people for the job, and ensuring they fit well at the destination company.

Having HR handle recruiting is kind of a red flag that a company is too small, too poorly funded, and/or too immature to really manage it's core operations. Even at my current company, 90% of HR involvement in recruiting is just relationship managing with staffing agencies, they aren't "hiring" people.
> Rejects every application
> Cries to government they can't find qualified candidates
> Let us hire H1B's
> Government: "Okay then"
> H1B's get the job
> Tech industry never recovers.
> Qualified candidates now work at starbucks with masters degrees.
> The rich get richer... etc...
If, as hiring staff, your manager's resume comes across your desk, do you call your manager to ask why?
>Both emails — one containing the confirmation receipt of their application and the other their rejection from the job — arrived at 10:56 a.m.
If you're an HR Stacy, it's a bootycall. You call up the manager to give him a blowjob.
>The manager works in the tech space and was trying to hire developers. But HR had set up the system to look for developers with expertise in not only the wrong development software but a development software THAT DOESN'T EVEN EXIST ANYMORE.

finally, the bullshit that HR has put recent grads and job seekers through for over a decade has come to light.
at i company i worked at 2 years ago, they had a "people team" of 2 or 3 people, it wasnt even technically HR
i never knew what they actually did, the company had some events and shit but you dont need an entire team to organize them
they insists upon themselves
>Neurodivergent trans Mexican
Loca Chola Lola ain't getting hired, hombre
>recruiting agency
LOL! They're even worse than HR. At least HR can have some passing interest in keeping the company they're parasiting on healthy enough to keep feeding them and might have a slight clue what the company does. Recruiting agencies are the worse aspects of HR recruiting, refined and distilled into its most potent form.
HR was been gaining power in companies for a long time. About a decade ago there was an article in 'Inc.' about a survey of Fortune 500 CEOs which showed over 40% of them were scared of their own HR department. That was a decade ago, imagine what it is like now.
>Couldn't they just fire HR?
Not in the Fortune 500. The head of HR typically has a seat on the Board of Directors and companies are too risk adverse to allow a CEO to do something with so much potential PR backlash. The larger the company, the more untouchable the HR department.
To make sure the Amalek can't thrive
What shithole do you work in where your manager doesn't have some of the best work history in the department?
Goodwill is famous for doing this. They hire tards, call it workforce training, and pay them below the minimum wage, using their lack of ability to function fully as justification. Based on the people I've seen working at Goodwill, they might have a point on that one. Even more so when you consider how many of them work "back of house" and only the most presentable employees are seen up front.
>having access to coffee or at least decent internal communication
This HR should be replaced by a dedicated Maid Department.
>To receive a 14(C) waiver, employers must calculate the time it takes an employee without disabilities to complete a task compared to an employee with disabilities. For example, if it took a non-disabled worker five minutes to assemble a part at $12 an hour and a disabled worker took three times as long to assemble the same part, under section 14(C), the employer could legally pay the disabled worker three times less or $4 an hour. An NBC News investigation found one Goodwill location paid workers as low as $0.22 an hour. Current federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour.
HR is controlled by women
noice blog post, anon.
What's that?
Nibba, this has to be the 3rd death thread I am making to HR people on 4chan in 2 days, WTF!? Last post I made literally talked about how I would rather be known as the "child fucker" than as a "HR director", not even joking can link it. I hate HR people this much.
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I dislike HR's role in protecting the interests of the company's owners at all costs even when its detrimental to the workers (making them essentially traitors), but I can't discount their utility. When your company reaches a certain size its beneficial to get someone else to do some of the tasks pertaining to hiring/firing employees, such as sifting through resumes, arranging/doing the initial non-technical interview rounds, sending rejection emails, setting up further technical interviews, sending out offers, ordering the equipment for the new hires, making sure there's enough desks etc.

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>Meant to write HR
a buzzword retards use to try to get out of work
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oh look its the article about a reddit post
god you people are gullible faggots.
applications should be given to the managers they will be working under, because only they have the appropriate knowledge to actually make an informed decision regarding suitability
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>mobile screencap
>of an article from some Gawker-tier site
>based on a rebbit comment
Neo-/g/ is so fucking gay. Fucking zoomers.
>The manager posted their story in a comment on a Rebbit post in which a job seeker lamented a "world record rejection" after applying for a job. Both emails — one containing the confirmation receipt of their application and the other their rejection from the job — arrived at 10:56 a.m.
(said post https://archive.is/UtGiD)

>the issue was they were looking for an angularjs developer while we were looking for an Angular one (different frameworks, similar names)
Seems like they were setting up the filter and it autocompleted to AngularJS.
Usually means someone with autism, ADHD or ADD (in this context).
Remind me why HR exists again? Based on most of the replies in this thread all they seem to do is drain whatever host company they've infested of income/talent.
Why aren't CEO's mass firing these disgruntled catladies?
the new p.c. way to describe people with mental disorders
HR exists to protect the owning class from the working class.
Things started going to shit when we started to "correct" terms.
It's mental illness, call it that way.
Not some feature, fucking snowflakes.
This is because they grow up in too safe environment.
Can't wait for WW3
if /g/ could read then they'd all realize /g/ was/is retarded and would've left by now
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>Detonating a bomb to launch the internal and even larger bomb at some cunt you want to bomb
Truly, we are chads. Ayyys are scared of us.
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Why should I take your zoomer opinion seriously?
no, they exist to get unmerited money and power into the hands of women. the working class suffers the most from HR. have you not paid any attention to this thread? working people literally cant get hired because theyre busy hiring roasties to do pretend meetings and paper work.
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>the working class suffers the most from HR
Thats what I said. Reading comprehension is a rare skill nowadays.
the owning class has their entire business collapse. this is literally happening every day in tech and gaming. not the owning class nor the working class are gaining anything from HR. its all just a political attack by women against people who do real work.
Got my current job because HR wanted to the hiring. 12 months before hiring me they had nothing but shit options. 2 of them were let go in a week and 1 just never returned after lunch.They then posted themselves on indeed and other sites, I applied and they said the quality of applicants was 10x better than what they were getting before through the "approved" resumes from HR.
The hoops new hires go through to get the job because of only HR is insane. They are the new roadblock for companies to be successful.
its bombs all the way down
kys fag
>not the owning class nor the working class are gaining anything from HR
One of the tasks of the HR department is to persuade employees into not suing the company and to trick workers into not asking raises or searching for better employment terms by doing morale upkeep bullshit like the infamous pizza parties. HR also takes part in squashing union activity. Their work benefits the owning class enormously.
Anon, you don't actually have to catch them all
i work at a megacorp in a non-tech role. my boss is hiring another manager to help w/ my workload. the role is hybrid. HR roastie had it posted in linkedin as 100% in-office in a city where we don't even have an office.

these retards need to be murdered.
>hr department supports the owning class because they make pizza parties and drink matcha tea in between meetings and diversity presentations
nah, this is purely a gibs for women. these very same HR people are the ones who sue the company later.
If I use AI to write my resume, and the HR team uses AI to filter resumes, and i jailbreak their AI with prooompt injections, who is in the wrong here?
Everyone should be mass spamming prompt injections on their resume right now, force the HR people to actually work
imagine a 'bad actor' nation state flooding indeed/linkedin/workday/brassring/etc. non-stop with AI generated bot spam job applications. the mutt labor market would probably grind to a halt, hr roasties roping en masse.
They don't use LLMs so you won't be achieving anything
If you want to do this, make the injections in basically invisible font. Like 2pt font in white in the corner. OCR won't pick it up but so long as it can be selected and copied, any AI resume reader will read it but humans won't see it.
that's literally happening already except the spam is dirty jeets
the problem is it's illegal to discriminate by country of origin in hiring so HR has to give the same consideration to useless street shitters as they give to natives. they can then filter by people who need visa sponsorship but that requires receiving the resume first.
there are obviously other problems, but the jet spam is out of control; I suspect a change to civil rights act is coming soon due to this shit
Found the HR tranny.
Literally all the problems with corporate america would go away if the we started using IQ tests instead of these how HR farce.
>literally news articles talking about how HR teams use LLMs to filter resumes
>hurr durr dey don't even use LLMs HURR
Verification not required
Any/Other mental disability, people with nothing wrong with them often take up the title in order to feel special.
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>why HE even exists?
>HR uses (and trusts) """AI""" to filter new hires
>it doesn't work
>braindead HR """people""" don't even notice
This shit is like killing two birds with one stone. It couldn't be better proof that AI AND HR are fucking useless.
Wait, Angular and AngularJS are not the same thing?
HR departments are parasites. HR is not a real job.

Or they set it to auto reject all candidates because their only motivation is to stay on the payroll and it makes no difference and they can pretend to be looking for candidates.
No wonder your retarded faggy ass can't get past interviews.
I once was traveling for a long time and spent most of my money so needed a job. I applied for whatever was available and got hired. On my first day I was walking with HR and another manager and HR lady bragged that she "found me." I was slumming it for this job and had direct experience in the role and field, but at superior places. If anyone hiring this role saw my resume they would call me IMMEDIATELY. She thought it was impressive that she identified a clearly qualified candidate with the exact experience and skills required for the role.

When I hire I always have applicant resumes sent to me directly. HR is absolutely NOT qualified to be the first screen for any job requiring skills or experience.
It doesn't even get that far. They simply do not know what to look for on a resume. Knowing women and how stupid HR usually are I bet they just look for whatever they think are the best "brands" to have - brand-name universities and brand-name companies. Absolutely brain dead. As soon as I see a company operate in this way, with HR filtering skilled resumes, I know it's a lousy company that will suck to work for in ten other ways, too.
The best part is that the only people getting these H1Bs are Indians because they've been gaming the system for years (there are articles on just how fucked it is). All the foreign talent worth anything never even get a chance
often the department is called "People and Culture." they are basically office managers who take care of questions about benefits and health coverage. Their main job day to day is to listen to women at work complaining about each other. You have no idea how much of that goes on.
it's beneficial to have HR to handle administrative tasks, yes. It is NEVER beneficial to outsource the screening of skilled candidates to them. As a manager that is one of your CORE functions. The reason this scenario emerged is because so many managers are incapable of doing their job that companies pushed it to HR instead of just canning their shitty middle management.
well said, succinct and correct. first screening of candidates goes to hiring manager. Then HR does its job of screening them for the various things that might be a problem. But HR shouldn't be screening anyone the hiring manager hasn't already identified as a serious and qualified candidate. HR should only get involved once the hiring department has decided they want to bring the person on board. This is why when you interview for a job you typically have a first meeting with an HR rep - they are screening for things they are skilled at. The second meeting is with the person who actually knows about the specific job.
They're not, but I feel like a lot of people think "Angular" is short for AngularJS. Seems like a massive retard move on their part to name it like that though.
this is a reasonable mistake to make. if I saw it in a job advert I'd pay no mind, understanding that some non-tech person wrote it. if that bothers you then you are probably the type of person HR should be flagging in the interview process as being bad to work with.
>considering new opportunities
>old friend reaches out to me
>"hey i have an open spot on my team you'd be good for"
>"just apply through the online portal"
>meh alright, i'll see what their offer is and consider it
>apply through the website
>10 minutes pass
>rejected via email
>message friend about it
>"WHAT okay let me look into it"
>a few days pass
>"the company doesn't think you're a good fit"
>... what
>"yeah i don't get it either man"
>why did you even reach out to me
>"because you'd be a good fit. it's not my fault"

HR is meant to defend a company's interests. yet HR sabotages companies from the inside...
I (>>102610137) work in tech but not in dev. I had no clue that Angular and AngularJS were different things.
If I was in HR or in charge of them, I would have asked...
>> Cries to government they can't find qualified candidates
funny how the government never audits this process
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came here to see this
That's because Indians are the most racist pieces of shit on the planet. Modern Nazis look like a bunch of tolerant inclusive sissies compared to those fuckers.
There is no one that hates Indians more than other Indians but at the same time they will only hire and promote other Indians.
>"the company doesn't think you're a good fit"
I.e., HR doesn't think you'd be a good fit.
"The company" is the total sum of people working together, not exclusively HR, not even exclusively the CEO.
Surely his head of department would've made more positive noises.
Yep. I still remember one of the old consulting agencies I saw in banking.
They hired exclusively women with only two exceptions as far as I could tell across a team of hundreds and most of them couldn't do jack shit despite being trained on the job.
Middle management didn't care they were useless because they used them as seatwarmers on internal contracts to take more budget money from other departments.
What baffled me is that despite being so inundated with near-useless yet strangely opinionated and bossy deadweight we still kept getting commendations for being so much faster at getting shit done than the other departments just based on having a few competent men who actually did things on time.
>a few competent men who actually did things on time.
and as long as you retards keep carrying these people the situation will persist. withdraw your productivity from such organizations and go another route. that is how you end it. people doing this has already taken a huge hit out of DEI.
>and as long as you retards keep carrying these people the situation will persist.
I personally found it and dealing with all the little "team building talks" horseshit the workshy kept getting pushed through demoralizing as all hell and left after just a year and a half. It's one of the major reasons I don't work in banking.
I have a feeling Indians hire other Indians just so they can shit on them without risking any repercussions. Indian managers derive some sick pleasure from tormenting their Indian underlings. In fact, I think those Indians at the bottom dream of making it big simply for a chance to shit on someone else.
That is also undeniably a huge part of it. The cycle of bullshit.
i think you're right. Indians do not care about productivity they view the corporate workplace as a social status and money machine. sort of like women and other stupid people.

again, white men need to stop doing their work for them.
I've stopped bothering to apply for jobs. I'd rather die than debase myself sending hundreds of applications without even a "we're not interested" in response.
I wanted to do my own business but I can never think of software that might make money. Might try to manufacture something instead and use my programming for automation, but it's hard to get shop space.
picrel, don't be stupid like Cirno!
To provide private sector work for women with a bureaucratic mentality but who couldn't secure a government job.
>Leave engineering company because of psycho manager, who gets fired 2 weeks after I leave.
>4 years later, couple of engineers and the office leader are hiring for an engineer position and reach out to me asking if I want to come back.
>Do a full lunch interview, tour the office, meet everyone, things going great. Everyone very excited.
>HR department from headquarters in a different city suddenly decides to get involved, demands that hiring decisions should go through them first.
>HR schedules their own interview with me, tells me that the position isn't actually open anymore sorry, but that they have a different lower paying position in a non-engineering department and I could work there for a few years for less money in case something in engineering turns up.
>Call engineer friend after. He has no idea what the hell HR is talking about. They requested the position themselves and it's literally still posted on the website job listings. But nothing they can do they can't overrule the home office sorry.
>I can never think of software that might make money
target a niche market like DJ laser show appliances or dermatologist freckle tracking software; ask a skilled professional about the pain points for their small business and then write a piece of software that helps and sell it for $3k a year or something.
general consumer grade software is only something you can target by buying out the advertisement space, which is why it's always provided by corporations
>medical sector
>for $3k a year
You must have mistyped, pretty sure you mean $3k per day right?
In this economy, you'd be lucky to even get 3k at all.
HR here. While some HR are competent, some are like so:

>Tech department wants fresh blood
>They want someone with experience in JargonNameJS (launched 2022)
>What is experience? Five years? Ok, I will filter out people with less than 5 years exp in JargonNameJS
>They want someone with knowledge in "Java"? Let me research that a bit about this "Java" thing
>Oh, "Java" is a thing currently on version 22. Ok, I am going to be kind and merciful: Let me filter out everyone who has only "Java version 17" or below, and filter out people with just "Java", of course
>There! What a great HR I am!
$3k a year per doctor's office for something simple to automate medical records for roughly 6 weeks of work is pretty much free money
Guys seriously don't sell yourself under value.
>>Oh, "Java" is a thing currently on version 22. Ok, I am going to be kind and merciful: Let me filter out everyone who has only "Java version 17" or below, and filter out people with just "Java", of course
ARE YOU MENTALLY FUCKING RETARDED UNIRONICALLY? I will now picture all HR trannies as tripfags. HR needs to go back to being what they're good at; prostitutes, even male ones.
working hourly contact is fine but you gotta have nepo connections in this economy to make ends meet
it's $30 for a copy of MegaLogViewer, a simple java csv graphing tool. the hourly rate to make it is in the 10's of thousands, but the guy who writes it basically owns the racecar performance tuning marker because he's first mover and his to is cheap. he also charges like $3k to make a custom version which seems stupid cheap but it's like 2 days of work for him
fuckin phone posting
sorry guys for my shit typing I'm native English I swear
Hr is not a tech job. Working at a technology company does not mean "working in tech"
>HR lady successfully hires a qualified candidate whose experience matches or exceeds the job requirements
Point of this story?
>Indian managers derive some sick pleasure from tormenting their Indian underlings.
That's not sick, tormenting indians is the only thing indians do right
she was bragging like it was some amazing achievement. the applicant found the job, applied for it, and got themselves hired because he was obviously qualified. all she had to do was not interrupt the process.
How do you not understand that even the most cursory review by someone with a brain would reveal that "hey this is our fucking manager from our own company?"
women and other mentally ill things need jobs
HR in other comapneis has no idea wtf a job actually needs. At best they just look for key words and match it to other open positions.

Hence why resumes get auto rejected if they don't have the magic words or the workflow is broken.
HR is needed to serve as middle ground for employee problems, filter people, and give moral boosts in the form of pep rallies. A lot of this shit can't just be handled by people in your chain of management because if they're actually needed, then they're going to be focused on managing your antics and problems associated with it.

tl:dr, they're modern secretaries you no longer have the privilege of molesting.
>being this retarded
Sorry your company is a POS and can't even get good staff for both tech and non-tech jobs.
The only time I've found HR useful was the day I came into work and my desk smelled like gasoline. When I asked the Chinese woman who sat next to me if she could smell it? After some reluctance, she admitted it was her sweater. She had stored it in a vacuum sealed bag with mothballs, so that smell became concentrated into the sweater. I asked her to put the sweater in her car (I knew she parked in the deck attached to our building) but she refused, claiming it wasn't that bad of a smell.
Once I emailed HR about it, one of the HR ladies came down and asked what smelled like gasoline. The Chinese woman tried pretending she didn't hear the question until the HR woman walked up to the sweater, pointed to it, and asked the Chinese woman directly if it was her sweater. The HR lady asked her to go put it in her car but the Chinese woman tried the same "it's not that bad" line at which point the HR lady went into annoyed kindergarten teacher mode, speaking to the Chinese woman like a child. The Chinese woman looked like she was about to cry as she slowly got up to take her stinky sweater out to her car. So if nothing else, HR is good for dealing with bug people doing bug people things.
HR has always been evil. No on in HR is ever your friend.
>they're modern secretaries you no longer have the privilege of molesting.
So they're literally useless?
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You need someone to handle pays, allotments and administrative tasks without pulling more valuable/expensive employees to do it. They're supposed to be there as a supporting structure for the rest of the company.

The problem is the entire profession naturally draws in people who want to be important and boss people around but don't have the skills to be a manager or the talent to run a business, so instead of supporting the company as they should they'll try to apply a guiding hand to inflate their sense of importance and inevitably fuck it up.

I once had a temp admin hired on a construction job who went from just making sure everyone submitted their forms properly and on time to trying to usurp the safety officers on site, despite having zero construction experience, because no one kept her ego in check.

All I could find using a search

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