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You just know his little "makeover" cost a million minimum. How embarrassing.
Hello humans
I've come upon a new discovery, apparently the younger generations appreciate this type of haircut, therefore I'll be sporting it in the upcoming months as I'm young earthling myself, truly bussin!
Why do zoomers hate clean shaven look?I'm even seeing young men sporting fucking mustaches these days. The west has truly fallen.
>beards have been proven to reduce damage on impact during fist fights
you might be low test
transforms from
>morty zuck the cuck
>Al Goldstein from Goldstein Pictures
>'hey sweety shiksa you've definitely got the talent, boy I gotta deal fuh you. cum sit on my couch if you wanna be famous'
He should go all in and change his name to Mark Bussinberg.
>How do you do, fellow repti-shit I mean kids, fellow kids!
Beard growers stay winning

ASIANS that cannot grow beards still seething
this, have you ever seen those slapping competitions?
bearded guys are pretty much cheating because it's impossible to land a clean hit
>beard beard beard
lol no, I had more hair on my dick when I was 10.
>morty zuck the cuck
It's photoshopped
We are living in a simulation. Zuck isn't real. he's a tourist program written for outerworlders to engage in their fantasies
Your dad sounds pretty hairy
This. Practically all men in the west have beards now.
because all men in the west are now muslim immigrants
kek this. the west is not white, only eastern Europe, particularly Russia is still safe
a jew is a jew is a jew.
This is what happens to you when your public image is so bad it's a legitimate existential threat to a trillion dollar company
Lol okay while it's true that there are lots of arabs in the west, I'm from eastern europe, and even the white guys have beards
lol jews are as obsessed with themselves as nazis are with them. when will they become normal?
low T pedotroon mole rats seething ITT
Anon, Jews are the tunnel rats. They even built tunnels in NYC to be rats and rape little kids
from another website i'd allow this but not 4chin.

your beard looks like pubic hair. nigger.
timmy, you can't grow a bread lmaoooo your T is so low all you can do is throw impotent tantrums on the internet
>defending kikes
way to reveal your nose size
how is not being a mouthbreather a bad thing?
Being clean shaven was promoted to the working class as a symbol of productivity, civility, compliance, and obedience. It's the hallmark of the servile boomer, ready and willing to sell his inheritance for a bowl of stew, eager to adhere to draconian laws so long as it is proclaimed from the religion of the american government. It's also a hallmark of failed masculinity, which is ever-present nowadays; not sporting a beard might get you pegged as a tranny or some such nonsense. In addition, the push to return to some level of traditionalist ideals is prevalent in modern society, and primarily in the youngest of us, and to fight against a depraved, subservient majority, the easiest expression is to simply do what comes naturally: let your natural features become and stay prominent. Compare to big and curly hair becoming popular again, surprisingly enough on men moreso than women.
oh and tl;dr because fuck you why would you not want to grow facial hair nigger
>add yeast to the dough
>put it in the oven
>see as I start to grow a bread
nothing personnel
>Why do zoomers hate clean shaven look
they don't they can hardly grow a beard in the first place.
Now let's see his wife's transformation over that time period.
My beard would look like this but I shave it because it doesn't connect under my lips.

Do people really think this looks good?
There are two kinds of people in this world who go barefaced: women and children. I am neither.
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anon most beards don't connect under the lips
>white incel conspiracies
This post is like a 1 to 1 modern recreation of something an Islamic cleric wrote about Byzantine nobility
nothing ever changes
Lmao we can tell an ai-generated video when we see one, good try though.
You work for them, FOR FREE! That basically puts you in the same category as slaves. I hope you understand that.
His fashion consultants and brand managers decided to opt-in for zoomer friendly broccoli hair variation - to bring him closer to the younger folks because they are the future scam..customers. The chain and beard communicates more about self confidence and healthy sporty attitude. Look at his expressions too. He's copying Clint Eastwood but only for about 20%.
Someone made a bank with this.
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>all these cucks defending beards
Guess onionsoyjaks are manly now? Fucking faggots.
They're not even defending beards, they're defending zoomerpubes.
aging, growing a beard, changing hair style and lifting costs a million?
thats why all the chechen guys are so good at MMA
No, this was carefully crafted by a team of image consultants. Billionaires don't operate on your level, tubby.
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Your scruffy neckbeard doesn't trick people into thinking you're not a fatass with no jawline.
I'm trying to ramp up my startup to the point where I can afford this kind of treatment.
beard > beardless, simple as that. Sorry you can't grow one.
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This! So much this!
I actually look somewhat passable with a beard, without one I look like a fat bread and my double chin is always upfront.
No, I'm not that fat weight wise.
Being "clean" shaven is the mark of a post-WWI mindbroken slave, like suits and ties.

That was attempted murder by the big guy
It's simple: they are lazy
It's easier to let a beard grow than shave it everyday

Why do you think they easily believe stuff like
>taking baths everyday is unhealthy!
>making your bed everyday is not hygienic!
>floss is unnecessary!
And so on?
he started eating meat, exercising and getting sun exposure,
automatically he got confident and acts like a human being,

shocking, I know..
Your pic is a fatass soiboi, but his beard is not scruffy. I'm detecting some sour grapes from you.
dude put his entire body weight behind that slap that ought to break some bone in that tattoo head
Aren't there rules about how far your you're body moves or whatever? He leaned pretty hard into that.

Stupid game anyway.
That shirt is only like 4000 dollars retard.
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Jewish man entering his 40s required glow-up
did he get brow filler?
yep, cleanshaven is the look of the shabos goyim
The only Jew I would protect
>Being "clean" shaven is the mark of a post-WWI mindbroken slave, like suits and ties.
>t. amerishart slob
millions is pocket change for this man
You are brainwashed into thinking that you are a "slob" if you don't cut off your facial hair, that it's somehow "cleaner", that facial hair is "dirty". There is no logic to support this idea.
This is the same mentality amerimutts have about cutting off their foreskin, it's a similar symbolic castration too.
As for suits, they were modeled off military uniforms and are intended to have a similar psychological effect.
>As for suits, they were modeled off military uniforms and are intended to have a similar psychological effect.
Suits aren't uniforms, you can choose color, fit, fabric, lapel and other details. Would you rather wear sweatpants and hoodies like a manchild?
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>you will never be a harvard billionaire with an asian girlfriend
It seems the opposite in my experience. With a beard you have to groom cut, and style it all the time otherwise it looks like absolute shit. Whereas if I were to go clean shaven, I would just have to spend maybe a minute indiscrimately passing a razor over my face till it's smooth
NTA but... Its comfy so you can go fuck yourself. As for the uniforms, where do you think the phrases blue and white collar come from?
If you want to go a step beyond that, again it is a uniform. People in their circles tend to show that they belong there through their clothes as well.
The best are the ones that recognize this and can infiltrate different circles easier aka social engineering. Some niggers realized this and would put on a suit to get less hassle when they are transferring the drugs as they are less suspectable like that instead of their drug dealer uniform.
>you can choose color, fit, fabric, lapel and other details.
Who gives a shit about any of that?

>Would you rather wear sweatpants and hoodies
Yes, I would rather wear comfortable clothes. I am not a preening faggot.
way to entirely disregard the point
when a billionaire does it, somehow yeah
the webm is funny and all but the kid got brain damage from that hit
they don't slap each other, they strike with the hard part where you palm meets your wrist
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Beards are so heccin trad and based. Only slaves groom themselves!
sus boomer is using all caps fr nocap
I have never shaved my face in my life, my facial hair just grew to a length I liked and then stopped growing
blud thinks skibidi toilet is still relevant fr
It's all about those neck exercises. IYKYK

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