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Happy Birthday 4chan!

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There is some rocus on chans, since 4ch now bans use of 4 profanities in post (3 are ok, kek).

Reminder that we do have rn software that allows for absolute free speech.

- freenet hyphanet, with FMS forum system on top
- tor and i2p kind of, but this is just hidding IP, so still any forum there has some admin that can block you (or site can one day be gone)

Tor IRC server to talk (give me a day to reply, I am bussy) if you have questions, channel #x

Yes all networks are small (you can help change that eventually)
it what
fuck fuck fuckity fuck bitch
i have doubts.
Am I free to say that gender is a social construct?
unironically based
Welcome Hyphanet! Donald Trump should be in prison for inciting a riot on Jan. 6th!
nigger faggot kike jew tranny
Being trans isn't a crime and abortion is a human right.
Decriminalize sex work. Legalize all drugs.
it's actually a jewish pedophile's word for the social norms of males and females.
>jewish pedophile
Learn something today. I implore you.
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>Am I free to say that gender is a social construct?
there is no technical way for anyone to delete your html site in that network (but it will eventually fall out if no one reads it due to limited space; so sites are published and announced, then they stay up forever mainly)

and on FMS no one can (but some people are free to say they don't like your speech, by publishing blacklists/whitelists, and other people can subscribe to said lists - but yet other people will make other choices).

so yeah no censorship.

preview of FMS forum using ARCHIVE of static page with a copy of most of FMS posts, in Freenet, readable here by using Tor gateway (very very slow - better just install software locally)


yes that badboy is one gigantic link (contains tor site pubkey hash, and freesite pubkey hash along with decryption key so yeah)

pol thread about limit of 3 nwords per post: >>>/pol/483400670

The IRC server is:
port :6667
need IRC client

Post more darknet IRC formus and chats/IRC (for a backup to talk on)

How ever FMS is best in the end (hides time, random time; no censorship yet has antispam by trustlists; post stay forever basically, including 10 year old in archive, otherwise few years)
you can tell when the pigs get scared because they spam shit meant to trigger the gornless into a reaction.
also yes.
>nwords per post
Oh so not profanities; just slurs. ... Or rather a single slur.
It's to disgusting to spell correctly.
>Being trans isn't a crime
false, it is illegal under the Law on the Fundamentals of Protection of Citizens' Health in the Russian Federation
>abortion is a human right.
You are, admittedly, gornless.
>policing speech is good
no, thanks
>Files are encrypted, so generally the user cannot easily discover what is in his datastore, and hopefully can't be held accountable for it.
"Yeah mr judge see I HOPE youll understand..." doesn't exactly inspire confidence.
Russia isn't real, haven't you read the Bible?
All nations of man (and as such all of their respective laws) are folly.
>>Files are encrypted, so generally the user cannot easily discover what is in his datastore, and hopefully can't be held accountable for it.
it's automated caching.
no one was ever in legal trouble for that.

This is like tor middle node, mostly.

Even tor exit node operators are in the free (but some were attacked, but LEA backed down).
This is the standard in all western countries.
Never said that. Also you can use 3 in a post. Not exactly censorship and more just to stop the annoying spam?
Why is this where you draw the line? They already patrol what you can post. Even furshit can't be posted.
the bible is subservient to the orthodox leader patriarch Kiril, who is himself subservient to the president of Russia and the government of Russian Federation
it literally says "hopefully".
i wasn't arguing if it would or wouldn't happen, i'm just saying it isn't confidence inspiring when the reply is "idk lol".
if what you said was true then why doesn't it say that instead?
The Bible is superservient and serves superlatively.
>insists you can trust this service
>already hides the fact that this isn't about profanity at all
Opening post already has a fucking lie in it. You're doing more damage than helping.
>Not exactly censorship and more just to stop the annoying spam?
or, you write a nice long post, drop 4 of the bad words (the list is longer than just "nigger"), you click send, it says messages posted, but message is in fact gone.

this is today, what it will be in a year?

I don't want some guy policing this for me. I will decide my own rules for what I want to read.
read details of the 4chan shadowban in the pol post linked above

>so this implies a 15 year old open source project is bad
nice logical fallacy there, FED
>this book i am holding says 'god is in charge because this book says so'
>this book i am holding says 'god says i am in charge because this book says so'
Which would you rather believe?
>"Ah yes you can trust me. I mean I'm fucking lying but you can trust the rest of it"
You goddamned faggot.
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Pythagoras defined good as anything that benefits the form, do as thou wilt.
Bad was defined as anything that distorts the form.
Your form is human and we live in a society.
You claim my form is human yet you have no exhaustive proof of what is and isn't human.
tldr; you're scared
By this token any medicine is bad because it changes your body.
Enjoy dying of a papercut on the Oregon Trail.
"my definiton of distorts is such that i can take antibiotics" suck my dick
for me, NIGGER is a profanity.
>noooo it's not a profanity, it's a SLUUUUUUUR!
>it's a SLUUUR
>so therefore:
>do NOT use that open source program!
wow ok seems logical!
thanks fed
this might help you:
Medicine benefits the form.
It also distorts. What is Pythagoras (your authorities) view then?
I suppose if it distorts it's not medicine, you'll say.
So the onus is on you or Pythagoras to prove that being trans is distortion.
I'll wait.
I don't know that all his ponderings were correct.
That triangle thing checks out though.
See >>102638126.
part of your form includes procreation.
there are entire organs dedicated to it.
Are you trans?
How do you intend to prove that BEING trans is distortion if you are not BEING trans?
English major here.
Judge not lest ye be judged.
Three slurs: Nigger, faggot and tranny. You can use only four of them combined per post. I'm sure we will be missing out on many well-written and carefully thought out posts because of this restriction.
Do trans not have organs dedicated to procreation?
You're misleading the readers here;
We came to prove that being trans is distortion.
As has been proven, one must be trans to make that assessment.
Anything else is heretical.
>store other peoples content on my drive
Hard pass
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Threadly reminder: Feds can deanonymize you on Hyphanet (formerly known as Freenet). Hyphanet content cannot be taken down due to its decentralization (in contrast to Tor and I2P), but you can get in trouble for your activity there.
hormone therapy impedes the organs designed to procreate which is a function of the human form.
Removal of organs that were written into your DNA to procreate is a distortion of your form.
Yeah that's nice and all and it follows but it doesn't disprove my point that 'to be trans' is the only way to assess if being trans is good or bad
>tldr; you're scared
It's just a bad thing.
I didn't say it was unforgivable but pride in bad things is probably worse than distortion of your form because it promotes the distortion of your form.
on the level of human existence it is bad for us because you are removing your genes from a pool we might need to evolve.
Hiroyuki is a gook
Hiroyuki is a slant eyed jap
Hiroyuki is a nip
Hiroyuki is a zipperhead
>glowniggers once again outsourcing shit they would need a warrant for to a university for (((research purposes)))
Also occasional reminder the largest darknet CP slinger is the FBI which pales in comparison to the largest clearnet CP slingers which are Meta and Google.
Why are you pussyfooting?
hey man ive been in the irc before but not for long

is it worth joining back?
what are you working on nowadays, what could i help with?
We went extinct because of trannies.
>you can say NIGGER all you like
>but if you like plan terrorist attack they might find you
seems perfect then
thanks fed
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trannies and abortions.
>First they came for the pedophiles...
No anon you don't understand they would never do that to him because he's on the right side of AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>noooo i can't spam niggertrannyfaggot 10 times every post
who gives a fuck
probably got tripped up by hiroshitmoots shitty AI jannie after some mental patient spammed /v/ with the same words over and over again
How do you deal with CP?
>How do you deal with CP?
I do not click on that links
they literally banned importing hentai into the country because they are so scared of lolis lmao
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yeah except by a random trademark lawsuit
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This is the true purpose of hyphanet.
>yeah except by a random trademark lawsuit
what are you talking about?
>I like CP
>for me, this is the true purpose of free speech
ugh grosss, anon
sorry just kidding, I know you're just fed hard at work
>>I like CP
>>for me, this is the true purpose of free speech
>ugh grosss, anon
>sorry just kidding, I know you're just fed hard at work
(still you should get the rope)
>sib mouse
Holy fuck I haven't read that name since my teenage years.
The original version of this post had si6eri@n mouse in it, and that got me an instant ban.
Is there a list of banned words somewhere?
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Freedom of speech exists precisely to protect expression people are opposed to.
And of course, I forgot the image.
Were banned words always a thing?
I only ever got banned for posting the sonic totem on /v/.

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>Is there a list of banned words somewhere?
you can check that under your account settings
>Is there a list of banned words somewhere?
Write NIGGER 4 times in your post.
He's talking about a different kind of autoban, one that's been around for ages and simply triggers on specific phrases and links and fully bans you without any warning beforehand.
>lets make a list of a bunch of cp studios you're not allowed to talk about!
if you thought about it for more than 1 millisecond you'd understand why that question is retarded
I know. Just my attempt at some timely humor.
How do you propose >>>/an/ discusses mice from a certain geographical area?
if you whistle long enough you might accidentally produce a sound similar to a dog whistle.
>Being trans isn't a crime
True, a mental illness isn't a crime.
Pushing kids into becoming trans however should be illegal.
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Apparently this specific autoban isn't that old, people were posting the phrase just fine back in 2022: >>86422204
I had no idea they were still maintaining the autoban list.

Not being allowed to post or link it makes sense, but not even being allowed to mention it? That sounds pretty ridiculous. I assume it was probably just autobanned in response to some spammer repeating the phrase too many times. No reason to assume malice when incompetence and/or laziness is an adequate explanation.

>Being trans isn't a crime

It's an illness

>and abortion is a human right.

3 bodies involved and not your only choice, therefore, a crime
>No reason to assume malice
>when mentioning a cp studio
I'm a uooh ToT out of 10! kind of guy and I can't think of any valid occasions for talking about said mice, dolls made out of sugar, celestial bodies or model trains on 4chin
This post is so incredibly ironic.
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>mice, dolls made out of sugar, celestial bodies or model trains
why did i just go digging through the archives trying to find the actual names
>True, a mental illness isn't a crime.
Tell that to the people wanting to lynch pedophiles...
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>mfw this thead kinda proves at least some censorship is needed here
Anon, I was talking about potential malice on 4chan's side. I don't think they were actually trying to censor discussion on this with the autoban, it was probably just the easiest way to deal with a spammer.
People don't want to lynch paedophiles, they want to lynch people that abuse children. Subhumans that haven't ever heard of nuance want to lynch pedos.
It doesn't you just want to push your own agenda whatever that might be.
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>people shouldn't be allowed to say or discuss things that make me uncomfortable
I was talking about the CP part. America and the world is run by kikes and their financial institutions, happy?
CP related discussion?
opsec failure is not freenet's problem
If there's anything interesting happening there or it's just another "free speech" place where people just talk about free speech and politics?

That's the fucking problem with most of these pro free speech platforms - most of them attract people that have nothing interesting to say in the first place. It's just 24/7 censorship that, woke this, trannies that... It's worthless.
I suppose maybe 4chan will become slightly more bearable if faggots from /pol/ will move there. That's a value coming from these places, kinda.
>If there's anything interesting happening there or it's just another "free speech" place where people just talk about free speech and politics?
yeah is there? why don't YOU make it happen?
>People don't want to lynch paedophiles
The study explicitly asked about non-offending pedophiles.
>Pedophilia belongs to the most stigmatized and rejected mental disorders (Feldman & Crandall, 2007). Fourteen percent of the participants in a large and heterogeneous German sample agreed that PWP should better be dead and 39% recommended imprisonment, even though the instruction emphasized that the individual in question had never committed a sexual (or other) crime (while only 3% or 5%, respectively would respond similarly when alcohol abusers are concerned, Jahnke, Imhoff, & Hoyer, 2014). Among an English-speaking sample, as much as 27% agreed that PWP should better be dead and 49% recommended imprisonment (compared to 9% or 6%, respectively demanding similarly drastic measures for sexual sadists, or 21% and 8%, respectively, when people with antisocial tendencies are concerned, Jahnke et al., 2014). Moreover, many members of the population falsely believe that pedophilia is a controllable disorder in the sense of Weiner (1985), implying that PWP can exert, at least to some degree, volitional control over whom they feel sexually attracted to (Jahnke et al., 2014). Hence, these individuals may not see pedophilia as a true mental disorder (see also Imhoff, 2014), and are thus unable or unwilling to afford it the same level of concern or deservingness of treatment that they do to other mental disorders. Even more problematic, the public seems to be uninformed about the conceptual differences between pedophilia and child sexual offending, assuming that the vast majority of, or even all PWP irrevocably engage in sexual activities with minors (Feelgood and Hoyer, 2008, McCartan, 2004, McCartan, 2010), although this is not the case. While we have very little information about PWP who never commit sexual crimes, this group must be expected to exist and to potentially make up a large proportion of PWP as a population (Goode, 2010, Schmidt, 2002).
It wasn't opsec failure, that's the problem here. No external factors were involved, he was found simply by accessing files on Freenet.
>he was found simply by accessing files on Freenet
wrong, he was found accessing files from his home internet connection. opsec failure.
retard, good opsec would have meant they weren't found in the first place.
they were caught due to a combination of both poor decision making and lack of technical knowledge
looks cool, nice they are using NNTP
And why shouldn't we be allowed to discuss it? Is it because it would expose the decades of lies and hypocrisy that serve as the foundation of many laws that grant the elites ever more power over commoners?
trapped by ignorance once again. Dunning-Kruger in full effect
He was accessing the files over Freenet, which was designed and claimed to be safe for use from your home connection. Either this wasn't an opsec failure, or Freenet/Hyphanet is just a shitty privacy service only usable in combination with other anonymizing methods.

It's like claiming an amnesiac system isn't flawed for leaving traces on your disk because you should've just run it from a ramdisk in the first place. Yes, you can always take more steps to improve your opsec further, but it should be reasonable to expect it to work as intended in the intended use case.
>why don't YOU make it happen?
Why should he, me or anyone else bother? None of us have an emotional investment in the project.
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why, are you just retarded, or what?
>which was designed and claimed to be safe for use from your home connection
believing bullshit is not a hallmark of good opsec
>The brakes failing were irrelevant, a good driver just wouldn't crash into a tree!
If it wasn't his home connection, it would just have added more steps to trace back. No real solution, install Gentoo and learn Internet.
>bro it's secure!
>it isn't.
>bro are you retarded wtf why did you trust me when I said it's secure!
You probably think you really showed him don't you?
>why don't YOU make it happen?
Because you can also discuss non-forbidden subjects on the web, and you'll have a far larger audience there. It's the network effect. It always works like this, and is the reason people stick to inferior services even when superior alternatives pop up. Moving entire communities just doesn't happen unless the currently popular service gets nuked suddenly. Through gradual (rather than sudden) enshittification you can make sure people stay where they are even as things keep getting worse.
false equivalency. anyone who is serious about privacy and security knows not to trust anyone
I find that hard to believe. there are spam filters that don't give you insta perma ban
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CP is a psyop to tackle on free speech.
What a coincidence, for multiple people strongly agreeing with each other to post immediately after one another, in a thread about subjects of interest to federal agents!
Trump lost and will lose again
Hitler lost
Le Pen lost
Bolsonaro lost
Scott Morrison lost
Dr. Oz lost
Blake Masters lost
Kari Lake lost
Boris Johnson resigned
Imran Khan was overthrown
Putin is losing
/pol/ lost
/qa/ lost
The Nazis lost
The Tsarists lost
Fascist Italy lost
Imperial Japan lost
The Confederacy lost
The capitol riots failed
The Golden Dawn are in prison
The Atomwaffen Division are in prison
The Wolverine Watchmen are in prison
The Proud Boys pled guilty to seditious conspiracy for Jan 6
The Oath Keepers pled guilty to seditious conspiracy for Jan 6
Derek Chauvin was found guilty on all charges
Dylan Roof is in prison
Anders Breivik is in prison
Tarrant is in prison
Cruz is in prison
James Alex Fields is in prison
Bissonnette is in prison
John Timothy Earnest is in prison
Cesar Sayoc is in prison
Carrillo is in prison
Gendron is in prison
Crusius is in prison
Robert Bowers will get life in prison
Crimo will get life in prison
Solomon Pena will get life in prison
DePape was arrested and charged
Taylor Taranto was arrested
Andrew Tate was charged with human trafficking
Trump was not reinstated
Apartheid ended in South Africa
Being transgender is more socially acceptable than you
Q was wrong
Team Fortress 2 is dead
Gavin Newsom was not recalled
The Right lost the culture war
The Red Wave was cancelled
Nick Fuentes is a lolcow
Baked Alaska is an FBI asset
Mr. Metokur is pro-vaccine
The online Right is self-destructing
Herman Cain died from COVID
Over 5 billion worldwide fully vaccinated, yet no mass deaths
Durham’s investigation was a nothingburger
Alex Jones owes over 1 billion dollars
Trump was charged with 37 felony counts for stealing classified documents
Biden created 6x more jobs than the past 3 Republican presidents combined
Black Lives Matter
Stop Asian Hate
Vaccines are safe and effective
Protect Trans Kids
Women have a right to choose
There is no evidence of widespread election fraud
Slava Ukraini
Cool story bro, here have your (You)
Did Trump win in 2016?
>bot shits out his entire script unprompted
Bad bot.
>Because you can also discuss non-forbidden subjects on the web,
soon everything will be forbidden. Some would say that's the case now. And when it comes it's a bit late to learn.
Optimum breeding age is 24 so all porn stars should be 24, not older, not younger, to encourage birthrates.
>they're going to censor everything
>but they won't track down and party van people that have abnormal easily identifiable traffic i.e. tor, i2p, hyphanet
And before you start in that scenario it doesn't matter if they know what you browse as long as they know you're browsing something they don't want you to.
Trump lost and will lose again
Hitler lost
Le Pen lost
Bolsonaro lost
Scott Morrison lost
Dr. Oz lost
Blake Masters lost
Kari Lake lost
Boris Johnson resigned
Imran Khan was overthrown
Putin is losing
/pol/ lost
/qa/ lost
The Nazis lost
The Tsarists lost
Fascist Italy lost
Imperial Japan lost
The Confederacy lost
The capitol riots failed
The Golden Dawn are in prison
The Atomwaffen Division are in prison
The Wolverine Watchmen are in prison
The Proud Boys pled guilty to seditious conspiracy for Jan 6
The Oath Keepers pled guilty to seditious conspiracy for Jan 6
Derek Chauvin was found guilty on all charges
Dylan Roof is in prison
Anders Breivik is in prison
Tarrant is in prison
Cruz is in prison
James Alex Fields is in prison
Bissonnette is in prison
John Timothy Earnest is in prison
Cesar Sayoc is in prison
Carrillo is in prison
Gendron is in prison
Crusius is in prison
Robert Bowers will get life in prison
Crimo will get life in prison
Solomon Pena will get life in prison
DePape was arrested and charged
Taylor Taranto was arrested
Andrew Tate was charged with human trafficking
Trump was not reinstated
Apartheid ended in South Africa
Being transgender is more socially acceptable than you
Q was wrong
Team Fortress 2 is dead
Gavin Newsom was not recalled
The Right lost the culture war
The Red Wave was cancelled
Nick Fuentes is a lolcow
Baked Alaska is an FBI asset
Mr. Metokur is pro-vaccine
The online Right is self-destructing
Herman Cain died from COVID
Over 5 billion worldwide fully vaccinated, yet no mass deaths
Durham’s investigation was a nothingburger
Alex Jones owes over 1 billion dollars
Trump was charged with 37 felony counts for stealing classified documents
Biden created 6x more jobs than the past 3 Republican presidents combined
Black Lives Matter
Stop Asian Hate
Vaccines are safe and effective
Protect Trans Kids
Women have a right to choose
There is no evidence of widespread election fraud
Slava Ukraini
Damn it the bot broke and is stuck in a loop again someone reboot it.
It will be forbidden gradually, step by step. And with each step, everybody will tell themselves: "well, at least every other subject can still be discussed here", having grown used to already not being able to discuss the things previously forbidden. A dystopia does not come into existence suddenly; no matter how dystopian society gets, people will always believe they're not living in one, because a dystopia is by definition something worse than the present.

We walk around with tracking devices on us at all times, all of our communications are monitored non-stop, and personalized feeds tell us what to think. But who would call this a dystopia? After all, we can afford food just fine, even if most of our time is spent laboring just to pay for necessities. Many of us even own the roofs above our heads!
Hello fellow jan sixers! I have noticed that the last four digits on your post are the same number. That must be like 1 in 100 chance. Have you considered buying megatons of feetilizer in celebration?
>Optimum breeding age is 24
[citation needed]
>And before you start in that scenario it doesn't matter if they know what you browse as long as they know you're browsing something they don't want you to.
I'm talking about random everyday shit. Oh sorry officer.
Unless they ban ALL ENCRYPTION, but this ain't happening.
>but it might happen some day!
>so like... let's STOP using X, because maybe they will ban X one day! that way we win, X users!
lol, kys
Eastern eurasian rodents and feline deities are 4chan culture, regardless of what kind of guy you are.
>Remastered on outdated hardware
it was a meta analysis of pregnancy outcomes.
It was WHICH meta analysis of pregnancy outcomes?
Speak English, garbage.
>I want to sterilize myself and cut my dick off
>also murder is a human right
you’re in a death cult
>soon everything will be forbidden
>nothing ever happens
Did you have a stroke between posts?
Freedom of speech does not supersede freedom of association!
is that what they use at gnome to make the source tree grow?
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>Unless they ban ALL ENCRYPTION
That's actually what they tried: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crypto_Wars
They got cockblocked by the courts but kept pushing until it turned out to be too useful for commercial applications to ban. They've since learned their lesson and with AI they're now specifically pushing for bans that leave commercial applications intact and just take away power from individuals.
Mocквa, Бoльшoй Киcлoвcкий пep., д. 1, cтp. 2
>>soon everything will be forbidden
>>nothing ever happens
>Did you have a stroke between posts?
All discussion topics will be forbidden, but encryption itself will not be.
Of course they will try (again) to outlaw cryptography, but technology users must resist.

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