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File: 1727302631391903.jpg (26 KB, 655x520)
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Holy shit
How is it so fast? Runs shit instantly
It's just bytecode designed to run decently on most common architectures being run through an interpreter.
Like flash, but semi decent.
All that compute and yet /g/s hands can never build anything
>Like flash
wrong, WASM can't do any graphic without having to go through JS.
They should have made wasm as a new way to interact with the browser without having to go through JS.
Isn't that where WASI comes in, whenever thats done?
I dont know about WASI. If they make it that the wasm vm has access to the same browser functions that is exposed to the JS vm, that would be great.
Right now you need something like enscripten and the like to generate all that glue code for you because otherwise it's a fucking pain to do. I really think that if the W3C did that from the get go the wasm adoption rate would be high.
>t. wrote a "lisp" interpreter in webassembly text format (WAT) for "fun".
Wasm is for NIGGERS
Wasm is for NIGGERS
Wasm is for NIGGERS
Wasm is for NӏGGERS
It's not a scripting language?
because it's a vm that only enforces stuff like memory bounds checking. it maps well to most every CPU.
IMO the amount of shit you need for it seems memey when you could probably get away with stuff like https://rlbox.dev/ instead, which ironically uses wasm to get guaranteed correctness.
That is not what WASI is.
>modern garbage
yeah sure buddy

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