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switched back to the 'fox edition
good night saars
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is this the new desktop thread
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amazing 10/10
ofc the trans pedophile is a ffxiv player
too much white, your 10/10 means nothing to my black soul
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Oh so cool!!
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the windows of linux
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Oh yes Kumiko is very wonderful. Nice desktop friend.
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>posting your IP
>posting your IP

You are both in trouble
We are legos, never sphagetti always regretti
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That's nothing. Apparently the 5090 is going to be 600W
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Nice try, FBI.
Cloverium chads keep winning
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forgot to post image
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I have spent 2 hours trying to find a decent theme for Cinnamon that isnt a buggy, inconsistent mess. I could read a left wing meme before this journey is over, I am still fucking looking. Christ.
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Cellulite on titties? Why draw that.
I bet all that storage is filled with cellulite titties, isn't it?
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U fucking piece of shit, this is the first time I'm actually replying to your shit "Is this the new desktop thread?" question. I've always held myself back but now I just can't handle it anymore. You're a fucking piece of shit and should seriously kill yourself because NO, this isn't the new desktop thread and NO, THE DESKTOP THREADS ARE OFF /g/ BY NOW YOU FUCKING AUTISTIC SHIT. You're even pretending to be fucking female even tho you probably have a dick, please kill yourself already, you have a serious mental disorder, nobody can help you and your pedophilia anime fetish. SO FUCK OFF, YOU'RE PISSING OFF EVERYONE HERE AT /g/. I WISH THE MODS BANNED YOU OR THAT YOUR FUCKING TRASH PC FILLED WITH ANIME PEDOPHILIA DIES ALREADY. Please don't every try to reproduce either with a male or female you fucking imbecile. You seriously make me so mad every time you post over here you fucking mentally challenged neckbeard. I hope you're aware of how everybody hates you over here and how much of a moron you are, you fuckong cuntbag. You probably still live in your mother's basement and I hope you fucking know how much of a dissapointment you are to your parents and how much you should be ashamed of yourself and your stupid question and riced weeaboo desktop. So fuck off and never come back cause I will find you and when I do, I will wipe your stupid hard drive and all shit that's on it and I will put you in a mental hospital where you belong or make you kill yourself so you'll finally end this stupid bullshit. FUCK OFF ALREADY. KILL YOURSELF. DO SOMETHING, JUST DONT EVER POST HERE AGAIN OR I'LL FUCKING SLICE YOUR THROAT YOU FUCKING UGLY ASS PEDOPHILE! THIS ISNT THE NEW FUCKING DESKTOP THREAD FUCK OFF THERE ARENT ANY DESKTOP THREADS, STOP POSTING ALREADY. FUCK YOU, FUCK YOUR IRRESPONSIBLE PARENTS AND FUCK EVERYONE AROUND YOU FOR RAISING YOU LIKE THAT. FUCK OFF!!!
based, post your desktop
no im not a attn seeking fag
calm down, grampa.
A poor job understanding anonmyity, faggot.
fuck off mate
what r u implying?
anime website, sir
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Did you install this today? You've been busy if so.
Common law is best law.
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Someone posted this screenshot in the last thread and I didn't have time to ask him which DE and theme he was using. Can someone answer me, please?
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Is this the new desktop thread?
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Misgendering is bannable on 4chan/g/ doncha know?
Wallpaper, please?
>Posting speccy and not neofetch
At least glad to see new blood
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Trying to get my nix configuration figured out before i switch over
sup frens
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Only because you said please
sir do not redeem the pull request sir
So you got gnome but then you decided it had *too many* features? Is that why you removed the panel? Why even bother using a DE at this point?
lol, because being able to copy paste the resoution in monospace and not fixing the grammatical errors is paramount to a quality team environment.
>new blood
dude's been posting since like 2010
boring fresh install desktop
so do you use your PC or goon to 2D? can't tell
gentoo is now possible because of my new CPU but too lazy... arch still lol
looks cool but the clover looks too much like the windows logo and I stopped being a luddite 3.5 years ago so idk might skip this. Looks cool otherwise
yeah i use my pc, also no i dont goon yuck!
i think pink floyd is way overrated too, but money is a legit bop
ive had this mint install for a few months, this is just the laptop I use at work
>Graphite with borders disabled
>Colloid with itoddler buttons disabled
>Marwaita X
there you go
What extensions do you use for the round corners and to see the current program on top left?
>hear cool tune
>like cool tune
it's not complicated anon, stop being a contrarian for the sake of it
I think you're just gay and buy vinyls to impress your dad who still hates you
Go be a bigot somewhere else
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I like it
Not gonna lie, I just learned in the last year or two that my dad has hated me since before I was even born. It really put into perspective all the times he ``helped'' me and ended up ruining what ever I was attempting to do with my life.
Just found your post funny is all. Once I learned this, I lost all drive to impress him.
im just drunkposting and have a friend who idol worships PF. Sorry about your dad
Why do you live in such a shitty apartment building anon?
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New Cloverium update just dropped
Might be tint2?
KDE looking great!
>dev is a weeb
Fucking nice
why did you post your desktop from 2016 lmfao
why shouldnt i post it?
A little late to ask that, doncha tink?
how so?
I see you aren't too smart. I apologize if I have caused your head to hurt.
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oooh its sooo soreeeee y u do this to me
yes, anon. running a game in 4k with uncapped fps is gonna make your gpu heat up
no matter how much you like to pretend I am, I'm still not a troon. go project your fantasies onto someone else
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Wallpaper, please? Is this a mini-PC? Why not a 4k monitor?
How do I get fancy system readouts like you pros on linux?
Elaborate on what you mean, (You) some examples if you gotta
Install GNU+Gentoo Linux.
Like these nerds. I've seen it in the taskbar at the bottom too.

Oh I believe it's Conky!
Wuk Lamat/10
you mean Woke Lamat
apparently her english VA is a troon but I play with the superior JP voices kek
this game is cool I like the magic :]
What WM is this?
Looks like awesome, but could be i3.
p sure its cwm
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>What extensions do you use for the round corners and to see the current program on top left?
Panel Corners and App menu is back, the OG GNOME 40 look is comfy
I have that same CPU, are you as disappointed in it as I am?
Ay nice. I'll check it out.
It's a laptop you retard.
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hi /g/.
What's that desktop background from?
It kinda says bottom left of image.
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Hey guys, here's mine. I haven't really done much other than have oxygen icons and windows and just changing window behavior settings. Any suggestions? (No, roping doesn't count cuz I'm not a tranny). I'll see how removing the bottom bar clears thing sup.
It's dwm
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I'm a little late this time. Hi everyone!!!
Let us pin programs in start menu. You know like in Win7.
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hello again krautanon
>RSF Launcher
That game is still alive just like Test Drive Unlimited
You managed to get brew on tiger? I had to upgrade all the way to Mavericks to get the appearance of a working OS, while keeping the 3d dock and the aqua theming.
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Little changes from the last time (in rofi)
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New study environment made this morning on win 10, quite like it.
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posted the old pic lol
hi fren
yes, it suck
Based. Show these anons who the boss of this gym is.
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wip longhorn rice
I wish there was more non-flat icon theme that weren't Oxygen but had the same app coverage.
Is this some FreeRDP fuckery or just a custom dialog?
I use some of these sounds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQ3mDKl94KQ
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Share that Wallpaper and icon set pls
Why do people think a floating desktop picture of an anime girl is cool
its an adjusted winver from xfce-winxp-tc (look it up on github)
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moar wallpapers
post irithyll pic please
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All yours, friend
dying thread
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Youtube @ 480p fren, I hope one day you get yourself an i9-15999KF.
i will add it eventually
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Come home, white man...
I gotta hand it to you tiling wm enjoyers, the more I dig into it, the better it feels.
I have finally ascended.

Gone from struggling to install Gentoo on a VM to installing it on real hardware and getting it all setup and stable.
i love mac os 9 and xfce bros...
The more displays, the more fun.
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I rebuke you in the name peace love and understanding.
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lmao, grate poste.
oh man, definitely based + dubs to verify the authenticity.
Stupid fucking gamer, get the fuck out of my board.
link for the theme?
really pretty, your desktop looks almost identical to how mine is
show photo
How are you running 6.10.12 on a dist-kernel? Current Kernel ebuild seems to be 6.6.51. Am I retarded?
gj btw from one Gentoo Chad to another
captcha: VHSVG

this weekend feels exhausting, are there any recommendations?
Desktop - Comfy & exhilarating.
Hardware - grim & unsettling.
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>2336 packages
holy bloat
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Hi there
what's your GPU gentooanon
>he's still using a 13 y/o GPU in 2024
that's fine because you don't probably game at all
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Mine ;)
That is the most depressing wallpaper I've ever seen.
Massive room for improvement.
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New machine. Status line's fucked
What laptop??
nta but host makes me think that's a framework 13
Give me a £600 PC that can run Old School Runescape at 144fps and COD at 60+

Get on it nerds. My gtx1080/i5-8600k pc finally died.
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Framework 13. Realized I was avoiding my T420 like the plague and wanted something nice. I like framework's goals and the laptop has been awesome so far. It is quite pricey though. Defintely the highest quality laptop I've ever owned.
I'm depressed
ricing is a waste of time.
Is that a lot? With gentoo for example I start off with nearly 1000 with not much installed. Especially if something uses perl, python, or something like that there's a shit ton of packages.
Can't you get the URL bar in the browser to be a bitmap font?
I thought foobar2000 was kill?
you can, it uses your system font iirc
No ~2000 on Debian is completely fine. Debian needs more packages than most other upstream distros, and *fetch is an awful metric to determine package count anyway, becuase every distro bundles packages differently, which *fetch does not account for.
What kind of resolution is 2880x1920?
Erm.. is it good? What are the advantages that it offers over say over 1080p or 1920x1200??
that's 3:2 I think
Not sure, I made some changes to the kernel and emerged it. 6.10.12 seems to be the latest one, for me anyway.
I used the Modifying kernel configuration section from: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Distribution_Kernel

Using the savedconfig method and I ended up with 6.10.12.
I'm using the dist-kernel, and I'm on 6.10.??. I don't think I did any tweaking, at least outside of what's in the install guide.
You can enable the testing ebuilds.
>10 y/o low-end mobile CPU
>low capacity storage
>only 2GB of ram (hahaha what a RAMlet)
I also have dist-kernel as a global use flag. Not sure if that does anything but it says to do it in the handbook anyway.
Based Angel poster.
Pass the papes bros!

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I love my wife.
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Can I have her phone number?
What's that fat butterfly icon?
Yes, I use Linux Mint and I have a dock...
Yeah, it's 3:2, 2.8k, 120Hz. The aspect ratio makes it by far the best screen I've ever seen on a laptop in person. For anything text-related, be it coding or shitposting the added vertical height is such a relief. Looks great too
what a nice way to say its dogshit
Windows is
Thank you sirs
My BSPWM install was the best run I've had with Linux but i am currently using a work Fagbook and a old Ubuntu Mate PC out of lazyness, Intelijeet gave me graphic issues at the time.
is that the space ninja logo
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Big ups for the tips gigachads I appreciate it!!
By the way it updated to 6.10.2 today :3
Debian maintainers split packages more finnickly than other distros that's why. What usually would be a single lot in Arch is split on many libs there, for whatever reason. Also the dev and headers packages as required.
based rpg notetaker.
Yes, this is exactly what I was trying to say, I just couldn't word it quite right, so thanks for that. But yeah, this is what I meant.
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anyone have a good analog clock widget, conky only has ancient shit that doesnt work anyways.
the one provided in xfce is hardcoded to display it like this without customizations
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based. FW13 is comfy.
>tranime detected
>request rejected
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tranime website summerchild
Peace be upon you, sirs.
with seven monitors i just keep my desktop background black because it saves like 50W of energy draw
get real
Noticed, love Markus Henriksson’s solo stuff
Sauce on the girl and/or gif?
based unity
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I can only use xfce
I tried labwc and waybar and nwg-menu to make a 1337 setup and finally post a screenshot here with you cool guys and jesus christ they come with no defaults at all, labwc has like 5 binds and that's it. I had to spend two hours writing xml and json and reloading the config files every 4 seconds and the result sucks so much I'm not even going to post the screenshot here. Why is it so hard to ship these programs with sane default configs for normal human beings? I can't believe you guys go through this chore just for a couple of (You)s.
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just use xfce like a normal human being anon. very customizable and comes with sane defaults. replace xfwm with i3 if you want tiling
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furchads.... i kneel
Is it worth it to get a 3rd party RAM and SSD for FW?
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new 4chan banner when
yeah it’s nice but the really annoying thing is that as far as i’m aware the only two distros that still support it are ubuntu and fucking gentoo
there was a manjaro/arch port a few years back but it seems it’s been abandoned
>>102697933 (me)
oh and also it only works on systemd gentoo
any suggestions?
>install Linux
>make it look like windows
Thank you. Have you posted it somewhere?
It is FF115ESR, so I have no doubt you can, but I don't look there enough to care about it. I'll give it a go, though, just to see what it is like.
Nostalgia is a hell of a drug
OpenSUSE is the Microsoft version of GNU+Linux.
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show the first page, fag.
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Just upgraded, I love that opening file explorer is instantaneous and I don't have to wait 2 seconds for it to open in Windows 11.
does anyone still maintain unity?
i miss good design
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I just reinstalled lyl D;
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Watcha downloading through Vivaldi?
very nice
yeah me
oooooh velly good saar velly guud the vindows 11!!
I hope it has the information you were desiring.
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Here you go my friend
Nice, I wasn't sure which colors you were refering to, so I shared them all. ;3
There was a time it was all, even the images in my web browser, black and white. Good times.

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