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Curry Edition

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
A private tracker is a torrent website that provides the same functionality as a public tracker but is invite-only. Each member share common goals: collecting, preserving and discussing media.

>Have a question?
- FAQ https://archive.is/UVQkn
- WIKI https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers (backup: https://igwiki.lyci.de/wiki/Private_trackers)
- NEWFAG PYRAMID (Updating) https://inviteroute.github.io/graph or https://inviteroute.github.io/sheet/
- STUDY https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/2F379FE0CB50DF502F0075119FD3E060
- SPREADSHEET https://hdvinnie.github.io/Private-Trackers-Spreadsheet/
- TEN CURRY COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/dBbdE73M
- TEN NEON COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/Ud2pGYaE

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

>Remember the following:
>It doesn't matter if you use the same username in different trackers, the staff still share your IP with each other.
>Staff is reading, being /marked/ is NOT a meme, and even if it is, it isn't.
>Don't ask for invites, it's private for a reason.
>If starting out you should interview for RED, rank to elite, wait on account age and get invites from there. THAT'S IT THAT IS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO
>Bonus points are for hoarding, not for spending.
>When the website dies, you will be able to migrate your bp and buffer to animeZ

2M perfect flacs on RED >>102655064

Previous thread: >>102617449
desuarchive shows the first time someone said "sent ;)" in response to a beggar was over 10 years ago
bros what music tracker do you use? i miss WCD
I have just received word that my HDB account has authorised the use of storm shadow missiles for strikes of unlimited range within russia we now only wait for the greenlight from UK/USA before Ukraine can take action.

ah he did sent me real items tho. thats why I love sentanon
true pioneer
RED duh
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/ptg/ what torrent client do you use?
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The invite beggar i chatted with on reddit now sent me this.
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I had someone hit me up on soulseek the other day begging for an ops invite yammering on about how they used to be on what.2nggh2
why did you talk about your private trackers there?
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Why are people begging for invites when you can just do an interview?
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beggars will beg
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that fag dmed me too and i have never even talked about U2
What's a good hobby to pick up? After years on private trackers and 15k logged films I think I am kinda done with PTP, HDB, KG, AB etc. Is there some private tracker for competitive knitting or something?

bestrez26 on feernopeer.

(unless he made up his user name).

He claimed that he joined there a week ago.

We can probably get him banned now lel.
MAM has lots of hobby and craft books if you want to peruse. Personally I like analogue photography.
that shithole is bleeding users every week.
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Big shock, you google that name and torrentinvites comes up.
why do retards reuse the same usernames everywhere?
even on obviously bad places like torrentinvites
>I can't access nyaa (error 504)
Now what bros
They messaged me out of nowhere after downloading a bunch from. me . Apparently in the tags for some files I have people put red and ops urls in them for some retarded reason. My client runs in the background and I usually on check soulseek like once a month at most to make sure it's still running properly and to see number go up.
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For some reason he didn't mention anything about that when he DMed me on reddit, instead he talked about how he had a lot of physical bluray disks and that he was looking to upload.

Probably had more accounts on TI than bluray disks he planned to rip.
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I don't like when people ask me for help only to then ignore what i have to say.
it's 2024 and there's still not a single reason for sneedbox autosnatchers to exist
while these turbovirgins horde ratio like it's a stat in an rpg the rest of us have to suffer with low buffer

a private tracker should be a community of home users, for home users.
you shouldnt have to invest in hardware just to be able to build buffer.
no rational person disagrees with this take.

>but muh speed
>but muh bandwidth for popular torrents
you can wait like 5 mins extra for your slop to download it's not that bad
These are some pathetic stats

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