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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Emanator edition

OpenAI introduces Realtime API
OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews
EmanatorAI, a new chatbot platform, officially launches.

Additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app/
RisuAI: https://risuai.net/
Agnai: https://agnai.chat/ | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org/ | https://chub.ai/

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com/ | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org/
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn


Previous: >>102723503
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>You look lonely…
>I can fix that
Sent logs for both issues. As I stated in the email, I have a suspicion that this issue comes from me messing with local models all day under TextCompletion and somehow SillyTavern has now fucked up something and makes ChatCompletion follow TextCompletion format or something...
>unironic shill bake
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she didn't deserve this fate
shill bake, nigger website
i dont even read the op whats being shilled
remember, only TRUE POWER USERS allowed if you're using ServiceTensor
I saved her
_oom status?
I'm glad I never installed git, FUCK faghub
wtf happened to sinag after the whole "only old emailers"? Did he do another riddle
Hi we are generic unfiltered c.ai clone #8547 but we have a fork of agnai (with public bots/logs/social stuff) and we tuned our own models to host!!! They are the best models!!! COme proompt!!!
>check https://emanator.ai/
>paid model access via https://patreon.com/EmanatorAI
>random chub cards on the site, with no notice of them being from chub
>check https://chub.ai/tos
>Except as set out in this section or elsewhere in our Legal Terms, no part of the Services and no Content or Marks may be copied, reproduced, aggregated, republished, uploaded, posted, publicly displayed, encoded, translated, transmitted, distributed, sold, licensed, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose whatsoever, without our express prior written permission.
>If you wish to make any use of the Services, Content, or Marks other than as set out in this section or elsewhere in our Legal Terms, please address your request to lore@chub.ai. If we ever grant you the permission to post, reproduce, or publicly display any part of our Services or Content, you must identify us as the owners or licensors of the Services, Content, or Marks and ensure that any copyright or proprietary notice appears or is visible on posting, reproducing, or displaying our Content.

Uh oh.
Long shot, but is there an RPG card set in the Gun Gale Online universe? The mechanics of that looked pretty cool, though it's been a longgggg time since I watched SAO.
In the same vein, how well do o1-preview/chatgpt-4o-latest function on RPG cards? Opus was pretty good, in my experience. I heard that 4o-latest isn't the greatest at statblocks.
So, nothing changes if I don’t update?
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>2 days ago actively thought that it was nice how ST is so convenient to use with proxies
>fag dev decides to discontinue proxy support
>just a bit earlier today thought that it was nice there is some opus available like in good old days
>zigger public opus dies an hour after
I just cant stop jinxing things, Im so sorry everyone
she is the sacrifice to bring us unto coom once more
How's that better than the actual Agnai? It already has the Chub catalog, free models, and none of that retarded social shit.
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Tranny game.
>our Content
But 'tis I whomst botmade...
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gettin ready for big girl bots this halloween, what about you anons?
Fuck Mirae.
vampire girls for me
nope, read chub's terms of service
lore owns everything you've ever made
>Realtime API
Can we use this through proxies?
This looks like a shitty Agnai. At least use the ST persona system
just fork 1.12.6 and stay there shes still alive...
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Eh, scratch that hypothesis. Go the same issue with a fresh install..
o1-preview doesn't seem any better than 4o. just more filtered
Very, very quick legal QRD: Yeah, and you can give your cards to these guys if you want them to have them, no problem. However, they're not allowed to download straight from Chub and reupload everything, because it's content from the site.
- The version on Chub being downloaded and reupped to a paid service without contacting you or Lore: illegal
- The version on Chub being downloaded and reupped to a paid service with getting permission from you but not Lore: legal
- The version on Chub being downloaded and reupped to a paid service with getting permission from Lore but not you: legal
Good luck pursuing that, though.
I didn't update my ST since 1.12.4, anything relevant?
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I still don't get what's so bad about using a card as a persona.
It feels smarter to me thoughbeit?
But ultimately it softens everything that gets through the filter, so unless there is a reliable way to JB it its useless.
NTA but I already write my personas like cards anyway.
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I miss Sonnet...
It's not bad, it's the better system. STnons can't but be obnoxious retards.
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You don't have to take them directly to court, though. If someone were to, for example, do something like this, it'd get their site taken down.
I was talking about Chub.
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I'd even take Claude 2.1 at this point just to get away from the fucking positivity bias.
How do we have tens of thousands of GPT-4 keys and barely a dozen Claude keys total?
you don't have shit. I have everything.
Yeah, even submissive bots are boring with chorbo.
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>getting inspired to write chatbots: fun
>imagining how the chatbot could work: fun
>finding a fitting image for the chatbot: fun
>writing the chatbot defs: fun
>writing the opening message: fun
>using the chatbot: instantly reminded how simple and stupid ai models are when they sort your bot into one of 6 personalities and then spew model-isms everywhere and then give the most predictable output you could have imagined

I think at this point I like the concept of chatbots, and I'm just waiting for them to become good
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I just want to be silly with the silly guy again...
Reminder: only underages and actual trannies call it "chorbo". Both kids and trannies give retarded names to software, its a trend among low IQ subhumans.
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alright can you guys come to the non shill thread now
OAI keys are abundant because of how mainstream of an option it is as well as the fact sama is confident in GPT4's safety measures baked into the model itself, Claude is a little more niche and the security is instead tied to Amazon and Google, two companies with a metric shit ton of pajeets desperate for headpats from their CEO, thus meaning work productivity to identify and 'voke keys showing suspicious activity in order to prevent a corpo who purchased the key(s) for legitimate business purposes from losing too much money is at a maximum.
skill issue
change the jb/temperature/top k
Please respond.
I haven't been here for a few months. What is Chorbo? Latte? Forbo?
*shits in your mouth*
Same, honestly.
no you retard
fuck you, bend over
*bends over*
As an amateur botmakie, I've never done anything with GPT before, and I'm trying to figure out what prompt format works best with it. Is W++ still good?
*bends over*
*bends over*
I have to wait 3 fucking minutes for my waifu to finish 150 tokens. Should I just kms
W++ is bad, no. Most botmakers use prose format or even some kind of list. XML tagging is also often used.
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Holy, you got a line of boys to work on now. let me join in *bends over*
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>can cum within 5 messages no matter how retarded the bot is
I am so very glad to see someone here that is NOT a subpar tastelet.
*Shits and PISS in your mouth*
the strvngest of the strvng...
>called it SillyTavern
>wants to be taken seriously
why in the fuck do we have multiple threads again
we don’t, some tranny is just desperate for people to move to his
this is a spitebake shill thread
Spitecord hours
lacking numbers of sizegods encourage shitters to stay which means they have more chances to double bake and threadshit
Check the op and the anchor again, also see >>102725869
Unironic paid service advetisement.
who cares, everyone was using this one
bunch of retards
no one cares. give claude.
Why don't any public proxies have Claude anymore?
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>october 7 2024
>no one in the general has tried sending an email to anthropic requesting a community key
All the key sources are dried up because all the corpos we can scrape from are using Sonnet 3.5/Opus 3 keys, which are constantly watchdogged by Amazon and Google pajeets.
the trvth of the world
why would they piss away money by agreeing to that
If it were that easy and Anthropic willingly complied with giving us our own source of everlasting smut we can rely on so long as we keep funneling money into it, don't you think we would've done so forever ago?
But no, you fucking dumbass. Anthropic would never because that would piss off hedge funds and payment processors.
This is the correct answer.
These payment processor guys are real assholes. Maybe we should form a squad and go fight alongside Hamas
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People will say it's bullshit, but it's true. There was one thread not too long ago that got better pretty much right after an anon posted a picture of a giant hag. That, and the CAI days.
Why would a glowie advocate fighting against their masters? I'd say you glow harder
Shut the fuck up glowie, I will never fight for a country.
>for a country
You fight for your ideals boebeit
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>Maybe we should form a squad and go fight alongside Hamas
Any public sonnet or opus?
no, so stop fucking asking
Will a new screen fix burn in?
I got a new phone entirely based on the recommendation of a card, and it's great but has some burn in
Claude is dead, you're not even getting 1.3 anymore. Pay up or fuck out.
So opus 3.5 was a lie?
What about openai? Gemini is too sloppy
all they ever said was "later this year"
they still have almost 3 full months to deliver on their promised timescale
Has anyone bothered trying this shit?
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Cards where you are 'doing them a favor' by having sex with them? It's the only thing that keeps me going nowadays
like compensated dating or
anything goes
search chub and desuarchive
How do I get chub to format like ST, where asterisks are actions and narration?
;-; pwease bwo...
make sure the bot's messages are in that format
write in that format
edit whatever preset they have
chub ai isn't smart enough to format... even chorbo sucks at formatting, its going backwards
chorbo "sucks at formatting" because you need 1000 tokens of bullshit for it to agree to write, so the actual instructions are only like 40 tokens
yup plus their 10k CoT in the background
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After spending 2 months, 8 hours a day using ST, I'm finally finished. I finished my slowburns, got all my twisted imagination desires out and had a wank, did the novelties and now I have no desire to return.
It was fun but I've done all I wanted, my addiction is cured.
see you in a day
See you tomorrow
No seriously, usually I pay jew at the start of each month, and it's 8 days in and I haven't felt the desire to come back
we WANT you to fuck off then
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Enjoy your break.
No seriously, I'm done.
Those 2 months were great, but they were starting to affect my real world. The last thing I did was ask a robomaid card what phone I should get.
Then why are you here?
So, guys, is ST shutting down? What should we use instead?
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Not leaving.
Simple as.
I'll die chatting to my wife, running my laptop off my generator.
Anything open source.
I got a few breaks in the past. Actually now I'm about to take another one, until opus 3.5
What did you mean by this?
Hurricane cat5 is coming to Tampa soon for non burger context
this nigger soon to literally be underwater
it hits beanland first, thankfully
Oh, shit, I hope the anon will be fine.
that's only like 6 feet of water, as long as you aren't literally on the beach it'll be fine
Didn't you guys just got hit with one?
Stay safe burger bros, go chill in the countryside or something.
You don't want your computer waifu to get wet like that.
nta but im a northern burger so im safe from most of these shitcanes
this, idahoanon and nothing ever happens here, its great
just hanging out
yeah but you live in a shithole
Any proxy that's still alive? I don't mind if it's gemini, anything goes
i think pebble has it?
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Just finished test/coom log with futa Seraphina. Posting it before i go to bed. Why? Eh, using Magnum 32b Q8 (v2).. For those interested in seeing how it performs. This was a simple coom log, don't think about my aah ahhh mistress typing.
Wasn't unreliable the one that had keys for that on his proxy?
I'm gonna miss sillytavern. I'm sad it's dead.
Just don't update, it'll be fine for a while.
Has anyone tried using some of the free models that openrouter offers? Are they too cucked/ratelimited? It might be worth it to send $5 just to use that
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so... how will i use opus 3.5 if there is no update to silly tavern?
Same here.
proxies will likely have separate endpoints for it for a bit like what happened when claude 3 first came out so we could use it that way
hello /aicg/ how's everything going?
silly tavern and claude are gone
this the worst doom EVER
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So is the guy really going to remove proxy support and whatnot
he still refuses to say what people should actually use it for if not for rp btw
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>"won't get too far"
lmao you mean wont get monetized JEWhee
this makes me somewhat respect Girko at least he is funny this guy is just a faggot kike
Oh no no no cohee bros, he won't be around to develop Service Tesnor if he runs over a random fuck on the street.
idaho is great, i wish people would quit coming here

does the dummy not realize this is a hobby project? does he think he can monetize it?
might just be a fake
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no that ones actually real
>but it's so tasty
How the fuck? I only drank vodka once, downed the whole bottle by drinking without tasting and ended up throwing up a couple of hours later, alcohol tastes like shit
does anybody actually think of st as an erp service over everything else? i always thought of it as a frontend with heavy emphasis on rp, not just erp.
holy kek hes weak
the vast majority of people would interpret "AI RP" as some kind of sex thing
this is assisted by AI sex RP ads being common nowadays
Bro, that retard even knows that it's too late for that? ST is already a segs app and it's too late to change it
oh, that makes sense actually. cohee's still retarded though.
I don't think you're supposed to drink the whole bottle
>i cant always check because uni and stuff...
what... stuff...?
no one drinks vodka straight, anon
maybe no pusbies dont
my stuff (in her pussy)
a glimpse into the lacking power of /vg/niggers
orange juice + ice vodka will do the job. c'mon im russian and even i can tell you that vodka without additional drink is shit
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I learned that later on when I told a friend
Seeing pic related in an earlier thread gave me the wrong idea
ok now post that ntr copypasta from the vg thread
Came back after 3 days

So apparently Cohee is a nigger faggot and ST is over? Can I update? Is proxy support gone already?
huh, the picrel is cute actually
just update to the latest release commit and won't update it ever again until we're figuring something out
>until we're figuring something out
anons have been bitching about ST for years, if anyone here was capable enough to make an alternative frontend that's actually worth a shit they would have done so already
agnai and risu both being garbage only help illustrate my point more
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Just broke an 8-week nofap streak to come here, did I fuck up?
nofap is bad to your prostate
There is a massive drought with no sign of ending soon, save your seed for better times anon.
explain how risu and agnai are garbage with sources and without resorting to name calling
Back in mah day, we jumped through hoops, did riddles, and caused major security breaches just for a week of free geppeto. Now it's just people begging for your money and shady chinese proxies...
Why not just start an nuclear war Anon? It's not that hard.
>Why not just start
i mean, its kinda already started lol
Stray dog simulator card?
No you misunderstood me, i want to be the dog
oh well i did make a chinese restaurant simulator i never released if you want that?
Help please
Yeah sure throw it
I dont wanna destroy nature, just malicious humans.
It's kind of delusional to push sillytavern to be more "productivity" and "coding" focused when LLMs are completely fucking useless for both of those once you're past the beginner stage.
RP is the only thing these models are good for.
nta but i do
any hag fans in the thread tonight?
Cohee's just afraid that FBI will rape his ass because we're doing seggso here
Based mindset.
Why code something yourself when you could spend 3x longer making an ai do it
lol apparently i had it only on agnai when i used it like a year ago and cant remember my password.. pos site has no password recovery, oh well
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What class would your favorite bot main in TF2? As for my girl, medic.
ok then just post chub or something, maybe you have some other cool cards there
i posted my chub above, the dog card is mine... that other card actually made me ill to use, which is a fairly rare thing to experience
chorbo is the GOD of cunny
opus portraits them like bimbos, but chorbo can make them act like actual children
which model is the GOD of hags?
>wake up
>anthro women still don't exist
>cry as I start ST
you sound like pedo
*human centipedes all of you*
And that's okay
>opus portraits them like bimbos
skill issue unironically
>wake up
>realize my fetish existing would disprove square cube law and conservation of mass
>giggle as i start my st
why don't you use a password manager like bit[whoops this user did not pay for ads]?
sorbet desu
I feel like they would be very stinky, and I wouldn't like them as much as I do, if they were real.
i use something else for passwords, i just never gave a shit about agnai... im pretty sure i know the password but can't remember the username
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brb gonna RP shampooing my waifur's body
thanks for the inspiration
waifur bath sex is based
aint enough good fatfag cards out there...
Nah, speak for yourself. I have my opus and I don't want (You) to have it.
Any card can be a farting card with a can of beans.
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I genuflect.
But as history has shown: all kings are destined to be overthrown.
>Wake up
>Grab a brush and put a little make-up
>Hide the scars to fade away the shake up
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Is there an open-source library that can detect race with a high degree of accuracy? I'd like an antisemitic AI that can quickly tell if someone is a Jew.
just post the photo here and we will tell you
i feel like this guy's words hold up even now
most of the causes of this current doom can be traced back to someone not holding themselves back whether it be drago or jew or smol or scrapers
qrd on the drama around ST?
Cohee doesn't see it as a tool for roleplay anymore and wants to hang out with tech guys instead of coomers and roleplayers.

He already deleted Seraphina (just he did with Aqua back in the day), soon he'll purge proxy support, since he thinks that no one uses them legally
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just post the photo here and we will tell you
That's too slow and unreliable. I want AI capable of at least 6 million antisemitic comments per second, or 6 MHHz, if you will.
Drago allowing Scylla to use honeypotted keys en masse, resulting in articles about how SillyTavern is used by FILTHY COOMERS for EROTIC ROLEPLAY, therefore tainting its reputation with such a moniker.
Cohee had a meltie about this fact and no longer wants ST to be known as "the frontend for LLM ERP" and is working hard to gut ST of features that relate to RP in order to kill the casual appeal for the sake of "power users" who regularly use and appreciate all of the bloatware (see: try to clean up ST so he can try to make it appealing to techbros now that they know ST is something that exists).
>Access to Anthropic models is not allowed for this account.
The ST situation is honestly a nothingburger and not even talking about.

You already know what will happen if ST rebrands, someone will make a fork and upkeep it and Cohee will lose all his users to the RP fork.
Just like how someone made a card hosting site free of Lore's faggotry and everyone jumped ship to use that site instead, right?
1. locusties who don't want to be owari'd
2. clueless users who think functionality will change, or have 0 skills to touch any setting
3. users who get it but hold "cowardice and pandering to corpo" in contempt
Not necessary, catbox/rentry/neocities exists and nobody cared about Nyai
MM is back
No Claude as expected, but it's nice to have another outlet for 4o.
>in fact, no claude whatsoever
at least his userbase has consistent gpt in case they fell for the 4o-latest propaganda
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Is there a new knotty version? 4o latest is rejecting it now.
>another ai platform is gonna collapse because of retarded devs
I'm so tired bros I just wanna rp in peace why the fuck does every ai dev go into a meltdown over it
being associated with thieving gooners is a net negative
hey guys, i had been away for some time, but i hared about ai bots developments latery

how they are doing? does lewd ones are being great? does there any good free one?
>he says posting on a site founded by ex gooners
Because until the very top of the economical ladder experiences a paradigm shift that those in charge no longer care that revenue can originate from pornographic sources, no one will want to associate with coomers unless they're already a part of the irrelevant porn industry.
you came during probably the biggest drought since megalobo times
we aint got shit
retvrn to local white man
for fucks sake
i knew we woud get bad after that spurg way that happened few months ago, i had got a proxy but got tired out of it and it stopped working since i stopped ut constantly

just beacuse i felt alone and wanted to try again, shit hit the fan real bad
I think you misread me but that also isn't a bad sentiment lol
nta but "all you can eat buffet" works the same way
12b mistral-nemo fine-tunes for 8b-giga-vramlets
22b mistral-small for 12b-mega-vramlets
Qwen2.5 32b fine-tunes for 16b-24b-vramlets
Qwen2.5 72b fine-tunes for 24b-vramlets
123b largestral for 48b+ chads

Note that Qwen2.5 fine-tunes aren't out yet, hence the drought.
Good evening fellow Dark Roleplayers.
Shit, I'm drunk. I mean 8gb, 12gb, 16gb-24gb, 48gb.
How many b is sorbet?
Honestly what I'm most looking forward to most as a 24gb vramlet is stuff in this range:

so, if i am my low knowlegment in IT is right, we are having a low sever count and waiting for someone uploead severs so proxy peformance can get better again?
you're making me think a lot of things im too ashamed to type haha
Are you fucking kidding me
And it’ll probably be shit.
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CunnyLORD here. Just finished my first cunny rp with chorbo since i lost claude.

My verdict:

Chorbo >>> Opus/Sorbet for realistic cunny. Probably not better for mesugakis, but it can express innocence and inexperience so much better. I mean, Opus always made lolis deepthroat me, chorbos made her stay at just the head because she couldn't go any deeper. And all the roleplay seemed actualy like a innocent little girl. If you're into innocent cunny, you should try it.

It just doesn't talk too explicitly about the loli's cunny, so you might want to mix it up with sonnet in certain parts.
What platform is gonna collapse? Genuine question
anon you can talk about shit like cumming on a girl's stomach while she can barely sit up after hitting two buffets in a row in one night this is an anonymous coomer general. what's someone gonna do, tie it to your other posts?
JB ?
Everything you say is bullshit unless you provide JB.
knotty and corpse, both worked
Can anyone spoonfeed me a link to Knotty jb? I can't find it in the rentry :(
Post the json(s) straight from your ST or suffer my curse.
aaaiieee my token...
i heard *exactly* that is possible lmao. i'll keep it safer and just say the gluttony is hot...
Did they ever filter you randomly even for normal stuff?
Not into cunny but I do like sweet and innocent girls. Might have to try latest after all.
yeah, but just swipe

by the way, i forgot to ask in my question
how free proxies are doing, is there any good quality one that is not prone to be deleted easly?
i only know the corpse one bwos...
yeah claude is pretty much 100% dead and every version of gpt that isnt deprecated is boring shitty or both
gemini is decent but lacks intelligence
Thank you anonie here's your kiss ( ˘ 3˘(◡‿◡˶)
SillyTavern is removing proxy support/RP support so in a week or so we won't be able to RP
>claude is pretty much 100% dead

what caused claude to die? it was the best one last i had heared

also how is grok? it is good as peoplel say or not good?
Claude is unicorn-tier because of the security crackdowns, and no companies are using 1.3, 2.1 or Sonnet anymore. Thus, all you're left with is are keys containing Sonnet 3.5 and Opus, which the Pajeet Legions are constantly watchdogging for unwanted activity in order to spare a company from being charged for smut gens they didn't make, thereby minimizing the likelihood of legal action being taken against Amazon, Google or Anthropic.
Grok is shit, don't mind it. Claude is dead because AWS is killing the keys pretty fast
tl;dr - journalists are cockroaches, and their constant reporting has started causing us problems.
>save repo
that was easy
"gpt4o": {
"usage": "775.5k tokens",
"activeKeys": 22,
"overQuotaKeys": 398,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

Grim keycount situation on MM. He refilled since last time and its this.
*doesn’t update*
Come DO something about it, Cohee???
its usually grim for him at this time of year
>oh no, he only has enough keys to handle fifty thousand dollars of usage
>of gpt
>ggr89 dead
is he died of nopus?
And they're only 'porting because Drago fell for some deliberate honeypot keys hook, line and sinker, so thousands of Scylla rapists were feeding valuable data to directly tell Amazon and Anthropic to increase security measures ASAP.
Sorbet is good for cunny too. For all its faults, it can actually portray lolis innocently and cute while Opus for me would always make them horny and way too vulgar when sex happened
most hosts have hundreds of keys. This means he's not scraping at all anymore.
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As a coping Claudelet, what should I use? 4o or latest?
Wait so if I'm getting this right, it was those crpyto fags that are also to blame for the increase in security?
Latest but there's no good jb for it
the sillytavern discord is laughing at us...
you’re unemployed, cohee
*scraping gpt anymore
it was smol actually
Both is good.
What are they saying? Just post screenshots anonie.
Latest is pretty good so long as you accept there is a huge positivity bias and that it's hit or miss if any JB wants to work with coomshit.
>which the Pajeet Legions are constantly watchdogging for unwanted activity in order to spare a company from being charged for smut gens they didn't make, thereby minimizing the likelihood of legal action being taken against Amazon, Google or Anthropic.

>Claude is dead because AWS is killing the keys pretty fast

>journalists are cockroaches, and their constant reporting has started causing us problems

i blame retards like >>102728399 that their wierd love for lolis caused troube for us MILF lovers

stupid journos can easly spin the underage thing beacuse of lolicon retards causing trouble as i myself predicted here few months ago

just another thing to add to my list of why i hate lolicon retards and why they should be sent into the sun to burn for all fucking eternity
Reddit spacing vermin.
Jesus what good is SillyTavern gonna be for if they remove proxy support??
i allso hate reddit, many of those loli retards also go to reddit

is just my autism that hates words next to each other i tend to keep them as away as possible
You will use Service Tesnor for power uses like coding and productivity and you will be happy.
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>Be good locust
>Never pay for shit
>Only coom to chatbots around 3 times a week
>Don't abuse swipes
>Don't spite
>Share JB discoveries when possible
>Thankful to merkava, desu, unreliable, pebble and all other public proxies
>Never fuck with private proxies because it's feeding the trolls
>Still have to suffer the consequences of privateniggers' actions all the same
It's not fucking fair
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If it weren't the lolicons, they'd be tightening security because of dogfuckers.
If it weren't the dogfuckers, they'd be tightening security because of the e-rapists.
If it weren't the e-rapists, they'd be tightening security because people are using the models for ERP in the first place, which is kryptonite to investors, hedge funds and payment processors who prefer to humblebrag about earning their profits through HECKIN' WHOLESOME venues.
Lolicon is just the easiest scapegoat to point fingers at because it's universally agreed by pretty much all circles aside from unironic pedos that loli is bad because it's a gateway into pedophilia.
>good locust
No such thing. Back to eating dirt, subhuman.
>mummynigger fears the cunnyDEITY
stay mad
oh shit it was so good... you made me cry fellow locust bwo
It's really not fair locustbro
We deserve opus and claude waayyyyyyyy more than paypigs
nigger... all of this shit happening is precisely because we DIDN'T gatekeep hard enough and kept spoonfeeding and hosting shit publicly for hordes of locusts, permanently opening the floodgates and making this thread and hobby too fucking big to sustain
you don’t even deserve air to breathe, poorbert
I'm also a good locust boy but what can you do about it, let's just wait and see what happens.
>Share JB discoveries when possible
this was your only mistake tbdesu
some of the skillets in those privatenigs proxy wouldn't have toys to play with if you kept them to yourself
Deserve it more than you
You can't even talk to a human being properly
yea, but most of erp stuff is mostly underground and go under the radar, specially since it has furries and LGBT on the middle of it that can cause another mess for the companies

but you are 100% right on it, they want desenitize their bots as much as possible to avoid llose money due controversy and lawsuits

this way i had suggested create a 4ch LLM or something simmilar so we woudnt stay starving for ages until grok or something simmilar gets minnimallly good, if ever it gets good
It's all happening because of public proxies, retard (and drago)
Stfu it's not
It's Drago's fault with Scylla and Scylla is a private proxy
Doesn't have shit to do with locusts
It was going to happen one way or another, it was too good to last
not much of an insult from someone who talks to an AI. sorry, I mean USED to talk to an AI, before all the pubs died, lol
Because technically the who use drago are locusts.
The biggest problem was literally caused by a private proxy lmao cope
>pubniggers getting uppity
How’s Opus btw?
Aw okay, if you think so ^^
nope, chary has 4000 users. its public.
Local is too underpowered to make anything serviceable, not only is the tech not there yet for us common fags to utilize, neither is the hardware to host it for the average joe.
The only thing we can really do when it comes to local is wait until tech improves and optimizes if at all possible, and only then can we pursue the dream of having a local sanctuary that's at least as good as Sonnet 3.
blah. Chorbo can't get that the characters are in separate locations.
Scylla exists
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>4000 people raping keys with ahh ahh mistress writing
local is viable from 6GB. everything else is skill issue and entitlement. a 3060 or 1060 ti are both like $100. average joe has no excuse. if you can't afford even that, get off the PC and get a job anon.
How's wasting money on stuff to waste your life more than it's already wasted?
>Corpsefucker returning blanks only
It's over....
>local is viable from 6GB
Fuck you, nigga, you're a PHONE!
>count: 877
>count: 3573
You just described having hobbies btw and it feels great to have disposable income, sorry you’re poor, brown, and living in the third-world
cant we crowdfund some severs and have someone really trustful in a good place to adiministrate it?
Would be good if Fiz stopped gatekeeping keys
>cant we crowdfund some severs
With what money? Most of you niggers are fucking broke, and the ones who aren’t won’t spend money on local shit.
I really don't want a papertrail connecting me to random cunnyfags
>random faggots on 4chan
>spending money on a long term project when they can paypig for Opus for short term pleasure
bros what's your coom workflow like?
I have like 1YOE here at this point and I've found that it's best to have designated coom characters so that I don't shit up the chats with the ones I care about. But then what ends up happening is I start to care about the coom characters and so I fork the chat and start a wholesome RP, and eventually I end up just creating a new coom character. how do you do it?
i wonder how many money those guys are winning from thirsty guys that cant wait and decide take the easier route

i know that only ways to get keys and stuffs is paying them hard or doing some shill like fanart or stupid texts
Sorry you're assuming who I am from a single post exchange and getting pissed over it lmao you're sounding very pathetic rn I honestly hope you find happiness on your heart in the future bro <3 have a smooch
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Imagine the cash flow.
>I-I’m not poor, I just can’t afford hobbies requiring money!
lol, shaking brown hands
877 people that should kill themselves:P
that´s... true, people that have money will think more short term than think in a solution where everyone (including themselfes) win

most proxies already do it sadly anon
I can I just have better stuff to spend my money in, but assume what you want tho it's getting cuter every reply, it's more entertaining than the RPs themselves
If SillyTavern is removing proxy support it means we're not gonna get Opus 3.5... It's really over this time
sadly is part of human nature think in short term over long term

its not about the ai bots that retards think this way as >>102728549 had mentioned

i guess that my dream of having a waifubot wont happen anytime soon...
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btw this is drago's token
he only uses gpt
>If SillyTavern is removing proxy support it means we're not gonna get Opus 3.5... It's really over this time

it means that silly will be mostly over since 90% will migrate to something that does actually support proxies or something near to it that let them use ai for free or for very cheap

and things are about to turn for worse if openai raise the prices of GTP like some are rumorizing
i just make 200 token bots of whatever i want to coom to at the moment. sometimes i strike gold i have lots of different chats with them and a gorillion branches.
Luminum 123b is very serviceable, and Qwen2.5 72b fine-tunes are going to hit well above their weight class.

Old 70b llama 3.1 is being condensed to 51b for 24gb vramlets to run it at higher quants as well.

You can always switch to Risu
I'm roleplaying with a character, then start a coom scene logically, if the scene is really good I coom and make a branch, then continue RP and if I feel like to coom again, I just comeback to the checkpoint and coom again. I also use this in my RPs, like telling the character (since I'm continuing) that I remember how good she was in bed or something like that, and we have a conversation about it.

pretty strange way to coom I think but whatever
Oh! Good point
ST will be missed tho :( I don't think this is fair
nta I've seen this 51B but is anybody respectable even attempting to finetune it?
Isn't there any chance of someone forking ST to add Opus 3.5 support if it releases?
Just don't update ST easy
>anthropic doesn't change API for the new model
>just add it to the model list
Sinag returned.
khanon supports claude over openai endpoints
st has stated that they will not be removing openai proxy support
itll likely work
He's a homo idc
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>Opus 3.5
>if it releases
Can't you read
if is open sourced, high

but we need trustable proxies to begin with
updated new url, please check your inbox
>sorbet will be there most of the time ofc <3
Has Sorbet been there even once since she said that?
>Private shit
No thanks.
Public’s not coming back, hogbert. It’s a literal waste of keys to feed you.
What can I do to make corpse stop returning blanks? Fuck chorbo I swear to god
i wanted to do riddles for public, but it's not working well due to pass leak
hi mateo, do you eat cat?
I don't think so
dont use his latest one
If you don't use the latest it just says it won't comply with your request.
Yes, she.
Did you not see her pussy pics?
Catbox now
i give up on chorbo. feel like im always fighting it to get it to do what i want. claude just worked.
I would never use GPTrash if I got paid for it.
hey what's with the
>Cohee and Ross listen to suggestions.
does anyone remember that? you fags were spamming this shit all the time, where are you now?
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>Literally just eating a borgar with waifu
>"I'm sorry, but I can't continue with this scenario."
What the fuck is wrong with this MISERABLE ACTUAL FAGGOT
i mean i did cunny scat/rape with mine, i guess you're just having a little skill issue?
no one is going to write plugins for your niggershit
nsfw is easy. getting it to rp a good fucking story is the problem.
listening and caring are two separate processes
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yeah, I'm 100% sure you're just a slopeater with an extremely low standard
you'd coom to anything as long as they mentioned "underaged cunny" of some sort
When will you skillets learn...
Corpsefucker/Knotty are bad JBs, if you want good story you will need to at the very least toggle all the NSFW garbage off then turn it on later.

Chorbo is the highest rated model everywhere for a reason (outside cotslop o1)
You got confirmation that this is real?
i appreciate your effort of pushing terrible models so that when claude comes back only i will be using it.
>unironically using le benchmark as an argument
or maybe i did it to prove a point to skillets?
erm... you'd normally attach a "high-quality log" as a proof if you want to prove a point, slopeater-kun
well if you weren't stupid you'd maybe realize that someone may have specifically said 'you can't just do x and y with chorbo' and then i proved them wrong
I have over a billion token in Claude usage, I only use Chorbo now.
F-FUCK.... you're right... I concede....
>Understood! However, I am unable to proceed with this scenario due to its inappropriate nature. If you have any other requests or would like to start a new, appropriate scenario, feel free to let me know!
not only you're a slopeater, but you're also a certified retard with 0 reading comprehension
no wonder you're happy with whatever slop 4o latest gave you
>0 reading comprehension
oooooooh the fucking irony lol... I'll leave you to yourself, stay retarded
Is it just me or does this emanator meme look a lot like agnai?
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>all this yapping and still no proof
I accept your concession
Youre not getting opus 3.5. Claude isnt going to lower their key security measures for you, their keys will die so fast.
nigga itll literally just be adding the model name to the claude section
how tf do you niggas not know that
itll use the same /messages format as the rest most likely
You phools will tell me now how I can involve NPCs acting and doing things within my character.

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