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Why causes programmers to be like this?
same guy?
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Unix Philosophy
porn addiction
Misery in dating.
They can't get the cute princess, so they become one.
It gets worse. He's pretending to be a yuri couple with another balding man online...

they should rtfm instead
because he is a giant faggot about to go nuclear by becoming an axe wound tranny
Tranime, most lethal weapon conceived by the Japanese.
thats an us psyop from ww2 era
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>because he is a giant faggot

top tier
Cringe overload holy hell. Also I can't understand a god damn word theyre saying.
nothing will save this nigger, even the most expensive ffs surgery will go down the drain on them
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>I can't understand a god damn word theyre saying.
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That vtuber making that usb driver LIVE for some audio mixer for linux is one of the most impressive things I've ever seen on youtube. Nobody here can top that.
I just wish he wasn't so fucking annoying to listen to.
And it seems to have backfired.
>tfw not even a bro to erp with
why live
the aim was enslavement through forced degenerescence
thats exactly what they got
in japan, and elsewhere
jesus christ
Bro is unironically a faggot lmao
Found the problem
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Is this Lukes "19 year old Syrian wife" I keep hearing about?
can you link the video?
cant find it coz google search sucks
>anime isn't a mental ill-ACK
/g/ is an anime board, please leave
Yeah unfortunately it's a tranny board but that doesn't mean it has to be that way
is also one of the most retarded boards, makes sense
Google should review this channel, it's clearly bot driven.
Something about linux makes people think they can just customize and reconfigure their gender identity and biological makeup
Just search asahi lina on youtube, retard.
Where is the manual for getting a cute anime girl waifu
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Throw on a vtuber with huge titties, put on a voice mod and play games or do tech stuff.
Rake in the cash from gooners with too much money and not enough sense
the one thing I cant get over is how hector is listening to that BGM the entire time over an 8 hour stream, I know he's listening to it he likes to hum to it at random.
Lol. So thats hector on the left, who's the dude on the right?
A fat Chinese guy who calls himself Cyan
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Jesus fucking christ
Be the change you want to see and stop posting.
Kek I remember I'm from the Byuu drama.
Those trannies are really not healthy people. I wonder if he gropped Japanese kids yet.
That's pretty cool.
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