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Are you prepared for the inevitable switch to Linux yet anon?
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Linux doesn't have this problem
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Why would I switch to Linux?
mating press
>Windows 7 has only 1 year of service life left: Are you prepared for the inevitable switch to Linux yet anon?
Windows 8 has only 1 year of service life left: Are you prepared for the inevitable switch to Linux yet anon?
Windows 8.1 has only 1 year of service life left: Are you prepared for the inevitable switch to Linux yet anon?
Windows 10 has only 1 year of service life left: Are you prepared for the inevitable switch to Linux yet anon?

I was on LTSC 1809 which has more life than that but when I got my new laptop I installed Linux. It's time to move on.
IoT Enterprise LTSC lasts until 2032
yes windows is literally just tel aviv now looking to rape you for doing any form of computing especially ww2 games where swastikas are featured so I'm out on my next build soon, I would have 10 years ago but my shooters didn't run then but now they do better so it's over bill
LTSC ends in 2027
LTSC IoT ends in 2032
We got plenty of time before we have to worry about any such nonsense
Let's be honest, 10 wasn't that great to start with. We begrudgingly switched to it. LTSC is just cope. Something they won't even sell us that we have to seek out so they don't break our machines with shitty feature updates. Furthermore I had to debloat it to run on the lackluster hardware I had at the time. I literally did less tinkering with my new Linux install on my nice new laptop than I did with LTSC. The few Windows programs I still care about work in wine, everything else is already cross platform. I don't miss Windows one bit.
Linux is the least preferable options for normalfags. most of them will just buy new computers or pay for additional support. Some of them will maybe bypass hardware requirements or develop baby duck syndrome over the last 10 version that worked on their e-waste.
>LTSC IoT ends in 2032
Most software and hardware vendors will start dropping support around 2027-2028, so you will end up in the same basket as 7niles and XPedos.
Based take
Windows 7 was truly the last good one, we just got used to the smell of shit from 10
What do you need 'service' for anyway?
Maybe OP is 14 and this is his first time.
>Most software and hardware vendors will start dropping support around 2027-2028
Even if true, that's another 3-4 years when op claimed 1 year. Literally who cares my guy.
Same. The only thing I miss on windows was the hype I felt for a newer and improved version. After Vista, W8, 8.1 and finally 10, that ended entirely. Windows is dead for anyone that cares about an actual usable OS.
>he really thinks LTSC will keep him safe from M$ obsolescence plan
Enjoy installing your shady third-party kernel patches, just to be able to browse the web and use your PC.
no, but i see no alternative. i ain't installing 11 on my computer and i aint upgrading my hardware to modern spyware processors, i'm lost
Take the KDE pill.
I switched in 1998, kid.
That's what I did and it looks super similar to Windows 10 as far as I'm concerned. It wasn't a huge adjustment moving over. There are still minor differences I'm getting used to but it's less than I would need to deal with if I switched to Windows 11. I tried out that steaming pile of shit since it came with my new laptop and it wasn't even an hour before I wiped that garbage off the drive.
Wangblows 11 + StartCrapBack is exactly the same shit Wangblows 10 was
I wish I could but I can't. GIMP isn't viable enough yet for professional work and I don't know how long it'll be until it is.
>third-party kernel patches
I'm not using any third party patches
>just to be able to browse the web
Even Firefox extended their support for Windows 7 until 2025, you're fucking retarded if you think an OS with many more users will end up helpless just a few years down the road.
Gotta love how this board is whitewashing Windows 10, after shitting on it for 7+ years and calling it the worst Windows version ever released after 8.
I still remember how everybody was complaining about Metro UI on /fwt/ while raving about how great Windows 7 was and how they'd never leave it. Now that general has turned into W10's shilling central for no reason, other than shitting on the shiny new OS that's soon going to be the standard on the world.
I can't wait to see the W11 shills and the mental gymnastics they'll do to justify using it after W12 releases.
W11 is unironically better than W10, people just hate changes and refuse to move on
>Are you prepared for the inevitable switch to Linux yet anon?

Wouldn't mind doing it but the answer is no and will be that for some time. Once my shit works on it, I'll probably do so.
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I bought a laptop that shipped with W11. Turned it on, but couldn't use it without logging into a wifi network. I literally could not use my computer without first accessing the internet. First thing I did when I got home was plugging in a flashdrive and installing linux.
It took them like 3 years to make Windows 10 not shitty, it's pretty good now. I'm sure in another couple of releases, W11 will be in a decent state. You're an extremist and unreasonable if you think that's a nonsensical position to hold.
>Existing LTSC releases will continue to receive updates beyond that date

what's the problem here? you ARE running LTSC like everyone else anon?
last time I checked, dragging files over a taskbar icon to open the program window and dropping into that was still broken years after release. Also no side taskbar
>Are you prepared for the inevitable switch to Linux yet anon?

Visual Studio

When I used KDE on Kubuntu 24.04 I couldn't even adjust the transparency of the taskbar to make it opaque. There was no setting for it in all the normal places to look for it.
>two years from now
>S-S-Support h-has ended a y-year ago w-where is e-everyone?
>so you will end up in the same basket as 7niles and XPedos.
Fine with me
By the time Win11 becomes "mandatory" it will have enough mods to make it palatable.
>so you will end up in the same basket as 7niles and XPedos
You mean a working system that doesn't get raped by (((feature))) updates every few weeks? Yeah nigger I'm shaking in fear over here.
>>S-S-Support h-has ended a y-year ago w-where is e-everyone?
On /g/ complaining about how 10 was the last good version of Windows.
>mods to make it palatable
You know that you can make Windows 11 look and work 1:1 like Windows 10 with a couple Registry changes, right?
You can even set the old Windows 10 Explorer by default as well.
There's literally no reason to stay on 10, especially when Windows 11 IoT LTSC just released.
Already switched to fedora's kde spin on all my machines (steam deck uses its own os obviously).
Too many feature updates yet which means I'll have to reinstall at some point in the future.
I don't feel compelled to "upgrade" from Win10. Will probably do it in due time (when Win12 is announced probably).
The problem isn't the UI and it never has been retard.
I switched about 6 months ago
I don't regret it, as I already know Linux well
A small minority of people will install a GNU/Linux distribution, vast majority of people have no clue how to install a different os. Most people will continue using 10 past the end date despite the security issues and the others will buy new hardware.
Year of linux desktop will not happen until OEMs get over their addiction to preinstalling wangblows.
This is only half. The other half is enterprise software support.
Transparency on KDE is, unfortunately, still a pain. You have to go full ricer to unlock that skill. Usually it requires multiple third party programs such as kvantum and scripts to blur the windows. I wish KDE would just provide native ways to do this, but it doesn't even seem to be on their radar.
If OEMs started preinstalling GNU/Linux on their machines the enterprise software companies that haven't ported their shit over or made it run via wine will fall in line quickly enough.
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Thirdie here, I bought my current PC a year before the Win11 release. Then I found out my computer is incompatible with it.
w11 cant even reach w10's level without startallback
I'm not that optimistic.
>preinstalled Linux was never a thing
Kiddo, you need to be 18+ to post here.
>preinstalled linux was never a thing
It was on early netbooks and it currently is on their spiritual successors (chromebooks) but those aren't exactly top of the line machines.
It really wasn't/isn't a thing. A couple of vendors offering token lipservice for a couple of limited runs is not a thing
Skill issue, you can bypass it and install windows without ever logging in
NTchads live rent free in heads of GNU+tards once again. 10% market share never ever, cope and sneed.
>you can hack your own laptop so that you can use it
Yeah, how nice of microsoft to allow me this luxury. I'll stick with linux though.
Yes. I get my uni shit done before it. Linux? It can't be used. It does not support anything. Especially sharing word documents.
Yes it fucking does, you go ahead and try to install a version from 10 years ago.
I do professional work in krita. in fact I just spent like 20 minutes and made 20 bucks with it.
fuck photoshop fuck adobe they can suck on my sweaty hairy nutsack.
What loonix distro can run the most steam games?
If Affinity came to Linux, I would probably switch in a heartbeat.
Its laterally a browser app. I have no idea why they don't support Linux
nta, but I was using a 2014 version of ubuntu for years until roughly last year
Windows 11 21H1 and 22H2 are also out of support now. Install the updoot and be happy.
Ubuntu and it's off shoots like Kubuntu.
Its the ONLY officially supported Linux OS by Valve.
Installer is not publicly available and extremely tuned specifically for the Deck. Doesn't count.
>meme version of Windows
You will lose software and driver support and struggle like the Windows 7 users are struggling right now
coped with windows 8 as server 2012
couldn't cope with 10ltsc after a while, it's just shitty
the preinstalled win11 dell laptop was slow and buggy out of the box (shit that wouldn't pass msft QA in like 2005 and would be marked as Alpha build (member thos terms?))

vmware, at least that's what i use for illustrator and photoshop cc2018
No I'll just use 11 or continue with 10
Fuck lintroons
When will Linux just work?
Please let me know and I'll give it another try.
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but then it has every other problem lmao
when its developers come together and focus on ONE pacakge manager and one or two desktop environments, instead of 50,000 different flavors
Just use Rufus to bypass the system requirements
What doesn’t “just work” yet? I don’t use Linux
I'd give it another try in May 2026. That's when the next Kubuntu LTS will be released and it will have KDE6 as base.
>Muh de
Idk why lintroons obsess about a new update for the desktop environment, probably cause it doesn't just work. I'd just use a window manager at that point but not using cucknux is the smarter option
LTSC doesn't have this problem
>Its the ONLY officially supported Linux OS by Valve.
what the fuck are you talking about
>Most software and hardware vendors will start dropping support
Why? 11 is nearly identical to 10 in every way that matters. You have to go out of your way to make something support 11 but not support 10.
>Why? 11 is nearly identical to 10 in every way that matters. You have to go out of your way to make something support 11 but not support 10.
And they will.
I'd say that entirely depends on what "better" means to you, because a ton of the changes they made were utterly fucking pointless and/or slowed down power users by moving shit around.

I do agree with >>102734239 though, Windows 11 feels largely like Windows 10 with a coat of paint
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I already moved over to superior OS.

Windows 11. It even has Linux built in. As an app.
I supposed that bootleg-updates for Win7 was going to takeover, in the meantime.
All of them because you're running them through Wine, the distro doesn't fucking matter.
Don't care, either getting LTSC patches loaded onto my 22H2 install, or I'm paying $29 a year for micro patches.
Hopefully not. I want a 'new' thinkpad and I'm sure corpocucks will replace their laptops en masse.
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>You VILL buy a new PC to use Windows 11
Jeets are this stupid
You ever talk to a normalfag? One of the big positives of buying a Mac is that you don't have to use Windows on it, not even normalfags like windows
Only failed normalfags and gamers pretend to like Windows
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>Only failed normalfags and gamers pretend to like Windows

I already switched last year. I got tired of Windows introducing more nagware.
I consider my Windows 10 no longer getting updates a feature.
they only "hate" windows because its associated with work
on its own its a fine os
I think they are referring to the fact that Valve has only ever release a version of Steam for Ubuntu, which is still the only version that is still in use today.
With the gnome fucks and the fact Gaben always has to step in to get basic stuff in like HDR it really makes W11 seem like the better choice
ayaooooo anon posted the forbidden 4ch mod copypasta in despite of the filter
So I have to tinker tranny on windows and my payoff is that I get to use windows? Impressive level of cope from winfaggots
>it's a meme because I'm too stupid to know where to find it
They just keep taking more and more control from the end user while forcing retarded useless features. Even normie reception is negative.
You missed the point, albeit that's to be expected from troonix users
tard-wrangling microsoft's abortion will probably always be easier and more convenient than actually switching to an entirely different operating system that i'm not used to, it takes like 30 minutes one day and maybe 10 minutes here or there for a few weeks to unfuck microsoft's bullshit

nothing personally against linux, it's just that after using windows for over 30 years my knowledge of it is sufficiently deep that the vast majority of problems are not only solvent but solvent in a short timeframe; relearning everything on linux to this point would take another 30 years
>just do this arbitrary ritual dance for your corporate masters to prove to them that you're serious
cuck mentality
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It's not a skill issues when Microshart so deliberately make this as difficult as possible because they really don't want you moving off their modern spyware (even if it's just to their own less obviously spyware versions)
>yeah, so we can't host this 2.3MB exe any more despite us being a multibillion tech corp because uhhh..... well we just can't ok?
>also we deleted all of our own old help forums because uhhhh they were old? lol? why do you care?
>yeahhhh you can revert within our OS..... but only in the first month of you switching over :))) no takesy-backsies after that point! and only back one version, no w11 -> w7, you gotta go the long way!
Then repeat that process about 5+ times (USB boot, the "right" W7 iso / language alignment, getting modern mouse+keyboard drivers on the USB boot, missing NVMe drivers etc), with increasingly more obscure hoops / missing drivers / required-downloads-that-no-longer-exist-teehee to jump through (all the while you can't use your own computer you just bought to troubleshoot your own computer, without Microsoft giving the go-ahead that they approve of you using your own computer, with one of their accounts) (and even if you do, it's still equally as self-sabotaging as before, with Mr Copilot monitoring everything you do) (an even if you do get something else running / dual-booted, you still have the problem of trying to remove W11's tendrils from fucking everything, because it is spyware).

The average user, hell, even non-advanced / non-tech-literate powerusers are just going to be grinding their knuckles for no reason, when it should be simple to ignore and be done in less than 10 clicks. It's not just anti-user, it's borderline attempted-monopolistic illegal behavior.
>switch to Linux yet anon?
Already have for over 2 years and don't miss windows at all.
I still have my win10 install on a separate SSD though and I don't care about its EOL. I still use win xp on a VM because of some stupid old software to work on my car and motorcycle.
I installed 11 like a year ago and used it for maybe a week before realizing windows is a dead OS not worth using unless you're a wage cuck office drone being paid for your suffering. I'm not going to spend my free time on that fucking trash system. I'd sooner just become a full time phone fag nigger
Steam has a flatpak as well.
Windows 7 has been out of even its ultra-double-super-duper paid enterprise extended support tier for multiple years at this point and yet programs like Steam only stopped running on it on January 1, 2024, when Windows 7s market share was only 3%.
As of right now, Windows 10 is still ~65% of the overall PC market share.
Something tells me companies aren't going to drop support for it for many years to come.
Serious question, what nagware? Afaik enterprise (LTSC or SAC branch) doesn't have any of that.
You're right, but this anon is retarded and not interested in honest arguments.
who cares about stupid bloated irrelevant updates? "security updates" my ass. If you need constant patching for your OS you shouldn't be using a computer connected to the internet. I still use XP connected to the internet.
literally the only fucking thing stopping is me is the time/resource investment required to ensure everything just fucking werks, and that i can still play games like morrowind & planescape as well as keep all my ide settings. Fuck man i just wanna sit down & design/code honestly who has time for this shit
I will lose driver support when manufacturers will decide to drop support
i hope op posts his feet then.
>. I'm sure in another couple of releases, W11 will be in a decent state.
Won't happen for several reasons.
Consumer Windows must pay its own way now. It's not supported by users/OEMs buying licenses, it is supported by ads and spyware.
All the best talent has moved over to Azure. Windows is now where the worst employees are dumped before they're PIPed out of the company.
Windows is no longer part of the OS group, it is now under the management of the UI & Experiences group. No one is left that understands how to write and maintain an OS so all of the work now is on churning the interface.
No, I don't need Windows, I don't need a computer, I don't need a job, I don't need to live in general
Isn't it 5 years of support unless you pay for Ubuntu Pro?
You have a whole year to build a new pc. What are you poor?
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I don't care. I upgrade to the next windows version when available (for free, mind you), kick out the telemetry and proceed to not worry about driver support, functionality or compability.
truth nuke
Can you list the reasons why do you like Win11 more than Win10?
It cannot even do the most basic task that all other operating systems could do for decades - move the taskbar to the sides of the screen.

With a coat of bloat you mean. Why are there two nested right click menus now? I have to spend more time and clicks on Win11 doing the same tasks that I do on Win10.
Why did they drastically increased the amount of telemetry constantly going on in the background?
>inevitable switch to Linux
If they were willing to suck Windows dick all through 10 then they will swallow for 11.
It works on my machine. Not a single thing I need to use broken. I bet the fingerprint sensor doesn't work but I do not care about that. Webcam works, audio works, wifi works.
I already switched
they will extend it
this + ltsc = im never fucking switching
You're just setting yourself up for more pain in the future which will be here faster than you think. You will be forever stuck with shitty Microsoft products.
yeah when win10 dies ill go to linjx
define pain, because learning to tard wrangle the last two editions wasnt painful.
>have w11
>each update adds more bloat I have to turn off
>recent update makes your desktop background malware
For fucks sake Microshit. The lockscreen was enough bloat malware, why do you need to do it on my desktop background too.
Sadly not really. I should've done that while I was still unemployed.
Have you tried using Windows 11?
No, but I also didn't use windows 8. Nothing wrong with skipping an edition.
im still using 7, although its really on its last legs now when ik comes to game and software support. will move to 10 now. it's mature, all major updates are done and tons of software out there to fix it up. it will be fine for the coming years
How long after the updates stop rolling out is W10 actually bricked?
If I will sneed to have account to use Windows I will just buy a Mac as a work laptop
Linux never had any service.
the fuck you talking about? my windows 7 experience has been perfectly fine.
No. I switched to Linux 4 years ago.

>Putting up with fucking windows after 10
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If it helps KDE Plasma 6 has this now with the new panel settings. This version should be on Kubuntu 24.10 when it releases in a couple of weeks.
don't care still using LTSC
>just two more weeks!!!! year of desktop linux sooon!!!!
every troonix user ever
I left Windows 10 ever since windows 11 came out.
KDE 5 been working with the same interface since around the Debian 9 ('17). Still going strong till at least 2027 or even a bit beyond that. Hell, KDE 6 hasn't even hit Sid as of now. Same interface for what seems almost an eternity.
bitch I'm using 7.
I was using a 2016 version of windows 10 until cyberpunk 2077 came out and wouldn't run on it. Wish I hadn't """upgraded""" because the newer version has SaaSMedic that won't let me delete it, won't go away, and keeps "helpfully repairing :)))))" things every time I try to disable all updates.
I absolutely won't go 11 because it's just going to be more of this kind of nanny state "we have to keep your computer safe because you don't know what's best for you" bullshit
Kde plasma 6.2 is based though. Ngl it's pretty amazing. It's super comfy.
Tell that to Linus
>overly confident generalizing statement that is based on surface level room temp IQ "analysis" and can be immediately refuted by a grade schooler
You're telling me I should be worried about a third party when the official release is literally advertising that it wants to steal all of my info, delete things off of my computer, and possibly get me arrested? Those are literally the three things you have to worry about a virus doing LMAO
I'm never dusing something with Recall. They burned the bridge, salted the Earth, and Nuked what was left.

The only thing that will get me to switch out of 10 is when I finally get around to modding Windows 95 to support Win 10 drivers.
Compared with jew smartphones, Windows planned obsolescene is relatively fine. I'm sure I'll be fine if I stick with W10 until 2030
Did you know Microsoft has a dedicated support team writing updates for Windows 7 for all of the Fortune 5 companies due to their VIP clients not wanting to pay for their proprietary programs to be re-written to be compatible with 8, 10, or 11? There are official Microsoft released versions of Windows 7 that run the modern internet just fine, they just won't release them to the public.
Tell me about it. I connected my 2024 phone to my laptop to transfer photos over and clear storage and guess what? There's no file directory access.

Every phone that's ever had a USB port dating back to like 1996 has had built in file directory access and the ability to drag and drop between devices. This shit wouldn't have made it to the prototype phase with this kind of a design.
Every windows release since xp this kind of faggot appears.
Mine began to Boot Fail because GNOME couldn't be found and surprise surprise when it's a rare and critical defect literally not a single Linux genius wants to even touch the issue and just pretends it doesn't exist.
Not likely to happen for many more years and
who the fuck cares about driver updates? All of my shit works just fine, I don't want any trannyjeet code introducing new bugs. I don't know how many times I've had a working system with manufacturer's drivers and Windows breaks shit trying to update them.
It has forced pop-ups telling you that you need to update your computer, then eventually just forces you to update out of nowhere like every other day
Actually, MIcrosoft is working hard to make it so that you don't have a disk in your home. Cloud based OS is their goal.
Discord still can't properly stream from Linux, every time I try to watch chinese cartoons with my frens I have to boot into Windows because they can't hear shit otherwise. Discord's devs allegedly know about the issue and refuse to fix it because there are not enough people running Discord on Linux, and when I ask people if there are any workarounds they give me the typical Linux answer of "if it doesn't work, change your requirements", i.e. they're not bothered by streaming not working because they only use Discord for text and images (probably because they just use it to ERP).

Sometimes I find some newer peripheral that won't have Linux drivers, like my printer. The network card in one of my machines doesn't work with most distros OOTB because it requires a nonfree driver which most distros exclude by default, probably for religious reasons as is typical with weird Linux exclusions.

A bunch of games that have anticheat don't work. Overwatch can be "coerced" into running on Linux through some compatibility layer I forgot the name of (not Wine but some newer one specifically for vidya) but with massive performance hits. AFAIK none of Epic's stuff works on Linux, so I hope you don't care about Fortnite.
I don't care. I have a couple 10, 7, machines left and one 98SE still around. No reason to upgrade.
I still think it's shit and want to go back to Windows 7 every day. I will never forgive Microsoft for that one update that would delete your user directory because nothing anywhere is properly tested anymore. I can only put up with 10 now because so much of what I use has turned into web apps to where the OS that I run doesn't matter too much anymore.

It was certainly the last one that was at least tolerable.

I wish more people knew about how good Krita is. I bet part of the reason why Gimp is still the most well-known Linux image editor despite being shit is because of Gnome's dominance (thankfully it's lessening every year)
I heard Microsoft was going to patch that out, but I'm assuming too many enterprises threw a tantrum and forced them to keep it
Yes it does, and many more.
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Ask anybody running LTSB 2015 or 2016, or hell, even LTSC 2019, how that's working out for them.
Spoiler: poorly.
Freetards have been lying since Windows 8 that MS are going to remove local accounts. When are you going to learn?
Im still using 7. thanks to vxkex vivaldi vscode etc work too
What issue does "modern internet" have with 7?
at my workplace we've been forcibly upgraded to W11. I hate it tho, I need my taskbar at the top.
Try LTSC 2021, it's the pinnacle of Windows 10
Those companies don't usually have Windows 7 boxes connected to the internet.
Intranet maybe, but generally they are disconnected or airgapped boxes.
I was with you until you mentioned video games. >>>/v/ermin arent wanted on linux. Stick to windows big guy.
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>I hate it tho, I need my taskbar at the top.
There are dozens of us but MS don't care.
>I need my taskbar at the top.
just install 11 already, it's made for macniggers like you
VsCodium. OpenMorrowind, and Planescape from GOG.

Use Linux Mint, Fedora KDE, or Kubuntu. You cannot go wrong with either choice.

t. currently using Fedora Gnome with dash to dock extension, great stuff.
>Are you prepared for the inevitable switch to Linux yet anon?
I've been preparing since around the time 11 leaked. I mean, like a month before the leak I dualbooted, then I saw 11 and was shocked at what a load of shit that was, a nice coincidence.
>but muh LTSC muh 2032
Just security updates. You know and I know that software will (artificially) drop 10 support by 2026, well I hope you know because if you don't you're fucking retarded.
It's nonsense because there are no big fundamental changes to 11 it's just added new UI bits and AI meme shitware that has no practical use. All of it half-broken at release, of course.
TRVTHNVKE. I remember 2015. I remember how fucking bad 10 was then. It's still worse than 7.
Choosing a desktop OS today is like choosing a pile of turds that stinks the least. Sad thing all.
>Adaptive panel opacity
Windows Vista did that by default, in the same exact way KDE does. 7 went and removed it for it and the feature never came back.
Who the fuck says it's good? It's just that nobody wanted to use 8, and 10's proportion of new garbage / new features was an acceptable upgrade over 7 if you actually needed what it offered (even if most of them were initially 8's features).
11 is just another 8 adjusted for cancerous bloat inflation. Will 12 be worth it again? At this point probably not.
>distro loses support every 3 years
>rolling release can break due to team policies like changing the boot system
Kernel got support for generic HID devices in ~2000, so most stationary PCs are good running whatever, I reckon.

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