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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>102732434

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
flux-dev: https://huggingface.co/spaces/black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-dev
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling

>Black Forest Labs: Flux

>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...

>Related boards
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>mfw Resource news


>AI Runner 3.0: Stable Diffusion and LLMs offline on your own hardware

>SePPO: Semi-Policy Preference Optimization for Diffusion Alignment

>'Godfather of AI' shares Nobel Physics Prize

>Posterior-Mean Rectified Flow: Towards Minimum MSE Photo-Realistic Image Restoration

>TuneVLSeg: Prompt Tuning Benchmark for Vision-Language Segmentation Models

>Preserving Multi-Modal Capabilities of Pre-trained VLMs for Improving Vision-Linguistic Compositionality

>Adobe has a new tool to protect artists’ work from AI

>SELECT: A Large-Scale Benchmark of Data Curation Strategies for Image Recognition

>OmniBooth: Learning Latent Control for Image Synthesis with Multi-modal Instruction

>UniMuMo: Unified Text, Music, and Motion Generation

>CapEEN: Image Captioning with Early Exits and Knowledge Distillation

>SparseVLM: Visual Token Sparsification for Efficient Vision-Language Model Inference



>SymmetricDiffusers: Learning Discrete Diffusion on Finite Symmetric Groups

>BoViLA: Bootstrapping Video-Language Alignment via LLM-Based Self-Questioning and Answering
the forest sharks are back
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>mfw Research news


>DART: A Diffusion-Based Autoregressive Motion Model for Real-Time Text-Driven Motion Control

>LoTLIP: Improving Language-Image Pre-training for Long Text Understanding

>The Dawn of Video Generation: Preliminary Explorations with SORA-like Models

>Organizing Unstructured Image Collections using Natural Language

>Human-Feedback Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Online Diffusion Model Finetuning

>Art2Mus: Bridging Visual Arts and Music through Cross-Modal Generation

>PostEdit: Posterior Sampling for Efficient Zero-Shot Image Editing

>FedBiP: Heterogeneous One-Shot Federated Learning with Personalized Latent Diffusion Models

>Improving Image Clustering with Artifacts Attenuation via Inference-Time Attention Engineering

>Intriguing Properties of Large Language and Vision Models

>Diffusion Models in 3D Vision: A Survey

>ACDC: Autoregressive Coherent Multimodal Generation using Diffusion Correction

>CAR: Controllable Autoregressive Modeling for Visual Generation

>Is What You Ask For What You Get? Investigating Concept Associations in Text-to-Image Models

>SITCOM: Step-wise Triple-Consistent Diffusion Sampling for Inverse Problems

>Empowering Backbone Models for Visual Text Generation with Input Granularity Control and Glyph-Aware Training

>A Mathematical Explanation of UNet

>Disentangling Regional Primitives for Image Generation
>mfw MORE research news

>VideoGuide: Improving Video Diffusion Models without Training Through a Teacher's Guide

>Distillation-Free One-Step Diffusion for Real-World Image Super-Resolution

>Accelerating Diffusion Models with One-to-Many Knowledge Distillation

>Artistic Portrait Drawing with Vector Strokes

>IV-Mixed Sampler: Leveraging Image Diffusion Models for Enhanced Video Synthesis

>ε-VAE: Denoising as Visual Decoding

>Gamified crowd-sourcing of high-quality data for visual fine-tuning

>AutoLoRA: AutoGuidance Meets Low-Rank Adaptation for Diffusion Models

>Chain-of-Jailbreak Attack for Image Generation Models via Editing Step by Step

>Denoising with a Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture

>Fine-Tuning CLIP's Last Visual Projector: A Few-Shot Cornucopia

>GS-VTON: Controllable 3D Virtual Try-on with Gaussian Splatting

>Beyond FVD: Enhanced Evaluation Metrics for Video Generation Quality

>On Efficient Variants of Segment Anything Model: A Survey

>Revealing Directions for Text-guided 3D Face Editing

>Analysis of Hybrid Compositions in Animation Film with Weakly Supervised Learning

>MM-R3: On (In-)Consistency of Multi-modal Large Language Models (MLLMs)

>Mitigating Modality Prior-Induced Hallucinations in Multimodal Large Language Models via Deciphering Attention Causality

>ActiView: Evaluating Active Perception Ability for MLLMs
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I'm using ComfyUI and I noticed that the metadata in the image I generate don't contain any data on what models I use. They include the names of LoRA nodes I use but nothing else useful. Is it possible to set it to input the LoRA and model hashes into the metadata?
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>Wow, Nice details.
Nani!? UwU ~if you drag your kawaii image back to ComfyUI-senpai your scene file is there all information saved as you ~uguu~ genned
How can I use a fully uncensored FLUX.1-dev?
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It's funny when you get conjoined twins without even trying, only to struggle when you are

i got some earlier unintentionally
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is there an AI tool to take one image and have the artstyle converted to another? all the tools i found searching online fucking sucked lol
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its called "style transfer". there's a lot of different tools for that
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can she shoot an eye laser
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No idea lol
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whats the plot of this episode
>computer, generate a character that will mog picard
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me on the right gennin' muh waifu
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This is my favorite one so far. This series has been cool.
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gn all

thx, it has been fun watching flux do its thing when you push it just right
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she needs to stop hanging out on the FUX website all day

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>I may dislike that your society eats children, but the prime directive forbids me from interfering
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Goodnight anons
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gn canman3
Good night anon :)
It's funny that asking for a bowler hat gives you a fedora.
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I don't wanna alarm anyone but the preprint server hasn't been updated today
night anon have a comfy sleep
Best hentai model for 1.5? I'm a free colabkek, so I'm using abyssorangemix 3, but it's not that good.
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Style depends on your particular taste, you should browse Civit for what you like but SD1.5 more or less is limited to 1girl standing nude, it doesn't do different positions and poses that well
You see, furries are hard, so a model trained well enough to do them will do easier things, like humans, well enough, as well.
People assume furry models only do furries, for some reason, but PonyXL has Ponies as a subset of furries, and look at all the range it had.
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Can it do Klingons?
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I haven't tried specifying any races yet so its just spits out lots of humans in red shirts. there's rare exceptions where it gives me a random bizarro alien

I'll prob try more variations with this prompt in the future but I was trying to get dynamic scenes and mostly failing.
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Let's see you on the holodeck!
Last one from me, good night anons
goodnight anon.
EasyFluff begs to differ... I'll show some interaction pics later on as I'm in jail right now. (don't ask)
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still can't quit that flux shit, eh? how card can it be? just use another model bruh. don't tell me you lost the workflows for other models... that would be just so >>>comfy<<<
we, too, makes mistakes
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/sdg/ is straight up a cesspool of coomer-addled losers drooling over ai waifus and doomspiraling like it's their full-time job. it's literally just schizos coping with mid-tier prompt flexing and crying about how "trad art is dead." i swear it's just a pit of despair and catgirl thirst, ain't nobody in there with two brain cells left to rub together.

stupid dead nonsense. might as well go spend my limited consciousness on some film ... maybe the fountain again..... death is the road to awe, after all.
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bye falcicia. dumb bitch, lmao.

none of you are human. i hope you all die screaming, your pseudo-souls sucked impersonally into the in-soul-er-ator (aka garbage disposal)
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its all so tiresome and boring. over 2 years ago i was excited by the possibilities, i imagined actual use cases in marketing, fashion and so on
instead it's just more of the same and none of the issues for mass adoptability have been resolved, the opposite, the system requirements have increased, everything is slower, the models are 10x larger to compensate for the trash datasets
the tooling is fractured and still only accessible to dedicated autists who are willing to learn that python is more than a type of snake, there's still meaningless arguments about privacy because launch counters are so scary and there are still ui wars with each side accusing the other of stealing "their" code, all while none of them actually provide a good user experience
Does anyone have trained models on specific artists. civitai or huggingface sucks for them because i want NSFW models of NSFW artists.
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cry about it
it really does suck anon. I was hoping for much better also after all this time.
You should figure out something else to say.
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how do you upload a pose to openpose editor to adjust it? i tried "detect from image" on both a real image and a pose image generated by openpose. they don't work. can you save the openpose result as a json?
Dysgenic knife-eared race traitor
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Nice style.
I have been trying to emphasize the more diffuse elements of the plasma. It does look like smoke.
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For any breast artisans here, what are the best flux.1 tokens to generate large and extra fake looking bolt-ons without making the girl fat?

It's the one thing I can't quite get in these splitscreen prompts.
>(morbid gigantomastia:1.5), (breast hypertrophy:1.5)
i miss schizoanon
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everything sucks desu
You are burned out.
And because AI is so successful, nvidia and other hardware manufacturers will make sure they will not offer anything too cheaply any time soon...
>everything sucks desu
im grateful I can make the art I do but yes its sucky how it is now. we should be making small comic books by now with sharp crisp ai art but instead the art is getting worse since they use the ai art to pull data from I keep hearing. like no wonder it went from super good to looking like ass lately. I want the not shit timeline for ai art so I can be making animated 10min super hero shows that arent censored to hell.
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>we should be making small comic books by now with sharp crisp ai art

I would love to be able to do stuff like that...
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No meaningful change (with and without the LoRA) in breast size. Those did broaden the shoulders out more often, but I'm looking more for prime Pamela Anderson in body type. Thanks anyway!
Me also anon. I have tons of ideas for comics and tons of super powered and magical charactors i've created but I cant do much with it but make scenes with them that arent nearly as good as they should be. its frustrating desu. I wanna make cool comic books to release even if its just as a web comic series following the adventures of strong man and his side kick mighty lad
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does anyone have tips on how to generate images like this with flux or SD. (not necessarily just pepe, but also for simple drawn memes like pepe as well as real photos.) I'm restricted to using third-party services since I don't have a GPU

it seems like the input image denoising is tough for me. I'm not sure if the service I'm using is playing a role, but basically 0.95 and 0.99 seem to have the same denoising amount. 1.0 denoising totally loses the input image but 0.95 makes it way too close to the original when it's something flat and cartoony like pepe
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for example, denoising of 0.95, 0.96, 0.97, 0.98, and 0.99 all produce something like this for most prompts, with SDXL Lightning. and then 1.0 retains some of the colors but otherwise makes things look not pepe-like at all
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Think of Michael Jackson anon!
Make that change!

Also just do make it and show me I want to see it
Here is my deepfried first take on comic making a year ago
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Michael Jackson music is still really good. I just listened to Bad earlier this week and watched the offical music video to Thriller (very entertaining). MJ was on a whole different level.
Looks like shit
Cry more
Very nice anon. I like it. Thats similar to how I see my web comics cept with more combat and super power and magic stuff going on. I guess we're a bit further along than I realized if you were making comics like this a year ago.
Get new material
Yes Jane was also a great sidestory Ty anon
Show me yours, but no seriously, go and make smt fun
Ty anon and it’s mostly cut and paste
> >102746178
It’s like Men in’s Black
MK just went home, he was an alien among men
i'm a debophile
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Good evening Anons
Np anon I liked your comic and chuckled at it a few times even if that wasnt the intent. I liked it and seeing that and knowing its Ai gives me a lil more hope. Just currently I still think we should be much further along than we are. Still good comic I hope you make more and have fun with it.

MJ is really good. ive been trying to get all my friends to check out his music since obviously we all werent around for his era. Even his 70s stuff was really good. A very nice musical surprise to enjoy.
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Ty Ty there is more (of Stells being an asshat) and this is really deepfried stuff after knowing about sdg for mmh 3 days

Just prompt for part of the scene, like ‘fox girl, shocked, exasperated ‘ and ‘1goy, laughing, open mouth’ and paste em together in the scene
Multiple people interacting is a real bitch
Google loves Temu and AliExpress.
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And awesome you should post your comics here and there. Sounds fun.
Yeah I also have a hard time consistantly getting the charactors to show up let alone make scenes. making combat scenes is super hard for me. I can easily get a person on scene and it turn out fairly similar to what I envision but 2 people and in combat and looking right... oof
Verily so my dear synthographer, ours is not an easy task whatever normies might think
Also, one can inpaint a gen multiple times with multiple different prompts
First inpaint one face, then the weapon, then the oth oh well you know what I mean
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Exactly effort is needed. Keep making your comics and enjoying yourself. Soon I will be making very basic comics myself and it will be glorious.
Ah true I could do all that. Atm due to circumstances with my pc im running off external sites to gen while my pc gets repaired (running off a laptop atm). A bit of annoyance but all my work is on my external drive so my laptop is up and running already to keep making scenes/charactors.
as you can see running off sites can be a bit rough but the basic idea for charactors or scenes is there to remake later properly. as said a mild annoying but I joke this setback is building charactor for my world and gives me cool backstory of "struggle".
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The time investment ís significant
And with external genning yeah not yet
But do follow up I love to see what anons think up
Thinking up a backstory is half the fun of the process desu :p
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>an attempt was made
on SDXL btw
Thanks anon. Ive been posting charactors off and on the last few weeks but havent really been all THIS IS MY COMIC CHARACTOR!. plus most are just in design and havent been fleshed out yet. I have done a few tho. Just did my self insert last night and went with a typical nerdy mage look for my guys charactor self insert. What i'll do no idea but I def want to be part of the world in some manner.
I love the backstory part. Especially coming up with powers and lore for them.
I think a good way to do establish a layout is to sketch it by hand at first.
Genning individual characters separate from the backgrounds is also an option. Then filling the backgrounds with another pass later on.
This would require manual work of course.

Herge (Tintin) never drew any backgrounds himself - he did the main layout and inked in the characters while his assistants would draw the rest of the panels.
this reads like your only experience with sequential art comes from porn comics
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I remember seeing this comic. You have a gift for storytelling.
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I'm just doing this for shits 'n giggles atm
seeing how far I can go without manual editing
I lack art talent. I screw up stick figures and squares. I agree it's a good method for sure tho. I think I can make this all work. Using external sites for a month or 3 til I save enough to repair my pc means im working underpowered atm but again i'll make it work. plus "struggle" is part of the fun imo. And i'm grateful I had this slightly weak laptop to switch to right away and within 20 mins be back up and running making ai art. Switching to the tiny monitor sucks (no cord to hook it to my giant monitor sadly atm) but i'm getting used to it.

wew tldr; I lack art talent and will make it work using external sites for awhile.
whoa anon how did you get the comic panels like that? I havent been able to get it to do that properly.
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Mmh I tried to make a Lora for separate characters but it didn’t work the first time
Yes good info
so the theme for today is comic books?

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What's the haps
Just keep calm and oriddr.
its certainly a topic at the moment at least.
>dont mind me, just putting on my leg
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animapencilxl + CCS LoRa + FComicAIO XL LoRa
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my first attempts at it aswell
Very nice anon. I jotted it in some notes for later use once im off the laptop on my main again. This will come in handy later to play around with. Also I like your first attempt. It turned out nice.
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yeah but i've got fuck all else to do, apparently i'm overqualified for retail or stacking boxes
FizzleDorf was right about you it seems
for me straight illustriousXL and variants seems to be pretty happy to make manga pages if you set the aspect ratio and "manga page"
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smoochable bumcheeks
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thanks, more experimentation is needed
thanks for the info

last one, off to bed
This looks great, does it adhere to your prompt or is it a random scene?
1girl, 1boy, couple, elf boy, elf girl,
elf, pointy ears, forest,
bow, [medium breasts, breasts],
blush, flustered,

worst quality, low quality,
human, round ears,

to be honest the hardest part was trying to get a male elf with zero human ears. Also not Zelda and Link. In the bottom panel his ears kinda shrunk a bit but I'll take it as a win.
Mmh pretty decent and it made its own ‘scene’ for the ‘flustered’ point I guess
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You def aren’t skitzomaxxing anon, very fair and eloquent diatribe
>the bedroom has piles of dirty clothes, music posters, ornaments and other girlie shit.
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Keep experimenting fellow comic anon. Also night and sleep well and have comfy dreams.
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rate my shitty webcomic art
Hands, not identifiable mess, I don’t like the style
Sorry plz do what you wish
no tumblr nose = no buy
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imagine the reach around
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she do be flexible
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nice to see you, sorry to hear you're too skilled and talented to work an amazon warehouse. trying to get into a new role at end of year generally sucks. dont let it get you down. have some coffee and you'll feel right as rain

really good. makes me wonder how well controlnets might work

needs to be complaining about the patriarchy to really fit into todays culture

so cool
Debo collects the fuselages from downed military aircraft and pants them bright colors and makes arms and legs for them out of pipe cleaners and paper mache. The then sells these to African tribes in the Congo as idols and uses the money to fund this addiction to paying furry artists for commissions
File: 00035-169300992.png (1.03 MB, 1024x1024)
1.03 MB
1.03 MB PNG
debo is the problem with this general
cute, more!

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