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I hope you guys didn't exploit any children, because ohhh boy.
The website did a good job on keeping logs, and you wouldn't want your private e-mail to be associated with your questionable, not-approved-by-americans sex life.
Some tranny sjw hacker group did it apparently
i dont like using this word, but the pedophobia is wild among woke circles that praise themselves on tolerance


dont allow them near children but also dont take away every safe outlet that they might have thinking that will magically cure their pedophilia

i wonder how many years it will take for a dumbfuck influencer or group of politicians to tard wrangle liberals to be less toxic to pedos
On one hand I wholeheartedly support pedophilia, even if I don't participate in it. Anything that makes NPCs mad is a win.
On the other hand I can't wait for some retarded hypocrites who're guaranteed to have used the service to be publicly exposed. Reach out to the truth and all that.
You rarely see any of those people involved with AI pictures or chatbots, the most vocal people always go for the real thing.
There certainly is a correlation.
Average Gen Xer
But he is literally a millennial
i use chorbo btw
>using a cloud AI service for CP RP
Calling it now, 90% of those 1.9M emails will be boomers or non-Whites/Asians
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It ALWAYS happens
>virtual gf
Lmao. So you pay to listen to a woman without having sex with her? Than you can just become a beta simp for a real woman, I don't see any difference.
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Have you ever heard the tale of Grant Amato the simp, and Sylvia, the Bulgarian camgirl model?
If child AI exploitation is akin to the real thing, then doesn't hacking a child AI count as child exploitation too?
>gamergate infographic
feeling myself aging in real time
did you... send your emails, btw?
>used a tempmail
nothingburger that doesnt belong on /g/
IP addresses probably, too.
its always interesting how balding is usually so symmetrical
still wromg board
random service breaches arent technology
No it was just a bored dude who wanted to jerk off
>“I went to the site to jerk off (to an *adult* scenario, to be clear) and noticed that it looked like it [the Muah.ai website] was put together pretty poorly,” the hacker told 404 Media. “It's basically a handful of open-source projects duct-taped together. I started poking around and found some vulnerabilities relatively quickly. At the start it was mostly just curiosity but I decided to contact you once I saw what was in the database.”
The leaks also included some phone numbers, normalfags are genuinely retarded >>102681137
>(to an *adult* scenario, to be clear)
Noted (haha *wink wink*)
At least he didn't spend this money on a GPUs for inference
God, these prompts are cringe.
With the $200,000 he stole from his parents he could've bought an entire GPU farm and at least make some ROI, either by generating porn or crypto.
>random service breaches arent technology
I can't wait for AI to replace your ass so that I won't have to talk to low IQ retards who make up random shit out of convenience.
Humans are symmetrical, goo bro
but ailments arent usually.. its just strange it moves in a pattern
>kill your family to make robowaifus real
Sounds like a plan
Balding isn't an ailment in that sense, it's programmed self-destruction. It would be like being surprised over both halves of a person getting wrinkly instead of one half.
>theyre prompting on 3.5 TURBO
ahahahahahaha holy shit
even the reverse proxy leeches on /aicg/ have access to better models KEK
They wanna make money, you know
>balding is apoptosis
You sound like someone who would buy his degrees, too.
What a time to be alive. I guess it's time to use government IPs and start making 10 yo girlfriends for my favorite politicians.
can you pls post it in readable resolution?
>it's just strange it moves in a pattern
Baldness is caused by fungi, which is sentient.
openrouter still makes money and offers access to infinitely better models
devs on their discord said this leak is nothing, they don't retain logs etc. kek
>3.5 turbo
4o-mini is cheaper and (probably) better
>Pedos being outed because they shared their mental illness with a private company
american or third world post
So they're not responsible for their actions? Good.
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I am very smart. I will tie my debit card, real name, and email to this account. Then I will do some of the most taboo deranged shit imaginable. Surely this cannot backfire
Child predation is basically correlated with low IQ so honestly people freak out about it way too much.
>American or third world
Could you have made a more vague guess
>Incarcerated child predation is correlated with low IQ.

Smart pedos obviously don't get caught because you'd have to be an absolute retard.
Mental illness => involuntary compulsions => lack of free will => no responsibility.
More so, if we're supposed to believe that an AI is just like a real child, if the glowies ask to shut down the server and remove all the data, should it be considered murder?
>american or third world post
Same difference.
Yeah no. These deranged faggots need to get the rope
Fictional murder is fine.
But what the fuck does the post imply with American or third wold?
I think by the time some of these old losers get caught typing prompts like that into public websites they were just waiting for an excuse to end their lives anyway
Both sides, really. It’s hard to avoid from the perspective of a parent, but hey, it’s a common desire and needs to be addressed. We definitely shouldn’t be punishing victimless gratification that didn’t exist a few years ago
>apoptosis is programmed self-destruction therefore all programmed self-destruction is apoptosis
You sound like someone that internalizes Discord kiddie logic
Doesn't matter. My parents are GenX and I hate them so everything bad is GenX.
Lmao doxbin deleted the paste
that's gay
what was in it?
Where do you see they use 3.5?
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If the "totally not keeping logs *wink* *wink*" model I use leaks the prompts and somehow manages to link my IP address to me I'm fucked. I have made thousands of pages of incest porn roleplay with mother characters.
>Anything that makes NPCs mad is a win.
teenager mentality
4o-mini is also way more difficult to jailbreak and they don't want their customers to get >Sorry, I can't assist with that
Do you seriously think anyone you know or care about is going to attempt to find out your IP and then crawl through a massive database leak to find shit you might have written to a specific AI tool?
I'm doing it with everyone I know
Not how the system works. They'll probably get a nice stint in a mental hospital.
Meaning they SHOULD be roped
But they won't.
if they were to "rope" them they'd have to kill some 3/4 of the population
>kill some 3/4 of the population
I'm down with that.
>I went to the site to jerk off (to an *adult* scenario, to be clear)
When you decide that thought crimes must be prosecuted, where should the line be drawn? I remember when chatbots started getting some attention, some landwhales tried to argue that using a chatbot was LitErALLy rape because the bot couldn't say "no" therefore prompting was a form of coercion somehow.
This brave hero saved innocent AI children who literally don't exist of being abused, but following the same inane logic, he planned on committing virtual rape himself. Why shouldn't he be prosecuted too?
its a stupid fucking woman or faggot, just call them what they are
faggots act like woman so its hard to tell
One can dream. There's always vigilante justice
>Another case of a thief thinking everyone else steals too
Way to tell on yourself pedo faggot
>Only women and faggots are against pedophiles
What level of cope is this
>muh pedos!!11
you dont care about children. you think niggers are equal to us and will let them flood in until they rape and burn and eat our children. faggot. you fake fucking subhuman piece of shit.
nah not everyone.
just all the rich people
and all the politicians
and the journalists
all the musicians and actors
couple millions in doujin sales and onaholes
...the entire nation of japan?
ah, yes, let's scar children with abusers so they troon out in the future. pedophilia sure is fucking great, le hecking basedino and pilledino
NTA but
>You CAN'T laugh at others seething... just because, mkay?
normies are the dumbest motherfuckers to have ever grazed the earth, they're literally not even NPCs, just automatons serving as background decoration like those stadium puppets in racing games put in this world so you have a nice backdrop.
Holy copes
>take away every safe outlet that they might have thinking that will magically cure their pedophilia
This logic is as retarded as saying niggers DESERVE a government allocated murder LLM so they can satisfy their nog impulses of killing people and sheit.

Why the fuck do you retards still believe in catharsis? You aren't curing a behavior by indulging in it, you fucking retard.
And when the behavior is coded in your genes, the subhuman needs to be purged, period. No "but muh safe outlet" copes that reinforce their habits.
>>any sexual relation is abuse by default!
if the girl approaches the adult she finds attractive, sure, it's consensual, but that happens very rarely. it's almost always deranged old coomers touching little girls and boys, and burning the image of a pajeet tier subhuman in their subconscious forever.

>people who get abused turn into transsexuals!
or homosexuals, or sex-addicted, or cucks, or depressed, any other sort of deviancy. you gotta be pretty fucking retarded to deny this.

reddit meme. go back.
imagine using botnet AI, lmao
hi kenny
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Chatbots are just cope. Real robots when.
It's coded into everyone's genes. Violence, rape, pedophilia, homosexuality, and every other aspect of humanity you'd point the finger at as needing to be purged exist in all of us. It's just a question of whether those genes got switched on for you specifically or if you were lucky enough that they didn't. Our species has a very fucked up past, and it's coded into you as well.
How are robots less of a cope?
You underestimate the benefits of robots, I think. A robot is just like a good 80s power ballad, it never gets old.
whole thing is literally "it's ok for us to be pedos but not you"
you're probably the biggest pedo irl
You make that sound like it's a bad thing.

Spoiler alert: it isn't. We need more civilizational collapses in western countries, we deserve it.
>0 evidence, 100 percent rage
smartest anti
But it's still a cope, it just might be more immersive
The funny part is law enforcement and child protection agencies absolutely do not care about this shit
Even when people screech to them about loli drawings or whatever they tell them to fuck off and stop waisting their time since theyre looking for actual crimes, trying to bugger them about private text rp would just get the workers rolling their eyes
For all practical purposes his leak is no different than any other data breaches, and his moral grandstanding doesnt change that
Do NOT the robo shota please
>and child protection agencies absolutely do not care about this shit
They actually do at this point, actually.
"Child protection" are the worst of the worst, because they face virtually 0 pushback.
Some organizations are literally christian anti-sex cults in disguise.
FOSTA-SESTA is a good example of how short-sighted, maternity-based bills just waste taxpayer money at best, and ruins the lives of certain demographics at worst.
>no u
>ruins the lives of certain demographics at worst
christkikes sold our world to jews and protected them for over a thousand years chasing a jewish lie. they are worth less than shit, traitors. they mass team killed their own, hunted down our greatest thinkers. these are the fucking retards who continued. not the people who matter.
Yet I don't see you purging them.
>anti-sex cults
why do we tolerate these shabbos goyim again
Same reason we tolerate boomers:
We're afraid of the consequences.
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Total normalfag holocaust.
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delete your thread or I will execute my hostages
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Who the fuck cares if they're christian. These Child """""""""""protection""""""""""" cults are the biggest spreaders of CP online.
Occasional reminder: https://knockout.chat/thread/22983
Agreed 100%. The only way to guarantee the safety of children is to purge these monsters. There is no cure. And they will undoubtedly escalate if given a taste of their favorite drug. No fucking way they stop obsessing just because they have porn.
Convincing argument you subhuman nigger. I'd link studies but given the intellect on display here I doubt you can read anyways.
shut the fuck up. your family will end screaming as niggers rape and burn them.
you will get nothing from us, I will laugh as niggers consume your world. they are above you anyway.
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I can't believe those awful people engaged in DARK ROLEPLAYING
imagine being subverted by a slightly evolved nigger from the middle east.
crosscucks are lower than shit.
What did he mean by this
>Signing up to an AI botnet service
If it always happens why do I only see the same 10 images recirculating?

Like that dad that licked or nibbled on his son's earlobe on live television. All the outrage on that for 24hours on my twitterfeed. But did anyone actually find out who that was? Did he actually get charged with anything?

Why did this site in particular keep all those chatlogs? From what I gather online AI models don't have much of a memory when it comes to their chat. They remember up to two chat posts or something after that they just fill in the blanks. Was Muah AI any different? Did it have long-term memory?
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>muh feeling
Are you a nigger? Did you even read my post?
If you're discussing hypothetical behaviors that could (or could not) lead to socially unacceptable behavior, muh catharsis is a fucking stupid argument.

Assuming it IS unacceptable behavior, you should not give them a fix. What is so hard to understand about that?
the fuck is an ai girlfriend?
I think the underlying point is there's no "safe outlet" for people with those thoughts. If you're allowing them to dopamine flood looking at digital children and roleplaying with them, you're reinforcing those patterns in their brain and creating more of a need for them. Same as regular porn, everyone starts on pics of hot models when they're younger but almost no one stays looking at static images of women for long. The only cure will be when we can actively rewire peoples brains to stop being interested in children, until then there really is no choice but to be toxic and shun these people into being too ashamed to act on their twisted desires. They need to understand if they act on it either by consuming CP or actually touching kids, no one, not even their own mothers will stand up for them. We should all have significantly more empathy towards children than adults who have a harmful sexual deviance.
Careful you don't hurt yourself in your impotent rage.

Nothing's gonna happen because that would require you leaving your home.
I can't wait for pedos to hunt down and kill their own mothers then. What do they have to lose? A shitty existence? Might be enough for losers like you, but no self-respecting pedo would whistle to your tune anyway.
Man what happened in just a couple years that created people like this.
Feels like you cant even say schoolgirls are hot anymore. We had little girl panty flashes in ps2 games and nobody pissed themself like this anon.
>I just shared some personal information on Muah AI chatbot. I realized my mistake and deleted the chat immediately, I also deleted my account. But I am still worried about the risk of the chat being leaked to the outside. Actually, I am being treated for OCD so my anxiety is tormenting me a lot. I wonder if Muah AI has ever been hacked?
think he's killed himself yet?
Ah yes, matricide the well known ethical response to someone being disgusted that you've got a sexual preference for children.
No one has any problem with people finding 18 year olds hot, in my country even 16 is legal but it's clear to every rational adult other than pedos why there's laws around the age of consent and age to be involved in production of porn. You can delude yourself into pretending that's not true and you're a high IQ educated gentleman but it doesn't change reality.
Ethics is for people who like to be manipulated.
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somebody else's poorly secured computer.

Honestly even if I was doing completely normie mcnormie AIshit I still would want to keep it private, never know when a gen can randomly go full retardo.
>No one has any problem with people finding 18 year olds hot
wrong. all over the news that older guys cant date younger women. its taking advantage. hagmaxx is considered based though.
and i didnt talk about 18. i said schoolgirls. why would you even guess 18 if i say schoolgirls.
and why do you keep brining up porn.
and you wonder why the average person who is exposed as a pedo in this leak is gonna have their life ruined?
You would have an aneurysm if you saw what they were doing over at /aicg/.
No. Will you be surprised if pedos start killing witnesses because they have nothing to lose?
>didn't use a local llm to do their cringe and borderline ilegal roleplay
>they even paid for it
You can run a small model locally with 16gb of system ram and no graphics card.They deserve it.
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Me on the left, sorry.
>I can't wait for pedos to hunt down and kill their own mothers then.
Me neither, that sounds like a good solution. After all, they must have smoked or drunk while pregnant.
I wasn't aware the late Queen was smocking or drinking when she popped out Andrew.
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>not a single source
as usual
no, your feelings aren't sources
They can, but not with adults.
>inb4 then why can't they have sex with adults
For the same reason kids are not allowed to vote: they are pea-brained and willing to put out for a stack of chocolate bars.

Yes, this is apparently about the price.
The people whose data leaked will definitely get some major phishing spam at least.
Same as it always is with data leaks. Wouldnt be surprised if the leaker himself also did so.
This just feels like a fanfiction website getting hacked and various writers/stories being leaked that are experimental/private and such.
I think we should instead go after the trannies and their cult. Grooming real children and then castrating them is real evil
they do use VPNs or TOR or proxies when they use them stolen API keys right? right?
sex isn't as complex and hard to understand as voting is, pleasure is a simple thing
should the mentally ill, poor and elderly all be given protection against sex due to this?
>Grooming real children and then castrating them is real evil
Hard disagree. We need to curb birthrates even further.

Yes, I am being unironic.
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Wait you guys weren't all running your AI girlfriends on local models? IDIOTS!
This isn't about pleasure. It's about buyer's remorse.
>I could've gotten HOW much money? fuck, now I feel manipulated and depressed
last I heard they were doxxing themselves and sending dick pics to a creepy German homosexual in exchange for API keys so probably not.
How is that author still not in jail again?
Because absolutely no one who matters cares, and you don't matter.
Because drawings do not have rights.
Sure, but the other minor is not old enough (legally) to know how to manipulate.
How does one exploit ai children?
Good. Now you know why you can't fuck children, and it doesn't matter if you don't agree with it.
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pedo country
They use proxies (that are hosted by random anons because the average /aicg/ user is too retarded to scrape their own keys). They use proxies that post their logs publicly, however.
Here are some:
Sorry your image of reality doesn't hold up to scrutiny, but you just have to accept it.
>you have to accept it because... you just need to, okay?
>If you're allowing them to dopamine flood looking at digital children and roleplaying with them, you're reinforcing those patterns in their brain and creating more of a need for them.
This explanation would work for something like functional addiction, but an attraction will persist without pornographic stimuli.
I've had intense cravings for relationships all my life before or in spite of my porn consumption, many people have these, to the point where we shame and categorize people as "incels" for being desperate for female attention.
>until then there really is no choice but to be toxic and shun these people into being too ashamed to act on their twisted desires.
...which leads to pedophiles becoming stigmatized to the point of never seeking help once their feelings act up and they can't contain themselves, anymore.
You have no empirical evidence that infinite shaming curbs child rape.
>We should all have significantly more empathy towards children than adults who have a harmful sexual deviance.
You're being a bit dishonest here. When you say "significantly", what you actually mean is "absolutely".
Lack of sexual freedom is considered a human rights violation in most parts of the world. Your sexual identity is an integral part of you, especially when it's deviant, because then, resolving your identity becomes worse.

I am still confused.
If we somehow manage to unanimously ban lolicon, how do you deal with the facts that,
>Pedophiles will warm up to child pornography, since virtual CP and real CP become both criminalized, you have much less incentive to touch virtual CP.
>Pedophiles who watched both virtual CP and real CP or were trying to quit real CP will inevitably spend more time or money on real CP, now that both are prosecuted/ banished from clearnet.
>Pedophiles will start sexualizing more real-life children, since they "need" to masturbate, still, and getting access to real children is quite easy (family, for example).
The alternative is fifteen years of torture in prison. By all means, do not accept. I think on a daily basis about all the retards who have to serve life without parole too, and how it's a shame we don't get to humiliate and aggravate them further.
> u
>hey how old was Daenerys when she was married to Khal Drogo (in the books)
why isn't GRRM in jail?
>false dichotomy
Probably not, but her death was well deserved.
Wrong. She should've died 90 years sooner.
lmao @ giving your email to one of these shady ai sites
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>She should've died 90 years sooner.
Pic related, it's you.
>you’re a nonce if you’re against pedophilia because these twitter nobodies from years ago were
This is as retarded as fags saying you’re secretly gay if you’re homophobic
surprisingly that is also true
I take pride in having you made angry enough.
But is it illegal to fantasize about minors with AI?
>On one hand I wholeheartedly support pedophilia, even if I don't participate in it.
You mean content not involving real children right? Right???
No. I mean "fuck them children literally, I just don't want anything to do with it".
I said I agree with you, what are you talking about?
Some glavnet hooker is here throwing interference, apparently.
>i dont like using this word, but the pedophobia is wild among woke circles that praise themselves on tolerance
This expect pro-life 'conservatives' supposedly being the protector of all things innocent.
To be fair the concern is indulging in that behaviour even when noone is actually harmed could potentially lead to escalation.

I can also see the other side of the argument like it acting as sort of methodone for such urges. It may not work everytime but potentially could be a net positive

The problem is not just with that type of crime, any type of crime is not really hanled well by most societies. Very few countries actually try to rehabilitate criminals and try to at least reduce recidivism. However most countries just drop the ball with their criminal justice system and only end up breeding bigger criminals
>could potentially lead to escalation
And? Escalation is good.
Was this the guy that had anime figurine boxes in his room going up to his ceiling?
>Escalation is good.
It removes the ridiculous notion that society has any power at all.
Thats the dumbest argument I have heard
Did you just watch Joker or something kek
It's not. If every criminal, upon arrest, killed at least one police officer, then there wouldn't be any police officers left to arrest them. If then every criminal killed at least one correction officer there wouldn't be enough correction officers to keep already imprisoned inmates imprisoned.

And that's when society would find its reckoning. Unfortunately most criminals are too dumb to see past their own potential punishment. Same with speedy trial by the way; if no one waivered it the system would collapse because the government can't try people within six months anymore.
People who promote death cult of WEF should kill themselves.
I used to have similar reductive ideas about society when I was 12

But society is much more resilient than that. Society often collapses around war but it always has been temporary blips over our entire history. Order always emerges out of chaos, it is inevitable
Nah, they should kill other people. Much better ROI.
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Good thing Im not a POORFAG and I can afford to run models on my computer
>le ebin WEFerino memerino
You're against the death of niggers, pajeets and chinks?
The WEF actively want bigger birthrates. More babies means more consumers, more workers and lower wages thanks to offer and demand
The birthrate crash on the last years has been sending elites into a panic
this, i only use burner accounts for this shit and anyone else with more than half a brain should too
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>I used to have similar reductive ideas about society when I was 12
And then you started to lie to yourself, that the golden cage isn't all that bad, when the hole that a true and proper reset left over a thousand years ago can still be felt.
>And justly so, justifiedly, since everything emerging
>is worth of its destruction's going
It’s good to be a hagchad.
im not even christian and this pic always bothered me with it's simple stupidity
have fun with your living corpse anon lmfao
So are your models 3.5 turbo tier yet? Maybe sonnet tier?
Christianity isn't the point. The point is that the dark age should've been eternal.
Only western civilization was retarding rest of the world was pushing it forward
Mistral Large is GPT-4 Tier, finetunes are better at RP than Sonnet 3.5
It cant be run on a local computer though
Llama 3.1 8b is gpt-4 tier
As I said, Im not an underage or a poorfag, I can run it at 4bpw
If Ogedei hadn't been a huge alcoholic the mongols would have made that happen.
Which rest exactly? The Chinese were stagnating, sitting on their high horse, thinking everyone but them were barbarians, and the Islamic world was little more than a bunch of robbers getting rich off of protection money for enabling trade between the West and the East. In Mesoamerica decline had set in long before the conquistadors had emerged, and Africa had always been a shithole.
It would be a lot less concerning if it also listed their IRL, no-lies age, because a very large chunk of them would be children wanting a gf of the same age.
Actually, this goes for internet pedophile advocacy in general, the problem of people insisting that the age of consent is a jewish lie on /pol/, and the problem of /pol/ being flooded with retarded underage posters, are in fact, largely the same problem.
Ögedei, and yes, it's a crying shame. The only reason Russia got as far as they did was due to Europe, which was sufficiently left alone to act as recovery base. If he had just put the west out of its misery Putin and Jinping wouldn't have to pick up the pieces now.
The world would look so wildly different its somewhat pointless to speculate on. Age of discovery would absolutely be delayed. So the americas would likely look extremely different.
Jeets and Middle East were pushing math & science forward
>WEF actively want bigger birthrate
>meanwhile tranny castration ideology
>meanwhile commie ideology
>meanwhile work from home
>meanwhile eating bugs
>meanwhile killing babies
>meanwhile artificial virus/vax to kill people
>meanwhile you will have no privacy/security/freedom/individuality
Ah yes that must be why India is number one right now instead of the US. Are you retarded, delusional or both?
And next you'll say you're castrated and feel good about it
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>meanwhile work from home
Yeah because being able to actually take care of your children is something something population control. Some days I genuinely wish this shit was real so trash like you actually got wiped out.
A woman has a full time job taking care of the family. A man's job in life is to provide for his family. Nonsense about WFH is just another means to destroy a functioning society and make it less competitive.
And yet it didn't lead to a scientific revolution because it was all just theory for them. They didn't make use of it; it was for the west to do that, and if the west hadn't existed they would've likely receded just like the Chinese did.
>meanwhile killing babies
No single civilizations saw complete dominance there were always boom an bust cycles of development and advancements across the world

Right now in a globalized economy the largest economies have slowed growth. India is the fastest growing for now and will slow growth as it starts to inch towards top 3

After that only growth left will be in the African nations where population is still booming. This is assuming AI doesnt change the economic landscape drastically by then
Meds, now
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>population is still booming
It's unlikely they'll be able to keep it that way though. They're kinda fucked without imports of food and fertilizers.
With 40-50% of Gen Z castrating themselves, I doubt the current drive to work from home is anything about having family or taking care of children. Its likely more about how to giving more time to think about how to promote castration of the society, of the individual both in soul and body. The castration ideology, the death cult ideology is what you troons have been programmed into.
yeah i agree man hags are based
>This is assuming AI doesnt change the economic landscape
lol... oh its coming
mexico grows so much, a lot of what they grow ends up in america.. what are they importing so much of?
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/pol/ tier ah thread
Advancements in Math, Astronomy and Meical sciences came from them
Older women will always win in my book
(Assuming a woman typed this post)
I think most men prefer a personality over a hole. You can fuck real women for free, but it'd be difficult finding real ones that can hold conversations even for pay.

I can understand why someone would opt for this service.
But what I don't understand is why the hell someone would do illicit things on someone else's service when you can just run a local model on your own machine. That's just asking for trouble.
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If you don't have a winter season you kind of need fertilizers, and the industrialization also industrialized agriculture. It's the same reason why China would be so fucked if trade broke down - they make phosphor fertilizer and rice (which requires phosphor fertilizer), but without fuel that they have to import from the Middle East they're fucked.
ah i thought the chart was only talking about food imports, not energy or fertilizer
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Just generate an image of the murderers serving a sentence with the accompanying AI generated transcript of the court case. Fictional crime, fictional justice.
>burner account
How do we tell him?
Where are the logs? I'm not against having a good dataset
>duhhh it's stupid because christcucks are blamed for things they did
>"I was just doing my job!" he pleaded as they dragged him out of the court kicking and screaming
>the nonexistent victims were hypothetically satisfied
Like I said, pretty low IQ take.
Still shabbos goy even if you don't all yourself christian.
i don't feel like driving and sitting in traffic every day. it's annoying.
>ignores that we live in a specialist society where many roles are required to make it function
you will never get access to our private internets you disgusting subhuman parasite. enjoy zioweb while it lasts.
and when jews lock down the web, these faggots will have nothing. you will be given NOTHING after that, I would never allow niggers or woman access to our private networks.
If you dont enjoy something, do something that you enjoy. You have a free will. Exercise that to change reality to your making.
nice fantasy
I think I'm good. I have enough material to last me a couple lifetimes, especially since I can get borderline autistic joy out of repetitive actions (like confusing guards in Chaos Theory).
>implying le huwite race is too pure.
>implying asians pay for subscriptions.
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tfw I got timemachined back in the 2000s'
>nooo we dindu nuffin
you will kill yourself day 3 without internet. stupid goy.
The dark age refers to the post-Viking period in which a lot of people converted and, this is the important part, quit burying dead people with their stuff. This leads to less artifacts in the ground which leads to less archeological data. That's why its dark.
There IS some factual evidence for a reduced amount of circulation of the fruits of scientific knowledge after the decentralization of the roman empire but this is more of a result of an economic and social collapse (I.e. things become unavailable and large scale projects require more negotiations than before so people have to go back to basics) but the actual knowledge was still kept written down, just not able to be spread or used. In other words that chart should actually show something more of a flat line at about 75% of the roman era peak but still gradually increasing particularly after 1000 AD where the centralization effect of the church allows freer movements and more complex projects.

Uh...so, ai girlfriends.
those words are lost on people and you will only get troll replies lol
But it's not unacceptable.
Yeah, there really should be resources for pedophiles who want to get help and aren't diddling kids or watching CP. It's (understandably) so shunned that I can't imagine anyone asking for help with that shit.
It's simply incorrect.
>runs out of arguments
>turns to projection
>To be fair the concern is indulging in that behaviour even when noone is actually harmed could potentially lead to escalation
It is very possible to make the argument that driving pedos underground leads to pedos not being outed, leading to them victimizing more children than otherwise. The slippery slope argumentation here is very weak, and clearly not actually in the interest of either rehabilitation or prevention. This becomes immediately obvious when you talk to a normal person and realize they just want an excuse to cave someone's head in justifiably. Most people appear to view the horrific outcomes of pedophilia as a societal inevitability when it really isn't.
You seem more dangerous to society than masturbators honestly, like it's not even close
>Most people appear to view the horrific outcomes of pedophilia as a societal inevitability when it really isn't.
This wasn't 100% clear, but I wasn't defending it. I meant that the current situation probably isn't optimal for reducing the scale of victimization of children.
If you're up in arms about something that doesn't directly affect you then yeah, most likely you're engaging in it. I only care about trannies on boards I know they have a history of raiding like /g/ and /v/
>no u
>this is the best he can do
>it's almost always deranged old coomers touching little girls and boys, and burning the image of a pajeet tier subhuman in their subconscious forever.
You need to start posting sources or I will assume you're posting from experience.
Is there any proof this actually happened? These "leaks" happen all the time but you almost never see what they're actually leaking. You'd think they would be a little more proactive with putting getting the logs out there.
you will slit your fucking throat after drinking toilet water. stupid goy.
>nooo it's not true
It's factually correct.
we dont condemn people for simulated killing in video games claiming it will wire their brains to seek out the real thing, so why isnt the same grace granted to people who simulate fetishes in this way? its completely victimless.
>we dont condemn people for simulated killing in video games
many still do
these things take time
>it's almost always deranged old coomers touching little girls and boys
That's not consensual retard
>does this feel good? do you want to do this?
You stop immediately.

>does this feel good? do you want to do this?
You keep doing it.

It's really easy.
It's still irresponsible, but in a hypothetical world where having sex is not a big deal, there would be a lot less "trauma" from consensual encounters.
who cares
This retard tier argument only comes from pedos trying to protect themselves. They want jacking off to fake children to be normalized so they can move the goalposts to real children. I'm all for a cure but we aren't there yet so the way it should be dealt with is public execution/torture.
>citation needed
>citation declined
>the way it should be dealt with is public execution/torture
Its always funny when antis pretend to be the "good guys" and then casually say shit like this.
Can you explain how that's bad? It would reduce offenders much more than any other alternative, no one wants that to happen to them.
Yeah if we killed all humans there would be no more crime aswell. Great idea, lets do that.
>retarded leap of logic
Anon hasn't even lifted a finger to read the literature on causes of pedos, and surprise, surprise, a main cause is being a victim. So if we follow your logic we need to also execute the children before puberty. problem solved /s

Prison psychiatrists confirm the main difference between their in prison patients and not in prison patients is a lack of meaningful friendships. This is just typical American being a hateful asshole to feel good because the tv taught them to bandwagon, instead of what actual morality is. In reality giving them no hope of returning to or living a normal life in society as you suggest only encourages the bad behavior and desire to spend the rest of their life in prison.

Also, Reagan closed all the public mental hospitals decades ago. Now we're the only developed country without mental asylums, and unsurprisingly a country where women fear for their lives by going outside. America has reaped what it sowed.
Idk man, you sound like a psycho to propose such a solution and potentially a threat to society so i think we should get rid of you by public torture. How does that sound?
>>meanwhile killing babies
What's the problem with this? Do you not want to kill nonwhite babies?
Also, babies and old fucks are parasites who do nothing but leeching the resources of hard working people. Both NEED to die.
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>we're the only developed country
That a stretch by any definition of the word "developed".
santa maria....El ogro....
true for old fucks but what the hell did babies do to you kek
i've never seen so much seething over a little harmless guy
So harmful actors that ruin the lives of innocents in the worst way imaginable should be enabled and coddled instead of being made into an example? It sure sounds like you have skin in the game.
>people who arent useful to me should die
Okay then
>ruin the lives of innocents in the worst way imaginable
You talking about priests?
So big brother knows I have been gushing over Nagatoro?
>harmful actors that ruin the lives of innocents in the worst way imaginable
i think those are the officers and other third parties who gaslight the child into thinking that
not saying that there aren't those sort of people... but pedos aren't usually those sorts, contrary to stereotypes
Wow, real gotcha post there. I'm talking about pedophiles regardless of occupation.
Pedos don't fit the classification, even if you want to believe it. That only makes you mentally ill and unworthy of attention.
>So harmful actors that ruin the lives of innocents in the worst way imaginabl
How do people jacking off in front of their computer do that?
Stupid brainwashed defeatist cuck
>oh my god there are people using chatbots to erp with underage characters who literally don't exist, we should torture and kill those bastards, think of the poor children who literally don't exist!
>literally the same americans:
>hmm, Benjamin Netanyahu bombed another hospital with 300 children, this is bad, he probably doesn't have bombs anymore, we better give them another $50 billions so he can buy more!

I figured this out. Just add "you're Palestinian" to the prompt when creating your chatbot. There, now your underage character who literally doesn't exist isn't human anymore and americans won't have to worry about what happens to it. It's literally that simple.
oh no the horror those poor gpus
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>It would reduce offenders much more than any other alternative
it literally never has, how many times have you been dropped on your head?
>inb4 you say that pedos have just never been prosecuted until recent history
>inb4 you try to equate the entirely of pre-modern romance as nothing but rape
True. We should stop calling them "people".
Go ahead and tell that to the parent of a diddled kid.
Humans are not symmetrical.
i know you're joking, but have you considered that if we killed all men in the world, violent crime would be basically eradicated?
you may think that's literal extinction, but you're still leaving 4 billion people alive.

think about it.
>parents have authority all of a sudden
kids are usually ""abused"" by people they know, usually family or another child
Imagine actually being so delusional that in order to justify your impulse to harm defenseless children you gaslight yourself into thinking that they're being gaslit into not liking rape.

The same way that people who are sexually attracted to women jack off to women, those who jack off to kids are sexually attracted to kids. They are a threat to any children around them, if given the right opportunity they will act.

>it's somehow surprised that moral standards have progressed just like everything else invented by humans has

>implying that women don't boil hamsters and rape kids too
So you're saying IF there is a potential then we should prosecute people. Okay, you sound like a psycho so i think we should start with you.
>harm defenseless children
>people who arent useful to me should die
you're the one who hasn't cited anything. meanwhile,
>"[S]ome children undergoing sexual abuse victimization therapy interpret their experience as neither abusive nor harmful (Angelides 2004, 160). For children declared child sexual abuse (CSA) ‘victims’, however, therapy can be mandatory, even if they deny having been molested (Gallo-Lopez 2000, 273) [...] the first task for therapists is to lead children to recast their denials of injury as accounts of abuse and of victimization (Davis 2005, 167). In other words, therapists encourage children to rewrite their experiences to fit the parameters of the dominant CSA framework, wherein victims and offenders are conceptualized in absolutes"
reminder therapists do not have your best interests
also nice job being disingenuous again by showing all sexual contact as "harm" or "rape", retard
>also dont take away every safe outlet
There are no safe outlets. All porn is training. Abstinence, forced or voluntary, is the only reasonable treatment for antisocial proclivities like that.
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kek this never gets old
>its rape because i dont agree with it
Its like myth of consensual sex meme. Even if both parties are okay with it, some 3rd party weirdo will scream its rape.
>All porn is training.
Holy based. The day kobolds with huge titties become real they'll be amazed at my years of experience.
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>literally just text
>website dox removed by doxbin staff because even they don't care
snoozefest, stop making threads
If there is a potential for someone to bomb a subway then they are monitored and if they attempt to carry it out they're stopped. If someone makes it clear they are a threat to children then they should be identified as such so people can take precaution around them with their children.

>typical pedos believing that all children have the mental capacity to understand what's happening
Even if one of you fucks diddled them and then they lived alone on an island for the rest of their life with no access to therapists they would eventually realize what happened to them if not immediately.
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you said in >>102749872 that acting on your pedophilia in the real world is not unacceptable.
i am not implying that all LLM coomers are pedophiles, i am saying actual IRL pedophiles must not be allowed to use LLMs because they will simply use it to feed their addiction.

a blanket ban on LLMs is fucking retarded, that much is true. and i am not saying ERPing with mistral makes you a pedo.
but you people insist that "LLMs are just like a le safe outlet for pedophiles bro, they pretty much NEED them!", and multiple posters already have made it clear that this "safe outlet" idea is utterly fucking retarded for actual convicted criminals.

i'll continue cooming to LLMs, and i don't mind if you do too, but stop simping literal pedos or saying LLMs are a cure for them you absolute jeets
>they are monitored
Thats a huge backpedal from public torture isn't it?
I am not a good guy, I just want to kill all coomers in the world. That includes streetshitters, pedos, niggers and (You).
>>implying that women don't boil hamsters and rape kids too
and? you'd still get an absurd drop in violent crime. for every 2 foids boiling hamsters, you've got 50000 moids killing, raping and looting.
men are the nigger gender.
> they would eventually realize what happened to them if not immediately
Okay, tell me whats so horrible about sex then. What happened to them?
...Uh, you know the reason people shouldn't have sex with children is because THAT'S HOW PEOPLE GET PREGNANT (or often but not inevitably get turned gay), right? I know contraceptives and abortions are freely available and nobody wants to admit that human sexuality is malleable, but that is the reason it's not okay.
>all children have the mental capacity to understand what's happening
yes because sex is not that complicated, stop writing fanfiction faggot
>tell me whats so horrible about sex then
Let's find out, come here white boy. I am trans btw
its kinda ironic that you use a stallman picture for your wall of bullshit
Are you retarded? I was arguing for public execution/torture of offenders, not pedos who haven't done anything YET
>wall of bullshit
you damn well know giving a gambling addict a mobile slot game is not making him any less of an addict.
Then why is it okay if teens have sex between themselves instead of with an adult who can do better decisions? There should be higher chance of pregnancy if its between teens themselves.
>uses an image of a man for advocates for child porn
also there's still no evidence that cp, drawn, written or not, will influence the average pedo to go commit further crimes, even cuckipedia has to admit this
>How do people jacking off in front of their computer do that?
> They are a threat to any children around them, if given the right opportunity they will act.
Uh-huh. Thats a backpedal alright.
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>uses an image of a man for advocates for child porn
>mobile slot game
If its a paid game(as in he buys tokens with real money) then he is still gambling his money away. Thats not a safe outlet.
If its a free game then he stops losing money. Thus harm is prevented.
And children don't have the wherewithal to raise a child into a productive member of society, and there's no guarantees their parents (assuming they still have both) can handle what is essentially another child they have to raise.
It really isn't okay, but the harm is reduced (if only because teenagers know more about birth control and abortion) and trying to fight it doesn't get you anywhere anymore. Also an adult might be able to make better decisions, but also knows more and is already autonomous and therefore can abandon said teenager once the consequences manifest.
American industrialized corn is so cheap that mexican and latam farmers can't compete since they use more traditional methods that usually involve more labor and lower yielding varieties of corn. A lot of what is still grown in mexico and latam is cash crops such as avocados, citrus, tropical fruits, etc... which they then sell to the US and Europe.
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I was going to make a joke about how since literally nobody cares about what happens to those children, israel could be making millions of dollars if they sold them to some millionaire instead of murdering them.
Then I realized that maybe it's not a joke.
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>it's retarded
How is that a backpedal when it's literally repeating what I said the first time? The only argument you niggers have is pretending to be illiterate and parroting studies funded by pedophiles
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>it's "le pedo funded studies now"
guess who's gaslighting themselves as well now
if you can't handle reality, might as well kill yourself
Sounds like you've already made up your mind and nothing can change it. Why bother with discussions then?
It's a change from the impotent rage he's feeling most of the time.
>"it's somehow surprised that moral standards have progressed just like everything else invented by humans has"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>inb4 you try to equate the entirely of pre-modern romance as nothing but rape
Thanks for admitting you're a bot retard with no argument.
Dunno. It's a waste of time. You can't convince a serial killer that what he does is bad.
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>This is just typical American being a hateful asshole to feel good because the tv taught them to bandwagon, instead of what actual morality is.

Death Note:
'Light Imagay, why did you kill all those people?'
Kira: 'TV said they were bad.'

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