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*** Please be civil; notice the "friendly" in the thread subject ***

>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS

>Resources for backend languages
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas
https://github.com/bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers - List of design resources
https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials - Usually the best guides for everything server related

>Staying up to date
https://cooperpress.com/publications/ - Several weekly newsletters for different subjects you can subscribe to

>Need help? Create an example and post the link
https://jsfiddle.net - if you need help with HTML/CSS/JS
https://3v4l.org - if you need help with PHP/HackLang
https://codesandbox.io - if you need help with React/Angular/Vue

/wdg/ may or may not welcome app development discussion in this thread. You can post and see what the response is. Some app technologies of course have overlap with web dev, like React Native, Electron, and Flutter.

We have our own website: https://wdg-one.github.io

Submit your project progress updates using this format in your posts, the scraper will pick it up:

:: my-project-title ::
dev:: anon
tools:: PHP, MySQL, etc.
link:: https://my.website.com
repo:: https://github.com/user/repo
progress:: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Previous: >>102720386
gues I'll actually check the web dev mainling lists and comment if I see something interesting.
Any of you watch this guy on YouTube? His thumbnails can be cringe but the videos have interesting stuff sometimes


He was recommended to me one day and I watched a couple videos
What mailing lists are they?
Imagine being a webdev *wheeeeze*
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I like JSDoc. Do you guys like JSDoc?
I dunno how to use it, I just use TS
Also I don't see the point of declaring a function as a const. Why not just do `async function getByEmail`

The function keyword gets hoisted doesn't it, and const doesn't, but if anything that's better because const means you have to think about where you're declaring the function
>const equals function
Shit code anon.
Not him but maybe there are legit reasons for it

I remember for a while reading React tutorials and they all seemed to declare functions with const. Then they went back to using the function keyword. I dunno why. I thought the hoisting thing was the only difference, but maybe there's more than that.
Is this still recommended? It has not been updated in 2 years. I guess backend is more stable than frontend but I just want to be sure.
All it is a bunch of brief article-length overviews on different topics with a bunch of links that point elsewhere. It's not a real book
It's better than TypeShit, that's for sure
Is there something better I can be using right now than Docker for containers
No I hate it, JSShit more like
TypeScript is good and it's easy to use

echo "
const hello: string = 'Hello world';
" | deno run --check -
Fe, be mailing lists google them and you'll find them. I'm on my way home.
honestly the fact that I can use Java with ease and ts gives me a slight headache speaks volumes.
Once that said I like that both java and C# copied shit from js ( I think). Can't put my finger on it but for each and arrow-like functions etc in java and C# were cool to me.
Lil project I'm working on.
JSDoc typechecking >>>>> typescript
Typescript (as in the dialect and .ts) is fucking bloat. Fuck transpilation and all the hassle related to it.
I've used JSDoc in prod several times now. So much easier to work with, debug and test, and so much time saved. Plus it forces your retarded coworkers to document their shit.
Just use function. Webdevs are retarded.
I’m gonna make an app that lets you edit MP3s because you ever hear a song that has a corny intro or outro it really kills the vibe of the song. Thoughts? Can I get a webshitter job with this project. It’s something I want to build and I think it’s better than what the typical junior does
You might want to make that dynamic list either a scrollable overflow element with a fixed height or place it below the rest of the content. Having layout shifts on elements you're interacting with is annoying.
Hello saar
as promised

wtf is this?
const curry =
(f, array = []) =>
(...args) =>
(a => (a.length >= f.length ? f(...a) : curry(f, a)))([

const add = curry((a, b) => a + b);
const inc = add(1);

const pipe = (...fns) => x => fns.reduce((y, f) => f(y), x);
const doubleInc = pipe(x => x * 2, inc);
yep, looks like a super cool project
>Can I get a webshitter job with this project.
idk lol
For me I just use TS because it's pretty easy to me

I just write `: string` on something to enforce it as a string, instead of writing a full JSDoc comment. Also can JSDoc type variables within functions? I dunno if it can, I haven't used it. But TS can very easily.
>wtf is this?
Looks like something esoteric, a.k.a. something I don't need to know
>a full JSDoc comment.
/* @type {string} */

above the variable
>Also can JSDoc type variables within functions?
that's originally what JSDoc was designed for. How new are you?
I felt the exact same way
>How new are you?
I've done JS for a while, and some TS for a couple of years, but i've never used JSDoc, which I literally said in my last post
Why learn web when you have AI lol
Why learn when you have ai
Cursor vs Copilot: which is better now that copilot has been updated? I quickly threw together a prototype that’s kind of sloppy and I’m lazy, which would give me better results when asking it stuff like “refactor this following best standards while maintaining core functionality”.
Personally I have never asked AI for stuff like that, if I want to know those answers then I would look at Stack Overflow. At least you get answers from real humans.

Sometimes I ask things to AI but it's usually when I've exhausted all other avenues
i’ve been doing web dev & programming for 20+ years and it’s no longer as fun for me as it once was, i only work on personal projects now so I’m mostly interested in getting shit done fast with the lowest mental overhead possible so I can focus on other stuff.
Fair enough. I'm at the beginning of web dev so I guess I want to learn stuff. If I just ask AI to do everything for me then I won't learn anything. But yeah in your position I guess you already know a lot so there's less need to learn stuff.

As for personal projects, that's cool. I have one I've been working on. I might get it live soon. It will be interesting if people actually use it, but maybe they just won't.
Yeah I would never suggest that someone who is learning to use AI to code for you like that but I would suggest using the chat box version of chatGPT or Claude to ask the same questions that you would ask a mentor or to explain things you have trouble understanding. IMO you’d be wasting your time not to. A lot of the answers on stackoverflow now are coming from people abusing it with ChatGPT to inflate their profile scores anyways.
Fair points. I still find SO has some good answers though. It can give you multiple high-voted answers and you can find the one that suits you best.
What do you guys think of the Odin Project for learning React?
Any anons using Signals in their front-end code? Considering using it but all the documentation and articles I've been reading are ESL-tier.

full disclosure: I hate web technologies
I use copilot professionally and I learn tons of stuff by using it. You have to actually read the code it gives to you and if you don't understand it, you ask again what it does.

I learned ruby (my job) by essentially just asking copilot how to do stuff that I sort of knew how to do in JS and also what stuff around the code base was doing.

Then I just memoized the syntax and now I can read the code base. Copilot is an incredible learning tool if you don't just copy paste blindly. You can also make it do complicated shit, but you have to prompt it really well.

There are traps you can fall in to if you rely on AI for generating large files. like if there's a slight misunderstanding you can waste hours and hours debugging. So for large chunks of business logic I'd highly suggest getting really got at prompting or make the problem into bite size slices that copilot can individually sort out.

Also manual test writing will be completely dead in a couple years. If even that.
Yeah it's still work in progress. Construction selection will probably open in a modal if you click 'Construct Building'.
I mean signals is just super basic pub/sub stuff that's implementation is not many LOC, so I don't see why you shouldn't at least try it

but nope not right now, I'm mostly working on react & react native projects & libraries right now
>I use copilot professionally and I learn tons of stuff by using it.
I second this. It happens so often that I know exactly what I want, look it up, and people go
>uhm, sweaty, akshually, why do you even want to do that?
>install $my_favorite_distro
>*insert the most niggerlicious workaround ever*
but when I ask chatgpt or copilot, it gives me exactly what I need, and after getting my feet wet with the basics, I can start building the rest of my code on that.
Sometimes I post but 4chan doesn't show my post. I guess it's a bug.
I would rather use TS, since you get proper linting in text editors like VSCode and it's not only more useful but it actually gets updated since the linter complains otherwise.

I do that because JS is weird when it comes to using "this" inside a traditional function.
>muh bloat
The friendly C thread is two blocks down, anon.
JSDoc is nice but it has the same issues as phpdoc (with phpstan), which is:

>annoying shit with generics
you may as well drop generics or down level to worse typings
>sharing type declarations requires you to write verbose code, or import .d.ts typings, or force object types in to more bloated class structs as "DTOs"
>you still have to install typings for external dependencies (or, for PHP you need to use the ide-helper shit)
and no, it's not necessarily faster, it's just using TS and you do still have to configure your jsconfig anyways to squeeze out perf.

At the end of the day all you're doing is skipping a build step which can certainly be ideal in some circumstances but build tools nowadays are so much better than what they were back in webpack/browserify days.
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>going through the odin project which for some reason makes you use chrome for the course
>yeah whatever i'll switch back to firefox when i'm done
>going through the chrome js debug tools tutorial here: https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/javascript/
>supposedly if you put a break on a listener it will stop automatically there when it executes
>follow instructions
>instead of just landing on the supposed line in the js file tab it opens another tab in sources with something called "debugger: ///VM[number changes]"
>happens even with all extensions disabled in incognito mode

great tutorial. i see. i understand
Best alternative for Postman that doesn't require a (((login)))?
>Best alternative for Postman that doesn't require a (((login)))?
What is the current recommended React stack right now? Last time I touched was over 3 years ago. I read somewhere that Vite and Typescript are almost a standard now. What about forms, for example?
If youre jetbrains paypig they all have inbuilt .http file client
SPA: vite+TS
SPA, but also with server rendering: Remix vite plugin
multi page app with server rendering: Asto (Vite)
react server components and shiet: Next.js

Forms: use form actions and a schema validator like Zod
Next.js: https://nextjs.org/docs/app/building-your-application/data-fetching/server-actions-and-mutations#forms
Astro: https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/actions/
Arrow functions and destructuring and spreading (slutty)
Im in the midst of it (i can already program) and i find it pretty painful. I suggest using it as an outline and then just look up videos or whatever.
The earlier lessons (html css js) were much better written i feel.
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Webcomponents are getting bullied again
+ works on Windows 8.1, maybe even on Windows 7
+ built-in browser view
+ local
- un4chanate name
this statement couldn't be any dumber, jsdoc is cute for a handful functions and falls apart when you need to do large scale refactorings, type safety is already not a thing in js but at least ts helps keep that somewhat manageable

you're gonna hate kotlin then
You can try, some guy already did something like that with wav files https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udbA7u1zYfc
If the programmer didn't write like a retard and added verbose code like he's trying to avoid, you'd see that all these two functions do are
>curry: generate a function with a predicate, which can then be called without constantly having to provide it - has some niche applications
>pipe: take a list of functions and execute them sequentially with the previous functions' return value
Insomnia seemed decent the last time I tried it (over a year ago)
Insomnia is good as you can fork it and just check out an older revision in case they chimpout and start adding a subscription/login only gate to using it
Have you ever publicised a personal project of yours, on 4chan or Reddit or somewhere like that?

I'm thinking of doing that with a project I made. But inevitably some people will say "you suck, you made this error, you're laughably bad, fuck you". But fuck them I guess.
That's pretty cool, do you plan on making a basic canvas representation of the plants? Like 2d sprites on a green plane, maybe have some kind of wires connecting them all together.
it makes no difference
the only difference between
function foo() {}

let foo = function() [}

is that the first one gets hoisted, so you can use it above the declaration

now with arrow functions vs function functions there's a difference in that arrows can't have a "this", but this is not relevant here
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my boss wants me to implement a feature to log in as any user without their password or permission even though I just made him an admin panel where he can fuck with stuff as he wants
I have a few decent npm libs that I've open sourced from work at my company. Don't want to publicize them cause I don't want to provide support though
>no arguments property
>no this context inheritance, cannot be bound either
it's a more stripped down version of a function
impersonation features make debugging prod incidents easier, so you don't have to jump through a million hoops to recreate the situation yourself
>you're gonna hate kotlin then
pls elaborate
Holy based
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>week 2 of learning python so I can leave frontend and never have to deal with a designer again
I'm gonna make it
>I like JSDoc. Do you guys like JSDoc?
No, I don't like docs that don't enforce the type info that is shown.
I have been working on too many JS code bases where the JSDoc is completely out of date.
It is like Python type hints, the hints are usually not followed once a change is made and then you end up with something worse than no hunt/type doc.

But you can use JSDoc with the typescript linter, then that is acceptable.
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I'm currently building both an imageboard and a video platform. I need your help with CSS / visual design, focusing on the video platform for now.

Here are two different versions I've had of the same site.
I started with a colorful "neubrutalism" type of design but people anons on 4chan said it was "the most horrible thing they've ever seen", "worse than dogshit" etc. and I barely got any pointers on what to do. So I just went full Youtube and the site is now black and white with some lines and thumbnails. Now people are saying it needs color and border-radius.
I dunno where to go from here. Any actual tips? I'm middle aged, and I dont use social media (not even Youtube), so it's hard for me to imagine what the user wants the site to be like.
what jetbrains did was basically take the javascript syntax with a few goodies, type safety like in typescript so it writes and reads much like ts code with none of the java boilerplate. want to iterate a collection but hate writing out .stream()? kotlin has functional programming built in whereas in main Java it's an afterthought, you can also extend classes with ease without touching the main class, heavy focus on writing stuff without writing the same thing several times over
perhaps I love koltyn and ts and didn't know it yet, makes sense, lets make a wish for the future
all the zoomers at my current project do this shit. I'm really getting fucking tired of webdev

>weird "this"
why would you need this for a global function
I'm either too smart or too stupid for WordPress
I want to move my career towards devops.

I possess three years of tech support engineer experience and two years of software dev experience.

My coworkers say I should opt for the AWS solutions architect associate cert.

Anyone know any good courses for this route? Also, do junior jobs exist for this area or do I have to hold out for site reliability engineer jobs instead?

Grab a template WordPress site, slap some plugins on it, deploy it and fuck around with it.

Have fun with it. Best things for this include blogs and art gallery pages imo.
>there is this feature...
>...so I must use feature at all costs
Don't do that, don't face edge cases.

The DOM, html, css and js are not Java. You don't actually enforce private members at all, so stop doing that unless you absolutely have to for some inane reason. Prefer using the light DOM.

>What we know: DDOS attack–fended off for now; defacement of our website via JS library; breach of usernames/email/salted-encrypted passwords.

>What we’ve done: Disabled the JS library, scrubbing systems, upgrading security.

>Will share more as we know it.

Does anyone know what JS library was used to pwn archive.org?
>Does anyone know what JS library was used to pwn archive.org?
All of them.
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This is sad.
How much JS do front end devs really use? I saw a post a few days ago, dude claims 80% is just CSS. True?
I like remix a lot, much more than next. But I’m finding the flat folder routing hard to get used to. In my current app there’s a public facing portion and a private admin area. It bugs me that the files are mingling together and that I can’t just move the admin routes to an ./admin folder.
I dont think you have to do flat folder routing, it's optional, whereever you're using a dot you can also make a subdirectory instead.
As far as I can tell you can turn a single route module into a subdirectory but you can’t group multiple routes
Has anybody here ever used Appliku to deploy an app, and if so, would you recommend it?
I haven't used remix but surely you should be able to. Going through their docs it seems like you can create multiple routes in the same folder, but your "index" route would be called `route.tsx`, everything else would have it's own name.
Unfortunately you can only put normal components and other lib files alongside a single route.tsx
May as well go the manual route approach in their docs by updating the vite config.
Oh I missed that, thanks anon
is there a /wdg/ discord?
Yep but it's not that active

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>Struggle to learn react for days
>Components not rendering
>Turns out react components have to be named with CamelCase
>Change a couple of letter
>App works now
I hate tools that enforce a style, I'm so angry right now.
Your editor should have caught that desu.
I like tools that enforce a style, but only if it's a style that I like.
It did but but i didn't understood why the different components had differently colored highlight on the first place.
please explain what the fuck is the point of SSR "meta-frameworks" like Remix and Next
for years webshits were drilling "DECOUPLING" into my head
they touted the benefits of having a REST API and a client that talks to it, that way you can have a mobile app, a web app, and a desktop app all with the same backend logic
Now.. it doesn't matter? if I'm gonna couple the frontend and backend why the fuck should I bother with Next.js when .NET/Razorpages, Rails/ERB, Django/Jinja, etc. are right there?
Because you'd be using a single programming language for everything, rather than using dogshit like .NET, ruby or python.
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>be react
>be one of the first to introduce class based shit on JS
>honor convention that ClassNames Are Uppercase
>meanwhile ES6 arrives which has native js classes
>tell people that classes are so 2015 and to use functions, but this time it's them that are using them UpperCamelCase, because fuck you
it's not react, it's JSX, and it's always been like that lmao
protip: all "arguments" in favour of one paradigm being the best at all times are always bullshit.
That being said...
It's got to do with code quality combined with the inherit wish of many frontend devs to rewrite shit all the fucking time. Putting absolutely everything together in one place is "beneficial" to you if you are not able to comprehend that engineering does not mean to pile shit up and that actually engineering shit will lead to better results. And that is the problem with all of this: The web dev "community" (so all the fucking influencers and /wdg/ anons shilling shit to you) simply do not care about the quality of the results. They just care about having some result ASAP
>it's not react, it's JSX
JSX is a part of react. Don't be a prick and try to convince me otherwise. Just because other frameworks adopted that shit, that does not mean that initially and in concept JSX was not a subset of the FRAMEWORK that is react.
JSX is a spec for build tools and linters (Babel, TS, esbuild, swc, etc) so that they know how to parse tokens (JSXIdentifier, JSXElement, JSXAttribute) so that frameworks (react, solid.js, Vue, Qwik, Preact, etc) can use them in their runtime.
Going by your words, people like Rich Harris and Ryan Carniato should not be bitching about web components either, because nothing that they say applies to the actual written spec - yet somehow people (and even those that should know) still take the term for what it is.
And that is why I in return will apply that thinking to JSX: It's a part of react.
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It's more accurate to say something like React is the most popular JSX library, and JSX was initially created with React in mind. But the ecosystem has matured since then and many libraries use JSX nowadays. You even mention Ryan, who wrote Solid which tops all the UI lib perf benchmarks.
The number of options to write an app in vue some n-dimensional hypercube: SFC with options API with JSX, html components with composition API with JSX, composition API using setup() inside options API without JSX...
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anyone here ever try smurfing in a bootcamp?

a couple of years ago I went to some shitty free nonprofit webdev bootcamp, aimed at "disenfranchised minorities". I was basically "smurfing" given that I already had a year of real world coding experience, I'd always have the best project in the class and people would comment how they're looking forward to my next presentation and so on. I remember one time a black girl unironically screamed when she found out I was going to be her partner for the final project. she kept going on and on about how she was praying for the universe to bless her and me getting assigned with her was exactly that. no I didn't fuck her. anyways at the end of the bootcamp they were partnered with a few companies where they were offering a few jobs to minority bootcamp graduates, but because I was such a "star" student the teacher told one of the companies and they basically gave me a job on the spot, no interview. a month later the same company let go of all the other interns because they realized I can just do another intern's week worth of work, solo, in like 2 hours. surprised they never got suspicious of me

anyways a year and a half later the company went belly up, so now I'm looking for a new job and damn this market sucks. doesn't help that I'm also a super autistic sperg with zero social skills who can't network or interview to save his life, but anyways do I try finding another 'bootcamp for brown people" that is free or nearly free, and smurf my way into another job again?
Kind of did that in university, already had work experience during high school and took a gap year to do some computing certification which also involved software dev/databases. so naturally I was always the top in my algo/databases/computing papers.
>anyone here ever try smurfing in a bootcamp?
I did juzt that, and didn't get the job, top lulz, some midle aged woman got it cause she saw a job opening and said she was interested in it, I had no clue. a few weeks later, they made some kind of whatever event where companies would come to see our project. So I long story short got hired from the events derived from there.

> another bootcamp?
that takes time, so I would do that but also try my luck on job openings, that might also take time, don't seelp! ( don't take don't sleep literally now, you sperg)
nta, but good stuff
>already had work experience during high school
that's probably one of the biggest achievements, how?
How come there was not a web dev general for what seemed like a few days?
you still eventually got a job so it all worked out. one of my biggest worries with trying again is that I have no idea how common jobs actually are at bootcamps, sounds like yours didn't have a dozen job openings lined up for graduates like mine did, you actually had to go to events and network with the people there and shit, which is what I'm trying to avoid
Nepotism I guess. Worked for a cousin lawyer to write scrapers that parse US state and county websites, PDF document scrapers, mainframe scrapers (yes, some states still use that and charge a pretty penny per minute to use), interfacing with paid APIs, automating word/excel shit to do mail merging and printing, etc etc.

Basically was gathering traffic and criminal violations all in one database to sell to attorneys that want clients. Ended up doing a bunch of shit, working with html/css/php mysql databases at the time, python, electron, VBScript, etc. And it still just werks to this day.

It's kind of crazy though that you can basically get anyone's personal details (house address and everything) from a simple traffic violation or misdemeanor in many states.
It literally had 1 single job opening in practice. But there was a networking sessions follow up, it could have been worse
that sounds like a huge business oportunity in the legal/insurance sector, dw I personally won't do anything regarding that
sleepy? remember to enjoy the weekend! I will do so, but slightly, since I have to study for a cert ;_;
which one?
QA cert
>page 9
Emergency thread resus required
Why are all react slop pages laggy on scroll?
Wtf are they doing are they hooking into scroll event?
Come on man.
Dear blog,
>Be good remote employee
>always available
>turning down offers for 30k more a year
>work 8-5 to be available to both east and center offices, everyone else works 9-5 or 8-4. No one asked me to do this.
>take no vacation for almost 2 years, just dr appointments
>guy joins dev team and starts taking multiple several week vacations all over the world.
>feel jelly, so start taking days here and there when I'm ahead on my work and have nothing to do, which is always
>get called into meeting today and told if the company starts doing poorly I'm probably first they'd cut due to the amount of vacation days I'm taking.
el oh el
I'm applying to all of the interview requests.
Literally always ahead on my work and even answered the phone on my ONLY vacation in almost 3 years that was 2 weeks long and guided them through a migration process with a 3rd party tool I integrated for them.
I've started to get into the front end stuff and been wondering this too. I also feel like I'm seeing the wheel being reinvented because reasons
bro, just work normally, by the contract, that's it, you overworked yourself for no reason at all, there's no need to
I'n my context, that holds true, I don' t know about yours
>intel/nvidia sponsored post
It is a chill job but my “manager” hates that so don’t like being managed so whenever he feels like I’m not being a bitch boy he gets made and finds things to complain about.
I just hit up the recruiters and when I exit I’ll blame him.
sounds kino, ngl
the mad lads scheduled 2 trainings in the same week at the righ exact time, the same fucking company, honestly they aced it in my book, fuck training two big time
I need to learn more Go
everything I hear about go is good 2bh, and it sounds good in paper
I just wrote something in it and it works well but I guess the idioms of Go are something to get used to. I can write code that works but it's ugly at the moment.
How do you know if you're job ready? What should you need to know in order to feel remotely confident applying for jobs? I built a whole ass app and deployed it to a VPS, set up the firewall, reverse proxy, rate limiting, ssh security, https, and have it accessible to the public, but still don't know what matters in regards to employment...
more than ready
What kind of app?
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>I make a good amount of money with CRUD applications for local businesses, since I live in a small rural town and my clients enjoy that I physically go to their medical or veterinary clinic, store, car shop, etc., to train/help/fix/update their systems personally, rather than having some indian retard service them online
>I literally only know html, css, javascript, node.js and sqlite
I haven't payed attention to being more competent in coding since it's my second job, but which way should I go for if I want to expand my programming skills and actually make a living out it? My power level is a single page application that fetches data from my own data server for some api needs.
How common are whiteboard interviews outside of FAANG? I consider myself quite competent like this anon >>102783351
But struggle with the more advanced DSA/CS stuff. I understand Big O but have had a hard time learning the core algorithms like tree manipulation because I’m more of a hands on learner(or I’m just retarded) and I’ve never needed them.
I’d start with react and then next.js
Food/calorie/macro/exercise/weight logger. Has a lot of graphs to show trends, progress bars for the day's goals, user auth, email password reset, and doesn't ask you log what you aren't tracking - so if you only care about calories and protein, when you add an entry it will only ask for input for those 2 fields.

Also you can share a viewer key with people and they can activate it and gain access to your logs, so accountability groups, personal trainers/coaches, and so on can view your logs. You can revoke viewership of anyone at anytime, and change your viewer key if you think someone is sharing it or whatever.

Also has quick entries, where you can add meals/food you eat regularly and pull them up with a search bar that uses postgres db search function to find them - was kind of proud of that.

Overall, not very complex, but I was learning a language and a framework while making it so it wasn't as straight forward as it would have been in a language I was more familiar with. It's also 100% a backend app, but the UX is that of a SPA.
fwiw the thing I look in developers is whether they can actually set this shit up and host it somewhere. I'd ask them in an interview to showcase their codebase and how they built it and what decisions they made along the way. If it smells like copy paste tutorial bullshit I'll reject them right away.

Saying that though, looks you've already had experience doing the whole full stack yourself so you shouldn't have any self doubts about starting in an intermediate or junior dev role. Most people I come across are much less skilled.
What's the final solution in terms of web stacks?
React and inline styles. Anything else is just bullshit.
>mind breaks DDH
Not popular at all, at least not in that format. Most places will just send you a random task and say "you have 4 hours - 4 days to finish this and submit it to github/gitlab".
>Any anons using Signals in their front-end code?
I mostly use browser native signals, like listen to scroll events, resize events etc. One use case is to show a floating button or not, depending on if they have scrolled to the bottom or not. Also I implemented the YouTube shorts red bar to show time elapsed for the video by using signals emitted from the video element.
>Best alternative for Postman that doesn't require a (((login)))?
Bruno, it is FOSS. Easy to save that requests in your project directory and sync to your colleagues via git.
>Have you ever publicised a personal project of yours, on 4chan or Reddit or somewhere like that?
Yes, I posted about the wdg website.
I have a new project I hope to show soon as well.
I am looking for full stack NextJS(le ssr meme) full stack framework?

I tried BlitzJS and the lack of docs are killing me. I feel like everything has to be a client component. I like that it is laravel-esque in terms of providing scaffolding
Starting my first Full Stack job in Tuesday. Wish me luck.
good luck!
Okay I wish you luck, but I hope that in return you may consider wishing me luck in getting a job myself
anon, I...

its fvcking over...

nta, but good luck!
nta, but you will not make it!hundreds of CS grads with internship experience and thousands of laid off FAANG engineers you will be competing with. Got into trades and save yourself years of time

Thank you lad

Fuck CS grads, fuck FAANG workers, fuck tradies
Why not just use Next then
You're looking for Rails, friend.
Tired of front-end myself. Python was actually my first language but I definitely need to revisit to refresh my memory. What kind of jobs are you looking at?
if only this europoor decided to move to the US she'd have 10 diversity jobs lined up for her lmaoo
The old versions of their entire lineup are free
Only if you had loicense for a 1 year period
how did you get your first clients? just cold calls? entering their businesses and giving them a handshake?
I've always wonder if I can supress my autism enough to pull this off
Go is always ugly and code that looks beginner-like is often the most idiomatic. That's why it's so polarizing.
I think the problem for go is you can't frontend in go
Even gleam does frontend and that's a 1 year old language https://github.com/lustre-labs/lustre
It's no longer enough to just be a backend language
And no htmx and other hotwire crap is cope. Its not front end.
I think google should put together a team of their top troons on making frontend go happen. Kotlin compose was good and they werent even troon. Imagine what googles best trannies could do
> Even gleam
that's just cause Gleam can compile to JS cause it's a BEAM lang. That's an exception not the rule. idk what you're expecting, Go was designed for backend.
>It's no longer enough to just be a backend language
why not? are you suggesting that all languages compile to JS? Go, Python, Java, C#, even Rust, all the popular backend langs are doing just fine. Swift and Kotlin have frontend but only for mobile apps.
I'd rather use Go + TS or JS with Flow than to deal with esoteric memelangs for which there's almost no community/resources.
>are you suggesting that all languages compile to JS?
I'm suggesting they figure it out.

>Swift and Kotlin have frontend but only for mobile apps.
Soon https://github.com/swifweb
>I'm suggesting they figure it out.
they can't "figure it out" you either compile to JS or compile to wasm which has a bunch of downsides right now including bloat. But if you insist, you can use Go with wasm already. Only a retard would do that in 2024 when it's so early.
>Soon https://github.com/swifweb
that's just wasm
that's just wasm again
if by "Soon" you mean in like 3-5 years, maybe. By then you'll be able to use any language in the client. But I'm willing to bet most people will still be using TS
hey thats pretty cool webgame. Reminds me of all those travian/ikariam games that were popular until 2010s.
If I wanted to create something like that what kind of video courses or book courses do you recommend?
Languages which have figured it out don't have these problems
Go lang deprecated
You can do front-end with Go, just compile it to WASM, I've tried it before

But also I don't think that's the main thing stopping its adoption. I think BlueSky uses Go on the back-end and TypeScript on the front-end. And Uber uses Go. And Bitly. And probably many other companies.
>just compile it to WASM
wasm can't talk to the DOM
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I recently got a backend job with a little bit of cloud and devops. Couldn't be more content, since I was doing react for 2 years prior. One thing, I wouldn't go for python if you want to go into backend. I would choose some statically type language instead.
I like JSDoc. It’s most of TypeScript without the build step.
FAANG engineers aren't that useful because those companies usually use their own language, version control etc. so they have almost no experience in what regular devs use.
>usually use their own language
No they don't; they prefer to mutilate the public language instead. Just look at what horrific things google and stripe did to python and ruby, instead of letting them die.
>version control
Honestly, just use SVN for everything.
>they have almost no experience in what regular devs use.
Ok now your just trolling.
maybe better for /sqt/ but how would this work as an SSR application when being publicly hosted? Would you need to program it in a special way, or configure the server to provide a virtual server instance for every user?
Lets say you publicly hosted it without any configuration or special programming, would there only be one game running which everyone were accessing and adding to the event loop?
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