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What do you think will be the technological impact from EU enforced mandatory backdoors into all private messaging apps and encryption algorithms to save the children?
Hopefully, it will encourage people to desert the centralized apps and to explore decentralized alternative.
High speed internet is now widely available, and computational power is dirt cheap.
Here in France, my ISP router actually comes with the capability to host a couple virtual machine, a native VPN server, and a ISP-hosted DNS service.
It would not be that much of a stretch for the average joe to host its own mailbox, a messaging app, or a social media thingy like mastodon.
ChatControl is not aimed at privately owned online services. It might work.
you're delusional if you believe normies would use that.
Chat Control is aimed at everything, private companies already obey v1 aka voluntary Chat Control. This is why Gmail and Outlook scan everything you send, this new version would make it mandatory. The things you're talking about would be made illegal to host or use.
I expect it to pass tomorrow since only germany and Poland are against it anymore. Last vote was 63% of required 65% so just barely not enough. Its a shame how they use children as an excuse to push that crap. And how I don't see it anywhere mentioned in the news.
Didn't the Court rule it was literally against the fundamental EU right to privacy?
Imagine living in a communist country like Europe ran by marxists there is a reason why everyone finds the America to be the most free nation in business. Europeans just exist to be told what to do by the big government
>he thinks this won't affect americans
backdoors are backdoors
I get them. Why let Five Eyes get a monopoly on that?
>mutt says the most retarded things
this is why we hate the US
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You were literally born yesterday, nigguh.
this doesn't bypass encryption or make it illegal to post online without ID
It got removed from this week's agenda due to not having a majority in a last week's vote after Netherlands changed their stance to opposing it. There was supposed to be another meeting discussing it tomorrow but it won't be anything special due to the current presidency revising the draft again.
Keep up with the news.
Are United Statesians retarded?
Grasping at straws, already?
"Bypassing encryption" is probably a technicality (who cares if you have access to the server?). Posting "without ID" is a pointless distinction, those niggers are getting good at scoring people via Tor, let alone random people without opsec. They have the person's IP and then the celltowers or land line that IP is associated to. So you have defacto mandatory ID while posting online for Joe Shmoe, which is the biggest problem of this shit, anway.
Good to know. Wish they would just drop it all together. At this rate it's just a when and not if it will become a thing.
what straws you useless fed, encryption is not a technicality it's the only thing guaranteeing actual privacy and they're trying to make it illegal by forcing client side scanning
>muh tor is crap, it's all over, just give up and use http it's the same thing
kys you glowie, I won't even bother to continue responding to this line since everyone who tries to get people to stop using tor is without exception a federal agent
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I'm surprised that Germany's against it.
Only for encrypted communications. Unencrypted communications are OK to feed into the AI and send out arrest warrants automatically.
Can I have sex with this AI?
>All in the name of terro— think of the chil— I mean “security”.
I hate EU reich so damn much
no, it's an american AI so sex is banned
Americans allow you to see violence 24/7 but the mere thought of a nipple scares the jeebus follower
Blame the US for bullying the EU into doing this
You don't belong on this board.
My government is controlled by communists, and the opposition are communists with 10 years buffer and basically vote for the same shit.
So, even with the fact that the constitution says there's free speech and freedom of tought, they do whatever they want with the people, although they now have approved a law made by literal terrorists that basically removes all power from the police, so it seems they shoot themselves in the foot anyways.
and whats stopping me from writing my own messaging app for me and my contacts?
Good, fuck them. Let them keep using discord.
Germany didn't have Google street view until very recently because so many Germans sent opt out requests when it first came out.
it's illegal
USA is more freer country than EU
Americans have a different definition of "free". I'd consider you less free given that youre beholden to corporations for so many basic things.
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yes but US government doesn't try to regulate every aspect of your life and make you pay 50% taxes. I dislike both US and EU but would prefer some red state. EU is a dumpster fire and it's only getting worse.
And this whole thing is a roundabout plot by some female Swedish politician to grift money by giving the contract to scan the communications to a american AI company she receives kickbacks from.
Its pretty bitchin not having to worry about going thousands of dollars in medical debt if I get an unlucky draw.
thousands of dollars is a months salary you twit, why would you pay 100x that over 10 years without stepping foot inside a hospital? if you actually had a problem they'd tell you the lists are full and to wait 2 years before telling you they can't do anything and refer you to another specialist after 2 more years
t. had to go to private because they told me the same
>yeah the underlying OS is compromised but if you just install XMP-
Not sure if glownigger or useful idiot.
They just say they are against it until the vote is held then they vote in favour as they always do.
>jobs in Eurocuckistan don't come with health insurance as a benefit
truly a grim existence. too bad I don't give a shit.
voting will continue until democracy improves
You're still paying for the rest of your life for anything more than a minor illness, I'm not.
this is literally not how it works
you literally are
do you even have a job you useless teenager?
it's not that much of a stretch, plenty of normies already use premade NAS servers and Kodi boxes
>random made up Eurocuck head canon
Cool I still don't see how your delusional seething affects me?
Why does France hate fun?
You're making the redstate cucks seethe
I thought the whole privacy thing was something recent. Wow, germs are whole different beast.
>The things you're talking about would be made illegal to host or use.
i doubt it, it can't really without replacing a lot of basic infrastructure like E-Mail or company VPNs
emails are not encrypted, and Outlook and Gmail already scan all messages sent and even try to unzip and decrypt zip files attached
Germ here, it has nothing to do with the population being that privacy conscious (they aren't) people here are so retarded many of them thought that if street view was allowed burglars would know when they aren't home. That is why so many people opted out of street view. I wish I was making this shit up.
>emails are not encrypted
they can be
>Outlook and Gmail already scan all messages
plenty of companies and organizations roll their own
Here's an article from 2010 to prove that I am not making this shit up.
I bet that will stop organized crime.
So people thought it was some 24/7 livestream?
>it's actually not a problem anyone can scout out your property from the comfort of his couch because at least it's not real time
Not going to lie that would have been sick technology back in the day.
All the trash in government that want more control, all of them are child fuckers.
Yup. Magical 24/7 livestream directly into peoples living rooms. Tech literacy in Germany is on the level of the average peasant circa 800AD. To further hammer home this point people are still shitting themselves over gmaps opt-outs needing to be renewed soon while Apple has photographed all of Germany but because the Bild (German Sun equivalent) only told these retards to be outraged at Google nothing on there is redacted and hasn't been since apple maps started.
Yeah bro we all got raped, murdered and our houses are all stripped clean by now. I'm currently fending off 20 burglars and two rapists.
the gov is excluded from chat scanning btw
How do the governments plan to force app programmers to put Trojans into their apps? How will the government wizards (the lawmakers and judges etc.) get this done?
The same way they got it done with Telegram.
So they will kidnap the programmers and convince them to put in the Trojans out of their own free will instead of a so called law that says programmers have to put in Trojans into their own programs?
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>Yup. Magical 24/7 livestream directly into peoples living rooms.
O mein gott.
and yet people get raped, murdered and robbed and it's not hard to imagine scenarios in which street view could be instrumental in such endeavours
Corpos make you pay 6 gorillion dollar in tips and put sneed oils in your food to save 3 cents

I really dont care whether I am being oppressed by corpo or gubbermin. I would rather just not be oppressed.
>but what about this imaginary scenario that has literally never happened that I just made up in my head?
Seek professional help. You're obviously suffering from persecution delusions, anxiety disorder and probably paranoid schizophrenia as well.
Nah my point still stands about Germans being privacy conscious. I'll give you another example. Photography laws. You can't take pictures of people in public in Germany, unless under specific conditions. Like if they're in a large crowd, or in a landscape, or at a monument. And filming public grounds is illegal too. Dashcams are even contested.
Will it require a back door in ssh?
>You can't take pictures of people in public in Germany
>And filming public grounds is illegal too
Why is this not normal.
good, google maps should be fucking banned
there's no need to get upset
here, i found a robber that says he did indeed use streetview for you
Nothingburger. This is just a retarded proposal made by people who have no idea about how modern technology works. Words simply cannot express how devastating it would be for global supply chain, some officials in there still understand that and therefore it will not pass, the same way it did not worked in UK, despite that the proper legislation was actually introduced. The only people who care are VPN companies who try to use this as their marketing strategy and /pol/ tourists who come here and speak about that, even though most of them got filtered by something as basic as updating windows or using a password manager.
Yeah no. That isn't even a misinterpretation of German law that's just straight up completely wrong. Where the fuck do all these myths about Germany come from? Where to even begin.
I know exactly what photography law you're referencing but as I already said that isn't even a misinterpretation that's taking a law that simply does not apply to the discussion at hand and acting as if it does.
The law that would apply is §201a StGB not §22 KUG which you are referencing.
Obviously I can't just go up to you and photograph you, but if you're outside of your own home or another "gegen Einblick besonders geschützten Raum" or in English "room that is particularly protected from prying eyes" you can't do shit. If you walk down a public city street and I take a photograph tough luck. And no the GDPR does not apply either courts have already decided that see "Haushaltsprivileg".
As for dashcams that's bullshit too. Dashcams are neither "contested" nor illegal. The BGH decided that even recordings made due to 24/7 recording without any particular reason can be used as evidence in court see Az.VI ZR 233/17.
>Obviously I can't just go up to you and photograph you
It wasn't opt-out it was opt-in actually. Until 5 years ago or something only few big cities had it and smaller towns could opt-in if they wanted to (nobody actually did) but now they changed to opt-out and people are sueing them again. I hope it will be made illegal again.
>Where the fuck do all these myths about Germany come from?

Here ya go... Retard

The thing most Americans don't realize is that German has two different words for privacy and they both mean something else. Germans love Privatsphäre (privacy) but don't give a shit about Intimsphäre (privacy). Americans don't even know the difference because they don't give a shit in general.
You guys have two words for a lot of words that would just be one word in English though. Cause you guys give a shit for some reason about the difference between a person eating and an animal eating.
Not my fucking problem I'm not EU
The difference? search says these words are the same.
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>keeps referring to KUG §22ff.
>keeps referring to the GDPR
Thanks for confirming what I just said retard. That blog is obviously written by someone with no idea about German law. Fuck they even admit it it themselves. They literally just compiled a list of random websites and parts of various Gesetzbücher that to someone with no idea what they're doing might seem relevant but simply aren't.
And we're just supposed to believe you huh?
>Yeah I'm just going to believe a random blog that says he doesn't have legal expertise and can't answer legal questions
You can believe whatever you want but stop spreading bullshit online. In Germany we call this Gefährliches Halbwissen, dangerous half-knowledge or in other words Dunning Kruger. Most of the articles deals with commercial interests. Have you even read the shit you linked?
EU is an extermination camp and the gates are closing, if you are young don't stick around too long.
>Yeah I'm just going to believe a random retard on a random image board that says he has legal expertise and can answer legal questions
>n-no u
I'll just take that as a no, you have not read what you linked. Also you know you can just stop replying after outing yourself as a peak Dunning Kruger retard, right?
Well it's hard to explain in English obviously but I'd say it's the difference between a stranger asking for information about you vs. showing off something to a friend. Like you want to share vacation pics on instagram and let people see it (Intimsphäre) but you don't want instagram to know where you were for vacation (Privatsphäre). Don't know if this explanation makes sense.
But literally who are you to interpret German law though? Just some random dude on the internet.
have you even read that site? because it confirms what he said.
You just wait, they will end up changing 2 lines and then all of them will vote in favor of the whole thing.
There's rich coming from a country where it's mandatory to dox your real name and address if you have a website.
This is btw also the reason why nudism is so popular in Germany because it falls into Intimsphäre and taking images of strangers is not allowed because it falls into Privatsphäre. There is actually an interesting theory I read that the more Privatsphäre a person wants the less Intimsphäre he needs and vice versa which actually makes sense if you think about it and apply it to different cultures.
I specifically told you what court decisions and paragraphs you need to look up to understand why §22 KUG and the GDPR are irrelevant to a private person taking public photos and why §122a is relevant here. I don't know what kind of banana republic you're from where laws and court cases are a matter of "interpretation" but it doesn't work that way in Germany. There is nothing to "interpret" here.
Additionally if you bothered to actually check out the cited sources like I did you would have noticed that at least half of them are dead links. The citations literally don't exist.
You only need to do that if you sell something or write informative articles. It's to prevent scam and fake information. You absolutely don't need it for your personal blog despite popular believe. It's not even mandatory to put it into your whois there just needs to be some form of contact where you can be reached.
Why dont you link them then retard, ffs you have them open in front of you right since youre quoting them? Also what's this thing called "Recht am eigenen Bild"? Are you just ignoring that?
>duuude just don't write informative articles or have google ads or a crypto donation link
>you don't understand, it's to prevent to people saying thing which are *gasp* not true!
This is one of the most cucked things I've seen in practice. It's up there with Korean sites requiring IDs for playing gacha games. And eurocucks defend this unironically.
It isn't hard to see how we got to chatcontrol becoming a thing.
>Americans have a different definition of "free"
And not one of them makes sense in a political context, yes.
Since this comment is once again nothing other than Gefährliches Halbwissen I'm going to assume you've written both of these.
I don't know why you keep talking about German law when you so painfully obviously don't have the first clue about it. The only logical explanation I can come up with is you're part of a Abmahnkanzlei and this is a way to drum up business. I have told you what to look up, if you don't want to or can't do that, not my fucking problem.
In regards to the Impressumspflicht that info is not just outdated it is also once again FUCKING WRONG.
TMG §5 has been succeeded by Digitale Dienste Gesetz §5.
"Digitale Dienste" are not defined by selling anything it's about a "commercial character". That means if you have amongst other but not limited to ads, sponsorships of any kind, paid endorsements, affiliate links or anything else that is commonly used to make money regardless of if you actually make or intend to make money off of it you need an Impressum. That explicitly also applies to private blogs and gemeinnützige Vereine. It also applies if you do any of this on a platform not hosted on your own servers, e.g. Facebook, YT, Twitter, etc.
On top of that the TMG/DDG are not the only laws that immediately require you to have an Impressum either. Amongst others there's also MStV §18.2. That's what you seem to refer to with your vague babble about "informative articles".
What it's talking about are "journalistisch-redaktionell gestalteten Angeboten" that means if you regularly publish content regardless of form (text, video, images, sound, etc) you need a "presserechtlich Verantwortlichen" which is a fancy way of saying dox yourself or Impressumspflicht.
If you so much have a YouTube account that uploads regularly and regularly does not mean every day or every week, as long as it is structured in any way it is considered a regular schedule it is a "journalistisch-redaktioneller Inhalt" which means you need to have an Impressum.
>we know we lied about spying on everyone for years, but just let us openly backdoor every single app with your permission "please".
Put these dumbfuck animals down, they're rabid.
>doing what every Government is capable of doing means they're rabid
>tfw you can't write articles about software development or anime or hobbies legally in Germany without doxing yourself
This is grim as fuck.
Germans lived under the 2 most invasive governments in history.
Obviously things are getting bad again now, but there is more resistance than most western countries.
You act like anyone give a fuck about these laws. The irony of the story is that the vast majority of CSAM and half of all darknet websites are hosted on encrypted servers in Germany.
at least that shithole is good for something
Yes. The austrians and?
Gestapo and Stasi
Yup, welcome to the brave new world. One thing I haven't even touched on yet that also applies to this whole shitshow of running your own blog is "Kinder und Jugendschutz", "Child and teenager protection".
One (at the time) huge German Youtuber got in serious and I mean SERIOUS trouble for running a 24/7 livestream on Twitch consisting solely of old videos of his YouTube channel. Why? Well according to German prosecutors that meant they are on the same level as a commercial TV operation like CNN, CNBC, Fox News, etc which means not only do they need to follow the laws I laid out above they also, amongst yet more laws they'd need to follow, would have needed to hire someone full-time to act as a "Jugendschutzbeauftragter" or "Child Protection Officer" basically someone solely responsible to make sure children are protected who of course needs to be doxxed as well, and if you think damn that sounds vague as shit what does this guy actually do you can't even begin to understand just how fucked this shit is.
This law has been changed a bit over the years, it isn't quite as strict anymore but when you start with a nuclear bomb a slight reduction in blast radius still means the city is a fucking crater.
The tl;dr on German law is do NOT do ANYTHING online without consulting a lawyer first. Even selling stuff second hand on ebay or Facebook marketplace can open you up to serious legal liability if not done in the exact correct way.
If you're wondering how I know this shit I wanted to run my own blog long ago, consulted a lawyer, gave up. There is no way to be on the safe side legally without an Impressum. And a small fine or cease and desist demanding you pay a punitive fee is the least of your worries when there's potential multiple year long prison sentences on the line here.
They got mad because TV stations have to pay high fees to the government and the steamer didn't so they sued him out of spite and because they fear "new media" replacing TV stations. This had nothing you do with youth protection it was just some made up bullshit to get him. You are retarded.
>can't read and comprehend simple sentences
>calls others retarded
Are you misreading on purpose or do you genuinely have the reading comprehension of a 3 month old toddler? I didn't say nor imply this was caused by youth protection, it's another aspect of laws that would have applied due to them being declared a TV station. But considering the level of intellect you just displayed I'm wasting my time explaining this to you anyways.
what in the god damn fuck did i just read
>faggot vomits bullshit about another countries law
>gets corrected by a g*rm with sources
>starts seething
>can‘t name any sources himself just keeps repeating the word retard over and over
>doubles down on being retarded
>triples down on being retarded
>gets btfo‘d every time
why is /g/ the lowest iq board of all? compared to this /x/ looks like a bunch of nobel prize winners
i mean seriously what is it about this board that attracts so many neets, larpers and failed abortions?
Fast forward 5-10 years and they will make that illegal too
Maybe that's because you are a retard sprouting a bunch of bullshit. You are so dumb you didn't even realize your lawyer is a greedy fucker who just wants to sell you an Impressum and keep the myth of "everyone needs an Impressum" alive. It's literally 2 sentences in the law text and it says nowhere that every website needs it. Learn how to read yourself you stupid retard toddler.
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>two germans fighting in english
Hmmm, who do I trust.. A lawyer that has passed the Staatsexamen or some troglodyte that can't read and like a Pokémon is only capable of repeating his name, "retard". Tough decision buddy.
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EUSSR is no different than fake russian opposition (socialism slimes) with their "VOTE AGAINST" moves to legitimize putins rule (see, theres a vote, theres a democracy in there).

participation is stupid and is for useful idiots. im glad England refrains from it.
>it's so easier than reading the nutritional facts off the milk bottle trust me bro, the underlying OS is so compromised bro, any cop can just tap into my system at will and read all your messages bro
I wonder why they even bother with chatcontrol at this point
Ja ist gut jetzt. Die Tränen in deinem Gesicht sind ziemlich offensichtlich und wir haben auch alle verstanden das du für ne Abmahnkanzlei arbeitest und hier versuchst neue ""Kunden"" zu erschaffen.
there was a documentary about chatcontrol on TV and the major sponsors of this project (lobbyists at the EU parliament) were all private AMERICAN surveillance companies.
>who do I trust
Maybe the literal law text?
Why is it always the Swedish.
>regulate every aspect of your life
tell me what aspect of my life is more regulated than if I was in the US
Als ob es bei euch Hartzern was zu holen gäbe
>Not my fucking problem I'm not EU
because you think if this law is enacted it will only affect the EU? lol
Ylva Johansson is also unelected (only nominated just like von der Leyen) but somehow has the right to propose shit like this that will affect all EU citizens.
Nein ist das Süß, gibt es auch noch zu, haste selber endlich eingesehen das keiner drauf reinfällt?
Ich werte das mit dem Hartzer mal als Projektion wenn ihr schon so verzweifelt seit das ihr versucht euren Müll auf 4chan zu verbreiten.
Heul dich mal schön in den Schlaf, der andere hat dich schon so Gottlos auseinander genommen da brauch ich nix mehr sagen.
Hat Papaplatte wieder offday oder wieso treiben sich hier so viele Opfer rum?
This is beyond retarded. I don't have a blog right now, but I could unironically see myself blogging one day about the software I develop and the problems I encounter, which would definitely look good on my resume too. I don't live in Germany, but I'm from the EU, and it ever even occurred to me before I heard about the retardation of German speaking counties that this could be illegal somewhere.
Germans have no right to be talking about their alleged appreciation for privacy. I really can't see how they wouldn't end up going with ChatControl.
>im glad England refrains from it.
England doesn't need the EU to have even more invasive and humiliating laws and regulations in place.
bongs need a porn loicense
habs mal gegoogelt weil ich keine ahnung hab was fürn lappen das sein soll und das passt vom aussehen genau zu dem arbeitsamt niveau das du hier zur schau stellst
opfer wie du sind der grund warum man sich schämen muss deutsch zu sein
>scheise schnitzel laderhose
What are these untermensch saying? My nazi isn‘t so good.
Model country. We could use that here in the States...
Same, given them pushing for age-verification on porn.
You already have and the VPN industry thanks you for your service.
With AI you can make your own software quickly and efficiently without any middleman, this is something they're terribly afraid of, do what you need to do to set up for the future now rather than later
im glad Poland refrains from it. (England doesnt belong to EU anyway)

Turkey isnt stupid as well. Italy "undecided" what does it mean? same as gray? why that pic maker put that color on Italy, not on Poland? poor scheme. why locals discuss local laws if its about geopolitics
>You already have
Correction: a handful of states have done the bare minimum of requiring pornography-hosting websites to verify the ages of visitors, and some of those websites responded by pulling out (so to speak) from those states entirely. With ethics like that, I'd expect the Federal Government to outright ban porn altogether, but this is the same Federal Government that won't crack down on states for violating the Law regarding cannabis, so I won't hold my breath...
I'll lose a little more faith in humanity when people don't kill over this one, it just enables criminals to steal peoples information with the utmost ease
Turkey and the rest of grey aren't even in the EU. Da fuck are you smoking?
>everything I personally don't like or care for should be banned
It has nothing to do with whether or not I like them. Porn sites are, as far as I'm concerned, knowingly letting minors watch their content; and unless and until the Federal Law is changed to say otherwise, cannabis is illegal in all fifty of the United States of America, yet more than half of them have violated the Law in this regard. It's astonishing that any Government would stand for either of these atrocities, let alone both, but then I remember who founded this one in particular...
Porn sites aren't, parents are, you're just astroturfing this because single mothers arent people but you dont want to admit that
>Porn sites aren't, parents are
Correct. Now if only it wasn't a critical mass of them...
>you're just astroturfing
And you don't know what that means.
What is chat control?
>Posts literally everywhere on this websites screeching that porn should be banned by our nanny state
>I-it's not astroturfing
>>Posts literally everywhere on this website
Believe it or not, multiple people can independently hold and express an opinion that you don't agree with.
>I-it's not coordinated at all, 4chan has never been a home for free expression
Nah, suck my taint doublenigger
>>I-it's not coordinated at all
If it is, I never got the memo.
>4chan has never been a home for free expression
Wrong post?
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This is all (You)r fault, though?
You didn't stop the fearmongering behind child porn.
You just blindly joined the bandwagon and radicalized people to believe that watching or sharing a video is the most horrible crime imaginable.
>Just vote your way out of it
Well it is their fault, something something names and addresses and all that
dude they want to ban finasteride cuz of muh suicidal thoughts, they make that retarded bottle caps cuz muh climate change. they can come up with any idea and justify with any bullshit and people are ok with that. EUsheep march straight to totalitarian globohomo state and they are happy about it.
I can't wait for this to eventually pass, I'm leaving the internet once it does
>bottle caps
Bottle caps were alright.
>I'm leaving the internet once it does
There's nothing worthwhile on it anymore unless you've never archived anything.
The Dutch "CIA", AIVD, is actually opposed to this.
Is it true that in capitalist America, it is illegal to stop a shoplifter if he's only stealing a small amount?
only in democrat (your friend bidenite newscum) controlled states
Poland is a member of EU

you mother smoked your father armpit hair so you were born to accuse nonsmokers with smoking.

the real smokers are those who "act now" for the sake of EUSSR. Saharov also did a great great speeches at USSR plenaries

cant even draw a map properly. what are you discussing here? author is a retard
The bottle caps are a textbook example of greenwashing.
>they are happy about it
many people here very clearly aren't
well making corked glass bottles and refill stations mandatory for beverage sales would have been nice but it's better than nothing
This place is not at all representative of the EU cuck population. Euroa really do celebrate the government banning things
why the fuck is estonia EE
americans have to dox themselves to even vote
Why is Estonia the only Baltic country that is against it?
Why is Scandinavia so cucked?
When all was said and done, I expected only countries west from Germany to be for it.
>there is a deficit of democracy in European Union
most likely nobody knows what the whole project is about
EU is barely democratic
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Why does anyone even care anymore, the EU has regulated the Euro areas economies into the ground, they are at the same level as they were in 2017, and that's without inflation, while the US has become almost 2x their GDP, Europe as a whole has become irrelevant on the world stage and I bet India takes their place soon as they keep falling behind.
>EU is barely democratic
Hopefully they graduate past being democratic in any way.
1 of 3 branches of EU is democratic and the institution is corrupted to the core
Are you actually retarded or just unemployed? Check your taxes you dumbfuck and you'll see you do pay for your retarded public healthcare, for all your life. Then you get cucked and have to seek private care anyway, because the public bullshit healthcare sucks since it's always "underfunded". Socialists deserve all this crap though, so it's not all bad.
>1 of 3 branches of EU is democratic
Good job. Let's get it down to zero.
>the institution is corrupted to the core
I'll bet, given their democratic branch.
meds right fucking now
I accept your concession.
I fully support ChatCuntRoll. Not for me, but for all of you in those silly mainstream centralized platforms. The more censorship the better. The more WrongThink blocking, the better. Everyone should have to read from Biden's little red book for 30 minutes a day, twice a day on what is permitted to say and more importantly what is permitted to think. There should be a hotline where people can rat each other out and get a reward.
>those silly mainstream centralized platforms
Sure, that's where it'll stop...
it isn't corrupted. it has been retrofitted and, in that sense, streamlined for the 21st century through public-private partnerships in order to fulfill its intended mission: to end all wars. my father who is a doctor would be hard pressed if his hand was forced to find an alternative to ending wars. encryption is that dangerous, and the more you and other anons chirp chirp chirp, the more the need arises to remove it completely.
>Sure, that's where it'll stop...
To stop self hosted they would need full control of all physical servers and clients. Maybe that is the right way to go so we can categorize people better. Everyone should have a QR code that identifies every detail about them.
>regulate every aspect of your life
that only applies to corporation who are free to feed you carcinogenic ingredients and other shit which are banned in EU, average Joe has as much freedom as in Europe.
this is the funniest part, literally Rules for thee and not for me
Most amerimutts use iPhones so they're backboored for almost two decades already.
and meds to you too fine sir
>Rules for thee and not for me
Is how Authority works, yes. The one who leads deserves privileges above the general population by virtue of being the one in charge. The West just has an endemic case of eleutheromania, so this obvious fact is bound to cause some controversy.
maybe in your shithole country, here constitution, atleast in theory, guarantees equal rights for every citizen.
Normies deserve death more than anything else.
No, they don’t.
Rules do not apply to people self hosting and not using shellphones.
Mastah baiter...
I kneel.
>in your shithole country
In every country. Some are either founded or subverted by people deluded enough to say otherwise.
Are a societal prion. Arguments for freedom have no place in Government.
>in your shithole country
It makes absolutely no sense for American to call any European country a shithole.
Well, he's only assuming I'm European. Ethnically, yes; geographically, no.
i thought swedes and finns are enlightened when it comes to this stuff
why are they gay?
We need people to make tech again instead of businesses, but jews successfully convinced the leftwing techcels to fight for them instead of the people

Does this virtue improve your life anon? if it does, why do you not deserve to die at this point? the government will do anything it can to convince you that freedom is wrong and evil, as far as I am concerned freedom must become a nigh religious dogma as we fight into the future
>the government will do anything it can to convince you that freedom is wrong and evil
Except when they have centuries of dogma calling it their highest virtue, ignoring the paradoxes of a Government tacitly endorsing its own downfall.
>freedom must become a nigh religious dogma as we fight into the future
A bunch of people in 1776 thought the exact same thing, and look how that went.
Nice, Poland based as usual.
Why are we pretending that everything isnt backdoored already?
>And look how that went
Very very well, why argue if you're a real human being? you benefit from freedom no matter what you believe, because freedom lets you live your life the way you want to, the only groups that benefit from fewer freedoms are the government and the jews running it, because they're the ones demanding you do things the way they want you to.

Make shit, then it wont be backdoored, simple shit is simple, make shit the way it was made 20 years ago, it's easy, doomposting does not help even a little, are you ready for 20-30 years of misery, or are you going to do your part so that we can have a future?
>Very very well
Then you acknowledge that the United States maturing into a proper Government is both necessary and inevitable, despite impotent wails that it's becoming more "despotic," and its successes in history were in spite of its endemic eleutheromania and not because of it. Why are we arguing, again?
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>Proper government
Nigger take your gotcha and fuck off, you're about to be living in a strange dictatorship full of horrors beyond your understanding, you're either working hard to deal with that so we can all be free or you're helping them, arguing is completely pointless

>D-despotic good
you are damaged
>you're about to be living in a strange dictatorship
I've lived in one my entire life, seeing how it has a long-standing law in its highest document that effectively nullifies the Monopoly of Force. And I'm not scared of the word "dictatorship;" it just means Government, even if you know it to only mean one that is particularly unkind.
>we can all be free
For about three weeks, until the Paradox of Freedom collapses and you're stuck nursing a bunch of mental infants calling you a "despot."
I'm kidding, it'll be much sooner than that.
>you are damaged
And you can blame those people in 1776 I talked about, and the culture their influence created.
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A fucking bloo bloo I dont give a shit nigger, either start making shit to fuck with this gay empire or you are the enemy, total kike death and if you're arguing about gay shit in the face of this you are a kike
>A fucking bloo bloo I dont give a shit nigger
I should be saying that to you.
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Could you describe them? You seem very confident that I'm on one or another side of whatever you think the political paradigm is.
That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. It has to be the other way around in a democracy.
Poland is green not grey
In the meantime, I guess I'll respond to the rest:
Yes, you are.
Yes, you do. I'll stop.
You don't sound very sure about who you want to blame, just that whoever they are must be defeated. My sympathies, it must drive you mad.
... I said I'd stop.
Keep up the good work

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