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They are coming for you next /g/
just make pass posting mandatory and watch how quickly board culture improves
>prevents literal "first day one the internet" kiddies and people with comparable attention spans from being a nuisance to everyone else
>this is a bad thing, for some reason
just ban generals, instant improvement
just ban everything
literally what is wrong with that? can't wait 15 minutes?
just ban OP, instant fix
just give free passes to cunnys posters
The problem is that many generals aren't that active.
When they implemented this shit on /biz/, it lost like 75% traffic.
/vg/ is going to become a wasteland (which is what they want, now they have a reason to remove a few pages, saving costs).

You'll see many more acts like these in the coming months/years.
Hiro gave them a deadline and they're doing their best to make it.
good, anyone filtered by this is a spammer
posts/min is not a good metric especially when the posts being made are off topic schizo noise
>When they implemented this shit on /biz/, it lost like 75% traffic.
Because it was mostly shills. Also culling 99% of /vg/ would improve it massively. Besides, the 15 minutes is just first time.
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this kills kuroba-dev posting as the workaround requires you to pass cloudflare check like 5 times a day
fug man i reset my finger print every day why are they going to do this to me
Were there even that many spammers for the need for this? It does not sound that bad, but kinda redundant unless some sort of automated spam with hundreds of IP addresses was happening and i do not know of any of this.
/vg/ has tons of ultraspamming schizos
vg is 70% spambots
blame the bot farmers
I feel like this was done almost entirely because of /fehg/
>When they implemented this shit on /biz/, it lost like 75% traffic.
So it was 75% newfags or spam. Makes sense, it's literally shilling: the board.
>/vg/ is going to become a wasteland (which is what they want, now they have a reason to remove a few pages, saving costs).
Keeping a board up has pretty much no cost, the storage is tiny all things considered. You could host all of 4chan at any one time on a cheap VPS.
Traffic (and DB operations) is 98%+ of costs, the number of boards doesn't matter at all. But it's sensible to get rid of spammers. If it's true biz lost 75% of posts, that's 75% less DB operations and probably with the same amount of real humans that read it regularly and might matter for ads or buy a pass.
>some schizo is spamming a single general
>the whole board needs to go to shit

i browse like 5 generals and i've yet to see this.
Maybe if the "sex with X! X sexo! my wife X!" posting with waifu images are finally counted as official spam. That's made things like /gfg/ unusable.
Will the Israel propaganda/spam bots also abide to this limitation, or can (((they))) just bypass it?
On an unrelated not, how much was the deal? Can Hiroshimoot pay the tanny jannies now?
lol you admins are a bunch of pissbaby glowfucks. what the fuck does this new rule accomplish other than plummet activity? dont you realize activity on 4chan is important to maintain? the government did tell you that part, right? you faggots wont do shit and if you do then fuck you, Ill just go to another board or website and call your glowshit out on there too. except if that happens my glowshit might be seen by people you dont want seeing it. so choose carefully, faggots.
this nigga is paying for 4chan lmao
Doubt that will do anything to reduce the amount of retarded spam i see in a few generals, but here's to hoping.
I'm just dying to see posts from ban evaders
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as long as ecker keeps working i don't give a fuck
email verification is coming, don't worry
it's the only way to actually solve this problem which is necessary as people's tools for ban evading make it more and more easy to spam and defeat filters
do brown turd worlders really?
>*makes a million new email accounts*
your response?
sorry needs to be from a trusted provider, one that already violates your privacy
>When they implemented this shit on /biz/, it lost like 75% traffic.
Yeah, and the usability of the board to actually discuss business and finance increased by 10,000% because it was no longer inundated with nothing but mass spam for shitcoins.
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>*kills 4chan with another draconian action in your path*
why are we letting him get away with it? he's literally the cancer he's selling the cure for.
I unironically hope this will become a sitewide requirement because it would make me use the site 200x more
You don't understand. Most generals only have a few regulars posting in it.
The entire board will be like an altchan with a few exceptions.
Do you even listen to yourself? The board isn't "alive" if the activity is from spam. All this does is prove the actual activity levels from real people. If you want to talk to bots how about you make LLM chat bots.
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Phoneposting lole
Like 10 years ago when I was obsessed with an mmo and there were avatarfags I didn't like, I'd spam the fuck out of the thread and I'd flood the board with duplicate threads, killing smaller generals. I already knew they killed a lot of what I used to do back then but I never thought they'd go this far.
I knew this would happen eventually, soon they’ll make every person use an email address to post, for which you need to provide a social security number and photo of your ass. Then it will slowly become more like twitter where you have a unique username and account, then algorithms to feed content. FUCK HIROSHIMOOT KYS NIGGER.
>go to shit
It's only 15 minutes
It doesn't need to go farther than verifying you're a real person with something unique that can actually be bannable
Although honestly I think having AI jannies that autoban would be much more funny
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can i at least transfer cookies so I don't get slammed with a 15 minute countdown if i decide to use a different browser? honestly if this site wasn't such a honeypot (thanks /pol/)for israelis and glowies in general i'd make one.
>When they implemented this shit on /biz/, it lost like 75% traffic.
on /biz/ they originally wanted accounts to be required and then the most active general, /smg/ moved to /bant/
>t. /smg/er
they'll buy passes to spam bbc shit on /pol/.
There is no spam, you retard.
Activity is low because they're generals.
/vg/ isn't /g/ where it's flooded by /pol/tards shitting everything up.
if 4chan were actually able to effectively ban people it would lose it’s identity and become reddit very quickly.
>if 4 chan was able to remove the bots and schizos who add nothing to the site the site would lose it's identity
then there's no reason to browse it now either lol
Literally the mods' collective wet dream.
And exactly the reason why they're stepping down this slippery slope.
What identity? I was here before you phone posters were born.
>the mods are benevolent rulers who will only ban shitposters!
Hah! For a second I thought you were actually serious.
>/vg/ is going to become a wasteland
>a 15 minute timer for a new IP is the mods going crazy
Holy shit you people are actually schizo spammers
the nsa appreciates him helping them track his buttcoins
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I'd rather they ban Pepe/Wojak sitewide.
It's 15 minutes for now.
Then it's 30. Then one hour.
Then the rule is removed and signing up with your e-mail is the only way remaining.
Then IDs are added. Then ID's are made global.
Then tripcode usage is encouraged.
Then tripcode usage is mandatory.

>what identity
tranny jannies can be mocked, mods sperging out only causes temporary damage, etc. naturally, the main reason people get banned on a website is because they said something that personally offended some faggot, if these bans were actually effective, the only people left on this website would be those with no balls to say what they actually think.
Verified email is all you need. I know it terrifies you because you know your zombie bot net can't bypass that.
Is he like a mod here now?
/Vg/ is mostly spam.
So your solution to bad mods is to allow no banning? Oh wait sorry, to allow banning of people who are good natured enough to wait out their ban instead of instantly evading it. Because that's the only person who gets banned, people who don't want to go against rules or don't know how. Meanwhile shitposters will ALWAYS ban evade. Anyways let's not pretend like 4chan wasn't dead for years before this.
>it will only get worse
And? That's what I want retard, let me guess you also mourn the loss of /qa/?
Why is no one looking at the bright side of this? Now phoneposters will have an even harder time participating.
Take your 3 day bans with pride you faggot. How much of a no-life faggot are you? No wonder this makes you seethe so much since you're admitting to ban evasion.
And then what? Never restart my browser?
You delete your local cache? Are you underaged banned on a shared computer?
I can speak for /wpsg/, /wowg/ and /wowcg/ and sometimes half the thread is spam
/vg/ is absolutely packed with schizos and the mods are sick of playing IP whackamole
There are a million ways to combat spam other than to give up anonymity.
The mod team have decided to choose this one in particular.
The fact that you're not even the slightest bit suspicious about this tells me you must be VERY new.
>that's what i want
Yeah, and there's a site for that. It's called reddit.com
Leave this site and never return, newfaggot.
>i think option a is bad
>oh so you're saying we should choose option b?
Fuck off, idiot.
Just yesterday I read an anon imagining "new thread timeout should be 10 minutes or 15" Now it's happened. Prophetic
every board has dedicated schizos who do not sleep or work.
Of course I do, I keep cache in ram, I don't want that shit written to disk. Same with cookies, I delete those all. What do I need that shit for?
I'm not even paranoid or anything, but I don't think i have ever used local cache since i bought my first ssd (x25-e) back in 2008.
4chan already is reddit
>paid memeberships
>bans for minor rule infractions
>mostly bots
>mostly reposts
>mostly porn
>caters to schizos
I could go on and on, this site deserves this
It's not hard you retarded no-coder. You hash the email using a production only secret. All the code does is verify your email is from a list of approved providers, then it hashes and sends the verification email, you click the link that contains your hash and hooray you're verified and you're even safe from pwning.
>You hash the email
Oh my god please tell me you're not this naïve.
Please tell me you were just joking.
Give a solution that deals with people that can change IPs on a whim.
I’m not admitting to shit nigger, lick my ass and taste my log residue
>t. mod

data_bytes = email.encode('utf-8')
secret_key_bytes = SECRET_KEY.encode('utf-8')

hash_object = hmac.new(secret_key_bytes, data_bytes, hashlib.sha256)

return hash_object.hexdigest()
/lolg/ is what officially made me quit playing that gay game 7 years ago, the Soraka and Lux spam was unbearable.
Not my problem
Ghost posts.
Someone is spamming? Flip a switch and now all posts from that IP are still accepted by the servers, but are displayed only to that IP.
If you have infinite IPs you would rotate them anyways, you would also check for shadowbans automatically. You fucking retard. Try again. Also shadowbanning is evil and unethical.
4chan will hash your private information just like banks won't gamble with your savings and the government respects your freedoms.
Good I hope you never post again
You don't contribute anything except schizoposting
Schizoposting should be an 7 day ban global rule, I mean this seriously.
>unethical things are somehow """bad""""
go back
>what others do influences me
That would drive 4chan's hosting costs up the wall.
>no you can't verify emails
>yes you can shadowban wrong think
You faggots are incredible sometimes
most active thread in /g/
>y-yeah but
There will ALWAYS be ways to circumvent spamblocks.
You need to constantly try out new things and see what works (something that the mods have neglected to do for literally years).
>if you have infinite IPs
Changing IPs take time. Checking to see if your IP has been shadowbanned takes time.
The only way to stop spammers is to bore them to death.
>evil and unethical
I think you might be on the wrong site, bucko.
>>bans for minor rule infractions
I constantly use the nigger word and i think i've gotten banned twice this year. Only seems to happen when some janny gets his feelings hurt desu
I tried to verify my email and it didn't work, saying that I need to unblock challenges.cloudflare.com even thougheverbeit I didn't block it and the normal captcha verification works fine
Good lord I hope you're actually underage.
I can't believe an adult would actually be this naïve about how the world works.
On the other hand that forced me to quit something gayer than being a NPC. So it cancels out.
they're using botnets now, try again
It would not.
The first thing is that it won't bring the costs higher than it already is.
The second thing is that you don't need to keep them forever, delete them after x minutes.
The third thing is that you can (and should) rate limit GET requests.
it's hilarious because you're seething because I'm right, I'm glad in a year from now you'll not be on 4chan (jk, you'll verify your email you all-talk faggot)
>i guess waiting 2 minutes is ok
>it's just 5 minutes, just wait?
>literally what is wrong with that? can't wait 15 minutes? ( you are here )
>you don't want to wait an hour to post? just buy the pass
It'll become yet another Reddit.
at this point, it's probably for the best.
this board is so fucked by schizo retards, anything that would drop them off the face of the board is win.
Cloudflare tends to block secure browsers. Try standard Edge or Firefox.
Literally doesn't matter what they use.
The fact is that they have to check if their post is actually posted or not.
It's all about adding extra steps so the effort becomes too much for them.
Captchas still work by the way. Just not the shitty ones that are on this site.
I'm not seething, I'm baffled.
Oh thank god.
In five years you'll be a little older and you'll know I wasn't lying.
It's not 15 minutes per post, retard.
The imageboards are completely static HTML, so the vast majority of requests can be served directly from the cloudflare edge.
Shadowbanning would require dynamic page generation, which would increase bandwidth costs significantly.
How can it become reddit without up/downdooting and no usernames?
I know you're a no coder, but we have things called code which can do things automatically
>It does not sound that bad,
Yeah well if I run into a post I'd like to respond to and I see a 15min wall, I just close the tab. Happened to me several times in /biz/ and I stopped even reading that board since.
this is hardly the problem of 4chan.
the perpetual repeating bot threads and especially boards with no id are the pressing issues.
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>check some generals what others are saying about the news
>literally find 0 posts talking about it
>instead they're too busy arguing or erping
At times, I feel like 50% of posts, if not more, on this site are just bots now. /weg/ on the /aco/ board for example is actually filled with bots. Haven't been there in months, but for a while some guy used a bot to spam images non-stop (2 images every 5 seconds or so until the thread hit the bump limit), most of the discussions went in circles, if you asked someone a question or posted a poll it would get ignored while the same discussion they had yesterday would play out all over again. Also if you pointed this out or started spamming images yourself you'd get banned within an hour. Some weird shit is happening on this site.
Yeah, and it takes effort to create them.
Fuck them up every week and eventually the effort just becomes too much.
It takes zero effort to make a code that loads HTML and looks for a spam post you made
how much of a no coder are you? do you think this is more than a 5 minute job?
Jut make thread ids mandatory, will definitely cut down on samefagging shills
>wait 15 minutes before posting
I lurked for years before making my first post on this site
Jut make thread ids mandatory, will definitely cut down on samefagging shills
It essentially is, because there are only 1-2 posts in this shithole worth responding to every day.
And it always makes me wait even if I posted the previous day
It's not the samefagging, it's the people who make 1-3 posts (usually with porn or whatever), get banned, then immediately switch IPs and repeat, basically forever. /sdg/ is an example of this happening on this board as there's a resident schizo
I suppose the time for testing if the extra hosting costs are worth the reduced amount of effort you're having to spend to combat spam has long since passed, hasn't it?
I still stand by my statement, but I understand your position.

By the way, you might want to talk to Twitch; their newest community guidelines explicitly disallow browsing 4chan as a whole.
You might want to try and change that to "nsfw 4chan boards" instead.
Do you not understand that those posts would be IP bound?
Or was that a thought too far for you?
It's 15 minutes for new users, retard. Learn to read.
Shills on suicide watch
This too.
NTA, but "new users" means "IP verified by Cloudflare".
And Cloudflare breaks that verification multiple times throughout the day in my experience.
the purpose of shadowbanning is the bot thinks the post is successful and everyone else doesn't see it
the obvious way to check if you're shadowbanned is to use a device on a different IP to check for the post
it's not fucking hard you retard
are you really this stupid?
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>tfw janny makes you wait to shitpost every time because you are in fact a robot
Generals on /vg/ are run by obsessed schizos.
They are like mini discord communities.
The schizos will never even notice this, cause they are always online and samefagging.
Why don't you go post on Something Awful then?
>verifying email
I remember /biz/ implementing that and I have stopped visiting that board entirely. I will stop using r/4chan if they make verification site-wide.
>The imageboards are completely static HTML, so the vast majority of requests can be served directly from the cloudflare edge.
God imagine if 4chan was served from cloudflare edge. The whole world could do everything here faster!
>use a device on a different IP
You don't really know how IPs work, do you?
But okay, let's say we use a phone connected to a mobile network is connected to program that checks if certain posts are spam filtered or not.
To spam, you now need:
>a smartphone
>a mobile plan
>software that sends data over to your phone
>a mobile app that accepts data, makes a request, scrapes the html and checks for a specific post
And to top it off you'd need to wait multiple seconds per request or else you're gonna get blocked by Cloudflare.

I really don't think you understand what we're talking about.
Again, it's not about stopping spam, it's about making the process as annoying as possible.
Glowfag honeypot
Okay you actual child, you do know you can use computers that aren't located in your home right?
There was a based board on there that was restricted or something after a tranny got mad a couple years ago.
Proxies are banned from posting, idiot.
Which means that there's a list with proxy IPs.
Which means that you can easily turn the ghost posting off for proxies.
>b-but what about all the third-worlders whose governments don't allow them to browse 4chan?
They can buy a pass.
You don't need to post to look for shadowbans you actual retard
>>b-but what about all the third-worlders whose governments don't allow them to browse 4chan?
I think this is only china and cuba
good thing I keep my pass handy
I hope you realize that using that word will get you perma banned in the future younwish to be reality.
You think the mods are hecking based and redpilled? Fuck no they aren't! They jerk off in discord all day!
I know reading is hard, but you should really at least try.
This, I post from 3 or 4 devices and I always need to relogin on my throwaway protonmail on my non desktop devices.
Probably cut my posting by 80%.
It almost killed /biz/ for me, it's still my homeboard, but I seldom quality post anymore.
Nta, I know. Sadly. However, the more we use it the more we push them toward becoming another 50%
>make computer that rotates IPs, it posts until it's shadowbanned, it then rotates IP
>make computer that checks for posts from the other computer, when it can no longer see posts from that computer, it triggers to have the IP rotated
Let me know if I need to explain it like you're 12 years old (which you are).
I'll be honest, I thought Russia and some parts of South America were also barred from browsing/posting on this place.

But for reals now... Imagine the SHEER levels of spam that 4chan is getting after cheap Indian IPs + AI.
I can sense 25% of the posts are bots
so how do I genuinely make 300k/year ?
Venezuela probably dislikes this place too but they aren't as gungho as Cuba on the communism front so I don't think they block it. I've seen VE flags just fine over the years.

Russia does not block it afaik.
42VPN jesus christ that captcha
I really don't think you get the point, anon.
But to amuse your childish "nuh-uh"s:
Many botnet IP's are already banned, and lists are constantly shared between hosts to ensure most are blocked before they even connect.
Singular IP shadow banning doesn't work anymore? Make them regional.
And how long do you think it takes to switch between IP's?
Didn't you see the news? New IP's need to wait fifteen minutes to be able ro post.

You can keep calling me all sorts of names, but I'll just stick to the one that actually matters: you're a goddamned idiot.
Work an office job for 40 years while climbing up the ladder.
No more rungs? Get another job at a higher position.
>oh noes, 4chinz is weeding out the bots!
Yes there is a permanent solution, it's called verified emails requiring a legitimate email provider. The best part of all this is the email provider cares MORE about preventing abuse and spam than you do. So you get to use Microsoft's, Google's, etc, anti-spam features FOR FREE! It's amazing!
Destroying everything that this place stands for is not a solution.
Anon, I want you to open reddit.com and browse that hellhole for five minutes.
Do you like what you see? I don't.
The email is treated more like a glorified password / unique identifier. It doesn't require doxxing any more than how you doxx yourself posting from your IP address. Or you can enjoy the 15-30 minute first post cooldown. lmao
tech illiterate retard
>The email is treated more like a glorified password / unique identifier.
Yes, that is the problem. The issue isn't doxxing, it's the slow descent into removing anonymity from this site.
There will come a time when that cooldown is removed in favor of mandatory email verification.
And if you believe certain people in the mod team will stop pushing their agenda after global email verification has been made mandatory then I have a bridge to sell to you.
somethign awful was right, making people have to pay means you get rid huge spam.
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imagine having to bend to tranjans' whims, couldn't be me
Yes anon, I hope it filters you too. Would this site be better if you weren't here? Yes.
Not sure who you were in that conversation, but thank you for conceding nonetheless.
Ah I get it, you are a dalit.
This. It's extremely low effort and low quality posting.
I just want the nigger limit lifted.
Rob 6 banks.
I wasnt part of the convo, I just read your posts and noticed how wrong you are and how much of a retard you are and wanted to call you out is all. you have no idea how IPs work or how bans work or what the real ramifications of 4chan's new cuckrules mean (the ones we are actually discussing here). you should shut the fuck up because you are not insightful and not helping anyone
This site is not for you.
The whole point of this place that you have access to unfiltered communication between ANYONE and EVERYONE.
You gatekeep people from that and you get an elitists-only site.
And let's be honest, if you wanted that you'd be there and not here.
And here's the funny part: I don't want you gone.
I find you annoying and think you're retarded, but that's what makes 4chan, 4chan.
I WANT to be able to talk to retards, if only to ensure my viewpoint is correct.
There is nowhere else online where you can go to gauge people's real opinion about things.
how many DEI money chink-moot got?
>y-you're wrong!
>n-no i won't tell you why, y-you just are!
You're a schizoposter, you actively make the site worse. The problem with schizoposters is they derail threads with their rambles and schizo speculations. And of course, once you get triggered you'll start spamming porn.
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>he unironically sent the fat groomer an 'ick pic
That board unironically needs that in place, the highest level of general autism that we see here is distilled 10 fold. I knew of a few generals that were sieged for multiple years by bots and other insane shit until everyone just quit. There's also no life faggots that dedicate their entire existence to ruining things for people much like the personalities we see here and they have no problem ban evading and other fucked up shit 24/7
Literally what the hell are you talking about?
Also, why do you keep using double spaces?
I know Frenchies tend to use spaces before questionmarks, but I don't remember any language that tends to use double spaces between sentences.
>you'll start spamming porn
Are you sure you're not the schizophrenic one here?
No really, I'm legitimately asking.
The feds want to dilute the usefulness and the importance (ability to effect change/inform people etc) of this place by shitting it up with bots and shills, as well as simultaneously using it as a honeypot.
There are at least 25% bots all across the site I think.
Captcha XG0W0W
The 60/200 seconds wait is already bullshit, I keep getting timegated when I want to make a post, then I tab out and forget and when I get back one hour later I have to wait again
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/biz/ didn't improve and it never recovered. This is cripple diamond all over again where some Boomer and brown flavored slave labor fucks around adding increasingly more features and regulations trying to make the place a forum. Then whoops the place dies and becomes a ghost town.
No, it's very clear you're mentally ill. You don't need to respond.
I'll give it six months before it dies.
That's kind of a good thing.
With the recent useless captcha change that made it harder for people, but easier for bots to post? I might actually believe you.
And yeah, this place has been a honeypot for pretty much all of its existence (which was one of the reasons why moot wanted out).
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Whatever makes you sleep at night!
He wanted out because this place a hellhole to moderate because the userbase is a spiraling out of control group of mentally ill people that collect here because they can't post anywhere else. It's well behind from the website that existed from the beginning before all the phone fags plagued the internet.
>schizo image reply spam has already begun
It's like I live in your mind or something. Crazy. Seriously, how could I have known this is the type of person you are?
It was tolerable like ten years ago.
But yeah, nowadays? I sometimes actually pity the janitors cleaning it all up.
...are you okay, anon?
The history as I know it was that this place became a honeypot in 2008 when moot was approached by feds to create a board IIRC (political esque)
but also mirror everything into an archive they keep,
and design an 'illegal stuff' report option that would flag the post red in the fed archive.
It's because on /b/ you would regularly see CP posted
Came to this thread to post this. The main schizo in /sdg/ is active for 18 hours a day and has an extensive history of his actions documented by anons. He caused the general to split and made events that lead to anons making multiple threads to get away from him only for him to give up by the 3rd time. /vg/ is full of schizos with the same amount of time but actually smart and typically in groups where they coordinate the same behavior on a larger scale. You have to look at those videos where cops arrest the terminally online posters that make death threats about real people and get arrested. That same living condition if not worse is prevalent in generals by 1-15 posters with nothing but self hate and free time.
They are spamming /pol/ right now.
Gee, I wonder why.

The gore/CP spam back in the day was actually insane.
I wonder if it gets filtered/removed faster now, or if the pedos have moved on.
now he will try spamming this thread to death
>The whole point of this place that you have access to unfiltered communication between ANYONE and EVERYONE.
no lol
People noticed but after a page refresh the posts are deleted. Looks like the janitors are working overtime to crackdown on anyone pointing this out. Even though they put a sticky on the first page?
Well, maybe not for the mods, but who the fuck cares about them?
Watch out, he might reply to you again!
The point of this place is pseudo-anonymous posting with minimal moderation. But in case you haven't realized, faggot, there are word filters and global rules. It's meant to be a trolly wild west, not a place where you get to post no matter what.
/b/ = 39 posts per minute atm
/vt/ = 49
/v/ = 72
/pol/ = 83
/vg/ = 102
>minimal moderation
God I wish this was the case
Instead we have next to zero moderation
Take one look at Something Awful and tell me again if a paywall is a good idea.
if anything it's extreme elitism
but it probably does filter pajeets and turdworlders out
Verification not required.
I don't think this is necessary and punishes normal users for things they can easily ignore. The other two points defeat the purpose of an Anonymous image board.
If only we banned Indian, Brazilian and Chinese IPs...
You did it, you're the Schizo Whisperer!
reddit's free retard
the more i think about it, it probably is the solution. at the very least, there wouldn't be brown soijakposters like @102768411
and @102768398. that's probably a pleasure worth paying for.
not gonna lie I barely use this board cause it's shit. The only good boards are the super fringe ones that bots don't use because they're way too niche and small to be considered worth the time to shill on. 1 week on there yielded more interesting discussion than a year on here or other big boards. Block me I'll literally just leave at this point.
Just range ban India Israel and Iceland
Do you use altchans?
please divulge them. i want a tech board that isn't 95% screeching about trannies
Slippery slope.
Honestly, the site should have implemented e-mail verification 8 years ago.
This place could be just as good as the Something Awful forums!!
so how do they prove you were here for 15 minutes?
ban evaders are autistic enough to drive around town to get back at any perceived slight
they'll wait 15 minutes, hell they'll wait 24 hours if your post is still around
> retarded mess of a keyboard in an AI image
Too poor to run Flux?
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absolutely based
Make it so posting costs like 2 dollars a year. The no catpcha thing will still be worth 20 dollars.
Well already joonnies are doing their job on this thread. They're less posts than 15 minutes ago.
screw that faggotry
I've been a user of 4chan for 18 years. I will not comply. Someone please host a darknet chan that's worth a shit so this fucking site can die in disgrace.
No the real problem is that they delete all the fun threads leaving only the generals. What's even the point in using this trash website anymore? It's completely overmoderated even more than reddit now.
I use a lot of alt chans there was an anon who made a tracker site here for all of them imageboards.net

You can just google list of chans and try looking around yourself. There were a few really good ones but they died recently for suspicious reasons. You can also use boardreader.com to search for content on message boards and consider staying on one you like. Mainstream internet is trash now either way
at this point human-only spaces will be relegated to 3d chatrooms and games
lmao good fucking luck faggot.
fucking based!
I don't know why they'd bother when the signal to noise ratio on /pol/'s been broken for almost a decade.
What's left to kill? It's a shit board that should've been deleted ages ago if nonconsensual primate was honest with himself about how keeping a dogshit board up that fags want gone isn't really a victory over those fags when the board is a literal joke now.
>completely overmoderated
this place needs more moderation
>It's completely overmoderated
Fucken lmao
This shithole could use way more moderation and it could've used it for the past decade. At this point the moderation has been so lacking and for so long that it's probably too late to do anything about it. I do agree that the jannies and mods seem to make extremely retarded decisions about which threads to delete and which to allow.
The real permanent solution is invitation trees + limited amount of self-created accounts (everyone still posts namelessly). After having an account for X weeks, every Y weeks you get 1 invite you can give someone so they can make an account, with a cap of Z invites available at any time.

In this case you eliminate the need for IP address banning or logging entirely, aside from perhaps temporary rate limits.
the people that are left on the board are mentally brain damaged zoomers and baby boomers its really extremely insane seeing what it became since 2015. Peoeple just dont understand how bad it can get not even /b/ ever got how brain dead facebook/tiktok tier retards. its quite something.
I hope so. That'll probably cut down a lot on the bots that have been ruining this place for years.
Write a script to refresh your cookie while you're making breakfast.
you mean child porn? wow sign me the fuck up!
lack of moderation is a good thing you fucking faggot
this is one of the last havens on the internet with barely any moderation
why no apply this to actual spammed boards like /v/, that place is chatgpt training grounds
This desu
Don't some mobile networks cycle your IP address every 15 minutes?
Nta we need much more troll-moderation

Like remove all rules on /pol/ and fill it with furry spongebob scat porn or something
Filter out all (overused, uncreative) buzzwords/slurs into silly nonsense words
No it's not you fucking retard. If I go to the technology board I want to find, read and participate in discussions regarding technology, not internet drama spam about e-celebs I've never heard of or random politics from extraordinary idiots. When I go to some other blue board I also want to see its actual topic, not the same kind of off-topic garbage that's nearly everywhere on the site or nigger porn spam threads that hit hundreds of posts before some mod actually deletes it.

Discussion quality on this site is permanently at an all-time low because it's still dropping all the time. No level of quality is enforced and no level of quality has been enforced for at least a decade, even longer really, so at this point it's gotten so bad that it seems most of the userbase just treats the entire site as a fucking shitting street. If you want to shit in public, you come to 4chan. If you want to actually talk about some hobby, you go literally anywhere else I guess.
you will not get "quality" moderation without paying a group to mod. you will not get paid mods with a site that makes no money.
and fuck reporting anything if it still wants a captcha every time. enjoy your shit replies, idgaf.
For me, it's the pentastar. The best V6 engine.
Meh I agree with this to an extent but then you will also have on topic related shit being removed at discretion of mods because even though it's directly on topic, or even an above average quality thread, one or two posters got into it about something tangentially related and now we're removing the entire thread for "off topic." I've seen that happen with dozens of really great threads and then they're just replaced with low hanging trash no one can actually take anything away from.

This sites biggest problem is not off topic, it’s just bots. We’re flooded with actual bot farms from lobbying groups, intel agencies and advertisers now. The entire internet is and it’s only going to get worse especially with AI becoming mainstream and literal youtubers showing how simple it is to astroturf an entire board from their house. Outside of just a heavily gated community with strict defenses you will always devolve into this. Reddit is the same way, every major forum is the same way. It’s just too profitable and advantageous to manipulate discourse through inorganic bot farms now. The age of free open genuine discussion is on its way out
lol, it works by cookie and not by ip. phoneposters are fine
15 minutes is too short.
New users should be forced to wait one year before posting, with no email or pass option to skip it.
In fact, pass users should all go to the guillotine.
I think every IP should only be able to make 3 posts an hour, then after 15 posts you need to wait 24 hours
It's nothing but shill threads now. Before, even if the volume of general shit threads was higher, there were more genuine discussion threads. The jannies snitched on themselves and said it was overwhelming to delete two (yes, two, dos, deux) threads an hour.
this makes them cool down after evading bans
>does nothing but make incognito posting impossible
really 4chan?
>fewer underage posters
>track me daddy

someone seriously needs to host a javascript-less 4chan, no antijak rules, no "muh comfy", just an anonymous bss-with-images collection
4chan already tracks you
also, wojakers must die
why did everyone stop posting here at once?
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Bots moved to other threads, pass users went to wage slave.
This shithole will die, nothing of value is lost, it's sick last 10 years.
I'm not good-old-chan larper, but j*n*ies in here are bullshit.
Got b**n*d multiple times for shit talking Pust and Mac.
>wasting disk writes on browser cache
>When they implemented this shit on /biz/, it lost like 75% traffic
Oh it's almost as if /biz/ is 75% jeets spamming shitcoins.
So, if this ever gets added to /g/ and the frog spam doesn't go away, does this mean that we won't have to pretend that we don't know it's mod spam?
SA started out great, but Lowtax's gready ass ran it into the ground when he didn't ban all the tumblrtards
>next to zero moderation
Literally getting banned every other week for meme reasons like racism and antisemitism.
hell yeah
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just ban niggers, trannies, jannies, and redditors. problem solved
tornari vitun juutalainen tapa ittes
If you get rid of /pol/ all the chizos, bots and shills will move to other boards. Imagine /v/ or /tv/ but 10 times worse.
Buy a pass. I've been using one for 10 years. This website is probably the fastest, most reliable website out there. No js and tracking cookies, no intrusive adds, no sign up required, etc. 4chan gets a bad name, but in reality, it's based.
good bait
the dearth of features is both a curse and blessing. the little things that moot would do to troll the site, it added soul. gookmoot clearly doesn't give a shit about this site other than it being a revenue stream. probably why the last substantial change to the site was over 6 years ago (don't consider captcha changing to be a change of note).
Good. Fuck /vg/
get rekt you phonefaggot
>ban generals on /vg/ - video game generals
bait or mental retardation, yea some of them are porndump threads but so is /v/
IP counter removal is of note
What was the point of that anyway
a deadline for what?
>he doesn't know
Hiro gave the mods a three year deadline to make this place profitable. If they fail, he's selling the site (and he's not going to find anyone willing to pay his asking price, which means he'll shut it down instead).
This is terrifying to the mods, because then they'll lose their special status they've been holding for the last x years.
That's the reason why they're suddenly modifying how the site works; not to improve the quality, but to lower the costs and increase revenue as much as possible.

Why do you think the previous pass sale went specifically up to three years?
Three years is a crazy number. No company would ever do three years over just one year.
...unless they have surity that they will exist for at least the next three years, of course.

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