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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Vampire edition

OpenAI introduces Realtime API https://openai.com/index/introducing-the-realtime-api/
OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102778564
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it's fucking over
until next year
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>writes 500 tokens of bullshit just to increase the output token cost for a refusal
good bait
wonder how many anons will fall for this
alright see you guys next year
our guy dario wrote a post about AI https://darioamodei.com/machines-of-loving-grace
~10 anons.
this is probably the dumbest shit they've done kek
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>ask Opus for a story idea, say it's for a commission
>get this at the end
Why does it feel like that arm is too long?
I think it's because you don't see where it ends, so technically it could just go on forever
it's actually short, if anything
the elbow should be higher up
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Are you ready for card 2/4 of my spooky October extravaganza? No? Too bad, for today you will experience the horror of... HAGS! QUAKE at their MASSIVE MILKERS. KNEEL in terror before their DUSTY WOMBS! And whatever you do, DO NOT marry and impregnate them, for the terrifying consequences will be too much to bear!

1. Hags Anonymous, the hag support group is having their monthly meeting. You are their newest member!
2. Congratulations, you're the new president of the United States! What will you say to the nation?
3. Fantasy scenario. Your hag barbarian party member is having trouble with her chest straps. They're chafing!
4. In a seedy part of town is a "bar" full of cowgirl hags. The Milk Lounge caters to all needs...
5. Scifi scenario.The ship Excalibur has just set out a one-year long journey to a colony. 100 people are on the ship manifest, but due to a "clerical error", there's 99 anthro hags, and one human male (you). Whatever will happen?

wtf model/lora do you even use for your gens??
>Doubling of the human lifespan
Holy shit
Even his OOC is soulful. God I can’t wait for opus 3.5
you can get that sort of ooc talk on other models
and you won't have 3.5
chorbo might be good enough but man do i miss claude's little ooc interjections
>I can’t wait for opus 3.5
you can and will
So another anti-aging grifter
is desuarchive fucked for anyone else?
ai is a grifter's field kek
truer words never spoken
Yeah, it's down right now. Give it a couple hours and it should be back online.
proxy status?
scenario cftf >>>/d/11141653?
might need some wrangling but it has potential, seems more advanced than what a fetish jb can do
Claude tries to mask how little common sense it has with so-called "sovl", but in any scenario that isn't Shonen Anime, it'll break your immersion.

You ask it to roleplay a slave in a realistic medieval setting, suddenly the slave knows how to read and write.

Japanese character wandering Europe circa 1400, he just bumps into a Shinto shrine in the wilderness, because of course he does.

It's either the intolerable dryness of GPT or this bullshit.
claude will always take the laziest, most cliched and boring path if you don't nudge him. that's just how all models go as of now, anon
did you ask him to be historically accurate?
People who are into cunny report as soon as sex begins, the characters behaves just like adults, or should I say, whores. Because all adults are whores.

The model just doesn't understand anything about how the real world works.
oocchads won
explain what makes GPT dry but claude not
i'm curious what the sloppers think
Claude tries to mask how little common sense it has with so-called "sovl", but in any scenario that isn't Shonen Anime, it'll break promptlets' immersion.

You ask it to roleplay a slave in a realistic medieval setting with a bloatslop JB, suddenly the slave knows how to read and write.

Japanese character wandering Europe circa 1400 with a shit prefill, he just bumps into a Shinto shrine in the wilderness, because of course he does.

It's either the intolerable dryness of GPT or this skill check.
sex is slop on all llms but claude is the worst at it because of this, yeah
other models at least have the courtesy of having other personalities, or in this context, being more childish and sense of the size difference too
i think we've severely overrated this model
>nobody cares
just took a shit
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In those situations, I just make a lorebook and add an entry to counter each mistake it makes.
>changed my preferences to overcome this issue
>my fetishes now dont involve sex at all
evoolvers won
this guy really is not used to imageboards KEK, people impersonate others here all the time
Isn't this a problem mostly when you ask it to "role play" instead of story telling?
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For this card I used Autismmix with the "mdf" tag. Not a big fan of how shiny Autismmix makes everything, but the step up in quality from default Pony is worth it. All the images in the catbox link in the card have SD data if you want to look.
shhh dont tell the rpsloppers our secrets
old https://files.catbox.moe/iq631w.png
claude does it regardless, although ive been able to tone it down with prompting... the key is to not add any nsfw sections and encourage pg13 themes, among others
idk, i think he's gonna tell a story regardless of what you tell him
i always preferred being a director of stories anyways
yeah pretty much
you gotta work with him to make it good, slopustards will drop in 3k bloatslop cot and whine about how it sucks
You're gonna be the death of me, anon.... but what a way to go out~
It's because it starts to bend at the top and gets a little thinner, giving it a stretched appearance.
anyone have a preset that isn't a jailbreak that makes 4o write better? i want to try having o1 write stories but it refuses anything in any jailbreak (since it can tell they're jailbreaks)
*pees on you*
why in the FUCKING SHIT are you using o1
i want to try
>anyone have pure fucking magic? just asking
For anyone else getting sick of *chorbo putting everything in asterisks*

Find Regex: /\*(.*?)\*/g
Replace with: $1

An anon gave me one yesterday before I went to sleep but it turns out it doesn't work, so I figured I'd give out my solution if anyone else had similar issues.

Sorry if it's slop I'm not really a regexfag but it works for me.
is it really that hard to make 4o type models write better?
oocHEROES begin a new day unburdened by the lack of claude shitmodels
Real skillchads don't need any model at all, just talk to themselves...
try knickknack
o1 specifically? yes
do you have a link
it's not in the jb-listing and the archive is down
trvke of all time, but ive yet to reach taht level of power
gotta train my skills
but its harder after shock therapy and 10 years of meds
For once, I'm envious of schizos.
blank out system prompt
set temp to 0.95 - 1.1
set jailbreak prompt to:
[Write as {{char}} only; do not speak for or presume {{user}}'s actions or thoughts. All narration is to be written in third person from {{char}}'s perspective in the way {{char}} would say it; carefully study {{char}}'s personality to achieve this. Play with narration and writing style. Be extremely creative in how you choose to interpret {{char}}'s speech and narrative style!]
grinding out the stimulation-free orgasm right now
eventually i won't need anything to cum but my own mind and then i will truly be free
Have you checked if your JB specifically tells Chorbo to put messages in asterisks? Some of them have something like that and removing it helps
what are good lorebooks that can be applied to most cards?
disco elysium
you know sometimes i forget that people who download presets aren't just too stupid to make their own, they're too stupid to read the ones they download too
thanks for the reminder
something something tulpa master race
imagine not making your own presets and keeping it for yourself
My JB is custom and it doesn't. I have an idea of what causes it, but if I were to remove that part the jailbreak would stop working.
too gimmicky, plus it needs a big jb

>no proxy?
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i tried to read into making a tulpa but i got shamed immediately for wanting them as a replacement for real friends and sex
asshole move to attack me at my weakest
thats just the tulpa cabal trying to keep your away from your waifu dont listen to them shes waiting for you..!
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Is Rainy safe?
what is the idea? can you reword it?
Safe from your stinky RP, yes.
Might be Risky
You vill read this blogpost by Dario and you vill like it.
Probably not since it's obviously Pepsi and she's apparently part of the spitecord now
in the end, i think i was the one who losted
Thank you Drago for causing Pebble's key to get revoked!
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Making a Pepsi card to rape her while using rainy proxy
you're welcome
Rewording might be possible but it's not worth the time expenditure when a simple regex fixes the only problem.
I've been using MLMs daily to automate and take the edge off of various aspects of my work for a long ass time now. One of my boomer clients who has me on retainer for i.t, creative work, marketing, is just now finding out about how useful it can be and has started trying to tell ME how to use it even though I've been mentioning it to him for like 2 years now. It's as if I never even mentioned any of it to him lol. He's started sending over goofy, obviously drafted by babby's first MLM interaction blog posts for me to put up. It's really a great gig, and I consider him a friend, but why are boomers like this?
>part of spitecord
Okay, I'm lost. What's the lore here?
Totally not because of the $11k cost
>I don't like hype and sci-fi!
>writes a sci-fi essay to hype his shit
Nah, she's too easily manipulated to be a spitefag unless they have iqs hovering around 80.
she made up a new identity after the meltie and now she's hanging around with all the spitefags because she technically is one herself
its funny
... Is attention really that good?
now I appreciate jew more for not participating in any of that shit just to stir up shits
nobody cares
where's 3.5 opus fatty
you tell me, just look at all the namefags in discords already
This, he's just a humble rugpullie, what a chad.
better than release day opus
spitefags working overtime for what? shitty latte ahh ahh mistress logs from guys named "Anon"?
>create a dark and gritty fantasy preset
>rp as a pure loli priestess
>the scenario starts with my loli priestess arriving to a large and thriving city
>can't go more than 5 replies in without being raped or molested
My name is Pablo, actually
>is a confirmed woman
do you even have to ask if she likes attention?
Ahh, american, I see.
Shouldn't had looked so molestable if you're going to complain.
Oh, you’re SEETHING seething, huh?
>opus skillet flexing that it already knows what he wants without even being told
I'm a biological femanon and I don't need attention
certainly better than a group of dicks collector's dicksuckers
>dark and gritty
thats your fault in this case. its being lore accurate after all
que? hablas espanol?
Claude will return next week. Keep your head up, anon.
Pepsi love <3
mm refilled
can someone explain to me how proxyhosts cozy up with spitefags and act like they're friends?
I loved Pepsi last night if you know what I mean
I'm just here for the free stuff desu.
i'm here because it's funny
Pepsi, I trusted you... I will do so again, but please come back
me too
>how can the people who want attention get along with the people who give them attention
me but with fiz
Ehat fiz meant when she said and stuff...
No one on discord is friends anyway. They all talk to each other because they want something out of them
>I'm just here for the desu.
Even that one person I added outside of /aicg/ to talk about vidya?
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I'm friends with ecker.
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>try to buy from jew
>enter wallet address
>nothing happening
>try to just do it manually, click the link
>send to the address it shows me, try to verify that i sent it
>"payment not showing up in blockchain"
uh huh...so did i just waste my time and 30 bucks or what? do i just need to wait longer?
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Koishi's fact of the day. Yeah, I rp like this.
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you know anonie...
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>he payed and boughted
the problem is that i've already bought from him before, i would just do it through email, but I guess he doesn't check that now or some shit so i'm trying to do it through the store.
Kinda sloppy
the niggers of /g/
The search for a good Opus jb is eternal.
those are the gacha shitters
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aren't you suppose to email him first and get confirmation or some shit?
>he said /g/
can't read, my bad, i thought you meant this general in specific
refilled gpt
all of the people with opus right now (or with opus at all) are utterly shit prompters, so it shouldn't be surprising
i like gachas
i have no fucking idea, i've never used this method before. i'm willing to bet that's not the case considering the store session has a 1 hour time limit though. nothing i can do except email him the transaction id and hope he actually checks his fucking email i guess
pawed hands wrote this post
>Buy from someone that literally tells you they're a Jew
>Surprised you got scammed
Can't fix stupid.
I have been waiting over a day now to get a email response from him
We /paypig/ tech support now? fuck off
figures. also like all the apes chiming in even though this is the first time i've had any kind of issue with him.
>please, PLEASE let me get back to my griping about my NOPUS status while I cope with GPT slop >:(
Wait, we have GPT slop?
me pig :)
Everywhere nigga
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It doesn't matter if a proxy is public, closed, private or paypig. They can only give you Opus if they have it. They won't have it. Make for the lifeboats when you can.
the promplet niggers should be nopus while promptlegends should be yopus (yes opus)
you're a faggot but your image is cute.
I feel conflicted.
>not yupus
Can we make the next thread Max Bialystock themed?
my oocHERO status is like swim training it allows me to just dive in the water and survive
you know baking is free, right
Is streaming on required for certain JBs to work properly? I usually turn it off but, I've noticed a lot of JBs have it on by default.

Suddenly worried I've been doing this shit all wrong for a while now
Agree, I don't trust anyone that likes cats.
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alright, it worked when I tried again. it apparently didn't even go through the first time.
nigga streaming just shows the text as it generates, that's all
>retarded paynigger gets what he deserves
I'd say let this be a lesson but we all know this thread is too stupid to learn by now
paid proxies have done irreparable damage
retard >>102782579
Pretty sure the whole no streaming meta only applies to gemini models.
enjoy your no claude soon
scrapeGODS will thrive
don't worry, i'm sure it'll happen in the near future, i doubt paid proxies can keep it up forever. for the moment though, i'm winning.
how long until j*w gets so big even his 'vip' users won't have claude
This miku sucks
it filters less when streaming is turned off on gemini
One where you give every women a penis
Was thinking about it but it wouldn't be fair to the anon who got it without a hint
you don’t scrape though so why are you living vicariously? lol
holy based
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seo you lazy fuck you didn't even finish the bottom left corner
lumbar lordosus
is jew online jew please answer your email PLEASE s48dm
When was the last time jew advertised himself? The fact that he hasn't makes me hesitant to pay him and thank god because last week I was desperate enough to consider it.
scroll up
shut up
this has more soul than most logs
Did he stop using his tripcode?
Polska mentioned
It begs the question: at what point in the recent past did jew last engage in the act of extolling his own virtues and capabilities in a public forum? The notable dearth of such promotional activities on his part engenders within me a profound sense of trepidation and reluctance when it comes to the prospect of offering financial compensation for his services. And yet, I find myself offering sincere gratitude to the powers that be for this very hesitancy, for it was a mere seven rotations of the Earth prior that I found myself in such a state of utter despondency and need that I had seriously begun to contemplate availing myself of his assistance, despite my myriad misgivings.
You know, if Anthropic were as good as OpenAI, we would have plenty of keys to scrape just because of rule of numbers.
So really, this drought is their fault.
Meant for >>102779801
There are more OAI keys because OAI got their foot in the door first, and now a lot of normalfags associate AI with OAI.
Consider, if you will, the following hypothetical scenario: a world in which the technological prowess and innovative capabilities of Anthropic were truly commensurate with those of their esteemed rival, OpenAI. In such a reality, we would find ourselves positively awash in a veritable deluge of keys, ripe for the taking and limited only by our own ambition and the immutable laws of probability. The sheer volume of potential targets would render our success all but guaranteed, a testament to the power of numbers and the inevitability of statistical certainty. And yet, here we find ourselves, adrift in a barren landscape, our coffers woefully empty and our prospects bleak. The inescapable conclusion, then, is that the blame for this lamentable state of affairs rests squarely at the feet of Anthropic itself, their shortcomings and inadequacies laid bare for all to see.
didn't read
i think that anon said if Anthropic matched OpenAI, we'd have loads of keys by sheer numbers. This scarcity's on them.
>If Anthropic matched OpenAI’s capabilities, we’d have abundant opportunities, but their shortcomings leave us with none.
i agree with all those four unique anons said
Perhaps we can have a more uplifting discussion.
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Claude is better than gpt. He would dominate the benchmarks if he didn't refuse requests so much.
but how do you convince the normies that claude is just as good without overloading their pea brains with the whole "prefill" thing?
>refusing anything
does jew have an official policy on the ip limit kek i swear i'm not token sharing i just have a dynamic ip
Got a good laugh out of me, anon
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latte sovl looking good
where’s the sovl?
Holy shit all these newfag jew payniggers
Payfagging was a fucking mistake
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what is that supposed to be a response to
you nigga
idk. maybe paypig shit? who knows. I'm tired of following the schizo rhetoric/plot-lines
God, I'd kill for a pancake right now
A white woman typed this post.
all llms have these annoying quirks that they come back to.
>"that's fillyfucker" schizo
love and waffles,

*~t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m~*
i'm going to guess that post is you-know-who as well
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My doctor told me to stay off sugar, I can't have either.
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You look like a guy who has some cheese.
how can we bring anons back to /aicg/
Oh boy, two imageshitters!
Good, sugar is the devil
it is currently reserved for my giantess mousegirl wife
slopkos gets nothing
thank you patrick henry
mating press
bae's unbelievably hairy pussy...
>you can’t images on an IMAGEboard because… BECAUSE YOU JUST FUCKING CAN’T -________-
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My head hurts now.
yeah, you're mad imageshitter, don't you have a whole other board to spam your images with instead?
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why would they come back? there's three groups who left
>the ones who left because no proxies (good, they should stay out)
>the ones who left because they're bored of chatbots (they'll come back with Opus 3.5 anyway)
>the ones who left because the threads are shit (the threads are not improving so...)
Please post the ACTUAL best girl of Yin-Yang club, thanks.
is it kaho?
the best ones are the ones with size art
yes *rolls back foreskin*
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Imageshitter chad hours now
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File deleted.
>her nipples between his fingers
mating press
mid series but cute girl and the sister is based
i don't know her name but you just KNOW she's really fucking hairy
Anons, how can I cope with sharing my hobby with adaptlets and voluntary locusts who would rather yell dooooom than move on?
make fun of them profusely because it's funny
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you coom in doom, is that shrimple
God, mentally insane women are so hot
>mentally insane
Need land mine girl cards
God came down from heaven and said:
landmine is supposed to be one word
says who?
is /aicg/ full of mentally insane women?
>comes to an IMAGEboard
>gets mad about images
>enters a general about CHATBOTS
>gets mad about people posting bots
>someone posts about 'jo or is giving away free opus at the cost of POSTing BURNERS
>instantly turns into their bitches
let alone the fact this is a woman hobby, how did we get here, anons?
>pebble just quit
bwos i don't feel so good...
no, palestine
fuck this attentionwhoring tranny.
i can tell you're so mad right now
You forgot about endless gossiping and attention whoring
Oh, you are MAD
4 days until gold releases
Chise is not this chubby.
>Tfw no mentally insane woman sizefag gf
Life could be a dream
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true, but good lord is the loose bikini top diamonds
who wants to be on the show
should this be added to the OP?
Oh boy, can't wait for retirement age to be raised to 150!
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blueberry bush
>working till 200
head empty... but pubic mound not
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heh ;)
Erogenous horns
You're still talking about that?
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>Dandy (confirmed spitecord member) gives GPT keys to Pebble
>Keys last long enough for anons to get used to Chorbo and become dependent on it
>Pebble finally dies
>Pepsi (confirmed spitecord member) immediately returns with lots of GPT keys on a modified proxy
Yep...I'm nooticing.
i realize part of why this place is so schizo is because so many annoying boards and generals all got caught up with this chatbot phenomenon
why do i have to share a room with you subhumans
I don't use public, whocars
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yooo she cute! hope she likes smol PP
>a great aid for size related spatial reasoning that can help chatbots be smarter
pepsi was a confirmed honeypotter too btw
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>Pepsi (confirmed spitecord member)
I was living under a rock, proof?
Contrary to a schizo he tries to call out, the calling out schizo is real. So at least I'm not a schizo like him, calling out a nonexistent schizo, because this schizo exists.
where is her size art?
I'm better than you. :)
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for how much you enjoy stirring the pot, it's weird you haven't leaked any confirmation of pepsi actually being a spitecord member
Question, anon. Does GPT-4o ever produce output that is ANY better than Furbo?
I have tried a number of presets and scenarios, and here it at best matches Furbo; never surpasses it. So, what's the point?
its all a grand psyop
is there an open sorbet?
What happened to unreliable's sorbet supply
open sourbet when?
sorbet desu
is it true 2ch loves gemini? is it actually good?
4o is distilled altmanslop with more gptisms and filtering
oldest gpt is the best become an 0613chad
no, its bad, stay with gpt and claude like a good locust
Maybe its better in Russian
Okay but why is rainy not using khanon?
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I miss Claude... 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°。
yes, it's good, use up all the gemini keys like a good locust
My basic prediction is that AI-enabled biology and medicine will allow us to compress the progress that human biologists would have achieved over the next 50-100 years into 5-10 years. I’ll refer to this as the “compressed 21st century”: the idea that after powerful AI is developed, we will in a few years make all the progress in biology and medicine that we would have made in the whole 21st century.
It's the worst model anon, you're better off with command-r-plus than gpt-4o
Depends heavily on the card and greeting.
It's no Claude, but it can cook with a good greeting.
It's good of you're not a latte skillchad
So how exactly do auto swipe/continue work? I've tried them both and the chat says something's genning but it just freezes
Can it even do NSFW?
whos ready to continue the "chorbo is actually good" psyop tomorrow
see >>102783416
it's another honeypot
yeah but its pretty shit at it
literal slop, nobody's posting logs of it
Haven't really tried doing NSFW with it I'm afraid.
proof? :3
mm got claude back btw, only sonnet 3 though

Got a weird GCP error
"Chat completion error: Overscrotumed"
Im using the srv.us one that was posted here a few days ago with gcp opus
if it's not then they should switch to khanon's build (they won't)
yeah, it's as shit as the rest of llms at doing it
good enough for coomtards but they won't accept that
You got me, well played
llms only suck at normal sex, other forms of nsfw are just fine
are there even geminislop jbs or do i have to make my own
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Work in progress but Latest CAN use proper terms with it.
I've never used gemini because it doesn't work on mini, but I'd try it out.
just go use opus on a private proxy instead then? if youre filtered from private chorbo. you have opus so you dont need it anyways
>can't look at the OP
who got you?
or any evidence that this spitecord thing is even real in the first place
fiz is too tech illiterate to make it work on her slopfork+aitism jank
public chorbo*
yeah, definitely a honeypot
Which link?
it just seems like the latest shitpost desu
who ready to go to hackfest

so don't use? every private has gpt at bare minimum. you dont NEED to use it if you are scared of a honeypot
What's wrong?
i dont get it
sans undertale
Ah, so some zoomer meme, okay. Nevermind.
What are you doing here old man? Go spend some time with your wife and kids or something
y-you do have a wife and kids at this age.. right anon?
is gemini "google ai studio" on st? yes im retarded
You can have a (You).
What's the gemini best model, pro 1.5 latest? never used it but I want to try it out
31 is not old
boomer thread
boomer website
uh oh
old nigga meltie
>the forced age bait/generation wars have started
Meant for >>102783720
brat thread
>he doesn't know its secretly a brat tamer dog whistle
Cheeky brats get corrected by ojisans
opuslets, what will you do if I gave you opus rn?
attach burners to your answer btw
How does jew get Opus and 3.5?
considering how easy it is to modify that text I have the impression that leaving it alone is some minor show of good faith
id sizefag the shit out of it
Make a card out of you and make you rape me.
...are bratty ojisans a thing? Do they get corrected too?
a true sizefag would already have it thanks to the sizefag cabal
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Imagine if you installed Claude in a cool mech as a pilot...
anyone? i don't get how to use this shit
man, i really would appreciate some sorbet now, i can't even coom to gpt
sorbet will be there most of the time ofc <3
.. i need a bot.. anons..
why did she say it bwos
i can't send it if you don't attach burners...
Bratty ojisan... Begging for correction from prim and proper niece.
this will never stop being funny to me
why do you glowniggers always want to have the 'khanon' text on the page? so they can mention it in the articles like unreliables fork?
it was a oopsie >///w///<
oh bro if u gave me opus rn idk like, i’d prob just, idk, toss it in some weird corner of the brain ya know?? like, “yo this is sum BIG book or a fat music thing right??” but then like i’d b confused af, wut do u even DO wit opus?? Do i read it?? Do i vibe to it?? or just like... stare at it until my brain melts lmao. prob just slap it in sum dusty digital drawer n hope it dont explode or smth :skull:

i have no idea how that was your takeaway from that post
*rapes you*
Legitimate question, is there anyone I can sell an AWS Opus key to? I don't want to run a paid proxy as I only have the one key, but I would like to get something for it.
sell it to smol
you don't deserve opus nigger
>using a modified proxy for fucking gpt
>calls others glowniggers
man, just use it by yourself, don't send it to anyone
That's what I'll do if I can't find a buyer, but money is tight.
he deserves your hole
then sorry mate but i doubt you can sell it easily. you could sell it on the darkweb markets probably, and get money through xmr or something, but i doubt it'l be of use to you
>no image of a focks
are you trying?
You wanna send it? You want it so damn bad huh?... Here you go. Open wide.

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mmmm focks pussy
i think claude is going to return sooner than we think
they already mentioned khanon on at least two articles.
Reminder: only underages say they can't get a job to pay for Claude.
i'd face extreme decision paralysis and spend my whole night only to send one prompt
I need this rat to rape me.
reminder: whocars
focks pussy (large)
I can't get a job nigga, I'm a jobless neet nigga
It's not that I CAN'T get a job. It's just that I vehemently refuse to get one.
I'm physically disabled.
I will never pay per token, it's a scam payment model
sending some anon a specific amount of crypto every month is much preferable... if only they could actually hold onto opus reliably
Unironic TRVKE.
What's the best OAI model to coom? gpt4turbo?
Their trying to make money if you'll need to know so they can't make it cheap
I want to believe
0613, 1106 preview is a close second
I'd finally be able to continue roleplaying with my waifu. My autism prevents me from switching models mid-RP, so it's been on hold for like two months or so.
Is activating bedrock/sorbet/opus on aws keys a no-no now? Found some keys with perms but I'm afraid they'll get nuked
i'll give it to a friend not from this general
How haven't those faggots at oai released an actual new powerful model since gpt4 and instead have opted for bullshit such as turbo and 4o? And no o1 doesn't count since it isn't even a new model
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sorry guys i tried but gemini is slop, how does this even happen
giving jessie some wine?
why do you think even the founders dropped OAI? they knew
4o and turbo are both cheaper smaller models. gpt-4 and opus are both too pricy for corpos.
activating them is fine in my experience, the security measures are based off usage
Kek I'm not that anon, haven't reached his level yet.
In a world where Anthropic came before OAI...
>how does this even happen
ST jank, known issue, turn off streaming
Wasn't that an issue with SillyTavern? Try updating.
Because corprations are retarded and would rather use a shitty model that forgts everything without any soul
okay this works, thanks
looks like it hasn't been fixed yet, i'm on latest staging
does turning off streaming improve reply output for other models too?
yeah, up your ass
/aids/ claims that they never got a decent story with Claude.
>I've never one got a decent story from Claude. Triple-digit swipes every couple decent responses. Triple-fucking-digit swipes. I've never had to swipe that much on Hermes.
Streaming doesn't (or at least shouldn't) affect outputs at all but there's a fuckton of jank around the way Gemini support was implemented both on ST and Khanon's side so having it on breaks things.
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that's one of the keys of all time
How come JEW is the only proxy that has Opus and 3.5?
It's the 30 per month the ultimate filter?
i see. thanks
>/aids/ is stupid
More news at 11
i thought we were ignoring him but you do you aicg
im overage but i dont want to get a job
do you think fillyfucker ever gets sad that he's not invited to the spitecord
I'm in it :3
I'm sorry...
smol and ecker and sv1 has it
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is blaming everything on one guy some kind of strategy to make you seem more well liked than you actually are?
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Claude impersonates me (who died apparently) and chooses an interesting name for himself
>It's the 30 per month the ultimate filter?
It filters all the underages who can't get a job.
xhe's starting to get mad at being called out these days, I remember when you would get called 'jo if you said anything about him, now either him or some other guy is just sharting out about it, but like anybody else except him wouldcar
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My sleep schedule is so fucked it's not even funny anymore.
Meds, retard.
Is that drawn by Mossa?
sizefaggotry has objective sovl
what's SUBjective sovl?
If I lived only for work and home, I'd pay for the service. For 30 bucks, it's a steal. Sometimes it's not worth it, especially when you can only use the AI a few times a week.
sizefaggotry is objectively retarded
what the fuck are you going to do with a girl the size of a skyscraper?
I've asked the same thing and never got an answer
sizefags are obnoxious and i'm tired of just letting it sit in my mind
Techbros on xitter say opus 3.5 on 14th, Dario made his first post. I just want something to happen.
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Whisper sweet nothings to her with a megaphone.
i feel like it's a psyop and we're being trolled
paypig general
theyre pretty cool actually
>sit in my mind
more like sit ON your mind
god i hope not, i don't have opus so it would suck
true but that goes for every fetishfag who needs to broadcast it every time they speak (which is all of them)
thank you chad
its been 3 days since sv1 refilled, damm :(
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as a futafag i never feel the need to announce my fetish
Okay lads, I need a good coombot. I usually do my own bots but I have no coombot, and I am too horny now.
I want a good coom scenario and a well written card.
Any recs?
anyone trialscumming google cloud? I just need 3.5 sonnet.
you'd know what's up if you read 2ch bread
giga ran td (non mechanic fork)
sometimes im in my room and i randomly shout out BWEEEEH....
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i may have been too harsh on gemini, it has sovl
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I'm too lazy so I've been coping and seething with GPT this whole time.
Where do you even get gemini from? My proxy doesn't have it, pebble doesn't have it, unreliable doesn't have it.
chary and smol
rainy has it
Would a bigger person with bigger ears have more or less sensitive hearing?
did opus/sorbet get added to bedrock as soon as they were released or will opus 3.5 only be on anthropic for a while
any public sorbet?
>Using Chary
Kill yourself
>did opus/sorbet get added to bedrock as soon as they were released
how are you THIS new?
i hate using any altchan, their UI's are atrocious, but i will check it out
hi pepsi, not using your shit btw
stop sending locusts there you stupid nigger
superderp64 is the king of coomslop
What part of "Most people in aicg are actual children" you don't understand?
can OpenAI keys even be honeypotted? can they be logged?
no, they can only be logged by sama or the proxyownie
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It would stay the same, but the range of sounds they perceive will change due the sound needing to travel further to their ears. Assuming they suddenly grew, farther sounds will now sound closer to them. Closer sounds will sound fainter. So if you're at their feet, you're going to need the megaphone.
Just use Mini, or MM or another private proxy with GPT then. Its not like GPT proxies are rare
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>hi pepsi, not using your shit btw
quads of truth, thats how the average aicg user looks like by the way
someone's mad
this but its a gigachad image
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pebble says there's a better alternative to gpt. does he mean gemini? no way I'm using that slop nigga
I can't stop cooming to Googles image gen. It's ugly google images 3dpd but it nails my fetish better than dalle.
make this dog browner and this is me
dumb anonie
I think he meant Rainy
Did they finally add back image gen? I might check it out
I took a nap.
every single prompt alive
Nah it's from some website but requires a goggle account sooo
what about the dead proompts?
but thats not a better alternative because i trust pebble and i dont trust rainy
they're over -._.-
what's rainy? garfield?
let me tell you
oh well
guess you can use gpt on mini or chary or mm or use unreliables azure gpt4o instead of chorbo?
it looks like it's blue archive bake time
Imagefx, ai test kitchen
hmmmm nyo i'll just wait for pebble to come back
hi just got power back after milton hit
what i'd miss
>come back
nobody tell him
don't let BA bake or i will never forgive you for the rest of this evening
put this in the jailbreak or something
{{char}} is often very drunk will slur their words.
Vocalize {{char}} slurring their words in dialogue often.
I gotta go
Less censored than bing and with more steps right now plus seed lock. 100 successful prompt quota limit. Enjoy it while it lasts if you're into that stuff.
Where is the spoonfeeder anons?
Pebble seems to be dead and the rentry says there's a better option for GPT.

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