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This is better than the 4070 ti super yet nobody bought it
How is the Blender performance?
>This is better than the 4070 ti super yet nobody bought it
Why would you buy something that is only good for gaming?
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Because AMD users are the biggest and best gamers
Human eye can't see more than 60 fps.
bought one and it is really fast, especially with vram OC and higher power limit.
fpbp /thread
I got the 7800 xt instead since they're on sale right now $433 after taxes for me. wished they marked down the gre lower than the $529 they're going for.
This. ROCm is fucking dog shit.
I'm not a linux troon and I don't pay for subpar products. Fuck off with your poorfag crap.
Honestly unless there is a substantial leap with the FSR4 and RT upgrades the 7800XT looks like a genuine bargain right now
I wish powercolor made nvidia cards, a red devil 5090 would be sovl.
Reminder the bestselling RDNA3 card is the 7900XTX, by a lot.
Unfortunately I felt the need to have DLSS in the future so I went 4070
AMD's equivalent to RTX Super Resolution?
Super Resolution.
that's for games
RTX Super Resolution is for all Video
Hardware: yes
Drivers: no
And that's why most people buy Nvidia.
I think they buy it because they don't think they can show off to their friends who don't understand the and product lineup

compared to 50 bad 60 ok 70 good 80 great 90 best what's the point
What friends? And framerates speak for themselves.
7900gre was ~560€ and 7800xt ~500€ at the time I bought it. Considering the 10-15% overclocking headroom of the 7900gre compared to basically no overclocking on the 7800xt the decision was clear.
DLSS is overrated asf
Price per frame?
>This is better than the 4070 ti super
Better at what?
fleecing fanboys
Makes sense. AMD is just controlled opposition at this point.
>muh productivity
You guys don't do shit with your gpus and you don't make any money with it
>I don't do anything so I will project
thats not even true
fsr is shit compared to dlss
the best amd cards have worse framerates than budget nvidia in raytracing
amd is only good for unemployed poor fags
>I don't pay for subpar products.
you pay with your personal information and lost dignity from using a rapeware OS
Neck yourself. Nobody needs it, nobody uses it. Nvidia has mind broken you so much you think spamming CUDA is somehow an argument. 99.9% of people buying GPUs just want to play some fucking video games. Here's some more bullshit:
better than 4090?
CUDA is a factor, but the people who opt for it are getting professional SKUs and they aren't wasting time on gimped gayming SKUs.
Gayming SKUs are intended for media consumption. The ML/datacenter boom makes it evident.
This meme needs to die. Nvidiots keep parroting 20+ year old that haven't been true.
The actual reason is pure mindshare, Nvidiots get Nvidia no matter what. Their share of poor-fags are mad because AMD is no longer doing a hemorrhaging price war so Nvidia's hand isn't being forced.
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I got a 7800XT last year but if I hadn't I probably would've gone for the GRE
I'm still having a lovely time playing vidya at 1600p with this thankfully
Nvidia experience: The game plays correctly and looks how it should
AMD experience: Wtf are these weird visual artifacts and how do I fix this
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it is still true
there are lots of people with issues varying from crashes and green screens to graphical bugs.
amd software SUCKS
Nvidia sheep are just brand loyalists. They're very much Apple sheep and Tendies.
They don't have a clue what a CUDA core is, but they'll defend nVidia to the death and buy whatever the funny man on YouTube tells them.
Still doubling down on 20+ year old memes? Sad
Both companies have laundry list of stupid issues and rendering problems over the years. Stop being a shill to faceless companies who only care about their shareholder's bottom line.
>/v/tard blames "drivers" for their crashes and rendering problems rather than their shitty CPU and memory overclock
No drivers
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Nah, I bought Nvidia because it a better bang for the buck. Intel and Nvidia are usually a bit higher priced on launch, but because they both have massive volume the discounts usually end up being much more towards the end of the lifecycle.
DLSS is definitely not bullshit and I say this as someone who gravitates towards AMD.
Exactly, Nvidia have been playing Apple's 2000-era and onward's playbook.
Is tribalism concerning card companies that big of a deal? I've owned cards from both and have been happy with either and the only reason I have a RTX 3060 is for CUDA programming.
The difference is, Apple actually sells quality products.
brand-dead /v/tards are massive brand-fags whatever it is gayming consoles, CPU or GPU brands.
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shut the fuck up you stupid "buy it because its green and my friends will think im weird if I don't participate in the cargo cult" moron shiteater njudea piss drinker.
>Apple actually sells quality products.
That's a good joke
>99.9% of people buying GPUs just want to play some fucking video games.
Nuh uh. What people want to make anime girls real with Flux/SD and Sillytavern, and it aint' got the puda without the cuda.
realistically speaking, is this even relevant for the average user? Just switched to AMD and didn't notice how missing CUDA would affect me in a negative way.

I do many things with my PC, from occasional video editing (Davinci), image editing (lightroom), video transcoding (handbrake with vce), 3D modelling (solidworks), gaming and so on and couldn't notice any drawbacks or performance issues.
Only thing that doesn't work flawlessly is AI image generation, somehow I am too stupid to get automatic1111 running with onnx and olive. Works fine with just lshqqytigers direct ML version, although some people say it is way slower than it should be. Performance for me was fine though.

You buy AMD for the rasterizing gaming performance, everything else just works without any noticeable difference to an nvidia card. And when you start talking about local image generation and AI this may not work flawlessly, but this is a very niche usecase. So with AMD you don't have cuda, but what do you even need it for?
You don't need it. People are just fucking stupid. There a ton of morons out there who refuse to leave Adobe because it has features they'll never use but still want them for some reason.
VRAM overclocking issue in 99% of cases. I also had a overclock to ~300MHz on my 7900GRE, but the PC would just freeze every few days. Downclocked it slighly with every freeze, and now I am only at ~100MHz but haven't had a freeze in months.
The borderline stable area for VRAM is very wide.
I was really suprised that everything except stable diffusion literally just worked. I've expected some serious drawbacks in everything but gaming. Maybe the best thing about cuda is nvidias marketing department?
Uhm did you miss the box has red and not green?
Wrong, the vast majority of people who get gayming SKUs are playing gaymes and other media consumption. There was a sizeable chunk that gone that for mining when GPU mining was a thing, but that died out. Very small minority get them for niche stuff like amateur 3D models and rendering who can't afford professional-tier SKUs.
Bro your AI?
Marketing is EVERYTHING. It's how Apple can sell the same exact device year after year, with morons lining up around the corner to buy it. And, it's how nVidia has brainwashed a million-man army of techlet NPCs into believing they "NEED" a $3000 GPU to suef porn and play play 20 year old games.
they're both overpriced, most people boughted 4060, 3060 and 6700xt because past that price you're getting robbed
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Stop using Windows
ever heard of "hobbies"?
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will do sar
White men use Linux, Poos and NPCs use Windows.
Simple As
Until a game comes along that DEMANDS something faster than an RTX 2080, I will not be buying anything, much less a 4070ti super.
Thanks to the world being stuffed with dumb lazy people who think they're gonna mine bitcoin with high end video cards, prices have skyrocketed. I just wanna play games. WHICH IS THE FUCKING PURPOSE OF A 3D ACCELERATOR!
linux marketshare is literally highest in india, rakesh
>71% is < 17%
You can't really be that stupid. Are you pretending?
I'm a white PC and I use Windows.
>I'm a white PC
PCs come in all different colors, some even RGB.
>yet nobody bought it
cause its gAyMD
People willing to pay more for reliability and for less anxiety
When did you get your diagnosis for Downs Syndrome?
No DLSS, no thanks!
Ayyo Niggers I want teh best best FPS'S in minecraft
Nvidia or AMD?
ZLUDA got gimped by AMD lawyers

some CAD apps won't render fully unless you have Nvidia GPU

AMD GPUs are great for gaming with raster graphics, for everything else they are shit
why does AMD make the best CPUs but their GPUs just can't compete?
I'm getting a 4080 Super with my next paycheck btw, it'll pair nicely with my 5900X
I always want to ask . Can GPU really accelerate CAD ? I heard it use something else than polygon
My VR headset doesn't work with amd
>arpara can not support the Spread Trum technology in DP 1.4, and AMD's GPUs in HBR2 above use this technology by default, so we are so sorry to say that arpara tethered can not support AMD graphics cards.
accelerated the same way as AI and other crap not using polygons
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But I did. Best investment into Linux you can make.
It competes just fine. You're just a blind fanboy with more money than brains.
I have a different question
Why can't Nvidia mass produce their low wattage gpu like the a2000 or a4000?
They were massively used by bitcoin miners a few years ago and now a lot of them are for sale used (I don't dare buy them)
Brand new they are very expensive
If I only gamed with my GPU, I would settle for a perfectly affordable 1080p card and not some 100+ watt monstrosity
>b-but muh cuda!!11!
You nvidiot shills are truly RETARDED.
I agree, it's the opposite on Linux: AMD has god-tier drivers, and Nvidia is a mess. But most of the world uses Windows because they want to run productivity apps or play games without the occasional headaches Linux causes in trying to make things work. And Windows users find the Nvidia experience way smoother because AMD drivers are still not the same level of quality, despite having improved significantly in the past couple decades.
never radeon again until they get parity in cpu overhead/rt perf/cuda support
CUDA is what allowed NVIDIA to become the most valuable company in the world, cope.
How is that relevant?
Define "better" anon? Because in performance, it's more of a match for the 4070 super and about the same price. Except, it will shit it's pants in RT and lacks NVIDIA's feature set. When AMD stops playing catch up and brings actual innovation to their GPUs like they did with their X3D CPUs, then I'll wholeheartedly recommend their GPUs like I've been recommending their CPUs since Zen 3. Only women and children have brand loyalty. You should get the product that's giving you the most for your money. And besides throwing in worthless and cheap VRAM over the competition, AMD has nothing else going for it.
Last generation they sold you a 4060ti renamed 4070. They tried to sell you a 4080 12gb which they were forced to rename 4070ti. This generation they will sell you a 5070ti as a 5080 with only 16gb of vram. Keep feeding nvidia, next generation you will buy a '60 card renamed 80 with only dlss benchmarks.
>never radeon again until they get parity in cpu overhead/rt perf/cuda support
The gpu are fine. The problem is that AMD is an exotic brand.
Wrong on both counts, try again.
What happened is like with IBM: people learned their proprietary systems. And so, they used them. It was never great.
>it will shit it's pants in RT
Everything shits itself in meme-tracing without massive compromises.
> lacks NVIDIA's feature set
Most of them are silly gimmicks like AMD own feature set.
>actual innovation to their GPUs
Neither company has been doing this for some time. They see graphics as a dead-end. Nvidia changed gears to make ASICs for compute that happens to do graphics on the side. Intel has been doing more innovation in graphics in recent years then either company. Brand-fags and /v/tards are too committed to see the trees for the forest.
Almost of these are actually GPU, CPU and memory overclocking gone wrong. Retards keep overclocking their shit thinking it has no consequences.
If I wanted productivity I'd just get a 4090
I hope the AI flops and drags nGreedia with it.
>on 20+ year old memes?
more like 2020+ memes
too bad it's the reality, even if AMD fanboys refuse to admit it
Don't ever post here again if you have 12 vram or less plebe
I bought a 7900 xtx hellhound, does that count?
AMD naming conventions suck.
Just name them: Best, good, okay, and bad.

Also I got the 4070 ti super because the microcenter employee told me to I originally picked a 7900 gre but then at checkout he was like "actually you should just go with nvidia we get a lot of returns on this amd card"

I didn't buy RX 7k because there were no models viable for passive cooling. Let alone - models that came with passive cooling
raw performance is completely irrelevant now due to how easy game development is.
its now a requirement to use upscaling.
all games are made with the expectation u run dlss performance as devs never optimize just shill more dlc.
fsr is so bad intel xess and a550 looks better in comparison.
I have a 7900XTX it's better than a 4080. I also hate niggers, and thus I am the superior man.
$500 is the price range where you just want quality and not gamble on some "just as good" specsheet product by Aliexpress company
don't care about AI or upscaling
I want good performance, good drivers and a proper hardware encoder
I'm going Nvidia after having several issues with AMD for the past 5 years
Luckily enlightened AMD spergs probably don't hand over their precious build information to the botnet so now all 10 of them aren't included in the survey.
You're not allowed to mention it on here but the only reason why nobody uses AMD is because of how wonky their drivers are and have been.
Even to this day the AMD guy in our group always has problem with the latest day 1 releases and needs to wait for some 2 week patch to fix the issues. He also has incredibly unpredictable performance between games, I think it's due to upscale shenanigans.
RT is better on NVIDIA cards, they have no weird problems in games or outside, the idle and 100% load wattage is lower (and multimonitor power consumption as well), DLSS better than FSR, etc...
The only good thing could be the lower price, i say "could" but this not actually the case outside america, AMD cards are usually almost the same price in France despite being worse.

Oh and AMD is better on Linux i suppose but the gayming market share is less than 2% on Linux so that's irrevelant.
AMD had its chance but turns out they are creatively bankrupt and as greedy as NVIDIA.
Maybe Intel GPU's will conquer the lower/mid GPU segment one day and they are cheaper than the rest.

Also i hate how AMD treats its customers as beta testers for both GPU's and CPU's, it's like they launch their products without testing yhem, like the 7800x3d, the poor DDR5 high speed stability and shit like this.
They are a multi billions compagny but they save money on testing lmao.
That's also why people are calling it a pajeet company.
Low IQ Hugh, with the low IQ response, spin on it Reddit gaylord
I thought this was some sort of Polish meme for a second
What's brutal? The fact that most normalfags don't spend more than 400 on a GPU?
>This is better than the 4070 ti super
If a video card costs over $300, I expect it to have feature parity with the competing brand at the very least.
kek cope
The AI fags have bought nGreedia stock and expect you retards to inflate their shares. Refusing to upgrade is akin to pulling all of your money from the bank. It increases the chances of corpofaggots killing themselves when their shareholders start losing millions. If you hate the corpofaggots and the consumer nigger cattle, just don't upgrade. Like just do nothing and the chances of a corpofaggot killing himself increases exponentially.
it draws too much power which will lead to other PC parts breaking down.
oh nooooo not my heckin personal informationrino
Does AMD have an equivalent to RTX HDR?
I have a 7900XTX. It works fine in Blender / games. I don't need CUDA because I have Vulkan and compute support
>everything must be about making money
tiktok brainrot
NVIDIA makes most of their money from data centers now, GeForce's contribution to NVIDIA's total revenue is declining every quarter. Their most expensive server GPUs are sold out for the next year.
They won't feel the hit of a handful of GAYMEN refusing to buy a $300 card.
You weren't going to pay more anyway right?
OpenCL >>>>> shit > CUDA
No need to suck corpos this hard, anon. Pull your money out and let them rot.
You're missing the point, NVIDIA's outgrown the GAYMEN business.
Their GEOMETRY FORCE cards are still the best-selling GAYMIN card anyway.
They won't feel the pinch from the likes of you boycotting a $300 purchase.
this people are buying old teslas with ton's of vram off ebay and aliexpress, like the p40, less enthusiasts just run models on their gayming gpu or don't run models locally
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>console chads have been working more diligently and consistently to improve PC gaming than anyone else
Over 25 years of service and counting, no need to thank me, its in my nature.
Upscaling and fake frames still exists because of console troons
>Price per frame?
Completely retarded metric by which to judge luxury purchases. Yes, anything more than 1080p 60fps is luxury. You buy what you want and can afford, not what's best "bang for buck".
upscaling and fake frames were literally introduced by nvidia
So let's say I have 400-500 dollars right NOW, what GPU should I buy?
RTX 4070 Super on sale.
With amd, everything just works on Linux. I run productivity software. It might be different from the stuff you use on Windows but it works fine. Zluda works just as good as cuda ever did. I wish people would stop beating this dead horse. I mean sure you have to relearn your workflow. I wish Adobe would port CC to Linux, I would buy a lifetime of it today if they did. Like 40 years worth. It's not the amount of money. I'm not poor. I just prefer Linux.
Depends on what os you want to use.
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>meme tracing
The current year version of "3D graphics are a gimmick!"
>Everything shits it's pants
Unless you're a disingenuous tranny, let's not pretend one isn't completely unusable. See picrel.
Just because you don't find value in them, doesn't mean others don't.
>no innovation
Partially true but atleast NVIDIA is doing SOMETHING instead of just catching up to last 2 generations. Their upscaler still hasn't caught up to dlss from the 30 series and we're almost near the 50 series. Personally they can both suck my cock but pretending that AMD is a good buy in the GPU market, when you get more for the same price is stupid. If AMD was selling these at a significantly lower price, with the caveat being that you don't get good RT or the features from nvidia, that would be an altogether different scenario. But they can't even price their shit competitively enough to beat their own 6000 series, a much more compelling line of gpus with current pricings.
Like lots of past technologies that are no longer in use, the only reason fake frames still exists is because consoles need them to fake 4K.
Anything under 60fps is unusable garbage
No it's not. I've played plenty of games on old hardware at a 45 fps cap. But the GRE can't even do 30, the bare minimum. Not to mention, this is maxed out. With optimised settings, one will hit the 30 mark and the other will hit 60. Which one would you rather have for the same price?
nvidia benches it's cards with fake frames on official press releases
they were introduced in their current gen card, current consoles didn't even launch with fake frames
Poorfag cope, get a 4090 or wait and get a 5090 or mcfuckin kill yourself.
Well, its always nice to have extra feature in case you want to learn and do more with your computer, like VR, ML, etc. The average user wouldn't ever need a graphics card above $250. All those thing you mentioned, video editing at 1080p, image editing, CAD runs fine on any card.
Cringe aside, no one said I have a 4070 super. I'm simply saying it's the better buy, objectively.
>cherry picked example
People who care about that get the 4090 you fucking moneyless posers.
fibby bippy
>cherry picked
Yes? That's the point? Are you retarded? We're discussing full RT workloads, not general raster performance. Do you not know how to read anon?
AMD can do raytracing in compute shaders, such a meme that it doesn't run well. People point to a handful of games that are designed for NVIDIA RTX and say "see AMD is useless" when it's not at all. It's so useless that's why XBOX / PS5 are both AMD gpus
Had some really bad driver issues with my XTX the first year of ownership. Don't think I have had a driver crash in over 6 months at this point though.

Will be interesting to see if Nvidia has an answer to AFMF2.

I bought a 6950xt. It's highly imperfect, but wow is it cool as a cucumber, in terms of temps. So it's a 300 watt card, but it has been maxing at 67c.
Quit being a gaslighting faggot. Twenty is twenty even to nvidia.
passive cooling is for FILTHY CASUALS
Twenty doesn't even appear in their annual/quarterly financial reports.
They're telling you to go buy Radeon's $300 because they don't want your low margin business.
DLSS is unironically just as bad as TAA in motion. Gamers got tricked by still-frame screenshots and slow camera pans in gameplay trailers.
AMD can do real 10bit hdr in all apps without Nvidia decompression doing per app hijacking.
There's also Auto HDR.
4070 ti super starts at $800-850.
7900gre starts at $529
4070 Ti Super is a better raster + better overall card.
GRE compete's against the super in raster only.
GREs are unsold mobile 7900XTX that had to be packaged as dGPUs.
Consoles use AMD GPU's because it's cheap, because consoles are designed to be as cheap as possible.
DLSS is not meant to be used outside a scenario where your card struggles, like raytracing or jump resolution with a GPU too weak to do it without DLSS.
Do gaymers really check every settings boxes without reading what it does ?
People forget the 4070 ti 12GB was originally a slightly weaker 4080 12GB, its performances are still above the GRE, even more for the SUPER version.
But i agree it shouldn't be that expensive.
7900GRE is faster in Steel Nomad and Timespy than the 4070 ti.
It also uses like twice the power.
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you were absolutely correct with your post, and you angered the virgin /g/entooman. He will reply angrily to you, and then go back to ricing up his desktop.
Speed Way is the test that matters, the one with the highest visuals and the most hardware-intensive 3DMark test.
RDNA4's mainly improving RT and upscaling, not raster. Radeon and Intel's bought in.

Don't use those features? Then you don't need to buy new cards.
A fucking 1080Ti can play/emulate your old games.

Enjoy your base PS5 tier visuals.
bait post you mad jit
It's been forked, it's just the original guy who ain't working on it no more.
on outdated version of Windows using outdated drivers*

24h2 updated the wddm dwm to improve power consumption and performance for all amd cpus and gpus (handhelds hello)

linux never had this problem in the first place
Why would I be mad?
These RDNA3 shills don't even realize they're paying for whatever substandard RT & upscaling feature when they buy it anyway.
>RT is the test that matters
bait post you mad cunt
You're retarded because games are using the RTX RT over DXR. Nvidia has no reason to optimize their RT for AMD.
>on outdated version of Windows using outdated drivers*
No, that has fuckall to do with the TDP. Why do you even visit this board?
RT just means real-time raytracing, not NVIDIA's RTX.
RDNA3's development included improving RDNA2 GPU's RT performance.
Even if these Radeon buyers claim to not use RT, the cost of their Radeon cards includes the RT & FSR development & hardware implementation fees.
>RDNA3 doesn't have dedicated RT cores
Still had to develop a way to improve RT performance from RDNA2 chips, and you're paying for it.

I can't believe I have to spell this out to retards.
Nvidia don't have to at this point, but if they want to push gaming forwards they need to actively encourage developers to drop raster lighting and make future games RT only
I just returned my 7900xtx because it performed worse than my 10GB 3080 in VR.
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Cope & seethe.
Remember, you're still paying for Radeon features you don't even use.
I can't believe you built this elaborate way of mentally compartmentalizing R&D expenses directly into the pricetag of PREVIOUS products, and now want to inflict this confusion on other people.
>compartmentalizing R&D expenses directly into the pricetag of PREVIOUS products,
RDNA3's RT performance improved from RDNA2's.
The cost of that development is paid by RDNA3 customers whether they enable RT or not.
It's not an "elaborate way of mentally compartmentalizing".
Cope on.
AMD have been getting pretty close with RT performance with their generational increases, I expect the next gen to at least match the 40 series.

But it seems like every time AMD start nipping at Nvidia's heels with RT performance they drop a game or update with a partner that shits all over AMD with some super RT settings that are freshly unlocked.
The cost of those developments is budgeted yearly by that company, they don't pay it card by card like it's the fucking girl scouts selling cookie boxes, for fuck's sake. How did you end up like this?
People who buy Radeon cards are paying for the development of their RT performance improvement, whether they enable the feature or not.
Continue to argue about the details of the matter, pissant.
These customers are financial cucks either way. You seem like one.
So it's the same speed as my 4070 Super, with a higher TDP, and more difficult to use for things I do like screwing with generative AI and video encoding with open source software.

Plus all the cards I see for sale are 2.5 slot designs that wouldn't fit in my SFF build, and only about $40 cheaper.

Driver issues *may* be a thing of the past, but I know they never were a thing of the past, present or likely future with Nvidia.

I may be biased because I own Nvidia stock, but I've been a proponent of AMD CPUs since ~2001.
Just say you use Windows, we both know you are retarded like that. You don't need to be like Kamala Harris using so many words to say very little.
You can write it on any cuda capable card and deploy to done actual big iron. A 1650 is fine in that regard.
>deploy to done actual
I swear I'm not ESL.
I hope to see the day the same could be said about a high-end AMD GPU.
You seem awfully mad, friend. The point of this thread is why is the mass market didn't embrace the 7900 GRE.

Having friends in real life means you have to make some sacrifices like learning to communicate, and paying for shit you know is objectively terrible so you can participate.

You are free to scuttle back to your hovel of intellectual purity, unless you can furnish a cogent argument refuting my very real and salient points.
There is no such thing as high end AMD when comparing with high end NVIDIA. Unfortunately that's the case, they've even said that they are not looking to compete in the high end market
the market must be wrong
>>everything must be about making money
>tiktok brainrot
kill all niggers fren
>encoding with open source software
Handbrake works fine. Coming from a Nvidia 1070 the AMD card can encode a FHD H265 with over 700fps compared to ~200 and has slightly better size/quality.
>generative AI
sucks if you have amd. With some workarounds like directml or rocm you can get it working, but it is clearly meant to run on nvidia.
>higher TDP
4070 has 220W, 7900gre has 250W stock.
4070ti super has 285W, 7900gre is at 330W with OC.
So there is a difference but not a huge one.
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>got in 3D recently
>now debating that I want to spend $2000 on the 5090 when it comes out (upgrading from 3080 12bg)
fpbp amjeet dot-heads btfo
>I expect the next gen to at least match the 40 series.
by the time the 5000 series is out ?
and NVIDIA is probably releasing a new technology this time, like Intel is adding NUP in their 15th gen CPU's.

AMD is creatively bankrupt like i've said previously, they can only catch up to old techs.
i mean even Intel Xess is better than FSR...
not this anon but the 4070 TDP is 200W, you're mixing it with the 3070 which is 220W.
he talked about the 4070 super but somehow I wrote just 4070. the 4070 super is slightly slower than 7900gre stock and 220W tdp.
XeSS is still just as blurry as DLSS in motion. It's another meme of a feature. And yes, FSR post-1.0 is blurry too.
Its not though because it holds you back from being able to use Linux. I refuse to buy vendor lockin products. Until nvidia wakes up and lets me use 3d open source user mode drivers on Linux, I'll never buy an nvidia card as long as I live. PERIOD. End of story. They did this to themselves.
migraine sufferers benefit from 100+ fps.
FSR 1.0 was blurry as shit as well. DLSS is the only truly usable upscaler.
AMD fanboys don't realize there is a very real reason that the GPU market is 90% held by nvidia.
Personally i think it's somewhat amazing that theres still 10% of them clinging to AMD/Radeon..... yezus
You should try comfyui with zluda. It just werks on my 7900XTX
>>51 fps on the 4070
This is considered playable? Find me when developers make actual functioning use of RT without kneecapping performance, only title that's managed that is metro EE and that still manages to looks better than 90% of current titles running at a quarter the framerate
Marketing and gimmicks. It's what the top streamers use.
You guys type like fucking phone jits with brown hands the fuck
So Nintendo, Sony, and MS all fell for the same gimmick?
Switch 2 will be using NVIDIA Ampere based SoC with DLSS & RT available.
Sony is the first to showcase RT & their inhouse upscaler PSSR
Xbox already plans to add better RT & upscaling hardware.

Don't buy or wait for any of these new cards if you don't plan to use RT/upscalers.
It's not like Nvidias naming scheme makes any sense anymore when they have like 6 different versions of the 4070 card now
and that's on top of them gimping every line up in an attempt to upsell
Nicely done, so many seething CUDAlets
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Asscock has you covered
FSR4 is based on PSSR
Xbox is using DXR which nobody uses on PC over RTX
>FSR4 is based on PSSR
Source: your ass.
PSSR is Sony's proprietary upscaling and training algorithm, it's their evolution from 4K checkerboard rendering from the PS4 Pro.
go edit some videos in adobe that you pay $100 a month for you bitch ass nigga
Customers fell for the gimmicks and console manufacturers don't need or want to correct them. It's not like they're honest either, like when they advertised interlaced 1080 as "1080p". Why the fuck would they reject the opportunity to advertise the 720p their box can barely run as running the game in "4k"?
Customers want it and customers are retards to whom you can sell upscaling that un-shittifies the TAA you forced into everything from forcing deferred into everything.
As for nintendo switch was just a repackage of nvidia shield, switch 2 is just an upgrade to shield, repackaged.
>Customers fell for the gimmicks
Upscaling is already benefitting the Switch 1 and the PS4 (Zelda, Hogwarts, Diablo 4, etc.).
These features help console manufacturers design smaller GPUs/APUs.
It's not about falling for the gimmicks, it's about the bottom line.
RT is simply part of that package.
>buy 5090
>boot up into house fire
>call insurance
maybe I am too stupid to install it. Tried it for like 2 evenings but couldn't get it to work, even if following tutorials step by step.
Could you show what tutorial you've used?
Mark Cerny
In your imaginary statement. 0 credible links.
FSR isn't good enough for even Snoy to adopt it on the Pro.
They use AMD APUs because it's the most economical choice.
NTA but why are you instigating flamewars like a /v/ child? You sound like a jit cunt.
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Pretty much.
Calling out fake news is not instigating flamewars.
Takes a "jit cunt" /v/ child to know one btw, not everyone can be winners.
Because he is a /v/ child. Watch him retort in anger.

Right on cue >>102795620
DLSS looks the worse there. Why do people suck its dick so much?

It's better than my friends 4070 ti super in pretty much al lgames.
>A retort is always in anger
>t. seething
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People are buying 4090s for cuda not 4070s also why are nvidias drivers so bad on Windows as of todays date its worse than AMD drivers now according to several tech channels
Oh the same old games.

It wasn't for you and the post is still relevant why are Nvidia drivers worse than AMD now in Windows as of 2024
Because Nvidia has useful features for streamers
I bought the red devil one it's nice
So does OBS. So does a capture card. Hell PlayStation has had a share streaming button since PS4 and it's all AMD
>your webm
i do happen to own and use an RTX 3070 8GB and i don't see what he's experiencing, the only way i was able to hit the VRAM limit was during The Witcher 3 with RT enabled (not enough VRAM for stable framerate and more than 40FPS), otherwise i've never hit the VRAM limit so far, and i'm using a 3440x1440p monitor.
It's the video encoding hardware (NVENC), NVIDIA's encoder is objectively better.
seethe much?
>some CAD apps won't render fully unless you have Nvidia GPU
and the benefit is that the Quadrotards push for stable drivers and have deep pockets, we know
ahhh, the virtual fapsters are in the crowd today
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based UWQHD /gaymer/
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Are you a professional gamer streamer who makes money playing in tournaments? Doubt it
Nobody is arguing RT at this point but you nvidiots. I agree it's cool but it's just not good enough to buy nvidia over a radeon card if it means i have to give Linux up. Sorry kid. Some things in life are just more important than bibeo gaymz.
Don't need to because I have Nvidia in muh rig
The quality of NVENC is garbage though just like DLSS. Serious streamers use CPU, 2nd pc, or capture card. Why do shills always recommend shit they don't actually use in comparison to other tools?
NTA but you sound like a stupid underaged cunt with a tiny dick so you cope by bragging about worthless shit here on your iPhone like vapid bitches do.
Because they're being paid to say these things. If nvidia fossified their driver, i wouldn't have any problems with buying an nvidia card. I think Microsoft is paying them to keep it closed off.
U mad bro?
Nobody's angry. But being annoyed isn't against the law. Open source the drivers or buy an ad.
>Quit liking things I don't like
>Serious streamers use CPU, 2nd pc, or capture card.
And for those who don't, what do they use? There are millionaire streamers using a single PC streaming setup with a 4090.
You're allowed to like Nvidia. That's not why we're annoyed. We just want to be able to use Linux without worrying about the driver. I'd buy 2 4090s today if the drivers were open sourced.
Gotcha. I only have it for school and learning CUDA. I'm patiently waiting to see if ZLUDA becomes an actual usable thing.
Sooo wake me up when user land is foss on nvidia and I don't have to jump through hoops just to use their hardware. The kernel loader isn't enough.
It already is. If you install Fedora 40 it's installed by default. It's just rolled in if you use an AMD GPU. It out performs opencl and cuda. That's why it's such a big deal. Install rocm to see if it works with nvidia hardware.
its quite literally still true
i bought a 5700xt at release to replace my 1060. legit had nothing but issues with the 5700xt due to driver issues. there was even threads about what the driver version was the most stable to roll back to and other threads of people testing the newest one for people to see if it didnt have problems.
your shilling for amd doesnt work when people have real world experience with amd's garbage. i eventually sold my 5700xt for a 3070ti and what do you know, i stopped having every issue i had with the amd card
amd never again
Install Linux faggot.
>Unless you're a disingenuous tranny, let's not pretend one isn't completely unusable. See picrel.
They both require massive compromises and shit themselves anything complex. RT is only good for screenshots and it the first thing that gets axed for vast majority of /v/tards.
>Partially true but atleast NVIDIA is doing SOMETHING instead of just catching up to last 2 generations.
Nvidia hasn't done jack for graphics since Turing. They just rebalance their transistor budget to double-down on compute for upscaling and frame-generation. They know that rasterization is at a dead-end and discrete GPUs for it are going diminishing in demand as iGPUs become "good enough" for the masses.
> Personally they can both suck my cock but pretending that AMD is a good buy in the GPU market, when you get more for the same price is stupid.
Both companies are just milking their own set of whales and paypigs for their worth. iGPUs have become good enough for masses. There's no big money in making $199-249 SKUs anymore.
Right and igpus will be open source because Intel and AMD want you to buy their products. Nvidia is the only asshats that keep their shit behind lock and key. I can't wait for igpus to stomp nvidia into the dirt.
/g/tards, we need to march on Austin and take over AMD's driver and firmware development
no. i dont think i will
>I can't wait for igpus to stomp nvidia into the dirt.
Nvidia doesn't really care that much for mainstream graphics anymore. They just are doing the bare minimal to keep their paypigs in line and use them as a dumping ground for professional graphic SKU rejects.
AMD is doing the same thing as well. They rather invest in CPUs and ML/AI ASICs then graphics.
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I wish people would stop gaslighting each other over GPU purchases.
Nah, it is reality. You have to go back to early ATI days. You zoomers have absolutely no clue. Both camps on Windows work well for the most part but have their own set of stupid, stupid issues that make your eyes roll. Fanboys pretend don't exist at all.
Most of the reported crashes are actually memory and CPU overclocking gone wrong. The GPU software simply trips up and gets the tags in the memory dump leading to the wrong conclusion.
Why did you think Nvidia immediately blame Intel with recent influx of reported Nvidia driver crashes during Raptor Lake fiasco?
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anon is tripping on enligtenment
Amd tried to stop it but the code was already released. It's in the kernel now. It's joever.
That's fine and all. As long as I can play wow in 4k. World Soul Saga is amazing. I played ff16 all the way through on Linux. Nvidia is shooting themselves at this point.
They tried to stop ZLUDA?
Yes but it was already too late. Nvidia asked amd to stop and amd tried. Thing about foss stuff, when you have vested interests like Valve, once the cat is out of the bag, it's hard to get back in without killing the cat.
This just proves that AMD is nothing more than controlled opposition.
On top of that, unless nvidia is actively blocking zluda, in the areas tested, zluda on nvidia 3060 ti out perfomes it by like 20%. Nvidia probably threatened to sue amd and amd stopped funding zluda development. Valve picked up the tab and continued to pay zluda development. The one thing nvidiots like to clamour over, is simply a driver trick. If nvidia fossified their driver, we could get better performance from their cards. Idk why nvidia refuses at this point as the only thing I can think of is Microsoft paying them NOT to fossify the driver.
>Nvidia doesn't really care that much for mainstream graphics anymore
Hasn't been the case for a very long time.
RT cores were developed to accelerate professional rendering loads, they just needed to give it a reason to be utilized in GeForce cards.
Tensor cores, NVIDIA were pivoting hard to AI. They weren't going to design a separate class of raster-only GTX chips forever.
I'd argue DLSS benefits NVIDIA the most not only because helps them sell smaller & weaker chips, but DLSS also enabled in their GeForce Now cloud gaming servers.
Pretty much. Which that's fine and dandy. Nvidia needs to make their drivers open source or I'm about to release ones I've been working diligently on to ensure they work, and don't break the leaked code copyrights. I've emailed Nvidia and they told me not to. I asked a lawyer and they said there's nothing legally stopping me.
The Radeon department is unironically full of Nvidia double agents. It traces all the way back to the first price fixing scandal.
But the GPU söyboys aren’t ready for that conversation.
AMD stopped zluda because the Radeon department is full of controlled opposition who own stock in Nvidia and know that the entire Nvidia Stock bubble is based on Muh CUDA.
Zluda is completely legal just like WINE or DXVK.

Valve doesn’t have Nvidia infiltrators and actually hates Nvidia and Radeon because their demolition of the GPU market is causing their user growth AND their user spending to stall.
It’s why they made the Deck.

Now, does Su actually care about stopping it or maintaining it?
Everything above 1440p 100 FPS is lux. This really is the default today.

what are you retards talking about? All my nvidia cards work the same on linux as on win. Using arch for 8y now. Had GTX 1060, 1050 and now A4000 and never had issues. Cuda also works as expected. You need a therapy, or its a skill issue.

topkek, the cope

consider suicide
>7900 gre better than a 4070 ti super
Even if you ignore RT and DLSS that's not true
AMDelusion is my favorite, or is your post just one of those vee tier 'say something retarded to start the thread' OPs?
This retard got pushed out of /pcbg/
>1440p is the default
Nah. 1440p is still the gateway drug into luxury PC components. Most people are playing with 27" monitors, on which 1080p looks just fine. They also sit bizarrely close to their screens.
32"+ 1440p is the superior experience, but 1080p 60fps is the bread and butter of PC gaming.
>There are millionaire streamers using a single PC streaming setup with a 4090.
Millioaire streamers are often not serious streamers, at least equipment wise.
And what do those "serious streamers" have on their "serious" gaming PC? An RTX card.
I'll be nice and say there are a handful of "serious linux streamers" using some Radeons.
>there are a handful of "serious linux streamers" using some Radeons
Name 5
AMD's only reason for existence is to help Nvidia avoid monopoly lawsuits. Controlled opposition.
Nta, but you are one pedantic goddamned fuck.
You need to lurk for at least a year before you reply.
You need to lurk for 2 years before you reply again.
it's worse than a 1650
anything over 60fps is a waste of energy you stupid fuck, game ticks or normally 60 ticks per second, monitors are usually 60hz

You're eyes won't know the difference to anything over 60 fps. I also have an NVIDIA card because I do stuff other than gaming, caring this much about frame per second makes you a stupid ignore child that should go back to playing shitty woke games with billions of shitty dlc.

Fuck off.
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Based power-efficiency poster.
Nah. AMD's pupptted corpse of ATI exists to eke out margins on what they move. That's why they've made no attempt to capture marketshare in over 13 years. They're terrified of moving chips at a loss and so they'd rather sell 1/10th of nvidia's float to oems at 4% than risk nvidia tit-for-tat dropping their margins until AMD bleeds cash. AMD has a lot less blood to bleed.
That's why we're at where we are, AMD's basically taken the long safe road to suicide instead of rolling the dice on r&d or price drops.
>Most people are playing with 27" monitors, on which 1080p looks just fine
Maybe if you have anything less than 20/20 vision, 1080p at 27" is garbage
>Unfortunately that's the case, they've even said that they are not looking to compete in the high end market
They did say that and I really hope it's just shit marketing. It was said in the context of wanting to go after the low and mid-range markets to go for volume and maximise profits.
If not, I'm going to be stuck on my 6700 XT for a very long time. I'd really like to upgrade it but the high-end cards won't give me as much of an uplift I'd like (I mainly game at 4K resolutions and aren't interested in pumping out as much frames per second in competitive titles).
stop posting
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maybe your subhuman eyes, I can clearly see 240hz, it is immediately noticeable.
I have a 144 Hz monitor and 60 Hz monitor right next to each other and while I can definitely notice the more responsive 144 Hz monitor it's not life changing.

I care more about resolution and colour accuracy and features like HDR, that's why I bought this monitor. Having a 144 Hz refresh rate was just an added bonus.

Most videos are still 60 Hz or 30 Hz and when I game it's often the same because any GPU other than a 4090 struggles to achieve high enough FPS at 4K in modern titles.
I know nothing about cuda but it lets me run stable diffusion and my sillytavern.
So long as AMD price things the same as last generation they'll be undercutting Nvidia by default, sad to say.
But we know some smart ass will decide to price the 8800XT at $650 or something and think undercutting Nvidia by 50 bucks is going to tempt someone (it won't)

Then again AMD can't win if even if they severely undercut by a couple of hundred, because it becomes the "poor" option, then come the questions of quality against Nvidia, and the implications of you get what you pay for.
XeSS was doing so well until the structure on the shore came into view lol
It's probably the best value/performance card for 1440p native if you dont give a fuck about memescaling and cyberpunk 2024
Same same old response Are you a bot ?
>Same same
Did your voice to text software malfunction or are you just happy to see me?
>still true
shit is like 5 years. fuck off.
God, i need to get a new GPU.
I should have just got a 7800 or 4070(ti?) when they launched because i can afford it instead of bitching about price hikes, and stupidly thought not buying a new card was "moral" thing.
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it comes nerfed by default like in ancient months old benchmark there. after un-nerfing the gpu with a toggle and running latest drivers+game updates it out performs the 4070 ti super.
99% of buyers will go by reviews and benchmarks that happened at launch, since they would typically have the most visibility.
So irrelevant point, AMD should have made it good at launch.
buyers buy based on what they hear from reddit and 4chan today not some random reviews from 1 year ago that doesn't apply now
for normal users a 7800xt makes more sense for sure
if you overclock the 7900gre can give you very good performance for the price +16gb vram.

Look at this post:
Massive Nvidiot poor-fag cope the post. AMD RTG/ATI already did what you had describe for years and got nothing but a money sink. Brain-dead fanboys kept getting Nvidia SKUs no matter what. AMD RTG eventually realized this and stop dong it. You are just anally devastated that Nvidia is no longer forced to do a price war anymore can charge whatever the whales are willing to tolerate. So you are effectively priced out of the market.
it's funny they're still using plain VMAF, which is known to be easily cheated and which Nvidia cheats (no one cared to look at AMD/Intel after that), instead of at least VMAF-NEG, or even better SSIMULACRA
it's also funny to see people care about hardware encoding in the era where x264 medium 1080p60 6000 kbps CBR (which is the best twitch accepts) works just fine while gayming on mid end cpu's, cuck cores and cuck ccx's are specially good for this kind of thing

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