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300 dollar android phone today is almost identical to 300 dollar android phone from 10 years ago.

What the fuck happened? Where is the rapid innovation?
That's how inflation works man. Things are actually twice as expensive today as they were 10 years ago. Haven't you noticed that a mcchicken costs $2 stead of 1$ now?
they have gotten faster, but you don't notice because lagdroid gets more bloat added to it alongside processor advancement
can americans go 1 post without referencing burgers?
The point is CPI doesn't reflect TRUE inflation that an average joe like you or me are actually experiencing. If burgers bother you look at the value menu anywhere and you'll notice the same trend.

Therefore a $300 Android phone from 2014 does NOT = $300 Android phone from 2024. It's very moronic to make that kind of comparison.
Well $300 android phone 2014 and $400 android phone 2024. Slightly faster, maybe slightly longer battery life and better software, but that is about it.
You guys sure about that? Mine is a sub 300 dollarino one and it runs circles even on my 2020 phone. It's faster and runs longer despite having a more power hungry screen and processor.
Now you compare that a 2014 one?
NOO, more like $500 if you're being really optimistic. I used to buy windows 7 tablet PCs for less than $100 in 2014. Now you're lucky if you can find one with still somewhat mediocre specs for under $200.

CPI does NOT = inflation regular people experience.
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>slightly faster
Phones today are stronger than even 2018 desktops.
They can emulate Windows games at playable speeds.
Process nodes have gone into scifi territory to a 90s person.
Stop schizo posting
>Things are actually twice as expensive today as they were 10 years ago
No they're not. Food inflation isn't the same as general inflation. You can get away with price gouging food but not commodities
>im a normalnig and i dont know anything a phone can do
>i think a samsung S3 and a 2024 phone's cameras are the exact same
>giant camera tumors
>tiny lenses
Ok so where are all the sub-$100 windows tablet PCs in 2024? Somewhat mediocre specs like 4GB RAM/32GB ROM are okay.

Why do we have to settle for ARM slop that can't run windows for that price range now?
>Phones today are stronger than even 2018 desktops
>They can emulate Windows games at playable speeds

We are talking about sub-$500 phones here. Stop posting your fantasies. Even most expensive phone today could not beat gaming machine from 10 years ago let alone some mid range phone.
There were no sub 100 dollar windows tablets 10 years ago.
>Why do we have to settle for ARM slop
because ARM is cheaper to manufacture and it does 99% of use cases more efficiently
That's ewaste right there, but I've seen a few chromebooks fitting the bill if that matters to you.
What the hell are you talking about
I don't want a bulky laptop, I want a small 7 inch compact tablet that runs windows.
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>Even most expensive phone today could not beat gaming machine from 10 years ago let alone some mid range phone.
Are you delusional or just retarded?
It can talk and text, what more do you need?
What are you going to innovate on? It's a market of featureless slab things that basically need to run a web browser to be successful and that's it. It's like complaining that a washing machine still washes your clothes. What the hell else is it going to do?
You don't understand I need my washing machine to automatically alert me its done by publicly tagging me on Twitter.
I don't see how that's better than similarly priced android tablets of that time
I was assuming you were talking about netbooks, which were going for 200-300 at the time and were thrown away after a year because you couldnt really do much on a tiny screen
>and it does 99% of use cases more efficiently
Including running windows? I'm sick and tired of all these "apps" written by monkeys. I would rather have windows run 10X slower than use Android/ios.
It can run Windows. Like full blown desktop windows, not faggot shit like windows metro. The perf/battery life wasn't great BUT it could run windows for less than $100 in a device that could fit in your pocket (carpenter jeans anyway) and that alone made it very special.
>Including running windows?
Yes, its a microsoft issue they haven't supported the platform for so long. Apple has been doing so since 2020 and MacOS has been excelling on every metric now on Arm compared to x86 intel
>I would rather have windows run 10X slower than use Android/ios.
So you just want a windows computer?
if windows laptops switched to arm then it wouldn't be 10x slower
Windows is useless on a 2w paperweight
I don't CARE if ARM gives you better battery life. I just want the SAME full blown windows running on my gaming PC to run on a tablet for cheap. Low battery life and 10X slower is OK as long as it runs full blown windows. I get that microsoft is trying to bring windows to ARM but it has been nothing but a joke thus far, isolated to richfags. AT BEST I would settle for Valve to release an AMD tablet and spend time fiddling with WINE to get most things running.

BACK to the thread topic OP is a fucking retard that doesn't understand that for US goyim, CPI means jack shiy since we alre ultimately paying TWICE for the same things now.
Google releases a new version of Android every year, then forces all developers to adapt to this new version making drastic changes to their code under the threat of removing their app from the store, and those changes often make apps stop working on old devices.
You literally don't need to make better phones if you already found a way to force people people to get a new phone every couple of years, just release the same phone again and again and you can maximize your profits.
3 years ago I bought a 150€ phone (including >20% VAT) with 4GB of RAM and 7nm SoC
how much faster a 150€ phone (including VAT) would be today?
Less faster
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I didn't know phonefags were this fucking delusional
300 dollar dishwasher today is almost identical to 300 dolar dishwasher from 10 years ago
how can that be???
Not at all
If you're a poorfag, the strat is to buy a flagship phone that's a few years old. Every flagship phone since the Galaxy S8 (a phone from fucking 2017) is everything you want out of a smartphone. USB-C, wireless charging, OLED screen, with fast enough specs that you can emulate Gamecube games with Dolphin. So you really can't go wrong getting ANY flagship phone made in the past fucking 7 years.
Phones won't improve or get cheaper unless it's necessary to sell new phones. If everyone is fine using a Pixel 6a there's no need to upgrade. Why would anyone need something better than a Pixel 6a? Maybe that's why they're spending so much money on AI now. The AI stuff has a lot of potential and might require more processing power in the future
If there's no room for improvement anymore manufacturers could just stop developing new phones and instead continue to support their current models.
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>supporting their models instead of just forcing people to buy the same phone again just to get a (completely useless) android update
Ive always asked how a modern snapdragon compares to say a 2500k but havent gotten a good, objective reply or comparison.
Everyone point at him >>102787654 and laugh
>What the fuck happened?
Nothing. Isn't it beautiful? Your rapid innovation is just higher cost for better surveillance tools and more social media that will be used against you.
old flagships are crap
>no memory card slot
>rarely dual-sim
>no headphone jack
>no removable battery
>still expensive
screens are bigger.
battery lasts longer.
charging time is faster.
you can keep more apps in the background.
but you can't do much with a phone, anyway.
I wish we had removable batteries.
that way you don't have to throw your phone away after 3 years.
>wireless charging
when will this meme end?
never? it's so convenient
what's convenient about running around with a plate that you plug in the socket? and then you put your phone on it?
and it charges a lot slower.
convenient my ass.
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Its because you keep buying new phones for some reasons even though they are the same shit
realistically all anyone needs
I havent paid for a new phone in a long time
10 years ago phones still had headphone jacks and removable batteries.
>screens are bigger.
that's a downside since the phone doesn't fit comfortably in a hand
>battery lasts longer.
no it doesn't because of the above
>charging time is faster.
>you can keep more apps in the background.
no you can't because of extra bloat
>that's a downside since the phone doesn't fit comfortably in a hand
ok midget

>no it doesn't because of the above
ok midget

ifruit cope

>no you can't because of extra bloat
use adb. oh wait, you're an ifruit user.
wtf? never used iphone
larger screen => higher power consumption which negates larger battery

>use adb
doesn't help with built-in bloat of new Android version or added bloat of new applications
Maybe but for day to day use I don't see much difference function wise between my xperia z3c from 10 years ago and relatively recent Samsung phone I have now.
Now when you take z3c and then go back the same 10 years you end in flip phone era.
Same with computers, comparing 1984 and 1994 and now I'm using 10 years old computer no problem.
Technical progress has slowed down and there's something seriously wrong with whole system/economy, this crazy inflation and being able to afford less and less is not good sign.

Have you even watched that video? It literally proves the guy you've replied to right, and if someone is delusional here, it's (You)
>300p 20fps
>looks much, much worse than on a console from 11 years ago
>10px by 10px textures
>a fucking NATIVE game for the newest $1200 phone
If this shit can't beat a fucking Xbox One which was to remind you the underpowered console of the past generation, it won't beat a gaming PC from 10 years ago, let alone a 5 year old desktop.
>larger screen => higher power consumption which negates larger battery
nigger are you retarded? you put a bigger battery to compensate for a larger screen.
just admit that you're a woman with tiny hands.

>>use adb
>doesn't help
are you a bot? paid by apple?
>I just want the SAME full blown windows running on my gaming PC to run on a tablet for cheap.
please tell me how to reduce memory consumption of "Android system" and "Android UI" using adb
why bring apple to this? I'm sure they also add bloat with each new version
Because apps suck donkey dick. I have tried my absolute best to find a replacement for the following:


And so on and so on. All "apps" have been utter and complete disappointments. So in summary ARM was a mistake because the better battery life sacrificed utility.
>please tell me how to reduce memory consumption of "Android system" and "Android UI" using adb
you dumb bitch.
you install nova launcher.
omfg you apple niggers are useless.
they still do, if you get fancier rugged phones, like samsungs xcover6 pro. heck, has a regular headphone jack too. no wireless charging but who cares? also before someone asks fuck no I didn't pay full price for a phone, I like it but I wouldn't pay that much for it
ehh, only really for something like an ebook that already charges slow, for something with a large battery that is also doing a lot(phone, tablet) you're not just going to find a cheap wireless charger that'll actually do it quickly and efficiently
windows is pretty garbage for mobile devices, just use linux and wine if you desperately want something on the go
Ehhh not really. All that stuff is just missing a mobile UI layout + touch input support. Maybe a slide-out keyboard with function keys for the macros but otherwise full desktop software obliterates all these nonsense "apps".

It's no wonder our young generations are becoming so technologically retarded if fucking phones are the only "computer" they've ever known.
>Phones today are stronger than even 2018 desktops.
None of these things should be done on a tiny touchscreen regardless of operating system. get a MacBook

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