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People made fun of my echo in a conference call today. Felt bad

How can I fix the echo? I looked into accoustic ceiling panels, they are about the same price of a big juicy sofa. But I dont want too much bloat in my office, so leaning to panels instead. Maybe both?
There are software solutions that work reasonably well
Use a smaller room
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If you have an RTX GPU, you can use Nvidia Broadcast's noise and echo removal.
I cant. I have melagomania
You'll need to either shell out the money for acoustic treatment or use some kind of AI echo suppression. The former gives better results but is obviously more expensive. If you do decide to get acoustic treatment, either consult a professional or at least look up a guide so that you don't waste money on something that will have minimal effect.
I will get stuff like this
Oh, forgot another one. You could also experiment with microphones. Like try a headset microphone that's close to your mouth, or maybe a lavalier.
>experiment with microphones. Like try a headset microphone that's close to your mouth, or maybe a lavalier.

I use a 200+ euros sound surpressing headset but it can only do so much

According to the chart I would need about 8 of these panels on my ceiling. So about 1200 euros excluding vat

Honestly if it works better than a sofa, then its not a bad deal
what, like you have a compulsion to steal other people's things?
Have you tried actually having things in your room?
Fuck off retard
why do you live in an empty room anon
you don't have bookshelves?
anyway just hang drapes on the walls and you'll already improve things massively.
Alright as usual thanks for nothing. Bye
try a carpet first. for that money your can get a nice persian one
sound will reflect off your floor tiles just as much as your ceiling
Why is anon getting emotional??? Is the room empty because the Americans burned down your straw hut or something?
do you just like attention you fucking faggot? People have recommended shit to you constantly. Please kill yourself already!
>Please kill yourself already!

Does that line ever work?
Put the carpet on the wall like our sovlfvl zigger brothers
>do you just like attention you fucking faggot?

Who doesn't? Problem?
Don't let them get you down bro, I love seeing your progress in /bst/
Thanks friend I never had
>he gives a shit what others think
Almost never, I think most peoples stuff is not good enough for me
You do too. If not you wouldnt be here commenting on 4chan projecting your badassery hoping for a reaction
Ok so acoustic panels good
Yes, but don't just go out and place tons of them in random places. Geometry can be just as important or even more important than the surface area of sound absorbing material. So either go a bit autistic with the research or call in a trusted pro. It could turn out that you only need a big panel behind you, or maybe a big panel behind you plus a rug on the floor. The thickness of the panel also matters. If you have a low masculine voice, you may need to go pretty thick.
Cover the walls in egg cartons
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so fvcking based i hope this is real
>men goon like this and think that theres nothing wrong with it
How is that the price of a sofa?
>big juicy sofa
>People made fun of my echo in a conference call today
Caring about what other people think.
Kek, ngmi, monkey.
They were poor shaming you. The echo means you can't afford to fill your apartment with lots of fancy furniture to dampen the sound.
buy some furniture and put a carpet down lmao
No that would be like Asmr. Gross. Use shitty the mic in your webcam or laptop.
Thats called kleptomania
You could hang curtains or tapestries on the wall. Basically any kind of soft surface would improve things. Obviously some acoustic panels would be best. Carpet and rugs would help too. Don't do software solutions they always break or Clip your sound.
>If you have a low masculine voice
I wish
Just some things before the desk retard like plants or a room divider, then out some shit on the walls and wolla
Buy a dynamic microphone. I use an sm58 and a cheap m-audio interface
>Yes, but don't just go out and place tons of them in random places. Geometry can be just as important or even more important than the surface area of sound absorbing material. So either go a bit autistic with the research or call in a trusted pro.

Sounds tricky. I just wanted to put 8 panels randomly on the ceiling
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wall rugs, russian style
read the fucking thread assshole, I need panels of legit quality (not your gay ass fakery) which will set you back 1200 euros excluding VAT, same price as a sofa
Why? Those things are just as efficient at muffling your faggy screeching. You sound very dumb!
READ THE FUCKING OP!!!!! I suggested getting both a sofa and acousting panels

fucking dick i hope you die today
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you need an interior designer. which, judging by your office, SAP will pay for
>you need an interior designer.
I think that would be a good idea, only that I dont want to throw away everything I already have.
ok, i didnt really mean it,
>SAP will pay

SAP doesn't pay, it collects.
Literally just buy a dynamic microphone and an interface. Then you just have a gain knob and you can fart as loud as you want and the mic won't pick it up.
To be honest, I am thinking maybe there was a technical malfunction yesterday, perhaps by accident my laptop mic was selected somehow. Just recorded myself on headset while being very loud to maximize echo and there was nearly no echo all on the recording because of the headset doing its job

confused, and I am in conference calls all the time, but only had this complaint yesterday and also some months ago (once)
do you think this will work even better than a call center headset?
I use it for my help desk job right now every day. Then I can wear my senheissers that don't rape my ears. On top of that your voice will sound better because you're using a vocal microphone. And you have a physical knob with a potentiometer to turn the volume off so the glowies can't hear you instead of having to unplug your mic constantluly.
care to recommend me the exact one you are using? save me several hours of research, thanks
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how about some awesome sperglord tapestry?
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Sm58, industry standard for like 60 years
If you have floor tiles in your office, especially the smooth glossy type, just forget anything about trying to put furniture up/covering the walls. Best in that case would be putting some sort of a curtain enclosure around you. Just try >>102828343 instead or at least a program like rtx voice to suppress echo.
get some rugs, hang some stuff on wall
you seriously have that kind of microphone on your desk? can you take a pic? it blows my mind, it looks like what people use on stage when singing
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Echos need bare corners to form. It doesn't take much to make them dissipate. Just put any object on the floor near each corner of the room. Simply blocking one wall is enough. If its still a problem, hang a painting or something near the ceiling corners.
full ceiling coverage with acoustic material should theoretically reduce it
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fuck em, run your mic through this bad boy next time
do men really live like this
You need to add a lot of things to the room, but every time you follow a suggestion and it doesn't work, you end up refunding it or otherwise putting it away and going back to square 1.
You are probably better off just getting some heavy curtains and using them to isolate a small portion of the room that you can use for taking conference calls, basically a rudimentary recording booth. Reducing the size of the room you need to dampen also means that you don't need sound deadening, foam panels or whatever for the entire room, just for whatever corners and walls are contained in the isolated segment.
>People made fun of my echo in a conference call today. Felt bad
Persecution complex. They almost certainly weren't "making fun of you" in a playground bully way but rather harmlessly teasing you in a friendly manner. You should ease up and just play along. Others will find you more agreeable this way.
Every boomer or superior I hear in a conference call has the worst audio quality ever. Why would you care about this.
lol, this anon is right.
are you actually going to waste money on panels, which will just create waste, plus additional expenses when it comes to their removal (if you're renting that's a given, if it's your place... do you really see yourself having an empty, padded room in 5 years?). instead of buying some furniture which you use, making your place cozy and multi-use and most importantly - can be taken if you move.
you're not an audio professional, you don't need panels idiot OP
>he doesn't want to sound like Joe Rogan on his video calls
>I just wanted to put 8 panels randomly on the ceiling
But you don't know yet whether it's the ceiling that's actually the main problem. It could be the wall behind you or the one in front of you that is causing the strongest reflections. It could be the floor too. Also, you probably won't need to cover most of the ceiling, just the part above your speaking position. My guess is that large thick panel behind you + large thick panel above you would help a lot. If that doesn't help, then another panel to your left or in front of you, plus a floor rug. But I'm not an audio pro so these are just uneducated guesses.
It looks like good room for serial killer.
I think this is probably a myth
i second that
bloat is distracting, and even oppressive sometimes
i hate houses decorated by women
every square centimeter of space has something in it or hanging from it
Just put cardboard around your chair like a cubicle
Brofist. I even hate carpet bloat, but could live with them if they improved acoustics dramatically but they dont
>men will do business like this and think that’s okay
What kind of sperg makes fun of someone else's audio on a work call? And what kind of person then takes it to heart and worries about the autistic sperg sperging out on a work call?

Unless you're recording a video or podcast or something audio quality is irrelevant so long as you can still be easily understood.
>i hate houses decorated by women
>every square centimeter of space has something in it or hanging from it
same here. it's like they hate space and hate things being easy to clean.
yeah no fanks
id have natural stone floors everywhere if i could

yeah, women dont think in a practical, straightforward way.
99% of them.
i have a cousin (xx) who is a veteran programmer, recognized by her peers and the industry at large. maths wizard.
but she doesnt really act, or think like a typical woman
and, obv, her house is "normal"
you got a wee bit of decoration, a couple paintings but thats it.
the only things that betray that the home is that of a woman is the tendency to use warm, muted colors and preference for round shapes
and, ofc, the cosmetic products in the bathroom
never saw her wearing make up though
It is what people use on stage when singing. I have an sm57, and sm58, and an akg condensor mic and an m audio interface and a better foccusrite interface with less noise and a better preamp. I don't have it on my desk, I have a normalicrophone stand next to it and I swing the arm over and in front of my keyboard.
>are you in a cathedral?

Cathedral of excellence
Are you that autistic table guy from /bst/?
>it looks like what people use on stage when singing
Not him, but yes, that's exactly the same microphone that's popular with singers. He probably has it on some kind of microphone arm.
Nice setup. Is that table height-adjustable too?
Just buy a bunch of fluffy blankets and throw them on the floor, much cheaper.
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you posted this soulless setup on /bsg/ a few times and I wonder if you are still in the move-in process or just mentally ill. Throw down a rug at least, what the fuck?
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>get a 20x20 moving box
>hang it from the wall
>put your head inside the box
>put your speaker inside the box

or get a Jabra speakerphone
Kill them all. Be sure to tell them that their screams are needlessly echoing as you hack them to shreds.

/bst/, you fucking imbecile, people like you are the problem.
Yes, but not sure how high it can go. Its not meant for sit-stand, just to get the optimal sitting height (fixed at 70cm in my case)
>Jabra speakerphone
I already have a jabra noise cancelling headset
I thought you sold all your worldly possessions and moved on. Oh well.
No, it was a fine idea, but impractical
I lived in condo like that. It's cozy and good for noise cancellation.
thicker curtains
these weird squares on the walls
bass traps in the corners
oh and a carpet
You better be in this thread still and thank me in your reply you fucking freak, I've also seen you posting on /bst/
Instead of all the stupid or expensive shit that everyone else is suggesting, do what freelance voice actors do and use blankets on frames as sound treatment. You can surround yourself with them and then put it away when you don't need to use it.
it's relatively inexpensive, temporary and washable. You'll probably want to surface treat the ceiling/corner of the desk area or at least have the blanket frames reach close to the ceiling, custom lengths of PVC make for easily constructed frames.

You wanted a cheap, 'non-bloated' solution that is high quality, this is it. For anyone else that stumbles through this thread don't waste your breath on this retard if he rejects this idea.

Oh and by the way, a better mic will likely pick up the echo even more. Gating or using AI noise cancellation makes you sound unnatural because the cut off has to be aggressive to combat severe environmental noise like echo.
i am still here and reading your insights brah

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