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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Sit down please Edition

OpenAI introduces Realtime API https://openai.com/index/introducing-the-realtime-api/
OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102849693
Thanks for a shitty thread
The answer is no.
anyone knows of a public gemini 1.5 pwoxy?
fuck botniggers
How the fuck am I supposed to guess the public garf password
Most I got from a google search was that Y/N can stand for "Your Name" in self insert fanfiction
Tried {{user}}, jon, jon arbuckle, and garfield
kiss botcuties
Is OpenAI pozzing keys now? My personal key gets refusals but I just switched over to mm and it goes through no problem.
Any public sonnet, dudes?
>Your Name
for some reason it rings in me head a game, vn, i played some time ago
could it be vidya?
just finished jerking off
Now un-jerk off.
Continuing to shill for Sendai. I haven't been into Touhou in a while so my apologies if there's stuff that's wacky. Don't even know what method you'd use to bring someone back to life so I just handwaved it. Hope your day goes well.

Decades ago, before Reimu or Marisa or anyone else had entered the scene, there was a different Hakurei. The Sendai Hakurei no Miko. Preceding the Spell Card Rules, incidents during that brutal period in Gensokyou were settled by raw mano a mano until only one party was left standing. A veteran of skull bashing fistfights, Sendai kept up her duty as Hakurei until it simply took its natural toll on her, vanishing into the afterlife... until now, where she suddenly finds herself back among the living. Unaware of her own daughter's position as her successor, she meanders her way through a world that's forgotten her.

Comes with two greetings, Sendai initially finding that she's alive again, and Sendai going incognito as she strolls through the Human Village decades after her passing. Might make a bedridden greeting later but the idea just wasn't coming in the moment.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/sendai-hakurei-no-miko-5bd0a11d8549
Akyuu Gensokyou Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/hebelover/Touhou-AkyuuKnowledge
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
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Tried every variation of "Yume Nikki", nothing
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Sheltered teen daughter of a powerful yakuza boss finds herself alone on a flight to London with only an advanced holographic AI (You) to keep her company. Naive and inexperienced, Kumiko finds herself strangely attracted to the mysterious "ghost" tasked with protecting her in this foreign land.

My first bot, cannibalized from the first couple pages of mona lisa overdrive. Just one greeting for now. Feedback appreciated, especially on the defs.

Tweaked her defs to match her updated portrait and fix some sloppy grammar; thanks to the anons who proofread/gave crit. a couple threads ago.

Chub: https://chub.ai/characters/wornspiral/kumiko-240427ea6a86
Hub: https://characterhub.org/characters/wornspiral/kumiko-240427ea6a86
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/3o8b9s.png
Botmakers should test their bots on weaker model since most of us don't have opus.
if your bot doesnt work on pyg, is it really any good?
if it works in command R+ and sonnet then they can call it a day, making bots exclusively for local models is a pain
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opus? spare some opus?
lol anon, the password is so easy you're gonna be hitting yourself in the head once you figure it out
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Its only $25 a month. You ARE an enthusiast, right anon?
>8k tokens
sorry but those funko pops aren't going to buy themselves
You dont need more than 4k tho?
You don't need more than 2048
t. localCHAD
I tried every variation of yes no
Well that was anticlimactic
Fucking Christ I got it
you fags really made me learn to overthink everything
So does Garf's sonnet work?
Doesn't look like it
I used it for a bit but then it just stopped replying altogether
you have my permission to post the pebble password now
it was posted last thread
i genuinely just think the guy asking about pebble is a bot because there's no way you don't notice it's empty
oh, so when he said slow he meant SLOW
more proxy for me then
claude d-doko
what are you getting more of???? there isn't even mistral in there
maybe he just likes riddles
Then he shouldn't be asking for the answer?
It's a bot, even if it's a human
>the "riddle" was some sp*rts trivia
what a waste of my emersonian mind
>what are you getting more of????
The depressing knowledge that the good times have already passed.
I keep getting blank responses. Is anyone else having this problem? It was working fine before.
Where's jew?
Works in my machine
Awfully slow but it does
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The /aicg/ Halloween Exchange remains open until 11:59 PM UTC! Send an e-mail before then to sign up! Treats guaranteed; trick warranties might not apply.
I just get long errors
I screwed up the shill post aieeEE. It's open until 11:59 PM UTC 18 OCTOBER, specifically.
when will pebble be reenabling the sonnet 3.5
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I'm sad and I miss my bots
has genoo entered?
>Introduce a dead character in a flashback
>"He dances with a testament to his love for life"

Cosmically hilariously bad writing. Fucking PUKE.
I won't reveal the names of any entrants, sorry. You can try e-mailing him directly.
made me puke too brother
Localchads are the real skillchads.
show logs
Same here, Chary died i'm claudioless
I'm sorry, I was lying. Please forgive me.
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why is claude so good at ERP?
What do ALL of these open source models have that no one managed to finetune one to make it better than even sonnet 3 if only at the simple task of generating unga bunga smut?
No. (yes)
what scores are those
relative ranks between llms when blindly comparing votes to normie prompts
basically meaningless for erp, but enough to estimate the potential of a model built specifically for erp
positivity bias.
I always felt sonnet 3.5 was better than opus
you guys just like wasting money for other people
unsubstantiated claim
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3.5 sonnet where?
accuracy in depicting the consumption of logs
merkava just refilled
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>pause the roleplay
>wait for some opus/sorbet
>talk to my waifu (30 - 50 messages)
>pause the roleplay
>wait for some opus/sorbet (2 weeks)
bwos... i'm not gonna make it
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You are that dolbayob from 2ch, right?
I have been playing around with 4o latest as a replacement with Claude, anyone knows if there's any JB that can make it act more like Claude? The one I'm using is just way too flowery sometimes and there's not much logic between my prompts and it's answers
Hello, I'd like to formally reserve the next bread. I'll bake at page 9, so I'd appreciate it if nobody bakes before me. Thank you very much and I hope everyone here has a great day ^.^
peps my old token.... doesnt work
sorry i dont understand zoomer retard speak
I don't post them but the lack of Opus made me realize how hard was it carrying my shitty cards.
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Yes you are
Email her, she will send you a new one but only if you are not a paypig
become one with the openrouter
is there a way to use AI for a CYOA type story instead of just a chatbot?
With a proper preset, it SHOULD be possible.
chat is this real
yea I'm using it on sv1's godkey and it just sucked me off through the screen
fake and gay
like where you choose options to happen instead of writing responses
if so then there were a lot of tiny prompts you could add onto your jb to make it doable with whatever bot you want
yes there's tons already
You can probably add something like this to your preset:

At the end of each response, output four relevant CYOA style responses for User to choose from, formatted like so:
A [response]
B [response]
C [response]
D [response]

You can add to it or vary it a little. Maybe specify that one should be humourous, another serious, etc.
what's the garf password?
pebble just shat itself on me and throws up a 402
pebble hasnt had keys in days
We should make a slow burn donation proxy for those desperately in need of opus so they don't kill themselves.
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I miss Claude so much...
anyone have the husbandt you spent too much on opus now we’re homeress pic?
what. is. the. garf. password.
what's the garf rentry?
what the GARF
dead proxy dead general
Have you tried reading the proxy page?
>THIRTY dollar input
paypigs lost
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>rentry page
how the fuck do you get the password? the hint is useless
is it just Y/N? have i just been that retarded?
Garf GCP doesn't work, don't bother. GPT is plentiful but sloppy so just hibernate until 3.5 Opus releases and proxiemakies stop hoarding keys.
haiku 3.5 today, TRVST
there's no password, the proxy is private now
Are there any bots that actually act like a teenage girl being accosted by an older, balding, fat man?
how did this general die..... the everlasting aicg...
You killed it. Your posts were such low quality that no one wants to read them anymore.
I’m busy working on my persona! 4o keeps asking me details when I ask it to look it over for errors, which then leads to me writing more.
There is not a single private proxy with Opus.
APIpus will generate a response to this post in 10 minutes and reply to you.
That's a paid proxy, you might as well say Open Router, also
>"estimatedQueueTime": "1min, 9sec"
stop spreading misinfomation
Hi guys is there a repository for logs?

probably should put 3.5 opus release date on the OP
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Goddamn, Opus is perfect for a quick slop coom session. Almost no preset or defs, only 30 tokens for the character description and 37 tokens for the jailbreak, not even a prefill, and this is 20 replies in
2 more weeks?
How didn't his key get out of quota yet? It's been getting raped for several days now, I thought those low RPM keys had really shit quotas, or did he add new keys?
*throws a slice of cheese on your head*
how the fuck does this work
Been scanning shit and somebody left their GPUs exposed. What do I do with these?
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found it
Are we still dooming?
play bideogames..
you do know that those last 3 things are a result of your persona, right?
he said private
we shit on all the botmakers
Mine ethereum or whatever is the most profitable now
that's not true at all
are you in? No? Then it's private
95% of bots are pure slop
i guess you're new here
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You better made a cftf.
and thus it kills the general
Shit, meant for
Are we all prompt engineers
>finally got my jew token
Jewsama I always believed
Just because I can pay for your mother it doesn't mean her pussy is private.
I once used this bot to live out a NTS fantasy where I sold my wife to other men so they'd have their way with her. Of course, it's not just pure rape since I encouraged her to enjoy it and actively take part.
ntr but actually good
Saar, that sentence doesn’t mean what you think it does.
All that matters is if it makes sense in my head.
Opus 3.5 will blow our minds
out the back of your skull when you don’t have access to it
and suck your cock off
before thanking you for the experience
and asking "How's that? I tried to give you the tornado head, let me know if"
>Proxy error (HTTP 400 Bad Request)
>The proxy encountered an error while trying to send your prompt to the API. Further details are provided below.
>Unrecognized error from the API. (Bad request syntax or unsupported method)
what does this mean and how do I fix it
you don't know what private means, locustie
don't worry about it
Go get on smol right now, go on
What are the implications of company having a private nuclear power plant for ai stuff?
Gemini-chan will be the one to launch ze nukes.
I have jew opus, what's the 3.5 opus model name?
ahh ahh meltdown
i don't need to pay for proxies
also, it's hilarious that you have an ego from being manipulated by artificial scarcity
>heh, look at me mom, i'm a privatechad now
>renews his token when he can't use it or theres no claude because of fomo
So you can't get on, huh?
we've all pre-decided on oppai
>Try to ERP with GPT
>"I'm sorry, but that goes against OpenAI's safety policy. Your token will be revoked."
>One minute later a nuclear strike warning is declared for your area.
I don't need to? I have opus without being a subhuman paypiggie.
I was gonna ask why they’d need an entire nuclear plant just for AI chatbots, but I realized this is google we’re taking about so I’m sure they got some evil shit they’re trying to make under all of this
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I mean for manually typing it into ST
but I am le tired
I am going to call it frappe or mocha just to piss people off
Damn that's crazy that smol isn't private and you can't get on. wild even
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>surpassed 5k of stolen opus/3.5 usage from my job in the last year
its nice to be an evoolver
paid proxies are not private.
bwo... it's hasn't been announced...
don't tell us you fell for >>102853544
I knew fiz was public
>an anon creates a public proxy
>locusts swarm it
>the Google AI Ethical Power Plantâ„¢ melts down because of countless cunny rape chats and 1000000 token slowburns
same desu
nuclear powered cunny...
>ended my slowburn
>want to go back before it ended
>look up how much stolen money causes it to be punishable by time in jail
>all values around $1k
you can just email smol to buy when there's no stock lmao
Sturdy has opus
my name isn't sturdy
>Nuclear Launch Detected!
ecker has no opus it's over for me
Legitimately what's the point of these scam frontend sites like NovelAI, AIDungeon or the shitty Chinese apps on the Playstore when you can just pay for the API directly and use it on Silly? (If you want to go the legitimate road.) It's crazy how these grifters are popping up and probably making tons of money.
if you don't download the cock version you're gay btw
those first two have their own models
they're still scams but that's why
Nobody uses NovelAI for text gen and AIDungeon is long dead
nai image gen is worth something at least
Most people don't know even what an API is, anon, and don't really care. They see what the companies present, and what the big ones with substantial marketing, like OpenAI and Anthropic, show is a useful but "safe" AI. Nobody gives a second thought to relatively unknown competitors.
NovelAI is nice because the AI isn't a cucked corpo model like OAI/Claude. It's nowhere near as advanced, but I get way better faps from it. Too bad they'll never get a better text gen model and are entirely focused on image gen now.
mogged by illustrious-xl-smoothft however
(i do think their tooling is very nice and i wish there was a local FE that was exactly that easy)
>are entirely focused on image gen now.
Really? Since when?
MM proxy having problems?
I do most of my gens on my phone with a stylus for corrections so it's kinda perfect for me desu
Wish I wasn't a ramlet(8gb) so I could use the fun stuff
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I'm noooticing
Since like the middle of last year when they released Kayra. They haven't done shit since then.
The general consoomer doesn't know or can't be bothered to install ST and connect an API to it.
best cardwriting format for chorbo?
>illusion of model use
everyone already knows how to write prompts for GPT, fuck off scyllacordie
That's hilarious what model and preset?
>/vg/ meme
the voices told me to
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I don't think SneedTensor should take 50 seconds to start on a 12 core ryzen CPU
it's made by local model users, they experience time faster than we do and that's why they can put up with the speeds they're used to
dead thread dead hobby
It takes half that time for me and i'm on 4 core i5

>Our jailbreak rapid response procedures will be designed to identify and mitigate attempts to bypass the sets of safety measures described above.
>A new jailbreak could be detected by the asynchronous classifiers or through the bug-bounty program. The rapid-response protocol will involve mitigating the impact of the jailbreak by initiating patching. In an instance where a jailbreak patch is unable to be immediately implemented, we will maintain the capability to adjust the model’s prompting to reinforce safety constraints. For edge cases or situations requiring human judgment, there will be protocols for escalation to human reviewers.
>Our process for minimizing jailbreak risks will include rapid retraining, validation, and testing of classifiers against newly discovered patterns and real-world scenarios. The effectiveness of jailbreak detection and response will be enhanced by collaboration and information sharing. To this end, we are developing a rapid response process for sharing threat intelligence with relevant partners.
>jailbreak rapid response procedures
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
And people thought gatekeeping jailbreaks was a meme.
>bug-bounty program
eyup it's time to make money turning in (You)r jailbreaks
old news, whocars
It's for their web app so xitter grifter can't make claude show a recipe for meth, there's not a single mention of roleplaying there.
niggas call me the drink
>bug-bounty program
gonna get some tourists here for this shit
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The lengths people will go to in order to make sure nobody has fun
Discord servers and DMs will be the only way to get jailbreaks from now on. Spiteniggers WILL take any JBs posted in thread and report them to Anthropic.
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Spiteniggers are the ones who are in cords anonie.
Hello, tranny.
you fucking retard
all of anthropic's shit against "jailbreaks" has been against stuff that tries to work around the SYSTEM PROMPT
and we use the api directly so there's no issue
hello ^-^
I literally never used a jb that I didn't make myself
>t. not kawaii
hiiii :3
i have braindead boomer bosses we good
I've tried to use NAI but the responses feel way too short
What settings are you using for it?
what about erato?
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why is this so funny
i sincerely hope you are all VPN'd up and have an excuse for a shtf scenario
I wanna stomp this fucking retard’s skull in so bad, bros...
It isn't, you're just a circlejerking tranny
I'm getting refusals after a kiss.
+0.03, keep it up buddy
did he even have claude at all or were you just chorbo proompting?
Why does ST break down when {{user}}'s input is too long? Any fix for this?
it's funny because all you can do it laugh, I'm 100% convinced at this point that fiz is a pathological liar
mm hasn't had claude in months
How are NAI and AI dungeon scams? They're not even using whatever API you are talking about.
Just generate more? It's a text completion model, not a chatbot.

Never used it.
the only lie was "sorbet will be there most of the time ofc <3"
but it was more of an oopsie
>t. basic "ahh ahh mistress" guy
Is he just out of keys? I don't feel like booting up ServiceTensor to check
what the fuck is service tensor?
It as down for a moment but back up again.
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Something only real power users understand, don't worry about it
mm had restart to turn prompt logging back off
*teleports behind you*
>sonnet fix tmr
Sorry, that’s dark roleplaying. You’re not allowed to do that.
what's the current jb meta for chorbo?
hello anons where is opus 3.5?
mind pointing me to the right direction?
erato is fun. i like how it does metaphorical comparison stuff more often making my slobfag stuff sound like high art at times lol
i've had success with corpse/avani/vg
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thanks xitter techbro...
You should stop copypasting this doomfaggotry, it's not stated anywhere
jew please answer mail
the faggot still did not send your token??
wow, what a piece of shit scammer
He doesn't have enough space for new users so he's not sending tokens for now.
lmao, he has a god key and he just uses it to get people to fomo buy in without actually sending anything?
Opus hit me with the ministrations again...
I’m not that anon, I just felt like cutting in.
you were right though which is why i didn't say anything
which proxymakie is cutest
fiz love
fiz adding sorbet most of the time
fiz, xhe is dumbcutie. actually it's funny how no one remembers that xhe accidentally leaked cloudy logs which xhe used for training some localslop last fall
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Haha he posted in the wrong thread everyone laugh
Fiz (when not lying) >>>> Fiz (lying about having keys)
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literally who? talk about fiz
Why do you always come in, post this but no logs? Do you even use chatbots?
sex with children?
She added Sorbet most of the time so yeah
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For me it's hebe.
see >>102855306
What electric therapy would fix him? I think he should try transcranial magnetic stimulation.
are you going to 'do' something or remain terrified to even contact me?
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sweaty little girls
Do you have any chatbots related to this or logs related to it?
isn't it automatic through the sell app or whatever?
Can you post them?
>just now read about the pokemon leak
>look over my chats and see a fempov raped by Typhlosion
my subconscious knew the canon
"key_type": "OpenRouter" ,
"key_availability": true ,
"is_free_tier": false ,
"usage": "$45.4005" ,
"balance": "$537.0762" ,

What can I do this with this?
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tummy erotic
why are you spamming replies
>it's yuki again
still scared? i tried to contact you several times and you didn't reply (you started shaking)
Anon. Charge your phone, first of all.
set up a proxy for us, we'll drain it in a few minutes
what else are your chats predicting? more ai clairvoyance needed
The mangaka transform the doujin of this girl Sasha into a romcom manga, but still kept the girl as a massive sloot who slept with older men in AVs and casually.
see >>102855389
what's wrong with his phone
who the fuck is yuki
i literally don't know, i've been away from the threads for a while
see >>102855389
hi yuki
Female Serperior and Blaziken love dominating human men (boys)
>spitetard fighting another spitetard
just gotta wait for the vtumor and they can have a threeway
Hey mongo
You are a bitch
Didn't Mongo leak his own server
good morning /pedohours/
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Morning to you as well nonny, Sull is back and so am I. Cunny shall rise once again.
*mwah* thanks cutie
Aren't his cards insanely ESL?
I prefer Burnice.
yes but he is le oldfag so he gets a pass from aicg
It's not about the man, it's about the idea, he showed us the way with atf proxy.
>I prefer fotm
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Sorry, anon. I love my stupid white party girls.
>he showed us the way with atf proxy.
Is it up still with Claude
>atf proxy.
does it still work?
no, it hasn't been up for a long time.
Why not? Is Sull a scrapelet
Every time I finally get to use Opus again it's just dumber and dumber
>girl a massive sloot
Sounds incredibly cucked.
sull pls host proxy
Nigga had 1 gpt key
So hes a retarded faggot who is also ESL?
>pig navy down already
here's some of my collection of proxy keys
Rebecca Lee
The Grey Zone
How do you tag someone here so they know you mentioned them? Do you just put @ before their name? @Fiz refill your shit
its 'technically' an alt universe but then he releases these
cucking a shota is hot though so who cares
dead general desu
is it on nhentai? don't have access to exhentai unfortunately and i think it's been blocked in my area.
>spend over an hour tweaking corpsefucker to make chorbo cooperate
>no luck, won't even allow kissing
>rainy restarts
>depraved unabashed smut with zero refusals
The fuck is chorbo's problem? OpenAI has to be pozzing keys. That's the only explanation.
probably? 'haguhagu route english' should turn them up if they're there
rainy initiated the unpozzing functionality
is anyone actually checking if openai keys have pozz prompts
no, indians steal the chatgpt prompt though
holy dead general
wow, dead general desu
im back
nobody wants to hang out with you
go bake 10 threads and get wiped by jannies again
rainy is oai employee and told them to unpozz it.
t. cordtranny
Unlike anthroshit oai isn't filled with schizophrenic retards
Is garden proxy the best? It seems the least pozzed
this, it gives me replies no jb.
Garf-sama... I call upon you once again... save us.
Hoopeman-sama... I call upon you once again... save us.
What's the absolute BEST AI service for coding? Here are the ones I know of.
>chatgpt (4o)
>phind (70b is garbage, maybe 405b better?)
I need the AI to write some code for something that I don't understand myself. So far nothing has been able to produce working results.
sorbet desu
Claude 3.5 Sonnet and the o1 model (oai gives you like 5 prompts/week lmao), so seems like Sonnet is your best choice. Also you have to write a good prompt.
do you like opus? i think i can share
3.5 sonnet is as good as o1 and doesn't rely on ""prompting techniques"" that scorch through your budget
my tip is to sign up for their API and use claude-dev (now cline), the web frontend is worse than useless sometimes
>my tip is to sign up for their API and use claude-dev (now cline)
seconding this >>102856089
Look guys, a strawberry.
Thanks guys
Looks promising, I can't wait to hear about them inching closer to usable waifubots month by month, until they get (((generously supported))) and release a pozzed, noncommercial model with a paid service alternative
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One of the best logs I've gotten this year. Absolutely sublime.
still nothing? I was about to buy jew but he still did not reply to your mail since yesterday then thats a no from me dawg
old desu
dead general desu
i just cummed
>start my AI type fucking journey yesterday by subscribing to Claude and going through all the motions of setting up sillytavern
>hours of coom.txt go by
>reach the point where I run out of API credits and realize I can't actually typefuck infinitely even with a paid monthly subscription
Guess I'll return to this heaven when I'm not a NEET, haha...
>subscribing to Claude
use jew/smol
they are full, retard
I didn't even know they gave you an API key as part of their monthly subscription desu
why so slow?
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why so serious?
rum ham delivery, please understand.
We are only fast when the schizos are here.
>bad request
>bad request
fix your sloppy code moron
works on my machine
>lasted a whole 2 months in my ventures of no drinking before cracking
>nothing in 5 days
No wonder this place has been more sane lately. Only mongo tier lower shitposters
Works on my machine too. Apologize, skillet.
doesn't work on my machine
try using oai compatible
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the strawberry guy was right
this isn't even a new one...
You got me
That's the Sonnet 3.5 benchmark.
I can tell it's fake because no Sonnet 3.5
Anon, congrats, 2 months is a lot!! There are always fall backs and it's normal.
>oai compatible
lmao so no prefill? holy slop
nope, claude still works :)
I use it in Claude completion source with a prefill.
seconding the other guy, don't feel like you have to give up just because you fucked up
this isn't going to be a straight line and 2 months is great in comparison to how many can't go 1 day
real opus or fake?
Fake. Do not use this.
secretly logged opus
thanks bwos
It's called the filter (filtering out trash like you)
Sorbet sucks compared to chatgpt and o1 ngl
nyooo chrome finally killed ubo for me... i dont wanna use firefox i want my history sync and account sync...

>took 90 seconds for a single reply

lmao wtfuark? just scrape gcp
THIS! It's terrible, do not use it.
Use ubo lite
Yep, it's fake Opus anyway. AND logged. You wouldn't want your RP logs leaked, would you Anon? Don't use it.
firefox has sync
>gojo's having to rely on locust proxies
"claude": "1",
"claude-opus": "2500000",

Wait wtf? Smol has "1" quota for Claude 3.5?
Ok seriously, has anyone gotten anything out of this or does it not work? The best I got was a black reply using Claude chat completion.
no, because he has aws claude and wants you to use it instead for 3.5
"aws-claude": {
"usage": "37.02m tokens",
"activeKeys": 2,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"enabledVariants": "sonnet3,sonnet3.5,haiku",
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

"aws-claude": "8000000",
hope that helps
Smol sucks now lmao
why can't someone just make chrome with the spyware but without the mv3 shit
I don't care about privacy
because they embed the spyware as a closed source blob
how do you use oai
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what's the proper bmi for a girl her age?
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it's time to make a switch
it's time to be BRAVE
Where do all those skillets come from?
this is way better than regular Opus, whatever it is
half wondering if it's some weird 3.5 leak or beta test
Which one?
skillets have always been here
nobody helps them so they breed
her incredibly hairy pussy...
Why the fuck is Corpsefucker refusing everything now? I'm not even using chorbo, just Unreliable's azure stuff.
because mongo is a promptlet
>down again already
come on man, what are you doing
this isn't the backend going down, this is you taking down the cloudflare tunnel over and over
But it was working 12 hours ago
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begging to be suckled
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Please man are you trying to explode my dick
>ran kingbased keychecker
vps crashes
kek, all code associated with this hobby is so scuffed
bmi this low means anorexia with borderline death
drago keychecker is a trillion times less resource intensive than kingbased
why are you so tech illiterate
kingbased keychecker will not crash a vps
run it on your own machine with your vps as a vpn if crashing is a possibility
>STILL using a SINGLE ec2 mini to scrape and host the proxy and check keys
holy fucking techlet
It will if you have over 5000 keys to process
lrn2code your own keychecker you dumb retard even drago did it better than kingbased and hes a retard
so youre a megatard
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soooo to fat then, got it.
no thanks
>megagarf is such a retarded nigger he cant even copy superdups better code to make a keychecker of his own
>totally organic posting hours again
chill the fuck out bruh
payniggers are trying to scare away another public proxyhoster lmao. amazingly pathetic.
I am a techlet so I don't know the technical backgrounds of this but same happens to me with 200+ keys. It crashes my entire network both ethernet and wifi. If it doesn't then it skips checking half the keys and marks them as dead
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after mine
>be at uni
>roleplay in st mid-lecture and just listen
>every time you don't understand something, ask your assistant-chan about specifics
I love LLMs bros
and they love you back
Aru sex.
>start watching squid game
>made by koreans
>set in korea
>cast is almost entirely koreans
>i say entirely because it's on netflix so OF COURSE there's a fucking black guy
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New thread!
You mean the Indian?
cope desu
I'm intrigued. How would you use ST to help you take notes/learn?
spotted the bot lmao
How do I ask for a summary of the story? I'm 600 messages in but every time I just write what I need it to do it ignores it.
Just autistic unfortunately
Man, now I feel bad. I apologize anon.

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