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>a literal PCIE 5 m.2
>GIMP takes forever to install

What operating system?
What model drive are you using?
Have you tried turning it off and on?

windows 11 and the new update that just came out
>windows 11
please tell me you are using a WD drive
Installers and package managers are just fucking slow for no reason
They're not resource constrained
They literally just put Sleep(100) calls all over the fucking place so that people feel the installer is "doing something"
I once wrote a custom installer for one of my programs and people were asking me "is it broken? it just said it finished, but it didn't do anything." They said they expected the installation to take time.
It's a holdover from the old days. Next time put a truncated progress log on the screen, dumbass.
>durr people using my program are dumb
No you just suck at design.
what a lucky son of a bitch.
He was able to goon like Gandhi sleeping naked with his cousins and now he is making a John Wick movie starring the same bitch whore.
Might as well have edged for 13 years and gonna shoot gallons of cum in her bitch ass.
>no you have to fuck around making every file and registry operation also have to call into the GUI because... it just does ok?
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>run a PCIE gen 3 SSD in a rig from 2016
>install GIMP
>takes 2 minutes
Power of Linux?
On windows, for the average windows user? Yes, you absolutely have to call a progress bar in UI. Pull the opposite and have a cmd window pop up for a nanosecond and you'll get worried calls about "being hacked". You're dealing with the worst of crowds here: tech illiterate boomers.
this is normal with this foos garbage
for example inkscape installation is 14K files. imagine creating 14K small files one by one. these "devs" must be shot in the head
you are the reason UX is a career, kill yourself, YOU are the reason we have round edges, KILL YOURSELF.
Next time, try reading first.

qlc do like spurt, then stall, gimp write n small file, might be better off with hdd
Only Samsung makes pcie5 drives currently. Which is why op didn't specify the manufacturer of the drive.
No, you need to read. You(or that anons) inability to employ common sense in their software design is the reason people are able to make a career out of ruining software design.
>Yes, you absolutely have to call a progress bar in UI
I have a marquee style progress bar. But even that's overkill because my installer literally just copies a bunch of files <5mb and sets a few registry entries. Even on the slowest possible computer with an ancient hard drive it would still take less than 1 second to complete.
And I wouldn't ever be caught dead opening a CMD window, I'm not some Lintroon who thinks that showing a command line to users is ever ok.
My ux is better than whatever you have on your computer right now
>uses outmoded UX principles
>gets confused when users get confused
>says he has better UX than [ ]
I'm not even laughing, your delusion is impressive.
You're taking yourself too seriously retard
One guy emailed me asking whether the installer is supposed to be faster than 99% of all installers in existence and I used that anecdote to explain why people tend to put Sleep() calls inside installers. That's all there is to it.
>people were asking me
>They said
Your fault
> pcie 5 m.2
> qlc
Pick one.
this guy
It's a big program..
Imagine using Windows in 2024 when Linux exists...
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No, all the other ones are pcie4 dual lane. Which is different from pcie5. Yes it's ultimately the same speed but takes more pcie lanes. Which is why the WD one is hot stinky ass.
Yes, a simple fucking google shows Crucial selling m.2 pcie 5 ssds, I stopped looking there because it already proves you are a moran.

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