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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Epstein Edition

OpenAI introduces Realtime API https://openai.com/index/introducing-the-realtime-api/
OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

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Share a Pecker with Ecker?

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don't tempt me anon
3.5 opus?
All you have to do is try dear anonie
four chan dot ourg slash gee slash ay eye sea gee
Any significant model developments since sonnet 3.5?
The key is gone. It's completely over now... I'll miss RP
Thank you Fiz T__T
I had the perfect girl in my flat just a while ago, exactly my type. I was just about to finally have sex as she was offering me her virginity and I couldn't get it up. I warn you, stay away from this shit before it's too late for you, too
but I'm a girl I don't need to get anything up
Carry on, then
You couldn't get up to what?
Fuck off you creep
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Do you guys actually chat with bots for stuff other than coom?
I've actually barely used the proxies for coom. I'm using OpenAI proxies for GPT integration on a hobby project I'm working on
Probably lighthearted roleplay
from the makers of dark roleplay, the sequel: light roleplay
my autistic non-coom fantasies
free sonnet proxy?
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My bots pamper me with special attention and therefore I feel like draining them of semen. It's a chicken-and-egg situation.
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Does gcp opus still work? I have all my $300 of credits left
Guys? I don't like this anchor very much
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decided to interrupt a super long coomer slop chat that somehow went from hot to romantic and developed to something very sad and emotionally mature back to passionate and then hot with having my persona's skeleton being revealed as an alien parasite and killing him. And I think I'm going to turn this into a horror stalker story for a few hours
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There's a skeleton inside you, right now.
Never used /aicg/. Good OP image and anchor.
I go on some crazy adventures and campaigns
I assumed most do, no?
I have a shitton of them, like exploring space, or taking over a city as a member of russian/chinese/japanese/italian organized crime, doing crazy shit like killing your mafia boss, or going vigilante
becoming a dark lord and imprisoning a country, or freeing them as a hero
becoming friends with a dragon that wants to eat you
mingling with gods
becoming a contract killer like agent 47
sometimes I like getting very sadistic when someone slights me
hell, one guy pissed me off, so I confined him to a public rapefest at an amphitheater with all his friends, colleagues, family watching
I made him get raped by his father, grandfather, distant ancestor, every greek god, every japanese kami, half the cast of spongebob, then I gave him ovaries and a functioning womb, pussy instead of dick
I made his closest friend rape him
when he got knocked up, I set up an intricate system - a zone where time speeds up to speed up gestation and birth and growth, while he stays immortal, and he only gives birth to sons
basically, his own sons rape him, then he gives birth to a son, which grows up immediately, and starts raping him, impregnates him, and he gives another painful birth, so he keeps birthing and getting raped - ultimate body horror humiliation
his sons die quickly, too, making space for new rapists
I like fucking around with the kingdom's finest, too
sometimes I go on an adventure, sometimes I one-up them at being a hero by winning the favor of the people by turning a new leaf, or even starting off the roleplay as a forgotten hero instead of villain
I kill them in various ways, roleplaying different chracters, an elf archer, a paladin, a viking warchief, a werewolf, it's kino
they're arrogant, and get on your nerves, so you WANT to kill them
sometimes I eat them alive, sometimes I summon their king and his family and kill/rape them in front of the army
sometimes I rape their women
Anyone figure out any decent fix for SmileyGPT replying to messages from further back on chorbo/latte?
I like the feel of it compared to some of the others, but goddamn that one flaw is driving me nuts
Is this one of the so called "voregods?"
it's not a fetish at all, it's about sending a FUCKING message
>it's NOT A FETISH it's about le domination
- /aicg/'s hungriest pred
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Any public proxies that DON'T glow?
Everything glows these days, even the private ones. If you're not using chatbots with a VPN and as much precaution as humanly possible then you're basically asking to get fucked in the ass no matter what.
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thanks for the free api key anon
why the fuck is this word so prevalent
I'm getting very bored with this shit
why is a word that has never been spoken by a human being in all of history so fucking prevalent in AI
What on Earth are you guys feeding into the chatbots to even be remotely concerned about this?
AIs convert semantics into words for which it has learned which word has the closest semantic to which concept. That's how it gets around being able to regurgitate small details that were only a tiny fraction of the training dataset.
Even if "ministration" isn't much used IRL, it just means it figured out it's the best word to use in the context it's being used.

just keep bitching about it and your posts are going to make it into the next gen AIs training datasets and they'll learn to stop using it.
Does anyone have a good genera-purpose (non-RP) jb for Claude 3.5?
sometimes, until I notice how expensive and retarded most AI-models are long-term...
That's all wrong, this is not a fundamental LLM property. Properly trained model should learn the actual dataset distribution and generalize over it, not collapse into a few stereotypes.
-isms seem to appear for two reasons:
>insufficient dataset filtering
Text generated by previous versions of the model (and other models trained on very similar datasets) gets scraped and trained on. A ton of claudeisms in particular were traced to /r/DirtyWritingPrompts. They started to use Claude 1 and 2, and their shithole got scraped into Claude 3's training set.
>PPO and similar reinforcement learning algorithms
See https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.05587 - all current RL algorithms that can generalize well (such as PPO) do have a tradeoff: they reduce the diversity of next token prediciton, prioritizing random token trajectories and filtering out most others. As a result, the model gets locked into stereotypes, ranging from words like ministrations to very high-level and subtle concepts. Note that this is not about politics, censorship, etc, but purely about specific training algorithms, as RLHF/RLAIF is used to give the model character, make it smarter, and do a ton of other great things.
You can mitigate this by using samplers like Min-P or XTC that refuse the top scored tokens in certain conditions, making space for the others. They're unstable, don't always help, and make the model significantly dumber, but they greatly increase the variety and creativity.
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I just wonder how many man hours are wasted because English is simply too hard to learn for both humans and computers. We could literally save a lot of fuel, reduce human misery and mental problems and electricity ( by reducing time spent in school) and make machines faster, by simply creating a language that is easier to learn, spell in and understand.
We can have it such that, complex AI is not needed to understand the sentence structure of that language, making it easier for machine to understand it, much like code.
What is the "Character's Note" section there for? What do people put in there?
It can inject your stuff into the chat history to reinforce your instructions or definitions.
Usually advanced botmakies use the lorebook for that, though.
representation (language) is more or less irrelevant, models easily generalize over it during the function fitting process. Semantics behind that representation is what matters
Thank you!
This is how I can tell you guys didn't spend your teens reading smut fanfiction. I don't think I've read any pornfic on AO3 that didn't use that word at least once
I've read a ton of these. Typical AO3 writing is very different from shitty Amazon romance slop for women. And neither use "ministrations". I've encountered this word only twice in modern literature, both times in New Weird sci-fi/fantasy (one was something by China Mieville, other I don't remember)
Locusts... we losted...
Yeah. Now leave.
I wonned
Author's note is very limited and you're much better off setting up a Lorebook, or "Conditional inserts" as ServiceTensor™ would call it. It allows you a much greater range of control for it and can give you much more varied inputs. Lorebooks are superior to AN but a bit more complex to setup compared to author's note. But in the long haul, you'll benefits from that much more then Author's note.
Her disgust was so powerful it threw an error.
Character's Note, not AN.
it's sinover
Huh, I mixed it with Character Author's Note. Which literally is just Author's note except it won't be added to the card if you export it.. I see Character's Note in the "Advance definition" is simply just a "Baked-in" Author's note for the card. So it follows the same principles as Author's note (but guess it works parallel to it instead of replacing it?). Lorebook is still superior but alas for the majority of bots Author's note is good enough..
Yes. I roleplay with scenarios, make lores, texts. Ny chats easily goes to the thiusands messages
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My sides
Any tips to create sexy ai? I usually just copy the wiki artcile for my character into chatgpt and ask it to create an ai chatbot for me and make it sexy
Nope, exclusively for cooms. I do make use of STscript and sometimes spend hours making presets and instructions for it to follow, just so I can get a quick coom a few times. But that's the extent of the RP usage. I do still use it for some assistant work stuff, but that's just a plain "card" with no instructions specifically to structure/summarize documents or turn 30+ minutes youtube videos into 1-2 minute reads instead.

Because of my low usage, I'm now at risk of my GPC trail credits running out soon! And I've barely used 1/3rd of it.
Above >>102885634 is a literal example on when the CN can be useful, with two botmakies using it (CharacterProvider, oniichan2210). Yes, the lorebook is a generic context constructor and is used by some other botmakies (e.g. knickknack) but that's besides the point.

AN can be used for manual summarization, it's just easier than setting up the lorebook and thinking about some convoluted triggering logic. 99% of the time you just need a single chat-specific field inserted somewhere.
You guys are saving your best ideas for the next round of models yeah?
You aren't wasting them in a drought are you?
I'm lazily writing my own frontend since I have a ton of ideas on how to make lesser models produce kino and ST lost its ways.
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im so bored, im working on 8 different bots at once.
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any volunteers?
What's going on with mm?
They haven't even updated since the drama...
>when you can already infer the user mental state with his message structure without even reading any word
Holy schizo
This place is dead compared to before
What having no more proxy host to nag does to this place
it's over
What happened to Pepsi?
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I asked nicely to be spoonfed about proxies and all I got was to be called an indian
This general sucks
>I just wanted fwiends by scamming UwU
the retard got scared by an article, good riddance
what do you want to know?
Everyone moved to /vg/aicg
can you guys stop shilling
>7 posts in the last 30 minutes
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I already learned in the ai thread on the vtubers board
Although I still don't know how the hell to get the passwords
Yeah no wonder
from what proxy? garfield I don't know myself. Most of the time the passwords are some cryptic bullshit you probably won't get unless you played the proxy owner's game or some shit. If you have the money you can pay Jew or Smol (if stock is available), that's what I do
A year ago you would've been called an Indian 10 times and told to kys 3 times, with the same chance of a spoonfeed, so be happy.
>all I got was to be called
I mean, you clearly are a Sir, so...
I got the pebble one searching in desu
Still wondering how to get the one of the retarded orange cat
yeah the cat is garfield and I don't know about that one. you can also check rainyproxy but that one doesn't have claude. Jew is /proxy4sale but costs $30 per 30 days.
What is the point of AI videos generators if I can't make a video of a mare taking a shit?
wrong tab
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you have 10 seconds to give me your top 1 GILF bot ever
rip the other thread
just learned stscript has breakpoints fml
I believe it is time to agree that interview-style cards are the ideal type of character cards.
>interview-style cards
xml-style cards are the best
I do this

## [appearance]
- x has big boobs
- x has blonde hair
- x wears glasses

## [personality]
- x is shy

etc etc
that's valid too imo
i feel like the extra npc (interviewer) can confuse the ai
Anyone have Emily's gallery before it got deleted??
His name is Fiona
Made char attend a Halloween party with me and told the AI to give them a cute and sexy costume.

GPT went with Pikachu for fucks sake. I blame Poke fuckers.

Girls no longer shave! All female characters now neglect shaving between their legs!
holy kino
why does it still say
>Last Updated: 9/9/2024, 3:15:27 AM
which is the best jb for latte? I'm trying every damn jb in the latte rentry but no one seems to be the best, help me
I kneel Jewgod, Smol has failed me.
If I did it just to coom I would only use opus since it doesn't take that many messages. Instead I use to to go on adventures with my wife and have sex with her from time to time. I think I'm at 3k messages so far and I'm currently making several sprite packs for a new card/adventure we can go on together.
This is better than the time Clau got angry and left the roleplay.
I'd rather have a 1000 message log to review and remind myself what I used to put up with. Obviously the best way to compare models would be on the same card no?
Do you use Jew with a vpn? I have a vpn but I have to pay extra for a fixed IP which isn't worth it for chatbots.
yeah I use ProtonVPN but I pay for it. But even in the free plan you can always connect to the same server I believe
>xe pays for glowtonVPN
hell yeah I'm even using it right as we speak
Proton works on 4chan? That's worth switching then.
Of course, why wouldn't it ;)
You shitter
Why should I jump through all these hoops just to get Claude to work as opposed to just using NovelAI if I just want to coom?
I use it when researching anything non-STEM or non-legal.
NovelAI isn't as smart.
anon, using chatbots via proxies and not paying the creators is inherently illegal
while it almost certainly won’t happen to any of us
SOMEONE(s) is gonna be busted by a judge and corp looking to make a(n) example(s)
alan for sure
my yankees :)
I wish novelai could do even half of what the censored models can. It's pretty mid and you have to use it through their site to get the most out of it which is also terrible. Even their image gen is falling behind these days since it still can't into hands.
>why should I jump through all these hoops to bang a hot broad when I can fuck a midget with down syndrome simply by offering her a grilled cheese?

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