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do streaming platforms have no respect for audio anymore?
I thought they already did this to -xx LUFS
not a bad idea but the implementation doesn't sound very good. fucks with voice quality and universally sounds worse when enabled.
Thank you for using YouTube! Kindly acknowledge that this feature is required to guarantee that ads are 10% more loud than the video. Thank you for understanding. Enjoy your day good sir.
I like using ReplayGain with my music library. Keeps things consistent.
Good idea, unsure if the execution is good. They should probably enforce their audio recommendations on upload.
youtube normalized it for ages now
It's not the same. Replaygain doesn't compromise the audio quality. Youtube's implementation is some sort of compression, which changes people's voices.
If you stream you don't respect audio.
>hes not listening to music on vinyl
you were never going to make it in the first place
Probably a good thing.
Many channels still can't fucking set a consistent voice volume and the worst have intro music that is much louder than their recorded voices.
I hate when programs take control of the mix instead of either giving me the raw or EQ
I've known this yet I still come across retardedly quiet videos sometimes
"stable volume" sounds like a compressor feature to me though
they make the volume quieter if the uploader made it too loud
if the uploader makes it too quiet they dont up the vol
I'd prefer youtubers to buy a cheap pair of audio monitors and do a good mix, even entry level $200 ones are enough. This kind of feature will make youtubers care even less and go on do videos with incredibly bad mix.
oh no!
one mouse click!
They don't do it with music videos, so I'm okay with it. It's usually the YouTubers who don't respect audio quality, with levels all over the place, so I feel like this is a necessary feature
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don't give a shit about that but the fucking sleep timer is screwing with my muscle memory for captions/playback speed
The explanation for the sleep timer is fucking retarded, too.
>you can set the sleep timer while watching youtube so you can fall asleep and the playback will automatically pause after the set time
That's just so they can blast your shit with full volume when the ads start.
/* hide sleep timer */
div.ytp-panel-menu > div.ytp-menuitem:nth-last-child(2) {
display: none !important;

If they add more shit it may need to be changed.
>poor man's compressor VST
oh cool, having ads blow out everyones eardrums because the youtuber talks quietly / has low audio levels is really annoying
People who speed up videos are all schizos.
>still uses youtube
and you know what, you're still going to use it because youre a cuckhold who needs his gay content to fill the gaping void in his life. which is what exactly what your mother did to proceed your birth. i gave that shit up post 2016 when I capitulated that they were controlling everything you can watch. no thanks.

>tl;dr: lmao you watch youtube?
Most youtubers talk at below normal speeds.
1.25x sounds natural most of the time. In worse cases they need 1.5x or more.
What does this bullshit do?
how long has this been the case? did it just start today?
It has been in for a few weeks or months but not on all videos.
No, people who don't speed up 6 hour podcasts and absorb normiethink in realtime are fucking RETARDED. I don't watch your gay slop, but if I did I would definitely listen at 5x because Im HIGH IQ, nigger.
>Most youtubers talk at below normal speeds.
what the fuck no they don't
i hate you so much
People who watch talking head videos at normal speed have room temperature IQ
They've been doing that ever since it came out
Good. Are there any native video players with this feature? I'm sick of movies turning into earthquake simulations during action sequences.
I set it to 0.5x and pretend they're drunk.
Ok, maybe you watch shitass entertainment youtubers that aren't trying to convey information.
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one, it's off for me by default and i never even noticed it's there as an option
two, i just now noticed there is a sleep timer option; does that mean they will finally stop FUCKING PAUSING LONG VIDEOS PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND WITHOUT ASKING?
Lol, of course not.
thanks for voicing your retarded ass nigger opinion. it's a great example of how to be objectively wrong and stupid.
had an CRT back in 2000's that had this, take be back
Literally never happened to me, I have no idea why as I often put on long videos. But there are extensions and scripts that stop that from happening just so you know.
>it's off for me by default
only for that video, but for others it#s on by default
no, they are doing that to save bandwith
OPs screenshot clearly shows a toggle
total death to earrape niggers
normal people don't listen to 6 hour podcasts
use a script
It's not on for music, so this is probably a good default option desu
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In your browser settings you can disable tabs audio by default.
Well, it's possible on Vivaldi but I guess you can in other browsers too. It's somewhere in the site settings
Oh I missed it's about audio normalisation
Well fuck youtube anyway, they made their thing so bad I don't even use first party client/site anymore
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wait, what does ambient mode do?
>It's usually the YouTubers who don't respect audio quality, with levels all over the place
This is typical in third-world countries.
1,5x speed or bust including porn
waste cpu cycles
Ignite your CPU
Heh, I thought my 50c earbuds were on the way out.
You are a retard and need to KYS.
don't worry, they'll get better once they get feedback from 100 million normies who don't notice it at all and therefore youtube won't change anything.
I was going to work in some AI whoogabooga but basic enshittification is more dystopian.
two actually including the cog
just another cherry on top of the shit mountain
>one video so fucking quiet I have to turn up the volume to the max
>next video so fucking loud it makes me jump out of my seat
Do video creators have no respect for my eardrums? This volume normalization change is a massive usability improvement.
lauren alexis mogs

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