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https://www.mcmaster.com/ Reactards kys
buy an ad
As soon as you drill down past the index pages it’s pretty slow. Just like a lot of things in life.
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Sprites in 2024
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Pre-rendering and caching

which is only possible if your site isn't bloated
This is an iq test
React app are pre rendered and cached the whole app on first load so i dunno what ssr tards are even uppity about
caching can be really fast but it also adds up bloat big time. dont check your desktop browser cache if you leave your computer up for days, its multi gigabytes taken up until you reboot.
not a problem for servers with lots of ram
They achieve this by using minimal css and images the framework does not matter. You can achieve this with nextjs and cache aggressively.
Fuck off with your shilling, 4chan bot.
Based. This is how all sites should aim to perform. Obviously making lots of database calls is going to take time but static sites really have no excuse.
IP grabber
Not a fan of how they disable tap highlights and zooming on mobile.
static website
>Can't even access the website without Javascript enabled
What a piece of shit.
Murder thyself, wrenchlet.
Go buy an ad.

>"UCoebwHSTvwalADTJhps0emA" added to the blacklist.
What really should leave people in awe is the sheer usability of this site. I don't know what budget this company has for their web team but this feels like a "usability at all costs, no compromises" order coming down right from the C-level. This site is so far beyond anything I know, it's ridiculous.
It's not fucking hard to make a fast website especially when you learn 99% of latency is the network request itself. You really are a subhuman if you can't a website as simple as that running slower than 200ms.
the 4chan archive I'm working on with another anon has sub 100ms search responses.

We're using flask. Jinja was dog slow for what we were doing so we do string templating. We also use lnx, and optimize our queries.
ok, go sign up for 4channel.org dev team and fix it to not be dogshit slow then
third time he's made this reddit thread
4chan loads faster than a second for me. Also not my job.
this site is really fast though
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The site would be just as fast even if they were to rewrite it in React or any other comparable framework. Are you going to be posting this every day now?
Why are brainlets so surprised that having very little media will lead to faster page loads? Most web stores have pictures of the products as they have noticed that it correlates with more sales.
>simple images
>loads of text
damn asp.net/c# can be this fast?
You guys realise react ultimately turns to a fucking js text file? Do you think a couple of kbs of text will make a site noticeably slower?
more like few MBs
this should give you a clue:

I suspected it, and I was right
t. junior with 10 years of experience eheheh
>but what?
well instead of requesting n images you request just one and save plenty of headers and bullshit that way, plus being real internet of the now can load images pretty hard regardless
If you add that much shit then your site will be bloated no matter the technology.
yeah no matter what I do, reactslop will always be bloated
Its not just the website anon, order something and watch how fast it arrives.
Extremely gay people are now noting how fast and efficient McMaster-Carr's website is, all because that faggot Wes Bos made a video.
Based. Much better than loading hundreds of icons.
Amazing what a dev team with zero women and trannies can accomplish in 2024.
Pretty fast site but they have shitty scroll wheel scrolling and floating text on the longer pages. Get your shit together.
for example https://www.mcmaster.com/products/surface-coating-thickness-gauges/
You just know you won't be selling SHIT when the website looks like this
My coworker orders shit from them every day.

They just won't be selling anything to women.
Website performance is bottlenecked by the network, and then the database, never the choice of language or framework.
it's up there with the fastest since last update a few years ago
Spritesheets are unnecessary in this case given the fact that they using HTTP/2, which allows the browser to request multiple resources simultaneously over one connection.
>Extremely gay people are now noting how fast and efficient McMaster-Carr's website is,

They have been in their slow code hugbox for so long they forgot the entire internet used to be like this. I would call McMaster-Carr's site acceptable, not great. Functional with some glaring flaws like noted here: >>102887830
entire site a react app
not that fast
i see the loading icon every time i click a new page

let me guess it's fast on a 25 core cpu and 200gb ram
you live and you learn! Does this process you speak off stripes multiple headers and turns them into a single one?
Literal hinduware yet numale devs love this shit
>let me guess it's fast on a 25 core cpu and 200gb ram
wrong, that's DB latency you're observing, aka it's on server side and not on client side, aka a super computer as client would see the exact same delay on the loading
>can it be improved?
I don't know much about the specifics, other that you can cache DB results in memory (on the server), build indexes and optimize queries
McMASTER claimed this post was a joke.
It's not downloading the whole app to your pc, but instead only rendering the server's output html+css, something that corporate greed made (((obsolete))) years ago
When a client receives a header, it will store it in a lookup table, and any subsequent retransmissions of that header can be represented as an index within the table.
So a whole header can be compressed into one byte.
Whites: https://www.mcmaster.com/
Jeets: https://www.mcdonalds.com/
I see, small overhead but still overhead, so technically speaking, you'd still benefit from sprites, just not so much
I set the browser to delete it on close, like a good Christian man.
You're a backend streetshitter. We already have parallel http downloads. And download only visibility.

Go fuck yourself
always have been
Seethe and cope, tranny
You call that fast? I still see a loading indicator
that ones actually based, made for shitty slovakia internet
kinda sick ngl, can anyone find their DB strategy?
What is the use case for "complex images"?
>They just won't be selling anything to women.
extremely based
>being based
the only "fast" part is main page, because they fetch all catalog as single json.
all subseqent pages are average SPA slop.
They don't have any db. Shit likely burns into files like kuroba does.
>having to cache every page
this is the rare breed of pajeetware, where it's technically competent, but in an incredibly incompetent way.
nononono bad goy, you will download the react blob, you will run it on your machine, you will say it's faster and you will like it. goy baby duck
Yeah ASP.net is pretty fast. For the frontend, they are using Javascript
what is that?
You're living in the dark ages. That's a sticky positioning. It's useful for knowing the context of what you're looking. Does your computer fan cry like a banshee when it needs render anything that isn't plain text?
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Service Level Agreement
an Agreement to a Level of Service
sub 100ms response is a term in the Agreement
not meeting that term can involve financial penalties
SLAs can cover a lot of things from a technical standpoint
I am more concerned about scrolling behavior. It is inconsistent, they don't use the native scroll feature on some pages.

I do client side software but not web stuff.
Honestly it's a mid ass website but faggots are so desperate for non slop jeet sites they'll jerk off boomer ware that's trying to larp as a b&w catalog print out.
Ok I kneel Slovakian. This shit heems the carr cuck.
is faster
This one is actually fast on mobile and doesnt tile images
I bow to slovakia supremacy
But how could that be fast htmx shitters tolded me js is hard and json is sloww
Wtf htmx sisters
What is the point of using React if they are already using .net?
The server could be returning static pages with no JS at all.
Also Sprited images are retarded in the post-http/2 age. It makes changing individual images a pain for the design guys.
so this is the power of not having trannies in your dev team.... bros... how do i accomplish this
i loled
Can /g/ hack this website?
>tell website team to make page load sub 100ms
>they make a website that has page load sub 100ms
was it always that simple?
Why are most modern sites so slow, I just always assumed it was just due to the huge amounts of bloated JS they require you to pull down. There are also websites that check if you're a bot that requires you to run JS and then send the result to some remote service to verify. 4chan is still one of the best sites on the web because they keep it simple.
Can we all agree that “hamburger menus” is the gayest fucking term for three lines with a pop up menu
product photo is in black and white therefore less pixelz
>ameriburger sees three lines and thinks about food
Kind of based
c# chads stay winning
It literally has a hamburger menu on mobile dumbfuck
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Absolute troon seethe. Go back to India.
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