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Imagine if America had an average IQ of 120, AGI would be achieved in 5 years.
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imagien ur an ivf embryo being screened for iq and its 200 and your 2 moms decree you are going to be carried to term in america
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>smart people (whites/second gen asians) tend to be high achieving cocksuckers that think this is immoral and classist or something
>legit retards will want their babies to be smart
>black IQ eclipses everyone else's within 100 years
And then finally we'll have synthetic watermelium
I have 148 IQ but I'm socially retarded. I'm jobless and forever alone autistic incel. Only thing people need to "make it" is having good social skills and being good looking extrovert helps.
>if America had an average IQ of 120
Had slavery not happened, it would.
iq is a meaningless metric based on a test that you can study for
the test is changed every year as well ... comparing results from two different years has no meaning
There are thousands of exams and tests, have fun studying for that.

Cope with your 90IQ. You will never be smart.
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Good looks > Everything else

You can be a literal convicted murderer, they will pick you up from the trashbin and turn you into a model if you are good looking, with no effort involved. If you are ugly, you are considered trash, no matter how smart or hardworking you are, you need to make 4 times the effort to prove yourself just to get a mediocre job.

Intelligence is not irrelevant, it's important, but it's down the totem pole compared to good looks and social skill.
That's impossible because average IQ is always 100
> an average IQ of 120
Impossible by definition of IQ. IQ is weighted so that the average of the tested population is 100.
i find this reply shallow and pedantic
social skill is called emotional intelligence. most moids are just fucking dumb at communication
> average IQ goes up
> new mean distribution
> average IQ remains 100
>social skill is called emotional intelligence
I don't care what it's called, the point is that it's not measurable by IQ. You are adding nothing to the conversation.

IQ is not the end-all be-all of social success, though I am sure some autist here will post the correlation chart to attempt to prove me wrong. (I didn't say there was no correlation)
The tested population is the world, and Africa and ever-more-retarded zoomers still exist, you pedantic reddit fartsniffer.
They're turning babies into spergs!
>midwits in charge of not parroting bullshit
>black scores stay low
>white scores lower to match black scores
What the fuck? What causes this
>unsourced post
>Groyper news account
/pol/niggers should be shot in the street
The final redpill is that raising average IQ will never save us for the same reason that Nobel disease exists: humans are doomed not by intelligence, but by psychology. We're already smart enough to solve all of our problems. We simply don't because we fall for simple psychological traps like tribalism and confirmation bias, and even the highest IQ individuals fall for the same stupid tricks.
vocabulary is for
is for people who
you know the thing
Fertilized embryos are people. Can you do this same thing by just filtering unfertilized eggs?
Turns out equalizing results regardless of ability means everyone who can do better doesn't, because it's easier. If I had to guess anyway.
You can start by killing yourself.

you're welcome to try, mister
come and get it
How do you test if an embryo can do basic math/geometry puzzles in their mind?
>What causes this
Internet, social media, texting culture. Even when I was a teen in the '90s, people would mock you for using "big" words and proper grammar in instant messaging apps. It's gotten much, much worse since.
>social skill is called emotional intelligence
Wait, really? Why the fuck do they use that retarded term? Also, isn't social skill mostly about manipulation for most people? Like, when people close to.me talk to me, they usually expect something from me (a favor, money, whatever). Rarely anyone around me does stuu without wanting something...
>smart people (whites/second gen asians) tend to be high achieving cocksuckers that think this is immoral and classist or something
They don’t. Only midwits think like that
>The parting difference came with language. Donald was about 16 months and Gua was a little over a year old when they had language testing. Gua could not speak, but Donald could form words. On March 28, 1932, nine months into the experiment, the Kelloggs officially ended it as Donald began to copy Gua's sounds
The modern landscape is negrofied beyond belief in America which spills out to other Western nations and now with screens basically raising kids we get out current predicament.
>Gua died of pneumonia on December 21, 1933, less than a year after she left the Kelloggs' family and just after turning three years old.
damn, part of that was probably a feeling of abandonment
Avg IQ of country isnt same as world IQ avg
$50 grand for 18 point IQ increase. I could see governments mandating this because 50k is nothing compared to losing 1 million on an unproductive citizen.
USA has average IQ 100 so WHAT, it's all wasted because DEI, feminism and nepotism.
>durr average iq is le 100 because funny YouTube essay said so

The test is designed so that the human population mean score is 100 by definition, with population standard deviation of 10. However, a given sample of people, eg people whose parents chose to screen their embryos, might have a sample average of 120, or another value different from the population mean
the government drops will drop tens of thousands of foreigners with 70-85 iq in nobody towns i dont think they particularly care about a functional 'citizen'
> screen for iq
selecting for iq via artificial means is bound to have unforeseen consequences. Thing is you don't need anywhere near 120 for a nice society. Japan is around 105 and ethnically homogeneous and it's a nice society (if you're japanese).

Many european subethnic groups have average iq's even higher than japanese.

You don't need exceedingly high average IQs, but once it starts dropping below 95 or so it starts getting ugly.
at 148 you should be able to excel *effortlessly* even with your social dysfunction.
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>screen embryos for IQ
since gambler have low IQ, they will reroll to extinction
I can tell you smell like shit
it's called equity
IQ isn't all it's cracked up to be. The entire system of a person needs to tailor fit around their abilities, you cannot just slam a genetic lineage with +2Std.dev and have no compromises.

Everyone having children they cannot temper, control, or understand on a logical level will, and I say this with a certainty, will have a rippling effect of people who are socially maladjusted and perform worse than if they were just naturally born.

An IQ of 148 indicates high cognitive ability, but success still requires effort as social skills, emotional intelligence, and mental health play crucial roles alongside intelligence, making social dysfunction a significant barrier despite intellectual strengths.
youre only as smart as the five niggers closest to you
so going by your own logic, it's safe to assume you're in favor & are a nigger?
Only midwits think that they can judge an entire lifetime of learning and experience with a single sample of data.
Blacks will never climb out of the crab bucket.
Antifa believes they are white supremacists, if the technology works however idc.

The company however gives stats of the embryo In a bell curve, In general it looks like it's marketed towards retards with too much money and their results and technology lag behind other projects and companies in the same sector/technology.
w-will the planet be populated by hyper intelligent tyrones?
Just a little problem with your theory:
Average black IQ is 85. A "smart" black as an IQ of 100.
At least /pol/, and by extension these threads, would be finally eliminated. Well almost eliminated the shill bots from third world brownies would remain obviously.
>inb4 some seething copium wall of text
IQ predicts and correlates with left-wing beliefs
>legit retards will want their babies to be smart
People with low IQ don't tend to think that far ahead.
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>Good morning Shaniqua, would you like us to screen your baby L'marcus to be smart?
>What do you mean? My baby is not born yet.
IQ is not a singular measure, Japanese children do not differ significantly in terms of general intelligence from American children. There is, however, one difference which is the origin of the difference often cited across this shithole. Japanese children consistently score higher in spatial tasks than American children but score lower in verbal and memory tasks than American children.
The cycle of Kali Nigga starts and end with Yakub.
>eugenics are a human rights violation
>unless I can make money off of it
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hahahahahahahaha fpbp
that's just a straight up racist comment
actually smart black people exist
Republicans would never win an election anymore bros....
SD is 15, but other than that, you’re right.
Kek plausible
>at 148 you should be able to excel *effortlessly* even with your social dysfunction.
You can be a lazy sack of shit who avoids any challenge with a high IQ just fine. They even have a snowflake name for it, "Avoidant personality disorder".

There's an easy solution though. >>102903917
should take his meths.
But it isn't though.
The online test you took to get that lied to you. You're almost certainly Koko (the gorilla) tier.
120 isn't even close to smart enough to contribute meaningfully to AGI. 120 might actually be among the worst places to be because they massively overestimate their midwit competence.
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elizabeth whats-her-cunt would like a word with you
ok but people witn 145 IQ don't speak like homosexuals
He is statistically right. Since the average IQ of a black person in USA is below 100, 100 would be considered smart in comparison.
As if blacks could afford this. Asians will use it because they want their child to become a doctor with straight A's.
We already have AGI, gpt-4 was agi under most definitions and O1 definitely is.
complete scam
intelligence is not genetic at all, just don't breed with someone too far removed or too close to yourself simple as
yes having a 20 year old girlfriend at 70 is a good idea, but you ought to have done that earlier as you're going to have autism children
I've always wondered, what kinda world we would live in if never agreed on how long was a meter but we had a mental yard stick we could measure how good our culture and we are doing
>intelligence is not genetic at all
Genes and IQ Correlation
Research has consistently shown that there is a significant correlation between genetic differences and individual differences in intelligence quotient (IQ). Here are some key findings:

Genetic influence: Studies estimate that around 50% of the variation in IQ scores is due to genetic differences, with the remaining 50% attributed to environmental factors (Plomin et al., 2013).
Multiple genes involved: Recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified hundreds of genes associated with intelligence, with each gene having a small effect size (Krapohl et al., 2015; Marioni et al., 2015).
Genes and brain structure: Research has linked specific genes to brain structure and function, including the size and complexity of neurons, synaptic plasticity, and neurotransmitter systems (Andreasen et al., 1993; Hulshoff Pol et al., 2014).
Genetic correlations: Genetic correlations have been found between IQ and other traits, such as educational attainment, cognitive abilities, and mental health (Turley et al., 2018).
Neurogenesis and myelination: A recent study identified genes involved in neurogenesis and myelination as being associated with intelligence, suggesting a role for these processes in cognitive development (Okbay et al., 2016).
IQ is retarded. There is no linear relationship between things when problem solving. I wish people would stop doing things the hard way.
Close. Lucky asians that just got off the boat and jews will use this. MAYBE a few unscrupulous whites and mexicans (all in jobs that don't involve actually producing anything), and of course, oil barons.
How the fuck do you measure the IQ of an embryo?
ask the theranos broad
>implying burgers are intelligent
>bachelors and masters as top of midwit curve
That's phd mr. underage b&

dammit, I just made popcorn, was going to have a lot of fun watching the retards pontardicate
You are almost there, but so far.
ahehehehehe hey lois look its man attempting to play god hehehehe
Black people will allocate all their stats in height and agility for sports

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