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>Majority of people treat programming languages as cryptocurrencies, they want to "invest" in them, before they get big and "moonshot"
Tsoding is a flaming zoomer
No. They don't.
Just learn a handful and use the right tool for the right job
The majority of people learn popular languages. Only people with severe autism learn niche languages.
dead internet theory is personified in this thread.
Who is that lady?
There are two philosphonies.
>Invest in a language because it will be here forever
>Invest in a language because it's trendy and/or there are more jobs on it.
Both are good but the first is better.
How? if you want to see bots speaking to bots open any social media platform.
He's a pretty great programmer though, so who cares.
THIS. He was able to figure out Hare in two hours without documentation
>He's a pretty great programmer though
Duh, he is Russian, they are the masterrace of programming
this is a terminally online statement
most people just use python or JS
Dumbest "take" I have seen.
feels so good to have learnt C++ over 20 years ago. it was relevant then, it will be relevant long after I die. not all languages withstood the test of time.
it's true. nerds love jumping on esoteric shit because they love being able to smugly talk down to someone who doesn't know everything they know and confuse knowing something obscure with being smart. they think there will suddenly be jobs popping up in some meme language they know and they'll be the only applicant
>skip the queue, 300k starting, simple as ehehe
Looks like he is two bad days away from trooning out
I remember when I started my first job many years ago. I was at a social event with a bunch of other new grads in tech. I asked one of them where they stood on the rust vs go war. They said “I don’t know what either of those things are”, turned around and walked away. Nobody else knew wtf they were either. Room full of young driven fagmen
>good at programming
pick one
he's like 34
majority of people are only interested in Bitcoin and Ethereum as well (excluding the real majority that doesn't care about any of it).
I think he's just pointing out that there is a vocal minority that is just obsessed by jumping to the hot new thing with that particular mindset. I bet ecelebs get spammed by them a lot.
It's a pretty inconsequential statement and I don't get why I see one thread every day about it desu
>if i contribute while it's small i can set precedents and conventions that ruin it forever
can someone explain why there are a lot of tsoding threads recently?
good morning sir
Is there really a war between Rust and Go? They seem like they do different things well, like Java and C++. I'm not sure why they'd be fighting for market share.
Fuck Tsoding. I hate him so much.
t. webdev
i'm not a webdev you fucking ivanovshit
get this nigger out of this board.
keep dickriding ur beloved Tsoding lmfao.
What did she mean by this?
Oh xe is trans?
Shoo-shoo, webdev.
>they are the masterrace of programming
nah, russians are faking anything just like the chinks did.
Funny but that's the exact opposite of what happens. Usually people grok whatever is popular in their field and specifically in their area.
The one exception is probably Rust and maybe Elixir, though the latter is more about leveraging an already well known ecosystem.
>Usually people grok whatever is popular in their field and specifically in their area.
He made exactly this observation not long ago; that programmers that enjoy programming don't choose a language, they start fucking around in whatever language their interest is in (e.g. kids that want to make Roblox mods or whatever will use Lua). Programmers that are just in it for a job will gravitate towards whatever is getting the most buzz at the moment.
writing gui in C is an absolute waste of time. How could anyone do this for fun?
writing gui in C is an absolute waste of time. How could anyone do this part for fun? What he proves here is his autism.

t. raylib mobile game dev
There is no war between Go and Rust.

We Gotards are busy doing our own thing (writing the backends for the world's busiest platforms) while Rustroons are busy rewriting basic Unix utilities.
reminder to self to not phonepost with shithole cellular connection
>writing gui in C is an absolute waste of time.

ImGui is unironically one of the most productive GUI framework there is.
That's C++
Huh? Did somebody say "please make another Tsoding thread? on it!"
calculating where every pixel should be drawn in raylib is very different than using imgui lol. He doesn’t use imgui in the video.

OP, please fucking stop with these eceleb threads so I don’t need to post in here.
Jesus, what species eve is that thing
Reminder to the people in the thread to watch good programming youtubers like jdh, AngeTheGreat, Gingerbill and Andreas Kling over this narcissistic twitter midwit.
Please recommend me similar youtubers I mentioned. People showing of their work, not live coding per se.
>watching programming youtubers
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>replying to programming youtuber thread
>please watch nonwhite (nonrussian) jewish youtubers
I bet you pay to post in his gay discord server. Go ahead and miss out on the good stuff.
>the good stuff: raid shadow legends sponsorships, m$/apple shilling, tesla fsd two more weeks, India superpower 2030
No thanks
>raid shadow legends sponsorships
sponsorblock or smash right arrow

>m$/apple shilling
people using a productive operating system

>tesla fsd two more weeks, India superpower 2030
don't know what you're talking about and how this is relevant to the people mentioned
Raylib code quality is pajeet tier. I will cut my balls before using it.
>I will cut my balls
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other tsoding thread got deleted. based jannies doing their job
Writing UI in tcl/tk and doing the logic in C is pretty easy.
Now try something more complex, like gtk
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>searches some shit up
>too adhd to read the two sentences on screen that give the exact solution
>explains basic programming concept
>creates incomplete raylib bindings #4382592
>dab dab 69 your mom xD
his Hare video was the best
I don't know about the majority, but a lot of people really do seem to think about them this way. After all, if you can get in on an up and coming language while it hasn't been fully established your job prospects will be a lot better, and while you're waiting for it to take off, shilling it CONSTANTLY is a great way to at least get people thinking about it. And if you can pump the language user base full of political sacred cows, then its critics constantly have to defend themselves against accusations of being an anti discrimination liability!
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Tsneeding is kinda based. He might be a little bit ADHD but he's also Russian and loves programming. I admire his passion.
russians bypass the rules like they always do
NTA, but nuklear is basically the a C version of imgui but better
says the guy who uses a new language every other week
This is why he's based.
he shows nothing in his videos

Ben Eater and Sebastian Lague are worth to watch
it's true, and it's also true of libraries, text editors and other tools. most people reject things that aren't hyped or already popular.
rust was originally a lot more similar to go, and they were in early development around the same time, so some people viewed them as competitors. somehow a rivalry still persists, even though no one remembers why.
Well Go is a simple and fast language for web servers, but at some point your site will get a lot of traffic and upgrade is needed, so the question will arise: should you optimize existing Go code or write it in Rust (non GC language) to improve the performance. So in that way, they are competitors. But writing good Rust code is exceptionally hard as the compiler will often force you to use Arc<Rc<X>> which is basically just a much slower garbage collector. To get around this, you often need to rewrite huge chunks of code. You could very well run out of money/dev time and end up with a worse program in Rust than Go. But if you do it right, it can be faster. That is where the rivalry comes from
you're firmly in the camp of "no one remembers why"
It’s entirely on the Rust side, since they have a fixation on being "the" memory safe language and thus view Go as a threat because it’s "the other" memory safe language
Go developers, meanwhile, don’t base their industry knowledge off the front page of Orange Reddit and know that there’s dozens of memory safe languages so they just go about pushing code into production instead
Go is not "memory safe". And go is not a rust's competitor, it is a garbage collected language with a java-tier performance.
First on the list
you need to stop being retarded
>dereferencing null pointers
Not my problem
Not my problem
>Data races
Not my problem
You need to kys, gotard
let's see rust's channel ops that make race conditions impossible
Race conditions are solved by atomics, retard
amazing. now let's see your concurrent code.
async fn main() {
await tokio::write_async(os::stdin, "hello, world!\n").unwarp();
faggot eceleb thread
>seethes against chading

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