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This is open source? Then why do firefox/linux fags hate it?
owned by an ad company, weird crypto shit, chromium, insane defaults
>This is open source?
lol nobody tell this pajeet.
because it's better than troonfox in every way possible, so all they can do is spam and seethe
then why isn't Tor using Brave? checkmate, haha. I fap to furry porn btw
They banned my heckin ad blocker
It literally is though
>Incomprehensible replies
I don't like to use Chrome.
They're constantly finding new ways to scam their users, it's like a pop-up ad in software form. I legit don't get why it gets shilled in here so much.
It makes Firefox's existence redundant and therefore really pisses off mozillafags.
It's unironically better though. I tried librewolf and firefox and both are shit.
ok namefag
To build Brave from source you have to download the entire 30GB chromium toolchain. There is no way you or anyone else outside of Google is auditing, or even coming remotely close to understanding that codebase. That's why Brave is so unclear as to whether they will keep supporting manifest v2, because they honestly have no clue what the necessary code is until Google removes it.
Because Brendan was right about covid
see >>102920219 pajeet
>too illiterate to comprehend any dissent
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>more chromeshit but we pre-installed a shittier adblocker and added crypto scams
>makes Firefox's existence redundant
Smartest Brave pajeet.
>I use brave.
>I disabled the crypto options.
>I have no problems.
>This causes seething for some reason.
Explain this.
because people get paid to shill it. It becomes especially apparent when it suddenly switches from multiple daily threads to never being talked about for weeks when the contracts aren't renewed in time or w/e.
Because its right wing chudware
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My main issue with Brave is not that they use the blink engine from chromium, but that they are also using all the crap on top of it.
The whole UI, everything is chromium, but with some brave patches added on top.
So when Manifestv2 gets removed (which isn't inherently part of blink), they have to remove it as well. They can't even maintain that alone.

Meanwhile Falkon, which is using QtWebKit, also uses Blink from Chromium, but it is really just the rendering-the-webpage part while everything around it is their own. All their Extension interfaces are their own. They have three of those, but none of them is WebExtension, so they don't support chrome or firefox extensions, but you can't accuse them of missing extension capabilities.

Falkon is a little barely maintained browser, so it doesn't have all the things you need and you can't use it as a main browser. But the mindset is right.
/g/ retards like it more because the main dev behind it is a chud, while Firefox is openly progressive. That's it. That's the ONLY reason. This fucking board is dead.
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Idk, why do people say this is a tranny browser
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basically this
Ok any alternatives? I like how it doesnt save any gay cookies even if i have to do a million mfas
I don't really give a fuck about that if they provide me with a good browser, which they do for the most part.
>either use standard mozilla or palemoon
>le deceiving big feline
>(ow the) Edge
>meme browsers like Safari
or just cover your ears and pretend there are no crazy people at the helm with Librefox
God, it feels SO GOOD to be a fireCHAD
This kills the fa/g/got.
>no crazy people at the helm with Librefox
Same for me. I am neither team blue nor orange. I just use what works.
pajeet browser
it's incomprehensible because you're an esl retard
we don't, spergs do. the only thing is that it's chromium-based. i don't see how brave will survive when manifest v2 apis are deprecated, which kills Ublock Origin on all chromium browsers (which is literally all of them except firefox). Brave's very source code will prevent it from blocking ads which is the whole point
>1 minutes in settings to turn undesirable defaults off
just like firefox
>right click
poo loo sirs
Maybe try Floorp or Firefox with Arkenfox
If everyone uses a chromium based browser than google will dictate how the WWW works instead of the standards set by the W3C.
I don't wanna use Firefox goddamnit, fuck you Google
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It's just a sad waste of resources.
Brendan Eich is a great guy and every hour he invests into Brave, is an hour he could have invested into a hard fork of Firefox, which would have inevitably replaced Mozilla, because he is a big name in the scene.

Brave is never going to be an independent project. If i want a patched Chromium, i can use ungoogled Chromium.
free things don't have ads

ethical things don't spam

brave has constant spam.

>Just ask the malware nicely to stop!
>in before underageb&s who don't remember when this exact thing literally happened when it was a battle between IE and Netscape pretend this is a paranoid take
I don't hate it, it's adblocking is not as good as ublock origin.
>So when Manifestv2 gets removed (which isn't inherently part of blink), they have to remove it as well. They can't even maintain that alone.

Who told you that? They were capable of introducing their own content blocker that doesn't run as an extension and is memory safe.

>Meanwhile Falkon, which is using QtWebKit, also uses Blink from Chromium, but it is really just the rendering-the-webpage part while everything around it is their own. All their Extension interfaces are their own. They have three of those, but none of them is WebExtension, so they don't support chrome or firefox extensions, but you can't accuse them of missing extension capabilities.

Chromium offers superior security.

They don't. It usually takes them a week to ship critical security patches, and you can do everything librewolf does without compromising on already shitty Firefox security by adding flags to Firefox like arkenfox does.
it doesn't have ads. you clearly haven't used it. it has a thing you have to explicitly opt into that sends you crypto and jeets farm it for pennies a day. and them shilling their vpn is not different than turning off all of firefox's sponsored links and products
okay it's time to make HitlerFox Browser
its literally just crappy chromium fork #9876 with built in addons.... it is undeniably a crappy browser for normalfaggots like you who use reddit. kys nigger shill kike pajeet
>and is memory safe
>Chromium offers superior security
>open source
>no reproducible binary builds
Name one thing Firefox offers that Brave doesn't.
ads in the home screen
Brave includes Tor and adblockers by default, and it's easy enough to use for normgroids, so glowniggers and Google pay shills to try and redirect people to Firefox as the "safe" alternative to Chrome instead.
Don't worry, you'll learn about programming some day.
Brave literally offers that
its not a tranny icon like firefox
>tranny icon
get laid, trannoid
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i wasnt being ironical
you trannoids are a hive mind
if someone pays the lgbtetc grifters among you you then shill the product, for free ofc,
and the product becomes a trannoid icon
I still have to use Ublock origin on this as the native adblock fucking sucks, the only reason to use this is as an alternative to Chrome
Same reason Trump supporters utterly despise Biden, he's not Ttump lmao.
>easy for normgroids
yeah, i do all my autistic privacy tinkering in firefox but when a friend or family says something negative about chrome or annoying popups i install brave for them, import their bookmarks, strip out all the junk/useless features, and install sponsorblock. they're always amazed they can use the internet AIDS-free and they reeeeally like seeing the "trackers blocked" number go up
you don't. you can turn on ublock origin filters in settings out the box
>Just ask the malware
You don't know the definition of malware.
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firefox is dying and we should welcome that; they put ideology before technology, fuck them.
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you can disable it with a single click
>tinker with your shit
aint got no time for that, neet
Tell me how to turn on the camera through the terminal I use a Mac if anything Someone can figure it out
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so true, sister
I want to ask what is the best browser for programmers
Gaymer hair, what's the best skibidi browser for us? I heard lots of rizz about Opera GX, but Arc just looks more sigma.
what are you doing on these godforsaken places?
also old pic, shouldnt it show xitter instead?
so Arc is the best browser for programmers
the fuck, here's your (you)
Tell me how to turn on the camera through the terminal I use a Mac if anything Someone can figure it out
>Opera GX
They fucked themselves last year when they decided they needed to have a black man scream at you on startup. Their marketshare more than halved itself the very next month.
and Firefox is like a normal browser for prgographers or brave for example
Honestly, I like the UI of the browser, it's one of the better ones for Chrome forks. I tried Vivaldi not to long ago, and it has some nice features. Page filters are nice.
I'm just too comfy on Brave now to want to change. I only meant it to be temporary thing after leaving Pale Moon, but now, I just can't get into any other browser.
>Honestly, I like the UI of the browser, it's one of the better ones for Chrome forks. I tried Vivaldi not to long ago, and it has some nice features. Page filters are nice.
>I'm just too comfy on Brave now to want to change. I only meant it to be temporary thing after leaving Pale Moon, but now, I just can't get into any other browser.

What kind of browser are you currently using?
they fucked themselves when they started spamming and paying people to pretend their browser wasn't malware. Anybody who uses it after that behavior is a retard
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yes seer
Why are web developers like this?
Palemoon's devs were also bad in the head

Waterfox works really nice
Supposedly bought by an ad company but i hadn't gotten any problems
It's not as stable as it is on Windows for some strange reason. If they make it better I'll switch to it.
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Holy shit

dangerously zazed, saaar
It's just Chrome with a different logo.
>Explain this.
Browser favoritism and brand loyalty, or trolling. This is why some people still praise windows 7.

Lets use >>102924363 as an example. There is no real rebuttal beyond a very, VERY, general surface level view of the browser. There is no depth to the commentary, there is no insights as to why Brave is actually a concern after disabling crypto options, and this particular anon doesn't align himself with any other browser option nor elaborate further. You can tell this is a troll because of this evasiveness. He gains nothing but attention by responding to you in this way because there is nothing else to be gained. His claims are baseless, and his behavior is engaging. Just ignore these ones and talk to anons who provide meaningful feedback.
firefox with different logo good
chrome with different logo bad
Chrome with cryptoslop
That hate it because they hate change and don't understand how ads can be served anonymously. Also, the crypto rewards, the sidebar, and Leo need to be turned off for the best experience, but that is just a few clicks in the settings. Its basically Chrome benefits with Firefox benefits mashed together.
It's over for troonfox
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>They were capable of introducing their own content blocker that doesn't run as an extension and is memory safe.
They will never be able to keep up with Groople's modifications to youtube to break content blockers.
So everyone keeps mentioning crypto regarding brave. What are the allegations? It mines crypto behind the scenes while you have it open?
there's a crypto wallet built in, for some reason this makes /g/ troons uncontrollably shit and piss themselves
>posts something you can also disable with a single click
are you retarded?
I don't know but it has crypto scam which is enough of a repellant.
>Reminder that in order to collect your cryptocurrency you need to use a service that requires you to show your face and outright says it will use your biometric data for marketing purposes. Trusting people who greenlit that to respect your privacy is foolish.

>As of now, only Gemini and Uphold wallets are working with Brave.
>2FA at Gemini is powered by the Authy 2FA API. This means you use the free Authy app to get your 2FA token and login to Gemini.
>In consultation with the team at Gemini, verifying Brave Rewards with a Gemini account is restricted only to the following supported countries of registration
>In creating an Account, you will be asked to set up an email and password, and you will be required to set up two-factor authentication (“2FA”) By signing up for our service and accepting these terms, by providing a mobile phone number you consent that Uphold may contact you by SMS or text message (including by an automatic telephone dialing system) at the mobile phone number you associate with your account for the following;
>Brave telemetry can be disabled easily by replacing it with some other privacy-friendly browser.
>you can disable it with a single click, bro!
Funny how the same could be said about Brave's home screen ads, yet you cultists spew foam from your mouth the moment we tell you to disable it with a "single click". Just like Firefox.
It's funny because braveshill's only response to criticism is to attack ff and make it a competition between the two.

Mention the gorrillion other perfectly gud chromium forks/ver. -
thorium, ungoggled, vanilla chromium etc. with ublock
& their whole argument falls down.
Brave is barely even a fork - basically a chromium reskin with dodgy crypto and ads builtin
>inb4 you can disable them bro...
brave shields you dumb troon
So, slightly inferior ver. of ublock?
*thumbs up emoji*
>it's better than troonfox in every way possible
They stopped supporting Windows 7.
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>why do firefox/linux fags hate it?
not even true. i've used both extensively and am stuck defending brave from people that act like it's malware when it's actually great for most people with very minimal tweaks
the one where the dev accidentally put furry porn and a folder called "child genital mutilation" in the source code and then stopped development?
it's the only iOS browser that will block jewtube ads
>and am stuck defending brave
It's literally just a browser. Unless you're getting
>0.001 BAT
deposited to your account why are you even here?

>it's the only itoddler toy browser that will block jewtube ads
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my dad runs chrome with ublock based on my recommendation

my personal choice is safari because its a fast browser that utilizes screen real estate well, or at least in a way I can manage it
>itoddler toy browser
you are terminally online. go call 10 people iToddlers IRL and report back how it went
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open source isnt enough. when /g/cels reside in their battle stations they're looking for free software
read: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.en.html
i berate my family and friends for their tech consoomer choices all the time though
also number one in india
>constantly finding new ways to scam their users
>I legit don't get why it gets shilled
how are you not connecting two dots?
>have to opt out of spyware/crypto viruses
Yeah thats gonna be a no from me on Brave dawg.

Ill just stick with Firefox.
enjoy your aids
Promotes terrible security and privacy practices
>open new TOR tab
>earn crypto as you surf the web
Because its chrome
Lion mogs you
>Brave Search uses its own web index. As of May 2022, it covered over 10 billion pages and was used to serve 92% of search results without relying on any third-parties, with the remainder being retrieved server-side from the Bing API or (on an opt-in basis) client-side from Google.[7] According to Brave, the index was kept "intentionally smaller than that of Google or Bing" in order to help avoid spam and other low-quality content.
>Discussions: a feature that shows conversations related to the search query, such as comments on the website Reddit.[9] When a user searches and scrolls down, if available a discussions section will be there, and it will contain various forums where and the user can click one to see an answer from a user from an online community.
>Goggles: a feature that allows users to apply their own rules and filters to a search.[6]
>Answer with AI: large language model that automatically responds to some search queries, aided by content from web pages in the search results.
Lion mogs you
The only two reason I can remember are that the creator hates Israel and trannies.

So that makes you the enemy of at least 70% of linux users.
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this is what i got when i typed in "does the universe have drag" into brave browser.
Crypto scam, constant shilling and replacing ads with their own insteaf of just blocking them all are my reasons
Yeah disable the ai shit. It's just bandwagon hopping to keep the investors happy.

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