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>Get memed into buying a stinkpad by /g/ a few years ago
>The worst laptop I've had in my life
>Get a gaming laptop recently
>It's the best machine I've ever used
you're a bunch of terminal contrarians
Based I also got a legion
The only issues I had was turning off the gaymer keyboard lighting and the fans tend to spin a lot

Using an incelpad in 2024 is just why
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>imagine getting memed into doing anything
>imagine being such a sheep and blaming others for what you did

>imagine calling others contrarians while making a thread talking about how you're going against popular opinion
any stinkpad past 2020 is shit. the good ones are the compact lightweight ultrabooks with decent gpu that are biz line. the rest is just ideapad-tier
their keyboards have a nice layout with dedicated pageup and pagedown keys
gaming laptops suck. what you actually want is an engineering laptop. like a big chunky Dell Precision.
>noo you need to have a big-ass bulky laptop that runs out of battery after 2hrs
you've perfectly described the average gaming laptop
I think second hand/refurbished thinkpads are ok if something cheap and portable is needed in addition to having a PC at home, got a t495s for less than $300. A 16:10 screen would be nicer though.
I got 2 stinkpads. Second one was x230 from Britain and it really stunk. Smelt awful like someone burnt hair inside it. First one X220 and still works, don't use it much but have had it's uses.
usually depends on which chinkpad you buy
u mad?
>buys old business laptop
>blames /g/
No, you really don't unless you actually have a use case for it.
There's never going to be a one size fits all solution. Some people need a lightweight mobile bootloader for their browser "apps", others need an actual desktop replacement, and in between them there's people with all sorts of needs and preferences.
I for example have an hp "mobile workstation" which, while nice, I have learned I don't actually need as I rarely utilize it. In fact, for my use case I would have been better off getting something more lightweight and typical in lieu of a "workstation" because this thing drains battery insanely quickly and runs hot as hell to the point I don't feel confident using it in a "mobile" way.
You're dumb. Either buy a gaming desktop or make a budget gaming desktop. Stop being dumb.
You can just turn off the dGPU.
Not really with these modern hybrid GPUs. Best you can do is put it in low power mode (d3cold) but it's always sucking around 5W.
i love my legion. i just got a 2024 slim and gave my 2022 to my wife. both dualbooting fedora & 10. solid laptops and pretty cheap
And now you have a big-ass bulky laptop that runs out of battery after 3hrs with less features than ultraportables lasting 10+h
my legion slim 14 can last around 7-8hrs while doing light work though
Give it a year.
I've had 2... the previous one was legit good and gave it to my little brother, he's still gaming on it far as I know.. and I bought another one about a month ago... have had 0 issues so far... and I only paid for a cheap model... they are good
>fan is on constantly and sounds like a jet engine
sounds like a (you) problem
I have both a thinkpad and a legion and the legion mogs the fuck out of stinkpad.
Sure you can spend about the same and get a carbon x or whatever which has similar build quality but why the fuck would you pay the same amount for no gpu and a worse screen?
Old thinkpads have cool features like removable keyboard but they're too underpowered to do much and have shit screens by today's standards.
I just gave the thinkpad to my mom so she can watch youtube videos.
Been using my gayming laptop for 2 years without issues
have fun with your video games
>what you want is a heavier more expensive gaming laptop
>gaming laptop
I refuse to believe anyone is dumb enough to buy such a thing
Yeah, /g/'s obsession Thinkpads and hating gaming laptops is outdated and wrong.

Most of the gaming laptop hatred comes from 15 years ago when gaming laptops were legitimately trash. Since then it has just been perpetuated by people repeating what they've heard from other people, even long after it became irrelevant. These days you can easily get stylish, high performance gaming laptops for like £1,000.

Likewise with the obsession with Thinkpads, you can tell they're just repeating outdated advice because their reasons for buying them don't even make sense in the current year, for example "good hardware support". I have literally never seen a laptop made in the last 10 years that didn't have full Linux hardware support, with the obvious exception of Macbooks.
Well, they're objectively bad compared to desktops due to overheating and noise, but "it'll shit itself in a year lmao" thing is largely a meme though. Also, holy shit, choosing which one to buy is a fucking nightmare, reviews obviously can't be trusted, you might as well pick whatever.
/g/ is made of mostly poorfags with crabs in a bucket mentality.
I have my gayming laptop with i7 7700hq and GTX 1060 since 2017 and literally no issues whatsoever, only thing I did on it was changing the thermal paste a couple of years ago and thats it, still working like a charm.
This "laptops die with a year lul" is nothing more than an iToddler/tinkertroon nonsense
Can easily be mitigated by a simple £20 cooling pad. My laptop never gets above 70 degrees even during heavy gaming sessions.

I mean, my laptop is completely silent when I'm doing normal shit like office work or browsing the web. It's only noisy when I'm playing games, and then I usually have headphones on so I don't even care.

The only legitimate downside to gaming laptops is that you get less performance for your money than you would with a desktop. But obviously that is the premium you're paying for portability and convenience.
Jokes on you I got a spill proof and shock proof thinkpad that I use for web, classes and Spotify. Have a desktop dedicated for gaming as I don't game outside (I'm not a virgin and when they are home I tell the sluts that it's for video editing)
I went looking for laptop advice on /g/ and the only laptop thread was the thinkpad general. So what are the good options for a <£300 laptop that only needs to run Microsoft office software and a web browser and be as portable as possible? Chromebook?
Chromebooks are shit. Just get a second hand hp or a gaming laptop, or a thick 4 cores thinkpad
Can you not do anything about the fans spinning a lot? I was thinking of buying a Legion or Zephyrus, I want average thickness with a dGPU and they seem like the best choices with decent Linux support but my biggest gripe with my 10 year old laptop is that the fans spin when doing even light video like playing 1080p video/youtube/streams so if that's an issue with Legion I'll avoid it
Which laptop brand is the least worst one nowadays?
Lenovo is still good
I used thinkpads for basically over 10 years
Now I have a macbook air m1 and lol
I want a new laptop for ML development and running LLM models locally, I wanted a Thinkpad because I heard they were durable but the only GPU one has RTX A500, there's an Ideapad at the same price with an RTX 3050 and 3K screen, should I just go for that?
Have you actually got any experience running LLMs? With the amount of VRAM needed I find it very hard to imagine you having a good time on a laptop.
How about the legion go?
In YouTube videos I see games stutter
The smaller ones should work. I've seen people run old LLaMAs on 4GB VRAM GPUs.
Why not get a laptop with 4060? That's 8gb vram and they're not particularly expensive
The gaming laptop battery will get to that point within a year or two if you use it for gaming regularly. Laptop batteries suck ass
Why did they take away removable battery's from everyone?
A yes tracking
that's why you only game when it's connected to the wall though
>I have literally never seen a laptop made in the last 10 years that didn't have full Linux hardware support, with the obvious exception of Macbooks.
You haven't looked very hard, then. A lot of laptops ship with WiFi modules that have no Linux drivers, because Mediatek is a cheap piece of shit and wont' release Linux drivers for their low end cheap modules. It's an easy fix to replace (usually), but you do have to replace them if you want to run Linux on these laptops.
The only way you can power off the dGPU is with ACPI hacks, but then you lose the display kek because the screen and the HDMI ports are connected directly to the dGPU to appease gamers' latency sensibilities. If you want to use the iGPU, dGPU must be powered on, and even in low power mode that will be a couple watts.
lol retard
Would be a good choice but most of them dont allow more than 125-150w on the gpu.
This is precisely how you ruin the battery.

I got a legion like 5 years ago, and I've been using it nearly daily ever since. No issues with it ever.

I never touch the keyboard if i can help it. Often times i bring a laptop stand and my tenkeyless. Usually have it docked at home.
I got a Legion 5 and I've never been happier with a laptop other than my P52. It's phenomenal. The cooling is great and the hardware support for Linux is fantastic. The legions are built really well and they don't have any of that meme design language going on on the case that tells people "I'm a gamer" and you can always turn the keyboard lighting off.
That's not how charging works anymore.
>Legion 5
So is this the new t480?
please bring back something like expresscard but with gpu you can slot in and out
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Got a Legion 7 with i9 and 4080.
Cool design, sturdy, great screen, good keyboard, shitton of ports, physical camera switch, runs any modern slop on everything maxed at 120+ FPS and is nice to work on.

My wife got a dainty pic related with a 4060 which is plenty for girly games and to play online shit together.

Stinkpads BTFO.
Incel website
Are 13th/14th generation mobile intel cpus affected by intel's retardation or not? Should I just get AMD?
Only desktop but Lenovo pushed a bios update to deal with it just in case.
Can you play 1080p(4k?) video/watch youtube/watch twitch or other streams without the fans coming on?
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Stinkpad users still had a point for using some garbage from 2012 when it was 2019, but they're so stuck in the past now they refuse to see time has moved on now that Intel and AMD are on new node processes that are fundamentally so much better they might as well be computing on an abacus.
Never thought I'd see Lenovo shills here. T480 is still the best cheap laptop (don't waste time with framework)
If you want to "game" build a PC.
Enjoy your gayming backdoor
Laptop GPUs are good now, the xx60 performs within 10% of the desktop version and even the xx70-xx80 perform well when not power limited (do your research on the W)
You just turn on the "quiet mode" which heavily nerfs CPU/GPU usage and makes silent and cool. It's still more powerful than any stinkpad in that mode.
Mobile 4080 is comparable to desktop 4070 super in those 175W models which is pretty damn impressive.
"quiet mode", sir this is a linux operating system, are you saying that the fans come on while playing 1080p video unless you use some custom shovelware thats windows only?
You can just limit the power draw yourself, ape.
>getting a gaymer laptop to use linux on it
Full retard.
so what you're saying is the system is loud and noisy without software customization to limit it, doesn't sound ideal to me, "gaymer" laptops like the legion or zephyrus series are just normal laptops with good cooling and a dgpu that doesn't suck, they are functional and practical, you also aren't free from fan noise on no dGPU laptops it's not like most of them are passively cooled so you will still run into noise issues if you put the CPU under load
also gaming on linux is normal now theres no issue
>so what you're saying is the system is loud and noisy without software customization to limit
Depends on how much load you put on it but not really unless you're playing a modern game.
What I meant by quite mode is literally quiet, you don't even hear the fans or feel the warm air coming out.
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I fell for the Thinkpad meme and my parents swear by them now. Lenovo is an ez buy brand for them which beats the hell out of the walmart tier ewaste they were buying before. Mac was never option nor any garish looking rainbow lighted gamer PC
I just want a laptop that can play/stream 1080p video without the fans being audible, why does this seem impossible to find
I told you they can do this just fine holy shit.
Weird, whenever I'm happy with something I bought I post the model and my actual experiences with it not some low effort bait talking trash about an alternative that I didn't choose. I'm glad to know you're happy with your mystery gaming laptop anon. Hopefully that happiness lasts over time and isn't just the novelty of having a new thing
You told me I had to use quiet mode which isn't the same thing because linux has no good temp/fan control software
>Are 13th/14th generation mobile intel cpus affected by intel's retardation or not?
They are affected. Intel denies it, but there's plenty of customer data showing that laptop Raptor lake CPUs also degrade. Although keep in mind that the degradation is heavily focused on the top end of the product stack, it's mostly stuff with 13950HX's and 13980HX's that experience the issues.
For reference, mine can run modern slop at 60 FPS on 2560x1600 on ultra settings with zero noise in quiet mode.
For 1080p old gamers it's not even a question.
Surely there's something to control wattage?
gaming laptops are spyware with backdoor cpus
T400 with coreboot its unmatched evento X230
NSA can have all my futa porn, I'm not a mutt so I don't give a flying fuck
The fan immediately turns on for even the smallest things with these "gaming" laptops. I don't get why squeezing a bunch of crap (that will just throttle) into a laptop is a such a good scam that they don't make anything actually good.
>Surely there's something to control wattage?
no, so i'd like it if you could tell me if its noisy on default settings with no software
Man what the fuck is wrong with loonix.
My temps stay under 80 on full load in modern games which is perfectly bearable and in fact inaudible with headphones on.
You can cap the GPU usage a little to make the temps drop down to 70 which will make the fans quiet and you only lose 10 FPS or so which doesn't matter in most games.
Outside of games or even with older games you can just turn on the quiet mode.
Surveillance capitalism is global lol
Not only amerimutt
My RTX 3060 HP Victus 16 gets 6 hours of battery life during medium load and fully charges in 1 hour, have you tried not being tech illiterate?
Those niggers don't even reduce the refresh rate down to 60 for work and just let it run at the default 240 or whatever which is the main cause of battery drain.
"My HP Victus 16 gets 6 hours of battery life while sitting on the desktop with music playing in the background, and fully charges in 1 hour!"
the charging times are really impressive now
My legion 14 goes from 40% to 80% within like 30 mins, it's great if you have to do some demanding task and then take a break where you can charge up your device
I haven't had a laptop since like 2014, what's changed?
I have a T480 because a lot of people recommended it as a good value laptop and I'm bad at knowing what processors are good. It's enough for multitasking, some light video editing, music production, all kinds of 2D games and older 3D games. I never use it without the cable plugged in. If you have 700$ to spend I'd try to find a used gaming laptop that can play AAA games.
Retards do this all the time, at least OP didn't get memed into being a contrarian's contrarian and getting a macbook
Yeah let me just desolder some fucking mosfets you fucking cunt bastard bitch

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