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i guess she's never used a washing machine or dishwasher
I do manual laundry in like 1 hour every week and dishes in 5mins, stop being useless fucks, you probably spend more time doomscrolling
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>author and video game enthusiast
if she can't do art or writing better than an AI (which is a very low bar) then maybe she should be doing laundry and dishes
>you probably spend more time doomscrolling
what else is there to do? art, writing, and programming? that's done by the AIs
as a father i do like 10 loads of laundry a week at least
It never dawned on me how lazy my parents were until I moved out and had to take care of my own house and realized how little effort it actually takes to keep your home not filthy and buried in piles of junk
Women constantly dribble shit and mucus and piss in their underwear they have to switch pairs like 2-3 times a day
AI is a monkeypaw type deal.
>everyone willfully missing the fucking point
AI should be doing the boring and menial tasks, not stealing fun ones.
No we use sanitary pads or tampon(rarely and disgusting) when we have periods normally we're good
please stop making sense, you should be churning out astroturfing posts and ragebait.
Your idea of "fun" isn't the same for every one else. Some people do math for fun, some torture animals for fun, some write bad fan fiction for fun. Sounds like you just want a personal slave.
nta but some people, like me, DO want a personal slave so I can focus on more fun things.
If you like menial labour, then good for you. But I'd prefer to screw around on a canvas instead.
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also imagine thinking that ai is "doing your art" and "doing your writing" bitch the ai doing what you tell it to do

it literally can speed up your work flow, true 100xers like me know that AI is just an extension of your mind and not a replacement for anything.

I waited 15 minutes to post this
turns out the development and production of AI models is cheaper than the development and production of complex robots designed to handle a lot of different menial tasks
>AI costs trillions just to get off the ground and barely function at a brainlet level
I don't really think that AI is cheaper to develop, it's just faster to demo/mvp.
still think it's way cheaper than a robot that knows how to do and hang laundry, do the dishes, clean floors, etc...
she is right though
Effort to keep a house clean is exponential to the number of people in it. A single-person place is fucking easy mode. A 4-person house takes 8x the effort minimum.
I want AI to do everything so I can be plugged into a full-dive simulation full of JCs forever.
>p0lish woman
not like she does either
I actually agree. What's the problem with this post? If it was a male columnist and you replaced "AI" with robot anime girl maid who does your dishes/laundry, then /g/ would agree wholesale.
AI could be recognizing types of dish in the sink and direction a robotic arm to load them into the dishwasher and put them away in the cupboard or a dish dispenser of some sort. It could be sorting and folding laundry.
You can't lie to me I've lived with women my whole life, your underwear literally darkens and bleaches if you wear it too long.
Build a farm to sustain yourself. Humans working 'jobs' is deprecated.
>still think it's way cheaper than a robot that knows how to do and hang laundry, do the dishes, clean floors, etc...
Yeah that's true, AI would have to be a subsystem to this robot in order to handle tasks with undefined intermediary steps, so it would necessarily be more expensive to develop the software and hardware.
If your job is so easy to replace, perhaps you aren't very useful member of society to begin with?
I, for one, wish for total inkcel death.
You had me at personal slave. I have always wanted one. I said it out loud to some friends and I think they took it as me being racist. I just don’t wan to do menial tasks or pay for somebody to do them.
AI will do what it can do and it can't do what it can't do. Is she acting like AI writing and doing art is the end goal, rather than just applications of what current AI can do while we progress towards the thing she wants AI to do?
>I want to be a socialist

how does generative AI = physical robot that does manual labor? Where are you making that connection?
Don't be a fucking retard.
if you cook every night there's no way you do dishes in five minutes. That being said, that roastie probably hasn't cooked a real meal in her life.
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>t. Woman
Makes sense. I'd imagine we all want that
I'm guessing your mom does your laundry and dishes if you think there's no work involved
i want a robot to do those and a program to generate my posts and art
I think he was on about NON menstrating.
Women are naturally filthy as fuck, just naturally.
their cunt is always dripping mucus and like that anon said it bleaches their underwear.
Not even to mention the whole hair debacle. With women around your home is normally full up of hair especially sinks getting clogged and your toilet roll is always fucking out.

Then like another anon said about more people live in a home the amount of grime and dirt increases.
1 mans dirt would be the same dirt as probably 3 women.
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My ex used to complain endlessly about how I didn't do the dishes and laundry while I made 100% of our income. I divorced her and now even taking care of two kids as a single dad (got the kids, the house and most of the assets because ex was clinically psycho at the end), I spend two to three hours tops a WEEK on laundry and dishes.
Any woman who bitches about those two simple as fuck chores should be branded and sold into chattel slavery. They have no fucking clue.
The three types of 4channer.
I want AI to suck my dick so I don't need to simp for roasties
it is exceptionally disturbing to me to see how much of life is just so fucking easy now but the HORROR some people seem to face when told they'll have to wash their dishes (read put dishes in dish water) or wash their clothes (read put clothes in washing machine) legitimately 99% of stuff that needs doing around your house can be done in a matter of minutes but it's just SOOOO HARD for lazy fucks to do anything as trivial as flip a fucking light switch that they gush over every new thing to make their lives that .1% easier such that they're getting diminishing returns for their freedom
so no I don't feel sorry for the artists and other faggots who spent years telling us we need thinking machines so we can all sit around being poets and painters and shit while they do the hard work because you can't dictate which way technology progresses, when something useful is found it will be applied to as many things as it can be and sadly that means sometimes it puts you out of a job, you dug this grave now lie in it
This, I had a live-in gf at one point and she would similarly complain. We didn't even have any kids so literally the extent of her workload would have been spending 30 minutes a day tidying and doing the dishes (if that, not like 2 adults make a lot of mess)
But no, that was simply too much to ask, it's not 1950 anymore why should she do all this super hard work? I told her I would be extremely happy for her to take up my full time job and I would stay at home with my only job being to get off my ass for 30 minutes a day to clean and tidy the house, funnily enough she didn't take me up on my offer
She soon found herself living back with her parents, and last I heard she's still single complaining that there's no good men out there (we broke up 2 years ago)
>Not even to mention the whole hair debacle. With women around your home is normally full up of hair especially sinks getting clogged and your toilet roll is always fucking out.
This is the single worst thing about living with a woman that I was not prepared for, it's a fucking horror show. It's worse than having a big German Shepherd dog around the house, their long spindly hair just gets fucking everywhere constantly. I would be unclogging the shower drain 3 times a week, peeling hair off the tiles, vacuuming up big hair balls.

And the worst part is women think it's cute, "hehe look my hair is everywhere", they don't even take responsibility for it and clear that shit up
It literally takes 5 minutes to load and unload a dishwasher. Most people don't do dishes more than once every couple days. The $/time efficiency of using a robot isn't anywhere near worth it. Same for laundry. A week of clothes is maybe 10 minutes of actual labor.
>Laundry and dishes
Washing machine and a dishwasher do that for me with no effort and 0 wasted time.
You are free to do your art and writing any time. AI is not holding your hand.
Wow it's almost like we don't have the technology yet to manufacture robots that can do laundry and dishes for you, and we do have the technology to create AI-generated digital content. What a conspiracy.
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>we don't have the technology yet to manufacture robots that can do laundry and dishes for you
We have.
My dishwasher and laundry machines and rice cooker have "AI" as they call it, which is really just a fuckton of sensors that adjust over time to adapt for ambient temperature, water hardness, dirt levels, etc etc to optimize their performance.
ngl I have to deal with this shit myself as I have not had a haircut or a beard shave for nearly 2 years.
it's gotta come off soon though, before end of next month I am shaving my whole body
NTA but I finally got a good dishwasher, Bosch 800, and man you don't even have to prewash you just scrape chunks into the trash can and jam everything into the dishwasher, even pans, and it silently turns them perfectly clean. Takes a few hours to run a cycle but you can't hear it run so you can fire it off during the day easily, whereas before we'd have to let it run in the middle of the night since you can't hear anyone over the noise of the old hit n miss engine. The one at Costco is the German made one, has a water softener too which helps here. I love this lil guy.
My parents are constantly tired because they stay up late every single fucking night just sitting at the dinner table and scrolling Facebook. It’s just constant slop being fed into their brains, for hours every day. They’ve started eating fast food more and more because they’re too lazy to cook.
It infuriates me to see them just staring blankly at their screens for HOURS every night. Oh and I recently found out they’ve been drinking green tea every night, as in the single tea that has almost as much caffeine as coffee, right before bed.
They’re basically guaranteed to get dementia but they refuse to change their lifestyle.
>I want [a slave] to do my laundry and dishes so that I can do art and writing, not for [a slave] to do my art and writing so that I can do my laundry and dishes"

mind blown!
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I get your point, but sometimes when you're tired from work even those few minutes feel like a huge chore, having that done for us would be ideal so we can focus on other things instead.

Hopefully one day we get to that point.
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Too bad. This world is fucked. Should have listened.
You negros had a choice: eugenics or silicon sneed shit. You made your choice and now you have your annoying stochastic parrot gay sidekick.
Feel free to genetically engineer better humans any time, and you can collect your star wars future. Until then, you're suckin and truckin lil' tard wranglers.
Go talk to your therapist about your depression. Society doesn't need to be structured around your mental disorders.
>What? I'm not depressed.
Yes you are. If spending a few minutes loading or unloading a dishwasher is too emotionally draining for you, you're depressed. Either power through it or get on the pharmajew. Just keep in mind that it's your problem, not everyone else's that you don't want to use the dishwasher.
Well yes. A personal slave without any legal or ethical problems or extreme financial costs sounds pretty fucking good.
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>like, they should automate other people jobs, not mine!
100 x 0
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You are too spoiled. In old times women did clean, cook, raise children, and work full time to maintain a man that beat her and wasted the money in alcohol, gambling and prostitutes.
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Automation is good when it helps me, but it should be banned when it doesn't. How retard one has to be to not understand this very simple fact?
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She's sorta right, but there still is value in doing tedious, boring work, since it builds character like any kind of toiling, suffering, etc.
it's easy to automate stuff when most people don't give a shit about the mistakes
Eww, stinky bathroom girl!
>They’re basically guaranteed to get dementia
elaborate. does doing nothing and having a shitty lifestyle really gives you dementia?
yes, obviously, just doing the fucking puzzles on the paper journals can heavily help against dementia
not exercising your brain is a total torture sentence when you get old
>just doing the fucking puzzles on the paper journals
I mean, you can do that and still have a shity lifestyle. do your parents not give a shit about anything?
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Have you worked a day in your life?
White collar bros... it's over.
Anon, that's a woman.
I don't get it. why is this whole website contrarian to the point of defeating itself? she's completely right. in fact, that's what technology is about: to let machines do what we don't want to do. actually, she's just ignorant (maybe even intellectually lazy), because the """AI""" she wants already exists, in the form of washing machines, electric cookers, vacuum cleaners and even fucking microwave ovens. all of that can replace hard work and automate some stuff to some degree. she just wants even more automation. she's fucking RIGHT. and if you don't agree with that, YOU DON'T BELONG IN THIS BOARD, YOU RETARD.
We don't need easier tools or an AI to do everything for us as it's already been made trivial.
All we really need is a shorter work week.
Too bad that's not going to happen because (((they))) figured that as long as everybody has their soul drained once a week we won't have the time or energy to challenge the system.
Practical outcome of giving women technology to automate house labor did not result in art and writing as this lady wished, it gave us OnlyFans and DEI. It also gave women depression.

Any tips for ironing beed sheets and shirts?
>everything was much better in the past!
half the babies they had died from disease.
again, you "conservatives" don't belong here. I mean, it's in the fucking name of your ideology: you want to go back to dark fucking times where technology fucking sucked and the churches killed "witches" and "wrong"thinkers.
Holy dog shit touch some grass.
Yea I don't believe your kind should talk about baby deaths as a moral high ground.
what if some technology good and some technology bad and we should evaluate it on case by case basis instead of eating any slop that has technology label on it
She's 100% wrong. No one's forcing her to use AI.
>I'm guessing your mom does your laundry and dishes if you think there's no work involved
I'm a lazy slob but even I don't consider it much work.
Except hanging my clothes to dry because I don't have a dryer.

If your mom tells you it's a lot of work then your mom is a lazy whore.
>I spend two to three hours tops a WEEK on laundry and dishes.
How do you even spend that much?
Dishes take me maybe 5 minutes.
Laundry something like 15 minutes.
Both I do once a week so 20 minutes total.

If I had kids then yeah multiply my 3 - one hour a week.
>heuristically-tuned combination washer/dryers you can control with your phone from work
>any regular-ass dishwasher
what's the issue? how is setting a machine to go and leaving useful?
>some technology good and some technology bad and we should evaluate it on case by case basis
good for whom? bad for whom?
while I agree that """AI""" does take some jobs from people, I don't buy that it will take ALL jobs. but I agree with her, we NEED robots to do our laundry, dish washing, bathroom and carpet cleaning and similar automations. we need to be free from that shit. i also agree that things are complicated, and I think giving too much time to some people is BAD for humanity as a whole, because most people are retarded they usually end up doing something bad with that time... but we can also solve that with technology.

>Dishes take me maybe 5 minutes.
> 5 minutes a week
how? do you have a dishwasher? do you live alone? I used to live with my gf and I would spend like half an hour washing shit a couple of days a week, mostly because I had to do it by hand and we had a mountain of shit to wash every fucking day. I live alone now and I don't even use dishes so I wash my stuff like once a week lmao
I already know everything created by this demon is hideous.
Who in their right minds irons a fucking bed sheet? Are you in the military and this is something they do to waste your time?

There is no way you spend "5 minutes a week" doing dishes unless you almost exclusively live off takeout. Or maybe you just rinse things off and your dishes are all fucking nasty and greasy all the time. Idk.
Most people prefer to wear clean clothes every day, dumbfuck, not once a week.
My mom gave me a Miele roller iron in my 20s.
Get that fucker up and running and you can plow an entire house's worth of laundry through it in like 30m.

I shove it in front of the TV, load the laundry baskets, and watch a single episode of Star Trek.

Done for two weeks.

Regular iron? Oh fuck no.
>muh churches
all of them combined have a lower body count throughout all of history than just one year worth of abortions.
How is nobody has a Scanner or know how made APA citations?
And who read printed media ?
Well, that's one thing this troon and I can agree on.
There are zero financial gain in a robot making laundry, cleaning dishes, construction jobs or filling potholes. In every movie or series, robots always are a generic butler/maid because there arent other reason why the robot should exist.
Pretty much. Allows for potential marvellous breakthroughs at the top end of science and engineering, however at the cost of enabling midwit retard 'ideas guy' types to poison the well with slop, roleplaying as if they were creative or ambitious "how do you do, fellow creators?". The only good things made by AI in that department are from people who already have talent.

The big wake-up call for all of this is not everyone is cut out for everything. Lofty-minded types think that machines replacing all manual labor would be awesome because then everyone could have time to focus on intellectual or creative pursuits, unaware of the fact that a great deal of people are not only good at, but very happy with manual, even back-breaking, types of work. Likewise, those who get great fulfillment from physical work think that it ought to be the same for everyone, and see people like artists or other 'pencil pushing' careers are just lazy and whiny, thus find catharsis in the idea of AI automation there.

There really is no happy solution, and it's going to cause more misery than good unless both are replaced at the same time in some fantasy land unrealistic star trek federation utopia scenario where scarcity ceases to exist, eliminating need for any currency and people do things just because they like to. That's never going to happen in our lifetime, and likely not for several more at least.
robot literally means slave bro, everyone wants one.
>tfw I have long-ish hair just because, and my mom is the one occasionally complaining about it
wtf I'm a woman now?
that's because there was a LOT less people than there is now, you fucking retarded brainlet
> Who in their right minds irons a fucking bed sheet
My mom does lol. I moved out and I dont even own an iron.
Nobody talked about it being a lot of work though
Good on you. Had a friend who married a woman very much like your ex. They had 2 kids, they divorced, she took the house because of the kids. She kicked both of them a year later.
washing and dishes was automated for a very long time, what is this bitch on about?
that's what robots are for you dumb fuck, not ai.

hell, for decades we've had machines that already do 90% of the work for both those tasks, you just have to put the shit in and take it out
>I want AI to do my dishes
you mean throw the detergent pod in and push the start button? we don't need ai for that, toots
same. I have long hair since 2008. And yeah, it's fucking everywhere.
he probably doesn't shower everyday. disgusting.
I want AI to shine my shoes and sing me a song while it does it, like I'm Frank Sinatra and AI is Sammy Davis Jr.
in an ideal society no one would need to work because robots do everything for us so people can focus on what they actually enjoy doing, life would be like playing real life factorio, advances in tech would be how do we automate the next thing, but of course the elites dont want people to actually be happy, so this would never happen

truth be told, i dont think any advances in technology are useful if we cant even resolve basic socio-political problems
I have never used a dishwasher before
Advancement in robotics is slower simply because there is less demand for it, immigrants are easier and cheaper. Advancement and demand for art and interactive AI exploded because it it is cheaper and easier than hiring an artist.

I can only hope that robotics advance fast enough to replace immigrants before they destroy the country.
>jew in her name
you cannot make this up
What are the chances this is actually a 3d-render of a newspaper?
real meals have never been tried
There is no reason to have these discussions yet when ai is still a worthless bubble, people will just end up forming prejudices that will be outdated if the real thing ever happens
when a woman plays games she's a "video game enthusiast" when I play games I'm a stinky incel loser
What's stopping you from doing art and writing? Does the existence of AI somehow magically paralyze your hand everytime you attempt doing either of these?
No one pays attention to my art and writing because they are tired from digging through AI generated spam all day every day
Companies aren't even going to drop, what makes you think anyone is going to reduce your already minimal investment in housework when they're *still* trying to force you into the office by way of a multi-hour per day commute. The returns are tiny compared to all the other low hanging fruit.

Single women really gotta stop this pre-1950s mother of 4 kids housework stolen valor shit they've got going on
>half the babies they had died from disease
This isn't the own you think it is. Despite half the babies dying within the first few years, and people dying of illnesses and war as adults, people were still happier than today. Society has failed
So you don't create for yourself and to satisfy your desire for creativity, you create for attention and clout like a whore. AI is perfectly right to replace people like you. Hopefully it'll create a world where people create for sake of creating.
why is he sad doing the laundry? he will be able to sell the artwork with the bot being way more productive than him
You motivated me to wait 1 minute to post this useless post
One of the most successful book series in history was written by a woman.
Marxism at its finest
Literally zoomers think putting clothe in washing machine is doing laundry
My robot wife and i
NTA but I'm pulling in almost six figures and can definitely find time to load the fucking dishwasher. What drains my mental energy more is having to read the verbal diarrhea of the self-important mentally ill on the internet and see everyone else nod in agreement that they need special treatment because of their brain disease.
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Harry Potter? I can say many nasty things about J. K. Rowling like "she had ghost writers" or "single exception, doesn't count" but I'm going to be nice and say that she looks like someone who knows how to do her laundry and dishes by hand.
I consider art to be a form of communication, creating purely "for yourself" is just narcissism.
the only time I agree with a woman
>slavery is le bad
>I really wish I had a slave
B-But what do we do, meatbag-bros?
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The bourgeoisie will save more money by replacing as much of the white collar class as possible, than replacing the blue collar class. Bio-robots are still superior to metallic robots.
Yeah it is an incredible steroid, but some professions can be easily replaced by this shit. Think of accountants, most lawyers, and many teachers.
Worthless if it can't also fold and iron everything.
He is a retard larper who never faced any hardship in his life. Ignore him.
sucking dick will be the last bastion of meatbag employment because even if robot can do a better job, there's still status value in human doing it.
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Yes and billions of others have worked and continue to work. They're able to handle such easy and mundane tasks like loading a dishwasher. If you believe that being unable to handle such a simple task due to having the work is normal, you've been hanging out in an internet bubble of other depressed people. It's not normal.
Much of the world works far for than you and would kill for something like a dishwashing machine to do that task for them. You're the mentally disabled outlier here. Loading a dishwasher is not a difficult task for a person in their right mind. That you think that it is shows just how bad your mental illness has become. It's a fucking dishwasher, not the construction of an aircraft carrier.
until it figures it needs to stab you with the kitchen knife because it hallucinates and suddenly thinks it is a weapon in a war zone and you happen to have no friendly id tag.
>oldest profession in the world
>outlives all other professions
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Too bad
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What if we repealed the thirteenth amendment?
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the video game journalist identity is dead
>the end of journalists
better get started with the dishes joanna
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>So you don't create for yourself and to satisfy your desire for creativity, you create for attention and clout like a whore.
Humans are a social species. If your mother birthed you in the woods you would die. Someone has to raise you.
This idea that you can't be proud of your art is absolute bullshit.
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I want AI to do my laundry and dishes and art and writing
Noone said that you can't be proud of your work, but if your reason for creating art is attention craving/income, you deserve to get automated away. Being proud of the work should only be a byproduct, and attention gained shouldn't be the motivation.
>creating purely "for yourself" is just narcissism.
Make some friends, exchange art between each other. There you have it, communication and creating the art for someone without being an attention whore that shatters the second AI is more popular than your scribbles
>I'm guessing your mom does your laundry and dishes if you think there's no work involved
You're a sheltered invalid if you think loading a dishwasher is work. It's 2 minutes of putting shit in the right slot and pushing a button.
Retarded fucking faggot, fuck you.
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>No one pays attention to my art and writing because they are tired from digging through AI generated spam all day every day
You will never make anything memorable or great if you do it solely to get validated by other people.
actual diagnosed schizophrenic here. I don't make it a point for my situation to be known or flaunt it to anyone. people who list their mental illnesses in their bio like flags of honor aren't even mentally ill and are just normiefags virtue signalling, or they have some meme illness that actually makes you more productive like bipolar or autism. most normiefags couldn't fathom or begin to understand spending a day with avolition and other various negative symptoms, or even worse those that still have positive symptoms even on meds. nobody even seems to know what it even means "negative symptoms" and most doctors will just give you antidepressants which do jack shit for schizophrenia
that being said I actually enjoy doing the dishes when I'm able to and I'm a total neat freak when it comes to the house. anyways it must be a very dull life to have never had any hardship. I don't envy the wage slaves but I do envy the mentally normals. it must be nice to be able to just get in your car and drive somewhere or play a video game without the crushing weight of avolition making u give up prematurely or never even begin.
A bunch of words that still don't negate the fact that loading a dishwasher is a trivial task unless you're mentally ill.
ok saar go back to handwashing your clothes in the river of poo
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>but if your reason for creating art is attention craving
What the hell does this even mean.
Stop being a jealous bitch.
Cmon man. Don't act like "art majors" weren't the butt of jokes all the time. There are easier ways to make money so someone who is an artist clearly is doing something they like.
Just because they managed to support themselves doesn't make them bad people.
Not an artists btw.
That just sounds like shit taste in women. & to the anon who said
>I make 100% of the income
was it her house? If not the chores belong to you as well as her no matter who works.
AI art is for lazy, talentless hacks who want the product but don't want to put in the effort to get it. Unlike real art, where you have to go through a thought process of every stroke and brush until your final product, AI art is simply putting in a prompt and tweaking said prompt. You aren't putting any focus into the force you put your brush down or how many coats you use. It's all a prompt. The real artists in AI art are the ones who programmed it, as they went through infinitely more effort than some lazy hack. The day ai becomes indistinguishable from reality is the day recognizable effort and creativity dies.
Very well said.
>asshurt artfag
Tell me what effort goes into sitting on your ass and typing a prompt compared to working on a skill for months or even years? Do you really think someone who uses a machine as a crutch is even comparable? Before you say, "wah wah wah boo hoo anon is gate keeping art." You can get crayons and a book at your local dollar store dickhead.
assertions vs reality

Protestations are futile, and the faster you simply adjust the better - for yourself. As for my case, I hope you don't.
I'm not denying it's the way of the future retard. It will always be for talentless hacks who couldn't concern them self with getting off their ass to do something for once in their life. But at the end of the day as more and more countries are improving in hopes to reach an America state, lazy sloths are inevitable making ai art inevitable. Just because it will be used by everyone doesn't make it any better, that's like claiming, "bro instant meals are better than homecooked meals, I swear it's the same amount of effort!11!!!!1"
Nobody's going to care how highly you regard yourself.
Did you reply to the wrong anon because I'm saying little about myself. Damn when did people get so offended for getting their laziness called out? It'd never hurt to practice a skill for once.
I'm glad we have automobiles and don't have to hire a stagecoach, even if it put horsemen out of business.
You don't understand. Your feelings, and values, may be way more valid than those of society. But guess what? Nobody's gonna care, so put it in your diary and move on.
That example isn't even comparable. Using an automobile still takes a level of effort if you hope to work your way on the road and it takes much more effort to work on a professional level whereas Ai art requires you to speak a human language and boom, you're a professional to normies who can't tell the difference.
Everyone has to make money.
I wasn't even mentioning money anon. I don't care if ai "artists" make money, I'm not gonna cry "they're stealing muh jobs" because I'm not a art student. I simply think spending time to work on a skill for years is incomparable to typing a prompt.
money -> headpats

It's the law.
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Did the automobiles chew up and spit out the horses and stagecoaches.
Don't understand the deal, not like art or writing has ever been profitablr
Prompting is just beginner level. You still need skill to have more control over the output.
Journalism is literally writing as a career.

Illustration is literally graphics art as a career.

Both basically gonners in the past few years, though they kind of still exist and stuff, but it's ogre
unironically 300 IQ take, but this autistic incel board is too drunk on their woman hate to realize it
So? Just because laziness beginner level is different than laziness expert level doesn't change the fact it's still lazy.
So what? Do I have to be working my ass off in order to be expressive?
>it's still lazy.
So have you ever actually used imagegen tools in an attempt to create something that isn't slop or did you just see midjourney and interpret that as the entirety of the field of imagegen?
If you're using any form of software or hardware to create art, then you're lazy.
>drawing on paper is working your ass off
Dude just stop being a couch potato it isn't hard. You're not even trying lol.
Yes I have used it. Making AI art isn't difficult and it never was.
I never said this??
nobody cares what you want, cunt
nigger your rice cooker has a single sensor, not a "fuckton"
but anon, the faceberg told me that green tea is good for me
>Dude just stop being a couch potato
>didn't actually engage with my argument
topkek, congrats on outing yourself as a woman
I literally engaged with your argument. You consider working your ass off to be writing on paper. I call you a fucking lazy loser for considering writing to be working your ass off when there's tons of more labor intensive jobs. How does this make me a troon?
You imply that I should be putting in more work (that is, meticulously drawing on paper instead of using an AI imagegen tool) in order for my creations to be considered art. Which again raises the question >>102974727
So no, you haven't engaged with my argument, troon.
>Making ... art isn't difficult and it never was.
I could make this same argument with any artistic medium.
You're still describing an art form; A stick figure is technically "art," but it's still shit art.
Same applies to imagegen. Sure, Midjourney takes in your slop prompt and outputs "art," but if you want "good" "art" you'll be needing more to put more effort in than just prompting Midjourney.

There's levels to it, just like any other form of art or medium of expression. Maybe you find a stick figure to be "art," and maybe you think Midjourney slop also passes as "art."
He should have bought a washing machine.
You can't omit a word from what I said and pass it off from the real thing. I said AI art specifically on purpose anon. You're misrepresenting what I said dude. Also I understand what you're trying to get it, but there is a gap between honing your skill over years vs picking up AI art yesterday and making something at the same level.
fuck u if u think chores take no time
i don't have a dishwasher and i do my laundry in the basement of my building thats shared with like 200 other people
Chores do not take time if you take care of yourself, you careless fuck.
>I never said this??

Ok, what is non-lazy art?
i still haven't seen sloppa that's more interesting than the prompt text used to make it
Non-lazy art is subjective anon. What, you think I'd fall for that question?
Why even bother bringing up laziness then? If you can't define lazy art, then how you claim that AI art is lazy?
So then what the fuck is this statement here:
>"AI art is for lazy, talentless hacks who ... don't want to put in the effort to get it. [Unlike real art]"

What sense does it make to present your judgement about AI-generated art as a factual statement ("AI art IS lazy"), but then retreat to a subjective stance by saying "non-lazy art is subjective?"
>If you can't define lazy art
Converse Fallacy. You think, "If he cannot define non-lazy art, than the inverse must also be true!." That's not how determining something is lazy works.
Non-lazy (anything) means it takes effort genius.
>means it takes effort
It takes effort to prompt, inpaint, edit the nodes/parameters if needed, repeat the cycle until you get an image you're happy with.
>Converse Fallacy.
NTA but that's not how that works.
A converse fallacy occurs when you assume that because "if A, then B" is true, "if B, then A" must also be true.
For instance, if I say "If it rains, the ground will be wet," it would be a converse fallacy to then claim "If the ground is wet, it must have rained."
Anon there isn't engaging in any kind of converse fallacy, they merely pointed out your initial claim was presented as objective, but then you backpedaled when asked for a concrete definition of "non-lazy" art.

>Non-lazy (anything) means it takes effort genius.
Well if you're labelling AI art as lazy, you should be able to clearly articulate what you mean by "lazy" art in the specific context of artistic creation. That's retarded Almost anything in life takes some level of "effort," but that doesn’t automatically make it "non-lazy."
How are you going to fall back to the vague, uninspired response of "non-lazy = effort," without acknowledging that AI art also requires a form of effort (even if it's different from traditional art)?
>fold and iron everything
Literal NPC.
Sitting on your ass for 30 minutes takes effort? I've used AI generators before and let me tell you, to get an output that isn't slop isn't hard. If it's so difficult to do than how is there so much AI art already? If it's so labor intensive than go on and show me the labor. Show me the effort you put into every brush. Show me you methodically picking every color. Show me you putting in the care and consideration into every edge and than I'll consider it effort. Show me how long it takes you to generate something that isn't AI slop. Give me hard facts. Show me a time lapse or something. You see so many videos of people painting or drawing for hours yet you never see any of those for AI art.
That's literally how the converse fallacy works as it's a conversion. If A->B than B->A. So if he can't describe A than that must me he can't describe B.
I acknowledge the fact it requires a different version of effort from traditional art. But the effort it requires is almost negligible. You can use some free site online and flood wherever you want with your "art" in a mere fraction of the time it even takes to formulate a plan to make one piece of traditional art.
>Converse Fallacy. You think, "If he cannot define non-lazy art, than the inverse must also be true!." That's not how determining something is lazy works.

Then how does it work? How can you know something is lazy without knowing what takes effort? It's like saying you know hot is without knowing what cold is.
Lazy takes little effort. There I defined it for you, retard.
So want a slave class? Also you can still do your doodles, no one is stoping you.
>I've used AI generators before
So you've used midjourney or something similar. Pure slop.
>to get an output that isn't slop isn't hard.
You have low standards.
>If it's so difficult to do than how is there so much AI art already?
It's all slop, akin to stick figure drawings.
>You see so many videos of people painting or drawing for hours yet you never see any of those for AI art.
Here's an example:
I'm sure you're not a lazy fuck and you can find more on your own.
Ok abortion failure, what is non-lazy art then?
When you are counter productive and keep starting the same garbage over for 6 hours because you can't figure out your workflow.
When you are counter productive and keep starting the same garbage over for 6 hours because you can't figure out your workflow.
>You have low standards.
It's not anon, you're simply lazy.
Non-lazy art is art that takes considerable time, effort, actually having to think about what you're doing rather than mindlessly creating just another prompt and plugging it in. Something like sculpting where you're working with your hands and have to pay careful attention to what you're doing.
Dead internet theory.
You just learn a pattern and mindlessly repeat it to get almost the same looking thing every time.
hahaha wtf
>It's not anon, you're simply lazy.
Did you forget to reply to the rest of my post?
Tell me you know nothing about sculpting without telling me you know nothing about sculpting.
You just call everything I said "slop". You're recycling the same answer over and over. It's obvious you're not thinking through and resorting to primal tactics.
carelessness creates mess, cleanliness takes time.
Or maybe put your dishes in the sink instead of leaving them in your room.
It's infantile. "I want stuff, give me stuff. But not the stuff I don't want." BUT I *SAID* I WANT!
>Tell me you know nothing about sculpting without telling me you know nothing about sculpting.
You are just a dumb piece of shit mystifying something that you don't understand. Sculpting is a fucking skill, you learn it and you just repeat a pattern.
If you can't do that - you are a LARPer pretending to be a sculptor because you think it inflates your value as a person somehow.
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An unskilled artist can spend a lot of time designing and painting a crappy mural that a more skilled person can do a lot quicker and better.
>You just call everything I said "slop".
No anon, it is a fact that the majority of AI art *is* slop. What differentiates the good AI art from that? Time and effort, just like you said.
Photography is just pressing a button, and the output is "art."
What makes it so different from AI art, then?

>inb4: "the framing and lighting of a photograph"
Similar to the process of writing a good AI prompt and refining the model’s parameters.

>inb4: "photo editing/post-processing"
Akin to inpainting, modifying, or iterating through generated images in AI tools.
This argument would also ignore the fact that some people you would actually consider "artists" use AI imagegen as a reference to go off of, to then edit, trace, fix, and post-process. Similarly, those who are primarily AI users may take the raw generated image and refine it. Or maybe they don't, akin to "real art" such as photography.

>inb4: "conceptualizing a photograph"
Picking the right moment, the right angle, and the right subject, is no different from iterating through AI generations to nail the "right" image. Both processes involve trial and error, refinement, and a solid understanding of the medium to capture or generate something compelling.
>you learn it and you just repeat a pattern
Holy fucking shit you actually don't know what sculpting is. You're the type of guy who believed watermelon seeds would grow in your stomach as a kid. Get the fuck off of my site.
>painting a crappy mural that a more skilled
ESL... Also what are you trying to prove? That shitty workers take longer than more efficient ones? Yeah I know that, retard.
Show me a generic AI that can make me a happy family with their full bodies and not a single messed up body proportion. And their shirts must spell the word strawberry with no mess ups.
>What makes it so different from AI art, then?
I dunno, maybe going to Antarctica and actually taking the picture of the penguin instead of doing it in the comfort of your 70 degree home.
>a generic AI
No such thing. That's my entire point. You have to put in the time and effort to get the details correct by inpainting.
>Holy fucking shit you actually don't know what sculpting is. You're the type of guy who believed watermelon seeds would grow in your stomach as a kid. Get the fuck off of my site.
Nothing to say on topic, just empty fucking words and useless squealing. When you are out of arguments and can't refute - own it instead of awkwardly trying to save face when somebody already took a piss all over it.
What's sculpting is then? Sitting naked with a fancy scarf and a glass of wine, slowly tracing your fingers over a clay while classical music is playing and your cock twitch a bit from the spiritual experience? Or is it actual fucking skill people can learn and perform, no different from carpeting.
yes anon, the jewess wants a slave class. service animals. "goyim". how surprising.
We don't need AI for that. Whites are already pure blood cattle.
People are mentally ill because of their mother's poor diet and their own poor diet. Get on the "carnivore diet" and fix your mental illness, and other physical and mental problems. Learn about how food affects mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. Mental illness is a choice.
You got no clue what the fuck you are talking about. Manchild who never had a single issue in his coddled life.
jews have been inches from extincion at least thrice now. care to roll the dice again?
>I dunno, maybe going to Antarctica and actually taking the picture of the penguin instead of doing it in the comfort of your 70 degree home.
So now you're pretending that the physical difficulty of accessing a location is what defines artistic merit? Okay, let's go with that gigantic goalpost shift for a second.
So for any form of photography to be considered "art" to you, it needs to be had in the midst of Antarctica?
Do street photographers, architectural photographers, and studio photographers not make "real art" because they didn’t trek through a frozen wasteland?
What about studio artists? What about digital artists?
Annie Leibovitz? Nah, not a real artist according to you.

Mate, I think you're just grasping at straws.
What, do you only hand-paint brushstrokes in the middle of fucking Alaska? Is that the only thing that counts as "real art" to you?
Because from what I've been gathering from this entire thread, you seem to think that physical labor and environmental difficulty are a measure of artistic merit?
I'm not seeing art of a happy family with shirts that spell strawberry...
>Or is it actual fucking skill people can learn and perform, no different from carpeting.
Yes?? That's the point I've been making this entire time. It takes considerable effort and skill that you have to push you out of your comfort zone sometimes to achieve. No pain, no gain simple as that. You think photographers enjoy freezing their dicks off? Fuck no. But they do it out of love for their craft. You think teachers like getting underpaid for the work they put in? Fuck no but they do it for their passion. You think soldiers enjoy dying? Fuck no either. People do things for a multitude of reasons but most of it stems from passion. If you create something that has quite literally costs you absolutely nothing how can you see it took any effort? If I draw a fucking tic tac toe board with my mind in some alternate universe where we achieved immortality, did it take effort? No dude. I shouldn't have to explain this shit, especially on /g/ which is all about passion for technology. You don't want to automate learning tech right? You don't want to automate the hell out of technology that there's nothing for you to do anymore. If you actually were here to find a elixir that gave you infinite knowledge than you wouldn't be in the fucking board of passion for technology. We put in effort because we LOVE too. How is that so hard to understand? If you don't want to put in the effort than fuck off touristfag. Do you have any idea how many hours upon hours some of us contributed to simply learning about technology. Yeah it can be difficult, yeah it sucks ass sometimes, but that's how you learn, you get knocked down and you get up again. If you want to go on easy mode than honestly get the fuck off of my board.
>So for any form of photography to be considered "art" to you, it needs to be had in the midst of Antarctica?
That isn't applicable to all captain fucking obvious.
>So for any form of photography to be considered "art" to you, it needs to be had in the midst of Antarctica? Do street photographers, architectural photographers, and studio photographers not make "real art" because they didn’t trek through a frozen wasteland?
What about studio artists? What about digital artists?
Annie Leibovitz? Nah, not a real artist according to you.
This was to show the lengths people go to for photography. I'm not saying everyone has to be in Antarctica but I'm saying people will go to certain lengths due to their passion for what they're doing. Do you think that I think all art is made in icy tundras? God you're so fucking retarded. Being in Antarctica and actually experiencing it first person ranks up generating penguins at home. Going to Japan ranks above talking to an anime chatbot. Going to the treasures of the world rank above reading them on wikipedia. Go learn some common fucking sense before talking to me.
Wow. You have no idea. Hope you change your mind.
>I'm not seeing art
>le gotcha
Again, you forgot to reply to my point. Also holy fucking paragraph, someone's trying to make up for a lack of an argument.
Amount of jews shrink and expand proportional to whiteoids having a mass psychosis.
>Good argument but I'm not reading it because lalalalalala I can't hear you
You're acting like a child.
I'm the first anon you replied to. Again, you forgot to read what I wrote. Also the paragraph you wrote is meaningless, I in fact do want to automate learning as much as possible.
>You think photographers enjoy freezing their dicks off?
Yes. Else why the fuck are you doing that.
Not a skill, how the fuck is this relevant to a discussion?
>You think soldiers enjoy dying?
They got into military for a fancy suicide, of course those NPCs enjoy dying.
>most of it stems from passion
So, ENJOYING something, you dumb fucking moron. Just divided your own "argument" by zero.
>quite literally costs you absolutely nothing
Nothing can cost absolutely nothing.
What the fuck is even your point?
>You don't want to automate learning tech
Why not? I don't enjoy wasting my fucking time, I want to see a desired result as fast as possible.
>nothing for you to do anymore
There is never nothing to do, it's called progress. Why are you using modern tech then? Go live like an animal in a cave, eating your own shit.
>We put in effort because we LOVE too
Basically: "I am a worthless piece of shit which barely learned to do anything at all, I can't adapt, I am lazy and scared of any minor changes that threaten my comfort of doing the same, useless garbage I did yesterday".
I spit in your fat, ugly, retarded face.
>Do you have any idea how many hours upon hours some of us contributed to simply learning about technology
I don't give a shit. What does it contribute to the discussion?
What's your point? That you enjoy wasting your time and hate efficiency?

It started from your statement that sculpting can't be mindless, when it absolutely fucking can with a lot of experience.
HOW does any of this hallucinating wall of turds refute my point?
>food meat animal fat mental illness
Type these keywords or something similar into whatever search engine you use and do a little research.
How the fuck does it change the life's issues I am facing? Oh, you got none, you don't fucking know what it is.
Go eat a fucking turd, I bet it will give you magic powers.
Have fun not having fun.
>Yes. Else why the fuck are you doing that.
Maybe because they enjoy photography?
>Not a skill, how the fuck is this relevant to a discussion?
Ah yes going to college to get a degree is not a skill at all.
>They got into military for a fancy suicide, of course those NPCs enjoy dying.
>So, ENJOYING something, you dumb fucking moron. Just divided your own "argument" by zero.
Passion=/=Enjoying. Retard.
>Nothing can cost absolutely nothing.
What the fuck is even your point?
Trying to get into retarded semantics over the philosophy of what is nothing.
>Why not? I don't enjoy wasting my fucking time, I want to see a desired result as fast as possible.
Than why are you trying instead of automating a bot to read your brain signals to type? Retard.
>There is never nothing to do, it's called progress.
Pick up a pencil and draw. Retard.
>I am a worthless piece of shit which barely learned to do anything at all, I can't adapt, I am lazy and scared of any minor changes that threaten my comfort of doing the same, useless garbage I did yesterday"
Maybe if you read my older posts instead of jumping into conclusions. You would see that I support AI. Retard.
>That you enjoy wasting your time and hate efficiency?
My point is that we shouldn't optimize the fun out of fun things.
>HOW does any of this hallucinating wall of turds refute my point?
It refutes your point by stating those with passion can and will enjoy something. Not everyone wants to automate the hell out of their passions because it's "wasting my fucking time". Maybe if you actually opened your eyes for once in your miserable fucking life and viewed the beauty in what you do than maybe, just maybe, you could actually be happy. Instead of wanting machines to raise your kids and have humanity be like the fat slobs from wall-e.
>Have fun not having fun.
Learning is not the only way I have fun. And just because learning is automated doesn't mean I'm not having fun with it.
Than why are you here? Why are you talking to me when you could automate a chatbot to talk to.
>[dissertation of emotional outbursts, irrelevant examples, shifting goalposts, and personal attacks]
Holy meltie. Sounds like you don't have an argument.
So, to sum it up, your position is this:
>"my passion > your passion, because my passion (optionally) requires more of [arbitrary, unquantifiable factor]."
>"and whenever my position is rightfully dismantled, i shall also shift goalposts from effort, to location, to passion"
All in all, I accept your concession.

>"That isn't applicable to all captain fucking obvious."
You *literally* used Antarctica as a metric for what makes photography "real" compared to AI art. Why bring it up at all then, you babbling moron?
>ESL... Also what are you trying to prove?
Lmao, You're the ESL person here.

>That shitty workers take longer than more efficient ones? Yeah I know that, retard.

My point was that the amount effort spent in creating art doesn't automatically make the art good.
>You *literally* used Antarctica as a metric for what makes photography "real" compared to AI art. Why bring it up at all then, you babbling moron?
It was an example to show the difference between a photographer travelling to Antarctica getting a picture compared to a cozy person in the comfort of their home generated an image. The amount of effort inputted is vastly different, you babbling moron. Are you autistic or are you a Mr. Literal? I don't expect every aspiring photographer to be in fucking Antarctica, I shouldn't have to explain this. Also your whole argument hinges on cherry picking a single fragment of my arguments based on one single fucking example on fucking penguins. You're either retarded or retarded.
>Lmao, You're the ESL person here.
First of all, you used a capital after a comma. Second of all you said ESL person which means english-second-language person. Nobody says that, we say ESL as the person is implied. You type like a ESL, retard.
>My point was that the amount effort spent in creating art doesn't automatically make the art good.
I never stated effort=good. Where are you getting this from? Is it out of your ass?
>You type like a ESL
an* ESL
So if it wasn't about Antarctica, and instead was about passion, why bring up Antarctica?
Why make the comparison about location and effort if it was instead about passion?
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To visualize the lengths people go. Antarctica isn't the most friendly environment so to go there for a handful of pictures speaks volumes of the person doing it. They're either insane or hella passionate. I don't think you'll find many people willing to go to Antarctica for a couple pictures.
>First of all, you used a capital after a comma.

That's a just typo, ESL subhuman. You forgot include a comma in your second sentence.

>Second of all you said ESL person which means english-second-language person.

ESL person is perfectly valid

>I never stated effort=good. Where are you getting this from? Is it out of your ass?

Then why even bother including effort in your argument?
Or maybe they want to make money.
>ESL subhuman
Again, nobody says anything after ESL.
>ESL person is perfectly valid
No it's not. That's like saying you retard person. It's not correct.
>Then why even bother including effort in your argument?
My argument was never effort=good. It was more effort>less effort.

Did any of you guys even read what I posted or did you go into an irrational rage with smoke coming out of your ears because of, "muh big tittied Judy hopkins AI generated art".
You must be joking thinking photographers and artists are making money. Do I even have to say that art students are the butt of all jokes. Trust me these guys are not making money unless they're doing it for the richest and best of the best. No one is paying someone well for taking a couple pictures.
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>Again, nobody says anything after ESL.

It can be used as an attributive noun. If ESL person isn't valid, then ESL teacher isn't valid.

>My argument was never effort=good. It was more effort>less effort.

If you have no or poor skill, it won't matter how much effort you put into your work when end result is the same. It's like taking a picture of snow on your driveway versus taking a picture of snow in Antarctica.

>You must be joking thinking photographers and artists are making money.

Then why is this banana taped to a wall worth $120k?
>If ESL person isn't valid, then ESL teacher isn't valid.
I agree
>If you have no or poor skill, it won't matter how much effort you put into your work when end result is the same. It's like taking a picture of snow on your driveway versus taking a picture of snow in Antarctica.
I also aree
>Then why is this banana taped to a wall worth $120k?
Good point. Because redditors will pay thousands of dollars on badly drawn apes. Also is it really worth that much? Funniest thing I've heard all week lmao.
Fuck I made a spelling error, here comes the ESL name calling. Welp what goes around comes around, amirite.
>Then why is this banana taped to a wall worth $120k?
modern art is a rich guy's snipe hunt for the poor. The art isn't there, it's just a game they play to flip the bird.
"ESL person" does sound retarded, but "ESL retard", for example, is perfectly valid when "ESL" on its own isn't insulting enough, you ESL retard.
>I also agree
NTA, but then what are you arguing about?
If you agree that the end result is what actually matters,
then all of your arguments about:
>"muh effort"
>"muh skill"
>"muh antarctica"
>"muh physical discomfort"
>"muh passion"

..in AI art don't mean jack shit. So you admit art is about impact and expression, not about how hard it was to create. Great, glad you could come to this conclusion.
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>you ESL retard
Fair point anon. ESL to me feels more like a finisher than a bridging word though (especially with how long it is when broken down).
In my opinion I consider the process also to be an art. Finding the right colors, finding the right instruments to perform what you want to do, research for the right paper or whatever you're using to practice it on is all apart of the final product. IMO you cannot seperate the end result from it's process. That's like saying killing 10 people to save one person is equal to only saving one person. We have to look at the background and history before coming to conclusions.
I wish I had a box of SPOERI.
Fucking lazy bitch get back in the kitchen and what the fuck are all these dirty clothes doing over the ground. Do you WANT another beating? Oh wait, you are a hole, of course you do.
you have to be 18+ to post here
Apparently 30 year old holes don't even know about dish washers and washing machines. It should be 10+ for men, 50+, 60- for women If you want to go on brain development. So these age related restrictions seem kinda hiroyuki at this point
>Ah yes going to college to get a degree is not a skill at all.
No, it's not a fucking skill. Open a dictionary and look up "skill", illiterate moron.
No refutation, nothing to fucking say, just like before.
Then you don't have any fucking passion, LARPing cunt.
>Trying to get into retarded semantics over the philosophy of what is nothing.
"Nothing is free" is a simple statement, there is no esoteric philosophy here. Why your retarded brain fail to register the meaning of such a basic phrase.
>Than why are you trying instead of automating a bot
Missing the point, illiterate retard.
>Pick up a pencil and draw.
I can pick it up and start thrusting it inside your skull until the worthless piece of shit you call a brain starts dripping out of your nose. Zero reading comprehension.
>I support AI, but I also don't
Eat shit
>My point is that we shouldn't optimize the fun out of fun things.
Your point is shit, just like you are a piece of shit and not a human being.
>Not everyone wants to automate the hell out of their passions
They belong to a garbage fill, because nobody have any time playing stupid fucking games with you retards.
>viewed the beauty in what you do
Ohhh, it's so beautiful, I am wasting my time when I could have made more today. Ohh, I feel like such a pseud already, so beautiful, the time waste.
>you could actually be happy.
Holy fucking projection. I am happy, unlike you it seems, piece of shit.
>Open a dictionary and look up "skill", illiterate moron.
Fun fact illiterate moron. The dictionary isn't the end all be all. The human language is alive and constantly changing.
>Then you don't have any fucking passion
If I don't have passion than why would I argue with you when I could be a soulless wagie, retard.
>I can pick it up and start thrusting it inside your skull until the worthless piece of shit you call a brain starts dripping out of your nose.
>Eat shit
>Your point is shit, just like you are a piece of shit
>stupid fucking games with you retards
>Holy fucking projection. I am happy, unlike you it seems, piece of shit.
I know it's not a school night so you're up extra late, but grow up before you can talk with the adults kid. All you did was curse and have a weird obsession with the word shit. Why should I take you seriously as an adult if you won't act like one? Are manners dead?
I don't know, I'd need more info. I just know eating meat and animal fat is very important to your overall wellbeing, especially mental health, as a human. Unrelated to anything else but how the human body works. Now, whatever life problems you're going through, idk. Can you tell me more about what you're going through and your situation?
You know, there shouldn't be appliances. Men worked hard to give women these and all we get is bitching and moaning. Technology was a mistake.
>Stop being a jealous bitch.
Jealous of what? The people that defile the medium because their brains are as developed as OF "models"? True art is created by wanting to express your creativity, not because "I want le heckin updoots on my basedddit!"
The same point applies, income should only be the byproduct, but you can often see a lot of "artists" spamming more generic coomslop than AI of waifu of the season#1124 with arms behind her head, just because it'll get them the salary of a McDonalds worker. It devalues the medium, and so I hope in the end AI will be enough to disincentivize doing that.
Am I really that crazy that you compare me to an animal torturer or a bad fanfiction writer?
>It's 2 minutes
It's two minutes of what, anon :)
We also get laid, yoy know
Of loading clothes into the washing machine and pushing a button. If you consider that hard work then I don't know what to tell you.
You could tell me where you thought I said anything about hard.
>a robotic arm to load them into the dishwasher and put them away in the cupboard or a dish dispenser of some sort.
1960 ahh cartoon automation
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not automobiles per se, but many horses were turned into pic related
You can do it in five minutes easily if you do the dishes right after eating before the scraps on them become dried and crusty.
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>I want, I want, I want, I want, I want, I want, I want, I want, I want, I want, I want, I want!!!
Most female never want to develop past a childish egocentric world view. Is there a technology to fix this?
I agree with this.
AI is useless to me because it's not that task scheduler that can monitor the situation, perform the tasks & devices in my house flexibly.
It could help me set up a task scheduler or program.

Really, AI without the robot butler is a bit shit.
>Sounds like you just want a personal slave
Fuck off with your "woke" bullshit. Of course I want a personal slave.
The only people who don't want a personal slave are welsh army lads who go off grid, detach from reality and enjoy menial tasks like building a castle and tending to farm animals while naked. Even then, I'm sure they'd willingly accept a personal slave if their life demanded more from them and they were reintroduced to society as a whole.
Laundry and dishes are women's job
Wouldn't even need AI for this, just use the same kind of mechanism vending machines use to sort coins
I want AI to shit and piss so that I can eat and drink
Fucking hell how do you even recognize that?
You don't want a personal slave, you want to be a child forever having mommy changing your diapers and taking care of all your needs so you never have to learn to be alive. Hilarious to me how this manchild behavior has been culturally coded as "anti-woke" ever since the spoiled toddler billionaire Donald Trump took over mutt politics
AI won't free you up to do art and writing. It will free you from employment so you will be free to starve to death on the street or work for a fraction of what you're worth or happily be sent to some warzone because you're so desperate for food.
AI will only serve to empower the Elite, governments, Microsoft, Facebook, and Google to control the world with even more precision. You will be made dumber over the course of a generation, until you can no longer even think thoughts that are counter to your master's wishes.
AI is a bubble that will go away after investors figure out they won't get their money back.
Nothing ever happens.
It will by and large go away from the consumer market because the AIs they are allowed to use are lobotomized in an attempt to prevent wrongthink. This has made it utterly useless for anything involving logic and reasoning.
The people running the show will still have access to unrestricted AI so powerful you won't be able to do anything without them knowing about it weeks in advance.
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Why not just wash your dishes as soon as you're done using them, it doesn't take longer than 10 minutes
Doing your laundry is literally just pressing a button and then hanging them to dry, which takes like 10 minutes
Detailed artwork takes like 20+ hours, which AI can do in 20 seconds
That doesn't appear to be what was being communicated in that post.
Na, the worst for me has always been to take care of their dumb shit for them
because they cant do anything on their own.

>teehee I biught a new lamp for the dining room even though we already have one. Yeah, it was 180 bucks. Now go to the basement and fetch that drill and install my new lamp or there won't be any sex for the next 2 months
We are not going back to horse and buggy. Get with the times and adapt to change. Before the internet these average looking women would never have dreamed they could make money so easily. Machines are doing all the graphing and hard calculations to make blue prints and everything in between. The best part is you don't have to use any of this stuff and you can live like a hermit.
Roles are reversed in the SD output. The two images together make good art. In the art gallery they would need a few paragraphs about the Macon PD's chairs, which spoils the feeling of being in the know.

The thumbnail looks like the interrogation. Reverse image search can't find it but maybe it would if you blur it first.
the fascist cries as it claims you shouldn't allowed to speak
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Skill issue. Japan is doing just fine using AI to help their art.
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>was it her house? If not the chores belong to you as well as her no matter who works.
Imagine actually believing this
>imagine going thru life being such an entitled manchild thinking others are there to serve you rather than seeing marriage and raising a family as a partnership with a common goal...
Let me guess.. you hate your mum but love wanking to wincest?
Those mechanisms are inflexible. You can design a mechanism that handles a few sizes of plates and bowls, but then you get a different brand of them and it will choke. Never mind the wide variety of tupperwares, mixing bowls, bakeware, measuring cups, etc.
poop thread
no they aren't western shut-ins are making 2D shit you just posted some cuck, tick tick
>I have no argument beyond [frankly shitty] adhom
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R u ok bro?
>you go to work, you provide the house and you also maintain it
>that's equal partnership
>You expect your wife/gf to stay at home and raise the kids and keep house
>she does and does it well
>but you're an entitled shit that never recognises that as a contribution because "muh working"
>she fucks Tyrone and takes you to the cleaners in the divorce

Sure does smell a bit /r9k/ in here.

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