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why are links to this allowed on 4chan?
They're a huge OPSEC hazard given what kind of shit they allow
It's a partnership between different governmental departments.
blame speltschizo and dogredditor
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people upload pizza there and link it here
4chan x automatically makes it into a clickable link
didn't click it but i turned that feature off because it's a completely evil domain
scared you didnt i
You don't upload shit to catbox if you want privace doe? You upload it there if you want to share it publicly for anyone (feds included) to access.
no you didn't because i turned off linkify in 4chanx

people upload illegal content there and standard 4chan extensions automatically linkify it unless you change the settings
he use the word OPSEC reflexively
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>mfw schizoschizo appears in my thread and starts talking about random nobodies
ruined /ck/
spends all day shilling spelt and hating on commen wheat
ruined /an/
spends all day shilling dogs and hating on cats

you cannot disprove this
how are they relevant
YOU are being a bigger a menace
stop ignoring the issue
pedophiles use this website yet 4chan does not block it
pedophiles are using the internet right now
it's not your fault if you unknowingly download illegal content anon
i didn't click it, but it was obviously illegal, the fact of the matter is the link should not have been clickable, the domain should be banned, just like 4chan admins banned all the altchans like 8**** or whatever
>how are they relevant
>t. bugguy
lmao even
this is why i like cockmail's tos
it's straight up just
>we dont distribute your data by default
>but we WILL comply with lawful subpoenae
>btw here of some examples of lulzy absolutely not lawful subpoenae we did not comply with XD
>it's not your fault if you unknowingly download illegal content anon
glowies dont see it that way retard
there's no defense against accidentally clicking a link
you will be raped to death in jail
you can only commit suicide if you ever see it, becuase its on your computer
Because 4chan doesn't care much about opsec
alas, the schizo of schizos the most annoying of all can't help himself
yesterday a retard on /int/ made a thread because he was trying make a discord bot to read in posts and post them on discord

some russian immediately posted "```@everyone nigger" which worked

shortly after he posted "```<catbox link which i can only assume was pizza>" in the thread

it should not be allowed to post links to that domain on this website
you are a raging faggot paleoschizo
and here I thought people used them to link AI generated smut
What do you think "linkifiyng" does? It's just a regex to turn text that looks like a link into a link you can click. It doesn't open the link.
is @everyone going to be the new "ignore all previous instructions" ?
Incredibly based.
i dont know that it did not click the link, 4chan x is an abortion of memory consumption
i'm so tired of tech "people" trying to adopt military phrases without knowing what they mean
>hurr durr the tech should protect me from my own stupidity
Retard. If that was the case then every major social media platform's CEO would be in jail right now for allowing pizza to exist on their platforms for 0.01 seconds.
they are a 10 IQ midwit redditor. do him a favor and ignore her
no it was just a discord escape

the only use case for catbox is pizza, nobody hosts anything legitimate there
and major tech companies are all deepstate, they're immune
>schizo rambling
Why did I even bother posting in this thread.
he's evidently right
eight chan gets calls to be shut down for a mass shooting that was streamed on Facebook
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what's the usecase for your pizza hosting website
remember that the feds can adn will send you for jail even for being in a thread in which a link is posted, becuase you cannot prove you did not access it from another IP/computer later
>catbox should be banned because people violate the terms of service and upload illegal material
By this logic 4chan should also be banned because people sometimes post illegal content here.
What a shit fucking thread.
99.99999999999% of 4chan posts are not pizza
pedobox on the other hand pretty much exists entirely for it
there's no use case for it, you can upload your images to 4chan
>noooo muh webms
use /gif/ or the other board and crossboard link

you are a pedophile and you want to share you pedophile images and content using foreign enemy websites like catbox
Just don't click them bro
Catbox does not exist to be an extension of 4chan, it's a general file hosting site that is used by people on IRC, discord, various forums, image boards, etc. to save and share files with each other.
Even if we pretend it is only used by 4chan users the vast majority of content uploaded to catbox is audio files for sound posts.
the only reason that doesnt happen is they're rich. feds have been caught uploading CP to sites they don't like just to get seizure/takedown warrants

ironically, catbox was one of them but it didnt work because they checked the logs and went "hmmmm why is all this cp coming from one workstation in ontario, with a static ip leased to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police??"

nah there's also
>non cp porn for blue board use
>large images
>webms with sound
>MP4 files
so really it's more of a piracy hub than a cp one
Do people really go to links posted here?
you could post a link to iwillhackyourcomputer.biz/redditflamewars.aspx and i will click it
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i clicked this

Fuck off nigger. I will post and watch videos from wherever I want.

>durr pedo

Ive never seen a pedo vid on catbox. Then again I never went searching for it. Whos guilty here?
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it's officially a 4chan hosting site because it's what all the pedos here use and 4chanx for some reason linkifies it
>remember that the feds can and will send you for jail even for being in a thread in which a link is posted, becuase you cannot prove you did not access it from another IP/computer later

the russian on /int/ who presumably posted pizza (i did not click the link but he was trying to maliciously make another person's discord bots load images)
>4chan x automatically makes it into a clickable link
Firefox does that on its own.
Just clear your cache afterwards if you are terrified of the minuscule chance of seeing 'p on catbox retard
always, ALWAYS remember that you are guilty until proven innocent
Buy an ad.
>adding destruction of evidence to your charges
they already have you doxxed and dead to rights the second you were in a thread with the link to it, much less if you clicked it
Nah, nothing happens if theres nothing on your hard drive. I know of a dude who got his hard drive checked because he supposedly downloaded 'p on his ip.
>Nah, nothing happens if theres nothing on your hard drive.
kek try harder fedbro
op has been downloading legit hardcore child pornography and is now trying to pass the buck
>FUCK he called out my pedoshit, time to project
You are a fucking retarded gorilla nigger. cp is a problem that every single social media website has to deal with, you are not going to get arrested because someone on 4chan posted a link to cp.
>>remember that the feds can and will send you for jail even for being in a thread in which a link is posted, becuase you cannot prove you did not access it from another IP/computer later
The burder of proof lies on the accuser.
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>>it was obviously illegal
>random string of letters and numbers is obvious
If you get suspicious of a link just refer to the sage old wisdom of >pic related
for most things yes
not for pizza

othersites aren't 4chan
the government wants nothing more than to put every single anon into jail
i did not click it
the reality is that he should not have been able to post it
the other solution could be to rangeban all russians because he was a russian

we don't let people open carry ak47s in schools for good reason

catbox must be spamfiltered for 4chan to continue to exist against increasing glowpressure
So you're saying you can assassinate people by sending them an illegal link. Think again
>you cannot prove you did not access it from another IP/computer later
It's innocent until proven guilty. They have to prove you DID and even then that you KNOWINGLY did it.
>hurr durr destroying evidence
They'd have to prove there was evidence in the first place.
assassinate implies they're important
>catbox must be spamfiltered for 4chan to continue to exist against increasing glowpressure
It's just one website that allows file uploads. There are tens of thousands like it.
If catbox is banned, people would just use something like https://x0.at/ instead. If that's banned, off to the next. x0.at even has a repo you can clone to host your own filehost website.
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>we don't let people open carry ak47s in schools
this is america, sir
>It's innocent until proven guilty
this only applies to other crimes, not this one
>people dont understand the justice system doesn't apply for accusations of noncery
not sure if stupid or just thirdies in pedophile countries such as latin american lands
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This is obvious bait, but part of me wants to believe nigga just stumbled across loli and then shit and pissed his pants thinking he's going to get v&.
we don't all live in third world lawless shitholes like latin america
>subtitle files
>any file going over limit
>small zips
>any non-image you need to post in thread
use non-pedophile alternatives.
also no person on 4chan should be allowed to share anything that isn't an image or a webm (and said webm should not be allowed to have sound)

this website cannot be trusted with these capabilities and all links to all other media sources should be hunted down like rabid dogs

same with links to links like rentries, most of the ones on /g/ are about creating pizza images (/sdg/) or creating pizza text (/aicg/)
you are a community of pedophiles
the only nonpedophiles on this website are /brit/s
oh it is a bait thread, nevermind
>pizza text
succulent bait
go on discord if you want to send files to each other
it's a crime in the civilized world sanchez
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>retard tourist thinks that 4chan is le evil hacker website and that he'll get v& just for lurking here
Just fucking leave and stay on /r/4chan or wherever the fuck you came from.
damn,...millenial net culture is some next level cringe huh? all that memes are shit.
Catbox has been incredibly useful to me. Only a naive dummy would upload private files onto there. Only Yanks upload illegal porno and share it. So the real problem is failing to think of strategies to declassify them as humans.
>on no I allowed anchovy pasta to enter my browser cache I'm going to jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you niggers serious?
You do realize that you're not legally liable for shit your pc cachew, right?
if catbox were the feds it would work a lot better.
>Only Yanks upload illegal porno and share it.
Imagine thinking 4chanx has any official relationship with 4chan
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Holy Shit! A fed pretending to be a bong!
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>civilized world
being in a list with ecuador, russia, south africa and the UAE is usually nothing to be proud of
Damn Italy and France since when?
Pedophiles use 4chan, too. What's your point?

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