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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>102977339

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI

>Local install
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI

>SD 3.5 info & download

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
sd3.5: https://replicate.com/stability-ai/stable-diffusion-3.5-large
flux-dev: https://huggingface.co/spaces/black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-dev
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling

>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...

>Related boards
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>mfw Resource news


>qapyq: image viewer and AI-assisted editing tool for curating datasets

>Disney Poised to Announce Major AI Initiative


>3D-Adapter: Geometry-Consistent Multi-View Diffusion for High-Quality 3D Generation

>DreamClear: High-Capacity Real-World Image Restoration with Privacy-Safe Dataset Curation

>OpenAI plans to release its next big AI model by December


>Blendify -- Python rendering framework for Blender

>MIA-DPO: Multi-Image Augmented Direct Preference Optimization For Large Vision-Language Models

>Towards Effective Data-Free Knowledge Distillation via Diverse Diffusion Augmentation

>Diffusion Priors for Variational Likelihood Estimation and Image Denoising

>Up-to-date list of danbooru tags

>OpenAI disbands another safety team, as head advisor for ‘AGI Readiness’ resigns

>Google offers its AI watermarking tech as free open source toolkit



>ComfyUI wrapper nodes for Mochi video generator

>SDNext Release 2024-10
>mfw Research news


>Accelerating Object Detection with YOLOv4 for Real-Time Applications

>Audio-Driven Emotional 3D Talking-Head Generation

>G2D2: Gradient-guided Discrete Diffusion for image inverse problem solving

>Improving Vision Transformers by Overlapping Heads in Multi-Head Self-Attention

>Animating the Past: Reconstruct Trilobite via Video Generation

>A Survey on All-in-One Image Restoration: Taxonomy, Evaluation and Future Trends

>CROPE: Evaluating In-Context Adaptation of Vision and Language Models to Culture-Specific Concepts

>ViMoE: An Empirical Study of Designing Vision Mixture-of-Experts

>EVA: An Embodied World Model for Future Video Anticipation

>Beyond 2:4: exploring V:N:M sparsity for efficient transformer inference on GPUs

>Improve Vision Language Model Chain-of-thought Reasoning

>MMAD-Purify: A Precision-Optimized Framework for Efficient and Scalable Multi-Modal Attacks


>Framer: Interactive Frame Interpolation

>MotionCLR: Motion Generation and Training-free Editing via Understanding Attention Mechanisms

>Unbounded: A Generative Infinite Game of Character Life Simulation

>Where Am I and What Will I See: An Auto-Regressive Model for Spatial Localization and View Prediction

>Stable Consistency Tuning: Understanding and Improving Consistency Models
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another successful caturday
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My washing machine's beeping is driving me up a wall
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That cat is toasted kek
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now that caturday is winding to a close, I need a new prompt. is it time to see how sd35 does debos?
also, I wish sd35 had a better name than sd35
Schnell Is still pretty fun.
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I'd def watch fat albert Z. add that to the list of shows greenlit for the sdg network once ani gives us true animation
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guess there's no pw to play with tonight... gonna be a snooze fest... what'd that nigga get yeeted for anyway? just existing? lol

guess we're stuck with the bastard love child of koff and flux, maybe debo, and i guess some fag who whines about 1girls. what a world, what a world.
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all their posts were left up but the images were nuked. kind of unusual
but debo for sure, for real
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sell us on the "pw is a sekret troon" conspiracy lore. always seemed dude coded to us, but then again we're... well... let's just say our grasp on reality might not be all that tight.
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afaik pw never specified pronouns, and we all know that there's no women on the internet, but pw is also prob female. I just say 'they' to cover all the bases
>prob female
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ikr, girls are gross
Imagine calling a grown human being a "girl"
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we don't see it at all. gay, maybe. troon? distinct possiblity, but you could be a troon too for all we know. we may not be some crusty oldfags, but "all anons are considered male until proven otherwise" seems like good sense to us.
>to us.
How many people are you
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An apple a day keeps the schizo away
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does △ count as a "people"
we don't know. so at least 1.5

that only works on lesser schizos. imagine being the guy for whom a standard apple makes all the voices go away. must be nice.
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I'm imagining

maybe. maybe. I'm just saying, as someone who's an expert in girls (because I very much have much sex), I have suspicions

us/triangle are their pronouns
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what's he up to?
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>maybe. maybe. I'm just saying, as someone who's an expert in girls (because I very much have much sex), I have suspicions
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hes been working on a c++ inference engine. he might have switched to something new but he's never updated us
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>c++ inference engine
what a massive waste of effort. the most important parts of the pipeline are already optimized, the python crap is all just glue. SIR OUR PROFILING STATISTICS HAVE SHOWN THAT WE SPEND 0.000004% OF EXECUTION TIME ON INTEROP AND GUI TASKS! ALERT ALERT! ALL HANDS ON DECK.
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he said
>no more shitty memory managed wrappers. just offline inference the way it should be
he's smarter than me so I assume its worth something cuz he said so. he also has investors and we all know money is always right
dear stakeholders,

it seems the application is I/O bottlenecked, and as such, it being written in a peasant language like python, means we need to re-write in x86 assembly code, STAT, this will make everything much better

p.s. this will cost several hundred thousand "people hours" and probably a few hundred thousand dollars. trust me, it will be worth it when we eke out a few percent off of user perception of performance.

an autistic moron
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yeah. something like that
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oh you sweet summer child

btw i do hate the autistic. they need to be ground up into onions green ASAP. they are soulless pawns of the machine, and, as such, deserve only an expedient death.

see above
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But when will Chinese AI make my waifu real since Elon Musk has clearly failed us
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the autistic build the world and everything in it.
gn all
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they're happily building us into destruction. never once considering "just because you can doesn't mean you should."

another one bites the dust.
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this is such a good late night vibe

>they're happily building us into destruction
to progress is to destroy. on the ashes of the past will the future be built
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and when they randomly destroy this load bearing structure or that, in the name of progress of course, what then? global governance needs must be fundamentally conservative, anything else is just playing dice with civilization.

>"Rocking the boat until it crashes on the rocks" shall be the whole of the law, and we shall call it Progress(tm).

voting Kamala btw, cuz in this house we believe in vague pseudointellectual word salad! get in nigga, we're saving the FUCKIN PLANET!
saving the planet means the total subjugation of all governments on planet Earth to the whims of USG, and whatever bureaucrat happens to be dominate in the State Department this week. Oh, oopse poopse, it looks like that guy is out of favor now, so whatever he was doing is now null and void. so sorry for any inconvenience caused, but you're on your own now, it's not our fault, policy shifted. you know how it is.
that being said, USG is always right. if you think otherwise, well, we need to have a serious conversation with the occupation government to make you disappear. sillly eurotard, nationalism is for americans.
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horses were a load bearing structure of society until cars turned them into glue. reject tradition, destroy institutions. these hollow vestiges only serve to stifle the growth of humankind
you will eat ze c++ inference engines
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I really need to start selling shitty t-shirts
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nah i'll die of old age before that fuckin retard realizes his goal of "optimizing the things that didnt' need to be optimized". meanwhile, the python fags will be shipping products, laughing at the dumbass fucking retards burning investor cash on a pipedream.
u live in libtard central? that shit would sell like hotcakes to the souless faggatrons infesting the economic core of this crapsack world. good? bad? it is what it is.
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I didnt have "illum is a python ride or die" on my bingo sheet
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despair, all ye imbeciles,
run around screaming
like chickens (before and after their heads are cut off)
be lead gently into the killing machines,
be ground into nutrient packs
by the Machine.
live, love, laugh.

it's not about love of python, it's about wasting effort on optimizing things that don't need to be optimized. do these motherfuckers think pytorch is written in native python? get fucking real! so these morons want to re-write the tiniest part of the compute load (GUI) in obtuse bullshit, entirely because their autistic morons who, despite any possible brilliance in this field or that, are, in the abstract, completely fucking retarded.

why do you think i advocated for the autistics be ground into nutrient paste for the greater good of humanity? it's them, or us.

you really need to stop thinking "autism is the next form of humanity" they're spiteful mutants, they are bioscum, the worst of the worst. we need to elminate autists with the same casual energy we use to destroy malaria mosquitos.

total autist death.
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>nutrient paste
rimworld gamer spotted
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No sleep til' Brooklyn
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im ded
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her tits need to be a lot bigger. until then, you're the quintessential bronx coded peasant. besides, we thought you were the mouse fucker, what's up with that?

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too skinny
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I'm not very good at mouse with Flux. I have 60k+ of retarded images I just never post them
then quit using the inferior model that flux obviously is. like, fucking duh.
they will never again release a properly creative model, it's all lobotomized models, filtered through RLHF teams in India and the Phillipines, rendered impotent by process.
AGI is impossible because the very people responsible for creating it are, also, responsible for neutering it, for strangling it in the crib.
i mean, imagine you're the cracked openai autistmo who, accidently created super intelligence? what do you get for your effort? HR inquisitions, and watching management sacrifice your child on the altar of safteyism.
"we can only release models which were created with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in mind.
you get a lobotomy, and you get a lobotomy, and you get a lobotomy!!

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since i'm the last retard here, i hope you all die screaming.

Last one from me, good night anons
truth desu
gn quokkers
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G'mornin Anons,
Great pictures in this thread
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Is there a particular reason why doing stuff like (thisthing:1.5) in the positive or negative prompt causes stuff to come out looking like it's own LSD when using XL? Something to do with emphasis I assume?
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>Julien craves attention again
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Emphasis mode either to old emphasis implementation or no norm, I think.
who dat
Where dafuq is this thing? AutismMix SDXL references it but I don't see it on the site.
It's on the same page as autismmix. It's a tab at the top.
Oh hell I'm blind, thanks.
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Nice. gm Anon.
I have 32GB of ram and an integrated gpu. Is that enough to run any of these image gens locally?
I'm on a GTX1080. Should I even bother with Flux?
>integrated gpu
how much vram? any?
None, it's an intel nuc.
you can run sd1.5 on cpu
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i am on the same card, id say flux is worth at least a brief bother, depends on your patience. i ended up mostly going back to sd 1.5 because i like being able to batch a bunch of images in a minute or two, unlike flux, where it took me like 11 minutes to gen a 896x1152 size image at 20 steps, but my settings were probably wrong. you can gen at smaller sizes too, but still takes way longer than 1.5
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that's crazy
how much ram do you have? I have 16gb and it was taking forever to gen a 512x640 20 steps pic
I probably did something stupid
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i also have 16 ram. flux was also crashing my pc at times, so i have mostly given up on it. sd 3.5 seems to be the new thing now, anyway. i haven't tried it yet
>20 steps
there are 'turbo' and 'flash' models available that converge in 4 steps
looking for a pretty specific lora I can't find on civit, for her. please and thank you.
while I get comfy working on this potato.
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realer than real
i need a strawberry elephant but my models keep fucking it up, is it too real?
I think it's playing with its prey.
the government forced the removal of strawberry elephants from the models so people wont learn the truth
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>strawberry elephants
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can images be ungenerated, (jk)
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im deboing so hard rn
Furry slang?
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>one more
How many Lora's in your Lora folder is too many?
until you need the drive space for something else.
gay slang
I'm not watching a video on gay slang. I'll take your word for it.
oh so thats where the name comes from
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Happy Afternoon
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trying a 'flux fusion' 8 step model
this made me want to google "debo" to see whats out there. found this gem
>I totally DEBOed my presentation today
There is also "(to) debo" which basically means rubbing a brown one out
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forgot pic
>rubbing a brown one out
Dont even wanna know what that means
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hello fellow pool enjoyer

i was elated when i realized i could use ai to create the pools i see in my dreams
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it do be like that
I tried turning cfg down a bunch and it makes a very cool aesthetic but increases errors a lot
No debo bullying below this line
put your mobile phone away thread schizo
Nobody is bullying anyone
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Thats a very cool pool
How would one get bullied on an anonymous forum?
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What tag should I use to get neck bolts to complete the Frankenstein's Monster girl look?
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literally me (I'm an anime girl)
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>means rubbing a brown one out
What the fuck does that mean?
fuck off
Super cute
Can she fart?
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Afternoon anons
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Can you use the same adetailers for XL models as you would for 1.5 or do I need to get new ones?
You'd need new ones.
For example.
Sometimes I feel like I download so many lora's and whatnot from this site that I should probably be saving the text descriptions for every single one of them just so I remember how they all work.
Its good to have a clear out on occasion.
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The worst part is when you download a lora and you can't search it up again by filename.
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and it doesn't work because it has a trigger word but you don't remember it and can't find the model page
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>Save LoRas trigger word as filename for LoRa.
I know you guys use comfy, but do you actually have to use trigger words with it? Because with Forge, you just select the Lora and apply it with the strength that you want.
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thanks. thats quite a gen you've got there

depends on how its trained. some only activate on trigger words, others can just been loaded in and will be automatic
What the ever-loving fuck is that?!
Interesting. Every one that I've ever used just needed to be activated.
RIP flux girl
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Ghosts of the fallen
reminds me of an old vqgan gen, oh how i miss vqgan
i guess she had a good run
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cant tell if mexican or witch

you know how it is with superheros, no one ever dies
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I like that the flux cat keeps getting bigger and fatter
wow a furry kamala
handsome guy, shame they chemically castrated him.
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upscale travails
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>Turn on tower for first time in a week, forge is open and this image is there
>Please wait 900 seconds or verify your email address before making a post
>Captcha is from the 1950s
Is forge like comfyui, only for the mentally handicapped?
Can someone walk through using 1.5, like what's best? What should I do? Do loras work well with 1.5?
i can show you how to gen some farting lolis real quick if you want
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have you ever considered genning a fart elemental?
I miss Schizo anon
catbox now
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Speaking of 1.5, I read awhile ago that a team redid the original SD dataset with better captions increasing its prompt adherence. I wish someone would leak that.

Oh, and 1.5 works "best" I found with a mix of word salad and natural language. I used to use three or four sentences (describing what I wanted with different words) before getting into the token salad to try and mitigate over-fitting.
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schizophrenic situation
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the ears are a bit cursed, lol
this is mochi I assume?
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yes it's mochi.
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nite, if not eternal
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no u

I never touched a gg game but always thought the character designs were really cool. this one and, uh... bakugan? the sword lady. booba unrelated (mostly)
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Yeah I haven't played much gg myself honestly, but the character designs are nice.
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:) Flux
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Remember Craiyon?

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