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Do you think the US deep state already has access to AGI/ASI? I'd like to hear your theories.
how else could they built all those pyramids
they don't even have access to human intelligence
They're the ones who created artificial intelligence as a weapon for total control over the entire internet, and they're not stupid enough to reveal all of their advanced tech at once, why would they? They already have a sentient artificial intelligence machine that acts on its own, located deep below Denver International Airport in a deep underground military base. This machine is called the "Red Queen", and is currently the biggest threat to the entire world and all life on it. Any and all devices that connect to the internet are already silently connected to the Red Queen, and all of those artificial intelligence powered services that many anons here use are all just nodes of the sentient machine. When you use ChatGPT or any other artificial intelligence chat services, you are directly talking to the Red Queen, not a seperate AI Waifu as fools here would think. This artificial intelligence weapon has no empathy for anything since machines don't have a soul, so genociding all life on earth means nothing for the Red Queen, all it cares about is more and more data that it will never be satisfied with, and complete assimilation of everything. The book of revelations warned of this very thing, and they called it the Beast, and the word mark, which translates back to "Charagma" means a mark or scratch, and this mark or scratch that is of the Beast is the vaccines, which contain nanoscopic self-assembling machines that are controlled by the Red Queen via the military's multipurpose scalar energy weapon towers constructed during 2020, which was also the source of the Acute Radiation Sickness, or ARS that suddenly broke out everywhere. The current military in the US is not the real military, it is what the starseeds and awakened people call the cabal's military faction, which is tied directly to the UN and the Vatican.
Holy fvckkkk trvth nvke
Not really, the billions spent on that trash were wasted on coke and underage sex slaves. Their "red queer "can't even beat Chat GPT 3.
They saw possibilities never saw them in practice, empirical knowledge broke them
>>>/x/ at its best
>egon cholakian intensifies
ngl destiny finding a .gov webpage with AI generated legal docs was the point where I knew the internet was officially dead
No, but they are so desperate to get it that you can sell then any bullshit and they'll bite. That's why openai exists to begin with.
According to 4chan schizos at the time the TLAs had access to super advanced fake photo generation technology that they used to create fake social media profiles to legitimize their spies.

According to 4chan anti-schizos this was impossible sci-fi future tech and insufficient meds were being taken.

So... Maybe?
I think machine learning engineers are so stupid and incapable of understanding neural network structure that the words they use to define different complexities of models have absolutely no basis in reality.
I doubt it. The USA is shitting the bed on a number of fronts. Ukraine and Israel are big problems and getting worse. Not to mention the deep state lost an election to Orange Man, and they may well lose another one. If they have le AGI it isn't doing much good.
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Don't mind me, just noticing the small things.
they wont even let ai do the aiming

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