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>How do I activate Windows?
HWID2 mimics a valid Windows installation to generate a permanent legitimate license
>and Office?
Same link, use Ohook option
You can also use Office.com if your needs are very minimal
or try OnlyOffice/LibreOffice and set it to save in MSOffice file formats

>What version should I install?
W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021
-10 years support on IoT LTSC, EoL 2032
-5 years on LTSC, EoL 2027
-LTSC releases are binary identical to Enterprise except no MS Store and no bloat apps
-If you need MS Store run this in cmd: wsreset -i
-ISO: 4.5GB

W11 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2024
-EoL 2035
-Only if you fell for the 12th+ gen Intel meme and need the new CPU scheduler
-Same UI downgrades as regular W11
-ISO: 4.8GB

W10/W11 Home/Pro/Edu/Enterprise
-Only 1.5-2 yrs support
-No control over updates
-Preinstalled bloatware apps (games, music, news, weather, onedrive, start menu ads, etc)
*W11 specific
*Massive UI usability downgrades
*Removed features and reduced performance in Start, Taskbar and Explorer
*Recall bloat (ARM)
-ISOs: 6.4~6.6GB

Windows IoT LTSC https://pastebin.com/ywkasnhM
Windows https://pastebin.com/nUMgAr0b
Office https://pastebin.com/G8w5qu6z

>Should I debloat / build my own ISO?
If you need to ask, then no.
If you know what you're doing:

>Windows/Office install guide

>Portable programs & reinstall-proofing

>Useful programs (new install, essentials, utilities, adobe, etc)

>I miss Windows##

Change to .co if links don't work

Previous: >>102946022
mating press, nakaԁashi, impregnate, and marry hotaru-chan
W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021 is where is at.
that hotaru sweets is one of the few series where the official art mogs the fanart HARD
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does anyone here use AME with AtlasOS/ReviOS? how's the user experience? is the auto-installed software like the browser also auto-updated or do you have to run a script to do so?
BB Hood my love
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kotoyama's is a god
his art style backed with anime budget is impossible to compete with
kotoyama* is
I like the way he draws eyes the most
I've tried it, but didn't have that great of an experience IE the Windows install afterwards just felt kinda weird.
Though given this was back around when it was pretty new it's probably ironed out a lot of bugs, but I'd still try it in a virtual machine first to see if it works properly.
has anybody here tried to dualboot windows 11 and windows 10?
apparently windows 11 has problem with old games, even more than windows 10
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more like NAKADASHl
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I love Windows!
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my previous HDD crashed and no longer boot but I need to recover stuff, please /fwt/ you're my only hope, teach me how I can achieve that
Look into PhotoRec and/or TestDisk
has windows 11 ltsc been officially released of are people still installing the leak/pre-release iso?
Official release afaik.
LTSC 2024 was officially released October 1st. Massgrave index has links to the ISO for that and IoT LTSC.
i didn't check the op pastebins and i'm downloading 11 iot ltsc from ms' servers. thanks.
Does 11 ltsc have recall? Will it get forced on it in the future? Should I stick with 10 ltsc?
>dism /online /get-featureinfo /featurename:recall
Run this and if it says it's there, you can run
>dism /online /disable-feature /featurename:recall
to disable it.
recall is only for cpus that have ai npus, so snapdragon cpus according to ms
dunno if it can or will be backported to older/incompatible cpus via an update.
It still makes its way into a normal non NPU computer
so far there's no proof that it actually does anything at all since it's an ARM exclusive, but you can just disable it
Thank you m$ pajeet engineers, I feel safer already sirs.
It's only 21000 LOC just audit it.
Why the fuck would you update if you don't have a reason to?
this but saya
Im still on Windows 10 Home/Pro for all my computers. Have been for years. Is this a problem? None of them have asked me to update to Windows 11 yet. I remember windows 10 was forced on me back on the day.
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Hotaru is too hot.
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Thoughts on UniGetUi?
I've never installed an OS before and am gonna build a new PC soon. Do I just diddle my device with a USB and magic happens? do these copy pasted keys on reddit really work?
It tries to force you to use 11 if you meet the requirements IE have a computer with at least a mid range 8th gen Intel Core or the AMD equivalent, supports TPM 2.0 and has secure boot enabled.
It's ok, but why not just use winget.run? I know it doesn't list store apps but usually you would know which software are in the store unless they have both versions (thunderbird in store vs. mozilla.thunderbird).
Well I guess there's chocolatey and scoop as well, but winget does fit most needs.
I use it and I like it.
Which one should I install? Office 2024 or Office 365?
You'll basically get the same thing, but 2024 won't get new features. Think of the yearly Office releases like an LTSC release.
A technician from the supplier of our new SNMP software (KPAX, only for Windows, closed source) tells me that it's possible to install Windows on a RaspberryPi, because one of our competitors has done so (he was in the same situation as us, with a whole fleet of RPi's installed at customers' sites).
Do you have any reliable and/or official resources on this?
Suggested dxvk and vulkan for older games in the stupid questions thread and it resolved some anon's issue.
Thanks, that did the trick!

Now, it turns out AtlasOS isn't compatible with W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021, so how do I remove the spyware and backdoors from this version of Windows?
I like it. I wish it had like a browse mode for popular apps or something but meh.
>OS drive failed
Luckily most of my shit is on other drives. I'm a 10chad but since I have to reinstall windows I'm curious if this is a good time to try 11 since LTSC is out. I recently got a new laptop and it came with 11 I haven't used it much but it seems not that bad despite me being a diehard 10fag. Is it time to put 11 on my desktop? To my knowledge 11 is worse with tracking shit/telemetry and shit like co pilot that I don't want and the only time I tried to debloat 10 myself I broke some shit and had to re install. Thoughts?
Saw another anon saying the same thing last thread, or the one before it, but been on Linux for 6 months and just went back to Windows, and holy fuck the quality of life jump is insane.
Linux is nice for a lot, but the state of the DE's is really fucking bad. KDE, is, without being a hyperbolic retard about it, quite buggy (seriously, I would just switch themes and something would happen with dbus, and brick my ability to access settings menus lmao). Gnome is like a pale imitation of macos, its worse in every way imaginable, plus the devs are enormous faggots, and a lot of the other DEs have just kind of fallen behind. I'm hoping the cosmic de works out nicely, but I don't have huge hopes.

WMs as a whole are a lot smoother of an experience, but require a ton of work, and it just isn't worth the time.
Should I care about having TPM? I don't think there's much reason to oppose it but I already did the Rufus and if its just superior security not sure if I'm that bothered
Why should you care?
Ur right i don't think I shud
How is atlasOS? All I've ever seen about it is blatant misinfo, that the lead guy on the project tries to counteract where he can.

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