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How were they able to make their mobile version so bad? Is there any special technique one has to master to achieve such task?
How is it bad if I may ask?
It is terribly slow.
It's super slow but if you get Nightly and make a Mozilla account you can have any extension you like which is a total gamechanger.
If you block their telemetry it will choke and refuse to load anything for a short while. Its a small annoyance, yet annoying nonetheless.
Remember that it's Google holding Mozilla afloat. On the desktop they need Firefox to be at least viable because otherwise they'd have a full monopoly and come under regulatory scrutiny. But on mobile because of the iPhone they don't dominate so much so mobile Firefox is completely irrelevant to them.
something something pajeets never imagined in a hundred years sir that you would swipe down at anything more or less than a perfect 180deg angle therefore everything else is a right swipe dismiss tab THANKS FUCKERS
Is nightly faster than regular on Android? Only thing I use desu is ublock

What other extensions are not bloatware
>had a pretty good browser with Fennec 68.1
>decided to shit it up with Fenix
That's how
>can't download pdfs naturally any more, now tries to open them in a window
>constant download nags popping up at bottom of screen
>frequently does NOTHING when left alone for awhile+go to open new tab
>have to make specific extension collection to use non-mobile extensions when Fennec could do so naturally
I don't know if it's faster.
Extension I use:
>Dark Reader
>Sci-Hub X Now!
>Bypass Paywalls Clean
>I don't care about cookies
>Translate Web Pages
This is so annoying but in my experience it's not limited to Firefox. There's many apps that have started to do that recently, idk why.
I never understood why they threw out the baby with the bath water there. Fenix was in no way an improvement from where they were.
It's bad? I use it pretty much exclusively on my phone. I can get ublock on it, that's an instant sell.

This is annoying, I agree.

But not as annoying as this site is now. Several 15 minute waits a day? Thanks Hiroshimoot and fuck you.
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Me neither, four years on and I'm still salty.
You don't even need an account, just go to the about screen and tap the Firefox logo 5 times and it will enable the ability to install extensions from a file.
At least the Undo popup is right there.
What do you mean you can't get ublock? Just go to the go to add one in the browser settings
I literally said I can get ublock on firefox.
I've been using Nightly for as long as I have smartphones, that is, four to six years, I think? The are only three noticeable problems with it, all are purely gui-related and therefore minor:
1. When you open the tabs panel, most of the time it opens scrolled to the position of the current tab, but sometimes it opens scrolled to the top. Awkward.
2. It's sorta easy to unintentionally f5 when scrolling a page to the top.
3. It's sorta easy to unintentionally drop a tab when scrolling the tab panel.
That's about it. Some of these problems may be fixed by now because I rarely update it and I wouldn't know. The absense of about:config in the default non-Nightly build is also a bug, but I don't think it will be fixed until Google is dead. Waiting for this day like fucking Christmas.
It can install any MV3 extension (on their add-on store) out of the box. And for anything else there is >>102999352
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the ublock phone killer
The fact you can install ubo outweighs all the other minor inconveniences
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I believe there's an extension to replace for that 'Dark Reader' since the performance is so bad but I forgot the name
We did it reddit! Upboated! Have a kind gold sir! Wowzerino!!!
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Hello? Based Department? Check these numbers.
try to figure it out then
if you only want some basic css change then you can use userscript
>>I don't care about cookies
ublock has this built in as optional filter list
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The /g/ browser wars have been settled once and for all. Firefox it is.
problem with filter list is if you do want to allow cookies you have to turn off your entire adblocker
>Is nightly faster than regular on Android
Just use one of the bunch of debloated versions.
The performance is bad because of the default mode. Change dark reader mode to static.
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It's called not using chromium.
I waited years for firefox to be as smooth as chrome and when it finally seemed like it would happen, they dropped extensions support.
It still isn't as smooth by the way.
chrome is not and has never been smooth
it's a 30fps browser
firefox is now a 120+ fps browser like edge used to be with the spartan engine and IE9 before it
mozilla finally learned what actually matters in browser responsiveness instead of optimizing for synthetic JS benchmarks
I dont get (lel) it. Shouldn't the real get be >>102999999 ?
based Kaiji poster
It's slow and laggy. I only use it as an app for youtube podcasts. UBlock origin blocks ads, and firefox plays the audio with the screen turned off.
Chromeniggers, bravesisters...not like this...
brave is chrome
For now, if the Google deal fell through I and many others would step in and donate to keep them afloat.
oh my god, i remember when they launched fenix. everybody was like "what in the god damn". it was fucking horrible. fennec could do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.
Yeah I still don't understand the decision. What we have now is poorly customizable and buggy as fuck. I just wish a good fork would come out, but all the forks are just stripping Mozilla account integration instead of doing anything useful
How is it bad? I've switched from Chrome to Firefox because it was faster on my Android device.
Moz://a knows the target audience will put up with anything, imagine consuming slop on a tiny ass screen, using touch controls instead of an actual workstation. It is not for computing, it is not for reading, it is not for getting things done.
Slow as shit and has terrible interface, even worse than Chrome tab grouping. Ironically Safari is the least shit out of all mobile browsers right now.
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kek loves this thread
UltimaDark, but it still in development
Bullshit. Phones ARE good for reading. I remember the struggle of using my laptop in a bath. Never again.
le shill lion & itoddlers completely obliterated
My knees are bending by themselves.
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I kneel
They probably use iPhones.
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that settles it, browser wars are officially over
>I only use it as an app for youtube podcasts
Tubular (newpipe fork w/ sponsorblock) is perfect for that use-case.
It also let's you easily download the ones you might want to listen to offline.
Bravenewpipe is much better
Just how many newpipe forks are there?
all these meme apps constantly break
Ublock on firefox just werks and will always just werk
not my usecase
More than one
Mull, ice raven, or fennec. Install multiple and use them for separate browsing habits. IceRaven has a huge extension list. So does Mull.
>slow slow slow
Runs just fine on my phone.
The post that saved Firefox.
I prefer it over the competition in terms of interface and it never felt slow to me.
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Having UBO while not being some obscure fork puts firefox above the competition.
All mobile browsers and sites are so slow and shit compared to desktop that it doesn't really matter. Mobile internet is best avoided whenever possible.

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