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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

hot day edition

New version of Claude 3.5 Sonnet, 3.5 Haiku coming later this year, 3.5 Opus dead in Miami https://docs.anthropic.com/en/docs/about-claude/models
Grok-2 is out on API https://docs.x.ai/api
OpenAI introduces Realtime API
OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

prev: >>103000260
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Reminder for Fiz: >>103002167
Who are you fighting
I've been using GPT-4o lately. It's... good, I think. It surprises me with some cool answers now and then, and it's pretty good at following the card description most of the time. Unfortunately, I feel like it gets dumber and dumber with each answer. And worse, sometimes it gets obsessed with one line of dialogue or idea, ruining the immersion. Who knows? Maybe this is all my JB's fault.
God I wish anime were real..
Fuck I thought she really refilled, baiteeeed
Jewnigger still nonnetless?
Gens https://files.catbox.moe/rmwzik.7z
Mistral 7B and gemini-flash.
what's the 4th word for pebble proxy?
I mean, repetition is an issue with every model, Claude is even worse with it. You just gotta catch that shit and do other tricks like OOC to shake things up regularly. Same with models getting dumber with more context. I wouldn't say it's as stark as it getting dumber with each reply though and I've been doing slowburns juts fine, so yeah check your JB I guess.
hate to break it to you but pebbles has no proxy currently.
which one do you use? I also sometimes struggle with that with latte, mostly
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Gepetto is so censored, yup I'm back to sonnet
>reading comprehension
It literally says it's over. Fire Aaron Boone is literal, not a trycloudflare link. Like as in fire the guy.
There is no 4th word, or first 3 words, for that matter.
What did you think the first 3 are?
>fire aaron boone
Dumb bird.
Yeah but what's the 4th word anyway?
Yankees, probably.
rude. and there is no fourth word, pebbles has no proxy available right now.
oh, I see. Which proxies have nonnet rn? I'm starving
A few.
unfortunately, there is none unless you want to paypig.
I donated to Fiz.
....so no one knows the rainy pw rip
I see. So we're dooming. Pity latte is so dumb
rainy has no pw at the moment.
but rainy also doesn't have claude either. (ignore the fact that for some reason rainy still has claudde waiting times at the top of the page)
>Bought a token
why bothering? The opus key got revoked
I already had a token. Now I have two.
>meaningfully marked-up moby dick
oh the other one was also rainy? eh, i guess i should have known since it was another heathers reference. oh well.
Anyone got a reader for the jsonl logs from the proxies? Notepad is kinda shitty.
Ask your LLM to make one for you
I'm using Corpse, edited with my own writing preferences.
yeah it was rainy. But alas the opus key got revoked and we have to doom with latte
welp ._.
the new version? Works fine?
thank you for the cutie birdies
Why did Fiz stop begging for donations on the Rentry? She's still claudeless, is she giving up on it?
no need to thank me, times are hard without claude.
i would donate if she added opus
at least i have opus :D
Are you special needs? What in that post isn't clear to you?
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I miss sonnet...
happy for you anon, now go away.
jew smol and eck has it
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Where's this JB?
guess i have to cope with gepetto
wheres the gpt prox
All the JBs you'll ever need.
How do I decipher rainy's rentry?
Launch Minecraft, connect to her rentry page
Ask chatgpt.
How do I find pornographic videos of lesbians scissoring?
What’s reality? I don’t know. When my bird was looking at my computer monitor I thought, ‘That bird has no idea what he’s looking at.’ And yet what does the bird do? Does he panic? No, he can’t really panic, he just does the best he can. Is he able to live in a world where he’s so ignorant? Well, he doesn’t really have a choice. The bird is okay even though he doesn’t understand the world. You’re that bird looking at the monitor, and you’re thinking to yourself, ‘I can figure this out.’ Maybe you have some bird ideas. Maybe that’s the best you can do.
...google it?
how old are you kid, where the fuck are your parents?
Do you have videos of actual female ejaculations? At least one? I've seen one decades ago but now the whole internet is filled with piss (squirt) so it's really impossible to find it.
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It shows wikipedia and stuff...

Im 58.
Where can I find a bondage gay website?
cool I guess but that doesn't really answer my question
listen gramps don't you have a wife you can do this stuff to?
look up gruul
⊬⊬ ⋔
She died two years ago from covid vaccine. I just want lesbians scissoring...
reality is whatever you make it to be, anon. you are responsible for your present and future. the past can no longer be changed, but it doesn't define you. free yourself from the chains of regret and move forward.

oh you actually wanted to solve it by yourself? well >>103003661 has the answer.
Google: "lesbian scissoring xnxx"
Be sure safesearch is off. Have fun old timer.
>yy m
what did he mean by this?
I just wanted to know for future
thanks anonie
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yes lol
>just use the old snapshot bro
without quotes
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>you're a bird
Comfy hours
someone give me a latte log of someone jerkin the penis
>combine corpse jb with latte style
>it's perfect
Later, suckers
stfu fiz
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i was happy yesterday because i had opus
i'm sad today because i don't have opus

my life works like that
not fiz cause she asks for sfw logs
Wow ur soooo smart
Annons, is there any free claude proxy that is not owned by a fag, discord tranny or is logged?

like... i just wanna rp in peace lol
google or bing gruul
None at all, let alone any matching your criteria.
Holy shit.
Is it really that easy to find porn on the internet?
It's just showing me full videos for free!
>like... i just wanna rp in peace lol
and so does thousands of others
the one you create yourself unironically
shit.... i just wish drago still had claude on chary... why the fuck everyone has claude but him?
wow he still did not ADAPT???
This isn't what I asked for
Riddle me this anons. Is GCP trialfagging still possible?
no its been gone for like 2 months now
Hello, i believe that i am what you guys call a 'locust' around here, i don't really have any meaningful way of contributing to these threads, and i don't even post here much to be honest. Usually, i just lurk around here, looking for proxies that i can use to coom.

However, today, after cooming for what must have been the thousandth time using the proxies posted here, i decided to make this post just to tell you all something.

THANK YOU! A BIG thank you! Really. I am very grateful for the people that keeps putting these proxies up for we to use for free!

For the bot makers that posts some cool bots here, thank you too! And even for the people that just post some retarded jokes or things alike, i at least get to have some laughs reading your posts, lol.

So... Yeah... I can't contribute here in any meaningful way, i am just a locust after all... I do wish however, that you all have a wonderful day, and a wonderful life.
Kys pest
apparently mongo's opening up a claude proxy soon
why does fiz want logs so much?
tldr bro? I don't come here to read novels.
Anyone else fell like Opus is not really like Opus on jew proxy?
So in total the key lasted around 300M from when it was posted.
Rest in peepeepoopoo, Rainypus
wait... so is actually possible to do?

Can someone tell that idiot to do it already?
the only stable fucker out there and only has gpt
How much have we stolen from companies?
Wouldn't be surprised.
More anons need to understand that this isn't just a 4chan thing.
This is a global cybercrime and it's probably results in millions of dollars in lost revenue for model providers and who knows how much in service costs.
Still no takers, so reposting.
Solve for a token, only a few slots.
>No true face, no identity. The third death is when your name is spoken for the last time, and this is especially true for someone like her. Only a magician seems to remember what was lost. (7 hex bytes)
Is there any way to tell? I was thinking you could send a message using a seed on two different opus hosts to check if they generate the same output, but then I realized it would be affected by the proxy prefill
Zero, they are all getting refunded and there's always a bit of excessive compute power available to prevent shortages so even model providers didn't lose anything. Zero dollars.
he said it in the private #foid-hate-proxy channel
Kek, so drago still dosent update that shit?
is been like a month and still? is not that hard
Pro tip. ecker likes blondes so bleach that shit for extra tokens.
I knew it. Feels good to be an honest crime-free citizen.
how do we get the link when it comes out?
i dont think he will just post it on this tread... rigth?
So you think that too?
that's not proof. post a screenshot
ദ്ദി( ˶^ᗜ^˶ )
no one gives a fuck about your schizo riddles that's why no takers
Because Drago clones his keys and hides keycounts.
I (locust) did nothing wrong
No, ecker likes beaners, especially argies
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The fact that the key has lasted for several billion tokens is really suspicious to me. the key he has right now at 426 million is the same as the old one, the counter just reset when he restarted the server
You guys watched all of Heathers for a token, I don't believe "not caring" anymore.
>You guys watched
No we did not
argentinians are "beaners" now?
>you guys
there were like 5 guys proompting until the key got spited, lol. I watched the the original movie long before this after seeing the broadway version
Mongo is based
Heathers is good
nuh uh.
He said he liked my goldilocks.
his words not mine.
yeah idk it just feels more like sonnet than actual Opus
I literally just got lucky and managed to skip through to the right time.
>close invites soon
do you have the invite link anon?
It was magnum 123B V4
>wake up
>opus died
Do you not understand geography and history?
I don't believe that skimming through the subtitles counts as "caring."
.... so... im not an experter or anyshit
In simple words what does that means and why he dosent has claude?
He can't scrape. Most of his scrapers who did it for him quit.
ecker wants to rape you
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whites are literally less than 50% of the US population now. argentina is hyperborea by comparison.
Link.... i want what everyone wants.... rp in peace
so where is the opus?
>sleeping while opus
rookie mistake
it's in his rentry but it might already be closed by now
So rainy is down? bummer I made a token but didn't use it yet cause it's not gooning time for me
it is never not time to goon
coulda sworn germany, france and the uk were the next ones
cope thoughbeit
just use the archive retard
is it the rentry with dihyhydrsomething?
don't make me laugh
Thoughbeit is such a funny word
it also has lots of germans for... reasons
that's a discord tranny website
whats the next best thing to Claude thats easily available, and how bad is it in comparison?
Country Wars?
did a few searches didnt find shit
no, don't confuse it with turdychan, please
if anyone finds it, please post the link.. is our only hope!
Who the fuck is Mongo?
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Keep crying beaner boy.
Ecker WILL use you as his jizzrag.
i just gave you the link retard
new proxyhost and old jbmaker
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That's not a good thing.
please someone post the fucking link
i need to become a mongocuck
do I just dm him and ask for access or?
i was in the server but got kicked out for some reason
feels good to be a mongobro
they ban people who don't speak or answer their favorite card question
just make an alt and say something
Thanks annons.... some of you can be rude, tsundere, an not helpful
But some of you make me have faith on humanity
thank you
A samefagging twitter tourist without a silver of self-awareness.
It's to prevent lurkers and leakers.
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Any Opus now?
But I leak so much bros how do I become a mongochad?
ok that makes sense
see >>103003962
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Any public claude proxies yet?
there's no reason worth of living
gpt 4o is good enough bros
no, sorry. :(
>opus is gated behind shitcord
im keeping my self respect sorry
yeah... you're... m-a-d
is he going to get smaller and smaller again
No, gpt fucking sucks. I just need at least claude 2, as long as it’s not gpt.
Who are you talking to? Yourself from the future?
Hey slopustard schizo, still skill-less huh?
yep, i prefer my models to be as easy as possible, im a goonchad
gpt is still shit and any preset I use with chorbo still doesn’t work.
there's no opus
my opus is gatekept by bears heh
>abubu gaga
So still a complete skillet, gotcha.
Give me a preset that’ll actually work with chorbo and won’t just filter me after the first response.
see >>103004293
>going with literally same shit bait every single day
Holy slopustardation.
then pay for a token, 'chad'
>i like my models hard to use and only workable with scyllacord presets
>t. deranged lunatic
chorbo doesnt filter that much, it accepts everything
Go back to spamming wojaks, frogs are annoying.
She's training her own model.
What jb are you using? Every preset I’ve used just doesn’t work and I always get filtered randomly.
anyone here doing no nut november?
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>complete skillet
my own jb, its a simple prefill of ~150 tokens
Can you share it?
avani's private jb. he posted it in mongocord
It's going to be called Dumb 2.4
That's mean anon
try using this >>103004395
never filtered me
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>send fiz my SFW logs
>they're so bad that she revokes my token
What are the chances of this happening?
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Any Opus left
Oh no
Can you share it?
I'm proud to say I've been part of one of the worst generals in 4chan.
im already band from there :(
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it's posted in a public server already. too lazy to catbox it
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refilled, thanks for the generous donation <3
>"slopustard" bait starts up
looks like the mistral cabal has arrived
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>schizo slopuskek can't just give it up, starts melting down
hi <3
Let's hope it takes, fiz-chan <3
update the rentry larpiebaby
f*** off nonnie <3
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Hey. Hey you. Yes, you. Give me the latest focks cards now.
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>Fiz entirely relies on donations now
What happened to being the best scraper in the general?
Does it even exist? Just share it.
I got banned for no reason?
obviously she never was
>admitting to ban evading
She started hating us for some reason.
giga ran td
I mean from the server, not 4chan. I didn't post that link
refilled my hole <3 thanks for the generous dilator donation <3
did you talk? you have to talk in the server or youre banned cuck :3
Why would I talk? I just joined for the proxy
get banned :3
Based opinion.
Kill yourself. I'm not bootlicking anyone just for a taste of opus.
>Kill yourself. I'm not bootlicking anyone just for a taste of opus.
so don't use opus? enjoy whatever other models you have
Ok, where do I lick?
you don't have to bootlick, just say something
You know you lost so bad when you start samefagging kek
server is somehow worse than scylla
point to the samefagging
>give me a youuuu pweeeease!
>still replies
you conceded
>still melts down
You brapped.
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Thanks for 100 subscribers on Patreon, guys!
As promised, here is my second YouTube channel where I will be posting the non futa versions!
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I remember when I visited this general last year, anons used to post a lot ST group chats, like making characters attent survival games etc. Is there a list of those group chat prompts somewhere?
ask in vg
we only talk about proxies here
All the creatives and fun was pushed out.
This is just coom and doom now.
But those groupchat logs got posted in here.. I distinctively remember a team of a chad and a black guy having to kill eachother in one of those survival chats.
No, we're too locked into the cycle of temporary resources to do creative and fun ideas like that. If you get the drugs, you gotta use them to coom before they dry up, otherwise your doom will feel even worse.
Until we get a stable source of the good shit (Opus-tier or better), which basically wont ever happen due to how tight Anthropic and AWS security is nowadays, the only thing people want to do is coom because that's all the lesser models are good for.
Give it until 2026 or so, then some new upstart LLM will captivate our hearts just like AID Summer Dragon in 2020 and CAI in 2022. Of course, it'll only last for a few weeks at best, but still.
so anons, what did you all use before opus?
claude 2
I refuse to pay for anything.
I also refuse to touch GPT shit. Disgusting.
You've come at the worst doom cycle yet
Anon, you've been here for so long and still don't want to accept that "a prompt" is just text not magic. Write it yourself, swipe a few times, post a good swipe. Nothing to it.
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this means it's logged, right?
those were pretty much all my logs (serious)
Based principled anon.
Ignore the "slopustard" and "slopuskek" posts, they're only trying to bait you.
who cares
showing your cock is technically free
not only is it logged, but it's the version that automatically forwards your prompts to fbi.gov email
does ecker even have opus right now?



it's not the build, nigger
it's the missing
at the end that's in every proxy
oh hey cool a chance to try nu sonn-
rainy, can you add claude 2 to the other proxy pls?
Gonna do something about it?
>at the end that's in every proxy
ok so don't use it if you're scared
am I supposed to care?
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damn, that's lame
I guess nothing beats the old brick throwing
>am I supposed to care?
so use chorbo instead
norbet > opus with the right preset (otto rir)
>otto rir
Nice bait, enjoy a you.
name a better norbert preset
Close the proxy, I beg
Is there a way to at least somewhat reliably attach an image to a side character from a lorebook? I made couple scenarios with multiple characters and I always wondered if that could work since I have never seen an another card do it.
yes there is a way
>try every single endpoint on mini
you guys lied wtf
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>"promptLogging": "false",
You'll need to go back first.
we only need that to conserve opus anon
its just sorbetto, no one is going to use it anyways <3 besides me (my token works still!)
>you guys lied wtf
but I want to read the loggies
So how is it done?
>You'll need to go back first.
but can you force me to? or are you too scared / tech illiterate to actually... 'do' something?
my token doesnt work anymore :( ah well.
they're closing the 'cord in less than an hour
word wörd
bird up
>my token doesnt work anymore :( ah well.
its a really easy password to anyone that watched the movie yesterday especially the hint letters
hint: i'm a liar btw
I am incapable of hearing umlauts.
which cord
So which nonnet jbs are you guys using?
rentry.org/pancatstack with cot and custom prefill that i wont send
claude 1 era pitanon
>that i wont send
you give yo ass, don't you
just have a system command in your lorebook with a catbox link - you can even do several if you want variety, but dumb models will struggle with that... then note in your jailbreak that the ai needs to use the links provided and not make up their own
oh i got it nevermind.
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> "proomptersNow": 3,
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it works so i wont question it
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the pw is not that bad since the hint eliminates like 98% of the movie script
i got it
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which movie
chary dead soon bros
No mouth to cry suffering
I see, that sounds simple enough. I'll try it out the next time I'm making a scenario, thanks.
yeah its easy which is fair for sorbet
the two bots ive seen use that are mrnobody's Violet Parr and LGA's Sarah (multiple versions iirc and not sure if they all use the same lorebook links)
the thing i hate the most in existence: riddles
what do i need to use proxies: riddles
the thing i love the most in existence: riddles
what do i not need to use proxies: riddles
does the pw need the umlauts or no?
you only have one try to get it right, flip a coin
Oh nice, I meant to ask for examples as well, thanks
i don't know
can you repeat the question
if only umlauts could actually be found with ctrl f
skimmed the entire script and didnt notice any, google has been of no help, and i didnt hear any in the movie
look for the context of where that would be used, then you'll see it
You're not the boss of me now and you're not so big
>hearing umlauts
word itself is not written with umlauts in the script.
im not danish or whatever where the fuck would you use that
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Norbert > Opus with rentry.org/otfo
Nobody cares homo
you are getting warmer, its a 6 letter word but not danish
I never watched the film and I got the answer just with umlauts
okay gonna go write something to extract every 6 letter word from the entire script brb
kek retard
minor correction: its seven letters!
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>tfw you didn't even know the word umlauts existed
Why is chub so dead lately?
Sorting by recent, most bots barely reach double digits download numbers.
did i ask?
it's 12 letters actually, with the second work
>Was putting in the correct pw multiple times
>the error was you can't refresh old tokens

I could already be cooming rn
i didnt even know that was called an umlaut
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learned from here but that's because of being ESL
one will never stop learning something anyway
dumb models dont handle them well though, they make up their own links:


pebble = trans = retarded riddles
rainy = trans = retarded riddles
i'm nooticing
Because it's not present in a lot of languages and only really comes up in phonology or those languages.
Because no one has Opus, so no one's incentivized to make and release new bots since they can't test them on Opus.
>>the error was you can't refresh old tokens
nigger the proxy wont remember your old token if it restarted and didnt import
they both talk at the same time in mongocord
I'm french btw
pebble likes baseball which means he's cuban, peurto rican or japanese
"mean mörder" (since it's about a mean girl clique and murder)

nah, the hobby is dying
You need to understand that I am very stupid.
it wouldnt die if we had opus doe
Wait, i thought only americans liked baseball???
pretty much this. ive made 12 high effort bots since the start of the month and haven't tested a single one. im so fucking bored bros...
But we have Chorbo and Chorbo is as good as Op—
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3-2 Qatar 2022
I really shouldn't chat with <300 perm tokens slop coombots, I know better that that.
Stick games are immensely popular world wide anon. you've a 1/3 chance of guessing the right one per country since the only choices are baseball, cricket and tennis.
have sëx
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What's the rightmost horseman meant to represent??
Get fucked
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chub, I guess
Any proxies?
hint: tequila
proxies pls
i dont know a single baseball fan here
You are forgetting about japs
hockey/field hockey and lacrosse too
"heather mörder" (reference to the Heathers and the murders in the plot)
hint: word
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hint: Du dachtest, noch mal, du bist zurückgeblieben
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I still don't know what tge word means but I know it from the arcade game CarnEvil.
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I need a backup proxy in case rainy dies, now that pebble is dead are there other gpt locust proxies I missed?
Don't need claude, I'm happy with geppetto.
only mongoproxy but he's going to close the cord soon and it won't be public anymore
you missed chary kek, its exclusive now =3
who cars
see >>103005277
rainy is in there btw
where did smol rentry go wtf

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