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Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Previously baked bread : >>102987712

Oldschool OG Edition

>Beginner UI
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
reForge: https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Model Ranking

>Models, LoRAs & training



DeDistilled Quants: https://huggingface.co/TheYuriLover/flux-dev-de-distill-GGUF/tree/main

>Index of guides and other tools

>Try online without registration
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Maintain thread quality

>Related boards
>Oldschool OG Edition
we are so fucking back
SANA..... I am.... forgotten
Pixart Hunyuan? Never heard of her.
you had one job SANA, to be good, and you failed
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if only the AE wasn't so compressed :/
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Oh yes. 10k vram card just to wait 20 minutes for 4 images that look worse than online services. SD 3.5 is truly the future
yeah, I don't buy their "redemption arc" at all, it's still a bad model and isn't even close to Flux
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Blessed thread of frenship
Thank you kindly for blessing this threadly bread.
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finally unbanned
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Welcome back anon
>disgusting debo gen right in the center of collage
>Oldschool OG Edition

gee I wonder who baked it
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Yeah it's a troll. Easy to notice if collage has avatarfag slop.
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I only care enough about it to make this single reply. Death to ponyfags.
I thought thread quality was dropping last few, I was waiting for confirmation. I'll bake up some adult 1girls with large proportions to ward off the pedo invasion.
It really depends if the improved architecture of SD 3.5 medium plays out. If not, back to the drawing board just like Nvidia Sana.
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anyone else testing asp2?
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>small scale finetune
>didn't do this months ago with the dataset he used for PonyXL
Pony is just going to drag everyone along and run with your money.
>the dataset he used for PonyXL
the dataset that was missing extremely popular characters for no reason?
Well good news he's going even farther that direction. :)
But the point is to test the model for viability, not to test the dataset, you retard. That's how I know he has no idea what he's doing and it's more of a grift than to produce a new model.
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>it's more of a grift
the only way you can give him money is to subscribe to his generation service, there was no donation/fundraising. they're literally paying for a product that exists right now
they're a bit retarded because you can use it locally but they aren't donating
>the point is to test the model for viability
see pic, you're acting like preparing a better dataset is pointless when it's the deciding factor on whether a tune even works
My point is this should've happened months ago. He should already have a test model on Auraflow that mostly works. That's how I know it's a grift. But keep hoping buddy :^)
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>It will be 0.2 most likely but I am working with Simo on... things.
Maybe they will use the Aura's 16ch vae(very close to flux vae's quality) or flux vae and train the model from scratch.
me on the left
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kek that text is really good. straight prompt?
Just retrained the Unrealistic Concepts and anime style Loras I had made for V1 on V2, testing them out now
lol took upwards of a morbllion tries but yeah.

A meme format with a somber illustration of a Knight Templar down on one knee and leaning on his sword while looking downwards. The background is dark. The top text says "THE DEVIL SAW ME WITH MY HEAD DOWN AND THOUGHT HE'D WON... UNTIL I PROMPTED". The bottom text says "1GIRL, STANDING, LOOKING AT VIEWER".

It kept wanting to do "the head" instead of "my head" for some reason.
yes, nothing postable.
Fake album cover + 2000's emo art. This one turned out pretty good, I should start slopping more.
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slopping dumb shit when you're out of ideas is always fun
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Bigma sisters?
lol, i did an obese kamala one on /b/ some time ago that i can't post here, i had her eating chocolate cake in a basement with a calendar in the back that said "EAT UP, KAMALA!"
lol mind catboxing it i want to see it
it's on desu
lmao good shit
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comfy's latest update broke everything for me and now my ksampler won't run anything. I shouldn't have updated when I saw him mentioning mochi. I figured the the idiot wouldn't touch things he doesn't understand.

I am getting:
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 8, got 4)

it has something to do with flash attn despite me not running any video notes in the workflow.
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Plus enhanced logo because why not?
SD 2.1
No LoRAs or checkpoints specifically for that type of stuff? I'd have expected more from 4chan of all places.
on a blue board??? lurk more.
It's already been determined photorealistic is illegal in basically every country including the US. Ask more and you're going to get a perma.
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Post your full traceback.
Didn't know that, thanks for the heads-up
so you can tell me it is user error and to fuck off? I will only make that error 2 or 3 times.
>still unable to pin node values to the sidebar like what Swarm has
Unironically *always* make a backup before updating comfy, he doesnt run proper tests
I lost count on how often that saved my butt
be nice to comfy
I fell out of practice. I was concentrating on all the stuff I had to git stash back and forth because he needed to put those stupid put_X_files_here.txt files everywhere and not include them in the ignore file.

after all the gaslighting and him making me feel like trash I shall not. Dude got in my head so badly I didn't code for a month.
>letting a pleated skirt fennec fox girl spammer getting into your head rent free
yes, it was. I got better.
pls comfy san
I'm proud of you anon
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what's the difference between Forge and reForge?
different maintainers, different states of being current. I believe only one has Flux support currently. Forge has been official abandoned and then has recent updates. lllyasviel is a strange and busy guy.
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Same vibes
/Idg/ deserves monsters too
Man I wish the community could come together on a modern A1111 style UI that supported all the main models. We've got A1111 itself, sd next, forge, and reforge, all with different states of support and features.
>inb4 just use comfy
Comfy is objectively ass for any workflow involving a bunch of manual steps. E.g. generate a batch of images, select one that has good composition, send to inpaint tab and fix some errors, now send to img2img and do an upscale, back to inpaint and clean up some more things / add details. And at each step generate multiple images and select the best one before proceeding. How the fuck do you do that in comfy? Save an image then load it into a separate workflow? It's a pain. Comfy seems designed for brainlets to load someone else's workflow they don't even understand and press a button to shit out images.

Also X/Y grids are invaluable when training and comparing loras, and are very clunky to do with comfy.
somebody could correct me, but I believe most of those were generated because the maintainer refused commits to the repo.

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