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fak e mon edition

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Using tripcodes
-only for attention seeking whores and reddit-fags
-your work should speak for yourself
-this is not your person blog
First for Vulkan.
So, is that a placeholder or just pokemon fangame #21561684
if someone is using pokemon placeholders you know they're a pokeautist making a pokemon fan game
i herd u liek mudkipz
Style will be similar, but improved. It's still going to be a monster catching game, but legally distinct. I can't reuse pokemon anyway since I need a fundamental redesign to make it work with the different set of mechanics.
is this a porn game?
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How the fuck did you know that!?
Why are there so many mudkips? Are these the wrong-nature and wrong-IV ones I bred and released?
wtf the leaks were real!
Any of you use Visual Studio's hot reloading on a decently sized project? How does it hold up as things grow
Should I really make a pokemon fangame or just a distinct monster catching rpg (I'm not the johto webm guy, his videos just got me motivated to want to either make a pkmn fangame or my own monster catcher with blackjack and hookers, but I can't decide which)
You calculate your mip levels like a chad right /gedg/?

// integer floor of log base 2 of max dimension plus 1
uint32_t mipLevels = 32 - __builtin_clz(width > height ? width : height);

>previous thread
I use this for my dynamic bitset container, kind of. But mine also supports MSVC as well as GCC and clang
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it doesn't matter how big your project is if what you're changing doesn't cause a lot of recompiles.
If it does, buckle up buttercup
>Not using <stdbit.h>
It gives me the heebie jeebies and I don't trust it.
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You can check out my youtube here if you like -
I have used zero C23 so far. I need to get on that.
Been working on Raja the Spike Dodger for a while now for mobile. I'm porting it to Defold but the current version is playable on Android.
I really like the lighting system you've got there.
Reminds me of Core Keeper
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Got a decent amount of work done today, but still not progress posting yet
i mean i guess you can try fangame, but if you like it too much you can still switch at any point into another thing and treat the current art as placeholder
Neat. Do you use HDR? It was weird how saturated the lighting looked.
actual previous >>103035348
Added debug gizmos. So nice to be able to use for quickly drawing things

void gizmos(
const Time& time,
Local<float>& elapsed_time,
Gizmo& gizmos
) {
// ...

gizmos.grid({0.f, 0.f}, {1280.f, 720.f}, 32.f, Color::GRAY.set_a(0.2f));

gizmos.circle(orbit_center, orbit_radius, Color::WHITE.set_a(0.3));

// ...

Man, Clickteam fusion kinda sucks ass, but it's far better than working on Android Studio any day
this is damn nice anon. this is for a homebew PC pokemon game or are you just playing with the graphics?
A little bit of both. Gameplay prototyping is going to be a bumpy road, but at least making the graphics pipeline is fun to balance it out.
Yep, I'll be sticking to OpenGL 1.0 thank you very much. Hate shaders, simple as.
Yep, I'll be sticking to software rendering thank you very much. Hate GPUs, simple as.
i don't have any calculations in my code
Anyone tried brilliance for learning math or maybe something else? Math is my biggest bottleneck and it's also the most important thing for graphics programming.
Literally the only problem with it is that windows is a sinking ship and I still can't see a good enough replacement for it.
Crab explodes before the guy even lift the hammer
Windows is going to be around forever.
>windows is a sinking ship
you can feel the amount of unemployment from this post
You must be young. The rule is every other version of Windows is unusable dogshit. Wait until Windows 12 and it will be back to the normal level of shit again.
chin up, don't bet on sinking ships..
the year of the linux desktop is coming bros
It's going to be around forever, in a zombified form.
Feels like the line has been crossed with recall and copilot shilling. I can turn off most of the "features" even if they sometimes get turned back on during update, but this shit is built in into the file system. Let's pray that win12 has none of that shit and they make another fork of windows 7.
The titanic still exists too
>The rule is every other version of Windows is unusable dogshit
And now we've had
As unusable dogshit and 7 was still riddled with a bunch of bugs and trash
Thats pretty cool
Was Kirby the first character in game history to suck and spit? If I made a game with a character with a mouth that did the same, would I draw the ire of people pointing out my character is a rip-off? And if not, how can I make mine different? It doesn’t copy powers or anything like that
In GL 1.0 everything is gizmos.
as they should
I actually fixed timing previously, the webm is old
will it be a porn game?
love your work anon, keep poasting
i want to make a game with a game engine with 10 people otherwise ud be wasting my time
what are some good books about shader/graphics programming
I'd make a "legally distinct" monster catcher rpg, but I'm not sure how to change the gameplay from the "pokemon formula" to make it so distinct. Like, the mechanics I'm interested in monster catchers for all seem pretty tied to Pokemon, and I'm afraid to step on Nintendo's territory -- you've seen how mental they can get. And as for alternative mechanics, shit like digivolving and what MMBN does aren't really what I want to do
Ok I'mma give you a free 1 million dollar idea.

Monster catcher rpg where the monsters are the one catching humans.

1 billion dollar idea:
make it a porn game
monster catcher rpg
but there's only one monster
it's giant
monster catcher rpg
but there's only one monster
it's (You)
>throw pokeball straight up
>catch self
>giant monsters
So SotC but Pokemon? Or MH but Pokemon?
So you don't have any inspirations aside from pokemon?
Maybe Monster Rancher (but with computer files instead of CDs?) or SMT (I dunno how that would work in a traditional Pokemonlike though) for alternative mechanics on how to obtain a monster but other than that IDK
Based. Since pokeballs are patented I have to go the more interesting taming route where you convince monsters to join. You will effectively play the role of a biologist and have to actually observe everything around you to figure it out. I doubt people will have the attention span for that though, so progression will have to be tight to not fall apart.
>pokeballs are patented
So use a monster cube. Shitendo is going to lose in court btw if they don't concede earlier
Gameplay mechanics are not subject to copyright
Nintendo is literally suing Palworld (nvm that it's a shitty ARK clone, but this sets a precedent) for using the pokeball mechanic
Not copyright but patents.
We live in a world where gameplay mechanics can be patented.
Yeah you have to specifically take out patents though, it doesn't apply to everything automatically like copyright
You aren't big enough for Nintendo to care
mh if sex
>detailed effects on top of pixels
brb gonna puke
I want my art/graphical style (pixel art or hand drawn? Low poly or CGI-tier?), sound/music style (chiptune music or SNES music? Or high-quality DAW output?), and gameplay "perspective" (2D or 3D? If 2D, Isometric or top down?) to all be consistent with eachother and have a good balance between eachother. I.E I don't want to have an art style and sound style that don't mix with eachother, i.e full 3D with dhiptunes. But what styles should I use? The hard part is always deciding things...
Isometric is only good for either pixelart or those nice looking borderless low poly models
Cast a wider net for your inspirations. If other monster collectors don't give anything, look at RPGs as a whole. Then at strategy games, adventure games, and so forth. Maybe look into actual animal husbandry, or the the history of agriculture, or whatever.

>Monster catcher rpg where the monsters are the one catching humans.
>make it a porn game
I saw that once, the "monsters" were obscenely sexed up women. It was abanondend before every getting anywhere.

Pick the ones you're good at. Sit down and draw something in the different art styles. Figure out how long you take, how pleasant the result is and how much you enjoy doing it. Then do the same for music, levels, etc.
When you can't decide on one category, go with whatever supports the other ones.
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>nice looking borderless low poly models
any examples?
totally not asking to make sure my shit looks good.
like almost all renders you can find searching "low poly isometric"
what you think that looks good? sorry but your opinion is discarded.
It's good once it's moving
no. it would be better if it was actually textured and not have flat colors & hard shading.
I would go so far as calling it lazy.
do do head
flat shaded low poly is one of the only art styles I'll flat out reject a game for, it just looks like shit
>Was Kirby the first character in game history to suck and spit? If I made a game with a character with a mouth that did the same, would I draw the ire of people pointing out my character is a rip-off? And if not, how can I make mine different? It doesn’t copy powers or anything like that
No one? I wouldn’t be posting here unless I need legitimate advice
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get with the times or get left behind
Who cares, just make a game retard
nigga put a twist on it. sure if you make a kirby rip off don't get mad people call it a ripoff. https://youtu.be/VqasJcCUAA8?si=5x7QQ2K6T3GBt_Qa&t=167
animal well actually does it well
It can look fairly pleasing depending on the overall artstyle, I'd take that over generic pixelshit any day of the week
Let's say I want to do isometric with a graphical style similar to any isometric GBA game (i.e MMBN, FFTA, etc).
Should I:
>do actual isometric 2D pixel art and make a 2D engine
>do isometric 2D pixel art but give it modern lighting, reflections, etc (but make it per pixel and render at a low resolution so the effects don't look so out of place)
>do PS1-tier 3D graphics, but use shaders, stepped animation, and an isometric camera to make it look like it's isometric pixel art when it's not
Make it so that Nintendo wouldn't ever want to associate with it. If that still somehow happens they would rather do a corporate take over and hide its existence, like they did with the mario porn movie.
I decided not to suffer through windows anymore and ordered an M4 macbook, personally.
>Make it so that Nintendo wouldn't ever want to associate with it
So either make it offensive as possible, or make it a porn game?
Looks really nice. I would like to make a simple 3D engine like this with C++ at some point. Too many personal WIPs ATM.
That might me it. It's like the trick where you make a character that's dangerously close to a real life person, so you add details like said character having a small dick to discourage suing.
It depends on your level design.
True 2D isometric is pretty easy IF
>you don't have lots of elevation (think Diablo)
>if you do have elevation, it's extremely discrete (think FFT) -- this will lead to "blocky" movement/design
I did an old-school Syndicate style engine. If you played Syndicate, there was some transitional elements like stairs that exist "between" layers. Those caused massive edge cases that were a nightmare to deal with (even in the original game there were bugs around this).
>It depends on your level design.
I'm one of the two guys ITT planning to make a monster catcher rpg FWIW, so level design will be somewhat similar to Pokemon ig. The battle "scene" will also be isometric.
>True 2D isometric is pretty easy IF...
So should I just do true 2D isometric? And make the environment blocky?
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I'm calling my uncle that work at nintendo! You monster catcher devs are all going to jail!
The redditgon aesthetic
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Look at this. This style. Beautiful. I want to make something like this, just not with gameboy graphics/colors, maybe 16 colors per sprite to make it more like the GBA or SNES, but just look at it.
...but wait, how am I going to have it as a tileset? I.e, how do I make buildings like those via a hyptothetical custom isometric tileset that looks like this?
Making a specialized tileset is a given.
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The title texture is a bit wonky but just having fun

Place the taller objects at a lower grid position, and with sorting based on the y-position. If using grid-movement, just consume the grid location. If using free-movement then collision should just be at the grid position in math, or you could use mask collision but that should be worse than the former.
that's disorienting and onions, you're not hot shit respect top down view boy
nigga it looks great, if anything the problem would be keeping the lines pixel perfect if its a 3d scene
>keeping the lines pixel perfect if its a 3d scene
yeah that would be difficult
you don't angles (maybe I'm just saying that because I don't understand trigonometry but I truly believe it)
No, you're right, I don't angles at all.
Shit, make that true of adverbs I guess
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>he doesn't angles
On second thought, thinking this more through, I'm not sure how something like Pokemon would work functionally (i.e gameplay/code wise) in an isometric view. Even if it's 3D instead of 2D -- there's no precedent for something like this.
How would it be any different you idiot you just wander around a simple map and then it transitions to a battle screen for fights
It just seems that setting up the overworld/field as isometric instead of top down is going to be quite tricky.
its not
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>implying i don't angles
If you are comfortable programming then I promise its not a big deal and you can learn it
>they do angles
My brothers in Christ, you are committing a lot of sin(). You won't reach the performance heaven this way.
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What are those angles you guys are talking about?
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i can be your angle...or yuor devil
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For-r real?
So, I kinda want to make certain game, but I don't know if this even proper gameplay.

Essentially player is a movie producer, but the player focuses on macro and trying to figure out a winning pattern with hidden stats.
I.e players select actors to different stats, but those actors have hidden stats.
Some actors are suited for lead/support/villain role and perform better in different genres.

So, the player has to keep getting movies and hope they can find a profitable pattern.

Does count as a strategy game? Or is just a guessing game?
>Clickteam fusion
that took be way back
just write the shader, use google/shadertoy if stuck
I bought the 2.5+ expansion, it's quite powerful to be honest, desu
Right boys I wrote the state management system. maybe before the end of 2045 I'll get started on the rendering.
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I belieb in you anon
nowadays I work almost exclusively with code and in 3d, seeing these tools more as toys like scratch/gamemaker/etc. But I put so many hours into TGF2 and CTF2.5 like 10 years ago as babby steps into gamedev and programming in general. great times, learned a lot. if somebody can afford it (or pirate it), def recommend as a first contact with gamedev
Yeah I love coding but the last time I had to use kotlin and android studio I wanted to kill myself
oh my god that's gorgeous
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>tfw I don't angles
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New repo, working on decomp with IDA.
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doing a test
well done Chris
Nice going Chris
Is raylib good for writing a simple 3D(2.5?) game and what language should I use?
C++ like a normal person. Raylib's fine, also look into SDL.
Good job Chris
Amazing work Chris
did the test work chris?
Chris please update us at your convenience on the results of the test
I miss you, Chris. please come back.
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The "test" was to see how well a 3D model made of simple cubic shapes and simple 2-color textures would look as isometric pixel art.
I'd say it looks fine, but I'm currently ruminating about how this would work in the actual game, especially if I plan to make the world tile/grid-based. Regardless, here's the final model
Why don't you just do pixel art?
I feel setting up buildings like these in an isometric tile-based pixel art world would be even harder. Which is why I'm experimenting with 3D
>I feel setting up buildings like these in an isometric tile-based pixel art world would be even harder.
It really, really isn't
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I'm of the opinion that making 3D objects and then rendering them is easier than drawing them by hand. but that's just me, an artlet.
Pixel art is the easiest video game art style bar none, especially that isometric Pokemon thing up there, you're out of your mind if you think it's easier to fuck around and make everything 3D
Fair enough, I guess it won't hurt to try.
Thank you for the update Chris. Best of luck as you continue to try different workflows.
There's isometric pixel art tutorials out there if you need help, it's a very systematic way of creating art, you don't need skill to do it
Nah you're just wrong. Setting up 3D anything is trivial even for someone who doesn't know any of the tools. Unless you're already an artist that knows pixel art it's not easier, not to mention the quality and consistency of rendered 3D vs someone who knows nothing about drawing
I am an artist and I'm telling you that pixel art is the easiest art style and you don't know what the fuck you're talking about
>I am an artist
ok so? I am a programmer and I'm telling you that C is the easiest programming language and you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. you're not convinced, right? ponder why
NTA you're responding to btw
Can you read?
>durr the thing I know how to do is easy
And I'm telling you 3D rendering is easier.
even the simplest 3D pipeline has materials and shading and units you have to deal with, meanwhile pixel art is literally just drawing shit on a tilesheet, you can do it in MS paint
Rendering 2D iso might seem difficult but all you need to know is break things into cubic tiles and either place them in a grid or sort them
If you think 3D rendering is easier then you don't know how to do either of them, you haven't even tried
You seem to be conflating making the art with implementing it in an engine.
Both are easier
It might be hard to set up an existing engine to render 2D isometric but seeing this is /g/ I assume you're programming it yourself
Great looking pixel art is harder than doing 3d
I usually render my stuff then draw on top just because its easier to keep some sort of continuity but its still about as hard as doing a proper highpoly model w facial rig(about a week of work)
>Great looking pixel art
We're talking about isometric Gameboy Pokemon which is about as far away from that as you can get
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>I say I prefer 3D because it's easier as an artlet
please my friend.

setting up blender to render isometric sprites is piss easy. Sure it's a little bit more tinkering than opening gimp and using the pencil tool.
That is great looking, dude try making it and not sucking. Its like people think its going to be a breeze and then you're in your 5th year of dev after making the engine
I'm saying that pixel is is easier for an artlet

>its still about as hard as doing a proper highpoly model w facial rig(about a week of work)
If it takes you a week to do pixel art I seriously wonder wtf you're doing
Don't get me wrong, it looks good, but it's a very low effort art style that's easy to pull off
Animation I mean. I clocked about a week per character with walk cycles, runs and attacks. Which is about what it would take me to build a hi poly, rig it and then animate it to do the same but it turns out it doesnt look good when you put it in low res so there's that
oh yeah, animation is obviously the big weakness of pixel art
it's good for games like side scrollers where you only have to animate one direction, or an iso 4-direction game where you only have to animate two
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If its so easy then why all indieshit looks like pure soidev instead of SOVLdev huh?
checkmate atheist, burn in hell
4 colors nigga
It might be because iso games have poor support in engines like Unity? I don't know, iso looks beautiful but it's rarely used in games
constraints force creativity.
Its a skill issue my man
No it's not, isometric pixel art is very easy to do, simply being in isometric makes basic pixel art look appealing
Are we on the verge of the great isorenaissance?
What does your state management do ? And what are you gonna work on until early 2045 when you start the rendering?
How about this: For the objects and environment, what if I still did 3D but simply had everything be made up of quads and/or cubes? And maybe characters and interactible objects could still be sprites
Not sure if I should use SDL + OpenGL or raylib for my game. It's a 2d game with a top-down camera but I don't know the downsides of raylib. Any anons using raylib for their game can tell me the pros and cons of it?
stop treating opengl and raylib as mutually exclusive. raylib is a super easy to hack and change, it gets you started but you need to extend it depending on your use case.
raylib functions are literally stuff you'd write yourself if you want to use opengl. so if you don't want to start from scratch, use raylib as far as you can. you can mix raylib and normal opengl functions, change and extend.
to be real, internet resources is everything.
I doubt you will find a lot of permissive games in raylib with a permissive license (not L/GPL).
you probably will find a few games in SDL (at least in GPL).
But personally both raylib and SDL suck in terms of resourced, I genuinely think unity / godot / etc are all massively better options due to the resources (mainly unity, essentially 60% of the games on steam are made with it https://steamdb.info/tech/).
Resources as in copy and pasting code? Not really
You only need documentation + basic theoretical knowledge. Code examples might help you understand the latter better but those examples being in the exact language/library/engine you're using is not a strict requirement.
thanks for the response anon
>But personally both raylib and SDL suck in terms of resourced, I genuinely think unity / godot / etc are all massively better options due to the resources
Well yes but I want my game to run on low-spec shitboxes and old android versions, I don't think unity is good for it performance-wise. I'm also not sure if Unity 6 still supports android 4.1 or 4.4
Reading code is more important that writing code early on. It is a huge sign of skill to be able to read someone's code and integrate a feature / system from their code.
You also develop a sense of scrutiny in code, you will learn quickly the difference between a retard's code and actual well written code.
The problem is that tutorials are shitcode. Very easy to understand but very shitty in every single metric, I would not want to read a tutorial that actually did everything the way a real game dev would do things, you are just entering their world of insanity in that case, because every well made complex game is it's own world of code. Just get to the point with the least amount of code possible, that's a good tutorial.
The problem is that I started off with SDL back in 2012, which was when visual studio was not free (it was like $30), there were plenty of mingw tutorials, unity did not take up 60% of every game on steam (pretty sure only like 5-10 games came on steam every day), so I was not wrong from choosing SDL and mingw back then, but the problem now is where are the SDL (or raylib) tutorials? Who is using SDL? What games are made with SDL? They just don't exist, resources are everything.
I think will stick with SDL and opengl because of sunk cost, but in all honesty, unity requires just as much engine dev as writing code in SDL if you want your game to run on shit hardware, most unity devs are too lazy to care about shit hardware.
Sorry but nobody owns a android 4 phone because you can't even use a banking app or use tiktok on it, is chrome or youtube player even up to date? (wasn't there a exploit on old android phones that just pwn's you with zero clicks? or was that iphone?), people using old phones probably installed a rom on it to run a newer version of android so they can run actual apps (I have not even started talking about all the problems you will face trying to build your code in SDL compared to unity).
I hate unity for 2D but its ok
fantastic work Chris
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>Who is using SDL? What games are made with SDL? They just don't exist
>debugging a weird collision bug for a long time
>lose head over it
>set up lots of validations to bisect the cause
>turns out a leftover code for player behavior turns off solid collisions in a specific case
FUCKKKKKKKKKKKK ME I should've just used the hooks for debugging and I would've figured it out immediately.
well I have been using sdl for like a decade and my games don't exist, so...
SDL3 is honestly pretty good. I'd definitely consider skipping all the win32 api crap and just use that instead for my next project.
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Time once again to let rngesus decide what programming language I use
Wish me luck
is devkitPro the only nintendo ds toolchain? if they think shipping a fork of arch's pacman is the best way to distribute their software, then i don't trust anything they publish. that is colossally retarded
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This is what peak C++ performance looks like
The true goat [spoiler] Gambit Scheme [/spoiler] is not there anon
The advantage of doing a 3d model is that you can rotate the model and export pixel art for different directions with a simple script.
If you do the pixel art by hand, you'd have to draw that building 4 times

It becomes even better when you're doing characters and want 8 different directions, or if you want animations and you can export each frame of the animation with a script.
No one will play your game
No one will buy your game
No one will play the umpteenth 2D stardew valley esque clone with an inventory system and crafting

Just give up. Big youtubers with teams of people and ten thousand dollars have to shill their games under the guise of dev log, rig the algorithm just to get even a couple hundred thousand views and maybe 1000 people who will buy the game.

People spend over 3000 hours to code, learn blender for modelling, learn godot, learn whatever and they sell a game that 2 people buy.
>No one will play the umpteenth 2D stardew valley esque clone
Not sure what this has to do with my game
>with an inventory system
What kind of game does not have an inventory system? Even fucking racing games have inventories.
I already know that. It's just so much more fun to dev only for myself and then hog all the fruits of my labor.
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Approximately 15 /o/tists will absolutely play my game and it will never make a penny. I remain motivated. It's fun.
Sell? You are making games to sell? That's immoral, anon. You can't expect people to buy bytes.
You're the one who posts Whiplash on /ovg/, right? Are you trying to revive or what exactly? I never really understood what you're doing with the game
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I want to make it run on modern machines and have modern netcode.
Oh, that's nice, anon, thanks for your hard work. Make that 16 /o/tists when it comes out.
Thanks, it's a long road but I do make progress regularly which makes it continue to be interesting figuring out how they made the game. I probably would never have attempted it except that they happened to include the debug symbols in their release executable. This makes the project way more doable. Currently having some fun with IDA which does a waaay better job than Ghidra with the Watcom compiler.
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im sick of seeing this faggot on my youtube page. how many hours did him and his team have to make to shill this shit
this looks so much better than the disgusting Octopath style pokemon "upgrades" I've seen on youtube
which DD wheel and pedals should i buy, guys
I use a shitty old fanatec belt drive wheel that I bought used for dirt cheap clamped to the desk personally. Every time I think about buying a proper DD wheel I think about the real racecar parts I could spend the money on instead.
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Update: it chose rust
it chose pearl
>No one will play your game
I will, my siblings will, my friends will. Even if it's only me it's worth it for me.
>No one will buy your game
I don't care
>No one will play the umpteenth 2D stardew valley esque clone with an inventory system and crafting
[citation needed]
Have you checked stardew valley clones on steam?
>Just give up
>Why do you persist?
Because I chose to.
You should never play russian roulette then.
Replying to this shitty bait just makes you look insecure
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I love you guys
Just bumping the thread. Telling people to just give up is retarded.

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