how do creators, whose work is available under a free license for non-commercial use and a paid license for commercial use, verify if their open-source software is being used commercially?
you do realize that most people are not loyal to their company and would report the company given a change.
>>103097072No joke I have taken dozens of facial recognition tests over the years because I'm a paranoid faggot and despite getting 99% of the questions right every time I have never been able to see the look of female interest in any of them, or in real life. it's like my brain goes full-autism and doesnt want me to procreate.
>>103097072>implying girls flirt with programmers
>>103097087I don't believe that. At previous work, even if the company was poor they were providing licenses for software by default, not trying to even ask me to download pirate softwareIn current corporation they buy every license and also check if the projects don't violate the licenses in for example npm packages
>>103097072>under a free license for non-commercial use and a paid license for commercial usefree software may be used commercially, otherwise it's proprietary commieware
>>103097072You gatekeep and ask for credentials with a disclaimer that says if they use it commercially you'll sue their ass. Works good enough
>>103097072Typically, they don't. But I'm sure some autists have ways. Insertion of hashes/keys/secrets into binaries or data, for instance.
>>103097072You chose the words you knew would hurt me the most, didn't you?