Need 3D artist help here.How do I code a vertex shader so It can fix anime cheeks at 3/4 angles?I need something to learn from, but can't find shit on google and youtube.
>>103136506Why not just move the cheek vertices forward?
>>103136514It breaks other angles.Cheeks should be normal on other angles.
>>103136506chatgpt is pretty good writing shaders cris
i look like that
chatgpt can make blender extensions. with bpy. you can add stuff to the blender menus.not sure what a vertex shader even is.
>>103136824flatface>>103136506its not a shader
i think the forehead is too small, the eyes look flat like theyre painted and you didnt sculpt the nose. other than that good job.
>>103136506wtf, crisThose textures unironically looks great.
>>103136506cris, this is the greatest work you've ever done, genuinely proud of you
>>103136506I guess you would need to renderba solid color oval from camera perpective with depth "stolen" from actual mesh.
>>103136506She needs a bigger forehead. Having no forehead makes you look mentally retarded.
>>103138933or more precisely, move the eyes down
Try placing them procedurally? example mouth moves around depending on the angle here, maybe you can do same for cheeks?
>>103136506code? like iterating over multiple blush textures? blender?
>>103136506Your outline effect makes it look like she has a moustache.
>>103136589>>103137601>>103137645>cris posting>i had a double take on what board i am currently at right now>it's /g/ and not /3/wow even in /g/, cris is now well knownim a /3/ fag and proud of our /3/ bro
>>103140059He's famous in /vg/ and /ic/ as well
>>1031365063dsmax fag here. what i'll do is probably make a math expression to tweak the blendshape morph based on camera angle to the head. blender would probably have the same thing too. but yeah if this this is for a game engine then you need vertex shader code.
Fuck that arm ring is hiding the pits.
>>103140528OP here.What I learned was that I can create a bone to control each cheek, then I simply pull it on certain angles.Same for the nose, which I need to add another bone.Basically I can make corrective shape animations, and then procedurally call these animations based on camera angle.
>>103140059I caught the retard in /tg/ once
>>103136506fuck off cris!
>>103136506bros, what the fuck is going on on new new videos are being uploaded recently.are people taking a break cause of the fag election that just happned?
>>103140071I just caught him in /ck/>>>/ck/20963700