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Website hasn't been updated yet.
Why would anyone use qbittorrent when deluge exists?
shit python client with less features
>Website hasn't been updated yet.
builds and changelog are here
Sun Nov 17th 2024 - sledgehammer999 sledgehammer999@qbittorrent.org - v5.0.2

- BUGFIX: Remove trackers from previous category when moved to new one (glassez)

- BUGFIX: Fix `.torrent` file could not be deleted when torrent is canceled (glassez)

- BUGFIX: Reset tracker entries when pausing the session (glassez)

- BUGFIX: Check real palette darkness to detect "dark theme" (glassez)

- BUGFIX: Correctly handle "torrent finished" events (glassez)

- BUGFIX: Preserve initial torrent progress while checking resume data (glassez)

- BUGFIX: Avoid reapplying Mark-of-the-Web when it already exists (Chocobo1)

- BUGFIX: Don't apply Mark-of-the-Web on existing files (Chocobo1)

- WEBUI: Add color scheme switcher (sledgehammer999)

- SEARCH: Correctly delete the moved search tab (glassez)

- WINDOWS: Correctly save and restore Qt style setting (glassez)

- WINDOWS: NSIS: update Luxembourgish, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese translations (Ikko Eltociear Ashimine, 3gf8jv4dv)
I wonder if I'll notice any of these
What more could you possible need that qbit has that deluge doesn't already do?
I still use 4.5.5
if you're schizo about security you should update for the SSL error fix in 5.0.1
I won't update until it no longer works
>I won't update until it no longer works
famous last words
>I still use 4.5.5
Windows flagged it as sus which it has never done before so I'm afraid to update
What did they change?
Why are you using Windows Smart screen? It flags my Nvidia drivers as sus
so did they fix everything they broke yet? or should I wait for something like 5.1.X
>Windows flagged it as sus
lol winfags using smartscreen
why are you so dumb?
Thoughts on how to improve the in program search option?
How can I add based rarbg, 1eet and russian trackers to search, instead of going to their websites?
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>still doesn't support swarm merging
Nope. Gonna stay with BiglyBT.
still on 4.6.7
>swarm merging
dumb pointless feature
>Thoughts on how to improve the in program search option?
update and they improve it
just add more search plugins as well
Why the fuck are torrent clients a big deal? Just use whatever.
>Why the fuck are torrent clients a big deal? Just use whatever
I just use qbit and it works for me. I don't know why people keep telling me to use something else when qbit does the job. updated to 5.0.2 and the dark mode works better.
>dumb pointless feature
It's not pointless at all. You're just mad because you can't implement it.
>leaks memory
did they fix the "stalled" bug or nah?
>It's not pointless at all.
yes it is
explain why I would use it instead of just switching to another torrent
>did they fix the "stalled" bug
there is no stalled bug. it's just this thing that happened to VPN users if they didn't configure their VPN correctly using the options
It supports BitTorrent 2, right?
Does that mean that my old 0-seeder torrents can finally start finding seeds that have the same file but are sharing it with a different torrent?
>Does that mean that my old 0-seeder torrents can finally start finding seeds that have the same file but are sharing it with a different torrent?
how is this a problem? just use another torrent.
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thanks but I'll keep using utorrent 2.2.1
opinion discarded
I don't have another torrent for those files, obviously.
>I don't have another torrent for those files, obviously.
what do you think DHT search is for, retard?
>explain why I would use it instead of just switching to another torrent
oh wait, i can just search for another torrent or better yet, use private torrents. wow!
>bypasses your VPN by default and leaks your IP to the whole world
>bypasses your firewall through upnp and exposes the webui to the whole world (skiddies can do remote code execution on your machine)
>ignores ssl certificates and allows you to get MITM'd like it's the 90s
When will you stop using this garbage, anon?
none of this is true lol
U-um.....tranny skins? Post about my gigachad upload stats?
>bypasses your VPN by default
lol this is the stupidest thing i've ever heard
try harder, neet
>explain why I would use it instead of just switching to another torrent

>t. qshittorrent dev
lol how is that even useful?
i can just use the other torrent
that's fixed
that retard misconfigured his VPN as usual
kek keep trying, fag
It's always done it for me.
>What did they change?
read the changelogs you stupid monkey
uTorrent doesn't have this problem
Clearly other files that aren't the ones I'm stuck on. I've already tried searching the hash on search engines, searching the filenames on various trackers and DHT search engines, and alternative versions with different file names.
Some times I was successful but in other cases I wasn't, so I'm stuck with these old niche files that I'm not finding seeders for.
>uTorrent doesn't have this problem
you mean being updated? lol
>leaks IP address
>wrecks SSD
>qBittorrent dev trying to shill his own bugged garbage on 4chan
Deluge is a lot less stable with over 100 torrents, and the rss add-on breaks with every python update.
qt6 or non-qt6?
>retard trolling instead of finding a job

qt6 is so much better
Why the fuck would I want to find a job? I don't need money anymore.
*and even if I did I would be self-employed like I was before I stopped working. Kys qt wageslave.
You need dignity tho.
trolling isn't a way to live your worthless commie life, anon.
get a job and leave us qbitchads alone
autoupdoot when?
lt20 or non-lt20?
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Dignity is the primary reason why I stopped being an employed person after a 6 month internship during Uni in the first place.
>trolling isn't a way to live your worthless commie life, anon.
>get a job
I don't need to.
>lt20 or non-lt20?
lt2.0 is unstable until it gets to 2.1 or 2.2
Kind of suspicious that im getting a windows warning prompt on this update when every other update has been fine. Shant be updating.
>I don't need to.
Lol you do with your shitty coin earnings
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then why d fug are they offering this?
>Lol you do with your shitty coin earnings
Maybe you should check how much it's worth and that's just my XMR.
>Kind of suspicious that im getting a windows warning prompt on this update
that's smartscreen you retard
it pops up when not enough windows users have installed something for microsoft to "be cool with" which makes sense because this only a few hours old
got windowsfags are dumb.
WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY DO TO THE UI? I updated from 4.6.6 something and they completely raped the ui. What the fuck.
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>then why d fug are they offering this?
pic related is all you need
>I updated from 4.6.6 something and they completely raped the ui. What the fuck.
mine looks the same when I configure the UI right
Any reason to upgrade from 4.3.9? After how fucked up 4.4.0 was which took days to fix, I haven't updated my qBittorrent docker since. I don't want to break anything when it's working just fine.
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They fucked up the UI
Looks fine to me. It's maybe not my favorite icon design but you're acting like they put things in different places. Tech nerds are some of the biggest babies. Just get your work done and find something else to be a victim of.
>that's fixed
..after they tried to deny there was an issue and tried to blame it on the users.
>NOOOOOOO it doesn't matter if you have an active VPN and literally all traffic from all other programs goes through it with no issue, you HAVE to bind the heccin qshittorrent interface or we're gonna leak your IP to the whole world, that's the intended behavior btw.
Lmao. Keep using this garbage until one of their next fuck ups gets you pwned then. No skin off my back.
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A lotta people is downloading this old software, because they updooted it and added something that old processors can't handle.
I will update today from 14.0 or something.
asking the same thing. feels like every 2 months there's a thread about qbittorrent being compromised
I tried it last year on my server and the web UI was trash
Is this the same client that was banned from all trackers just last month due to a security flaw?

>download size: 37.5 MB
the exe itself is larger than the amount of RAM utorrent uses, lol
>They fucked up the UI
just use the old theme, retard
>feels like every 2 months there's a thread about qbittorrent being compromised
this doesn't happen every 2 months, anon
why do you lie?
why can't you find a job instead of trolling for free?
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finally it looks good
this nigga flexing his stagenet XMR on /g/
It's the mainnet wallet. Stagenet and testnet wallets are marked as testnet/stagenet on the balance card and have a different color.
also see block height, retard
Whats the point of monero when you cant even buy anything with it?
>but what about monero shops
Oh you mean those shops where you can barely buy anything
>Whats the point of monero when you cant even buy anything with it?
Who says I can't? First of all I can almost buy anything with my XMR or cryptos I can convert to. Second of all I can cash out as much as I want at any given time.
have they fixed memory leak?
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Did they fix the bug where you couldn't change the priority for multiple files?
>Did they fix the bug where you couldn't change the priority for multiple files?
works on 5.0.2
Why did they update? Nothing important changed or am I missing something?
>Why did they update?
cant read, Paco?
haven't messed with stagenet yet, i just mine and give it away to projects i like
aren't you worried having that wallet on a daily driver?
>aren't you worried having that wallet on a daily driver?
linked to hardware wallet
It just werks
I'm getting really long tracker checks with GGn, everything else just werks.
Will this update fix it? It used to work just fine until a few months ago, but I didn't realize it wasn't working well.
Depends on the tracker, how long you neglected to update it, etc. I always just update and things work.
fixed on the qt lt20 versions
I would avoid lt20 until the libtorrent dev does his 2.1 release.
that libtorrent dev takes way to fucking long to update
will not use x64 because that shit explodes into 2GB+ range with mem leaks so no thanks
Just use lt12
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Daily reminder to donate to the developers and their website.

Dev recently said he finna shut down this fucking project if no money is coming in until christmas / EOY.

233 million downloads and not a single fuck donated a penny/cent/shekel.

Shame on you!
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>feels like every 2 months there's a thread about qbittorrent being compromised
>Dev recently said he finna shut down this fucking project if no money is coming in until christmas / EOY.
not so fast utorrent-kun
Death to all pedos.
only TRANS MISSION is /g/ approved
>still no sequential download in 2024
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you don't need that
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memory hog
it's easier to select NIC in qb
Transmission is getting that in 4.1.0

Stop using the lt20 builds. We keep saying this.
Still no update for qbittorrent-nox on Debian Bookworm. Guess I'll just remain vulnerable then.
>Transmission is getting that in 4.1.0
HGAHGHAHA I have been hearing this for over a year. What a shit torrent and even with sequential downloads there are 10 other features it doesnt have.
>Stop using the lt20 builds.
>n-no use this special build- n-no this and that
Garbage client. Also qt is glowware.
terrible opsec you just confirmed your identity for the glowies and now they know what version to look for
what a mess
why is noone here talking about the greatest flaw of the torrent protocol?
this (s)warm merging feature seems to be aimed at alleviating it, but i wonder if it cannot make it worse as well
the issue with torrents is that torrent files get corrupted over time when shared by too few people
in some torrents it's a nightmare, long lists of files and none of them readable
I torrented an episode of TNG the other day with version 5.0.1. I did a fresh download off the site after hearing about the breach or whatever and figured I was good with that version. Am I cooked?
Dump question but how hard is to set up a VPN through qbittorrent?
even a child can do it
paying for a vpn is gay tho lol
imagine paying for free content lol
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try using "simple pread/pwrite" disk io type if you need to use non-default lt 2.0
you can also build the git version of 2.0 and not have any issues with memory
picrel is 5.0.1 + lt2.0.10.r62.gbb08bdbd8-1

change the network interface to the VPN's and set your port to whatever you opened in the VPN dashboard
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>change the network interface to the VPN's and set your port to whatever you opened in the VPN dashboard
Thanks, I didn't even know Windows had a built in VPN option. Also does it matter what connection name I give it?
no, you shouldn't have to use the OS network settings for anything, the VPN's client should automatically create the interface that you need to point qBittorrent to
Is is VPN specific because there's no other provider option with the one I'm using? I'm using Proton since I already had an account for it to use on my smart phone.
>Still no update for qbittorrent-nox on Debian Bookworm.
lol loonix
for some reason qbtorrent 5.x forces the fusion theme instead of the "vista" theme (which uses native ui elements.
after enabling the killswitch in Proton's desktop client and connecting to a server you don't see the new interface in qBittorrent advanced settings?
>for some reason qbtorrent 5.x forces the fusion theme instead of the "vista" theme (which uses native ui elements.
you can switch that in 5.0.1 and 5.0.2
qbittorrent or rutorrent for a NAS setup?
>qbittorrent or rutorrent for a NAS setup?
rutorrent but only use the latest version. old ones will crash.
let's say my use case is just adding torrents and downloading them. qbit torrent just works.
now let's say I need to somehow teach a not so tech savvy person to torrent. I can set up everything in qbittorrent so that it's all automated and the downloads just appear in their movies folder. they don't even need to remove them because I have seed ratios set.
or when I'm trying to game private trackers I can set up RSS and be done with it.
their my use cases and I found it easy to do all of these
Not really, no. I see an option to enable ProtonVPN in qBittorrent advanced settings but it doesn't really do anything.
garbage. biglybt works out of the box. qbittorrent is bad.
good for you, the swarm merging feature sounds neat but it can't block chink botnet clients and bt media players like qBEE does
that alone makes it inferior for me
>it can't block chink botnet clients
it can
by peer id and client name?
Just disable SSL
That's one of the most common versions, only 4.5.3 is more common.
banned on most private trackers, so noone cares about it
also, java lol
Why would I need to update anyway. Works fine.
>banned on most private trackers
not on the ones Im using.
>java lol
Nothing wrong with that in 2024.
Thanks for your 13k XMR anon, just got it on my wallet :)
prove it
Feelin' kinda luxembourgish rn ngl
"flagged as sus" literally only means one thing - that you tried running an unfamiliar file that came from the internet (has motw, technically). it's unfamiliar, because it's new.
>Just disable SSL
or just update? lol
Sir, my village..
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>install it
>search is disabled
>"Plug in is not supported"
Thanx doge I guess..
I don't know a thing about qbittorrent but I'm a dumbass and use it anyway. I'm on version 4.1.5, should I upgrade or no? I'm still paranoid after utorrent fucked my dad's pc over in 2009.
>I must UPDOOT
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I'm on 4.3.2, is this bad?
Why would anyone use deluge when qBitTorrent exists? Can you name a single reason you use deluge over it? Or is this a VLC/7zip situation where you have allegiance to software for no discernable reason.
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µtorrent 2.2.1: 80,000 hours on the same install without issue.
The only problems torrenting I've ever had post-µTorrent 1.6 were µTorrent 1.7.x and then when I've tried FOSShit.
why not at least 4.3.9? probably not the end of the world, but you should know it isn't checking encryption certificates
if you don't need https trackers or torrents with large pieces, then keep at it for now I guess. just don't use webUI
µTorrent 2.2.1 can use HTTPS trackers, and 16MB piece size is just fine for well over 1TB torrent sizes. It only supports 1TB anyway.
you mean your pc
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What's encryption certificate? I use VPN with it, does it matter?
Reason why not 4.3.9 is because I haven't updated it in a while.
>server costs
>For a BitTorrent client
Nigga just release it as a torrent
Luxembourgchads we're so back
it's a security vulnerability in versions up to 5.00 (not in the last two releases) that could theoretically be used in a MITM attack, even behind a VPN. not a huge risk, but now that people know about it someone may be trying to exploit it.

it's probably safest to update, and if you don't like the new look use one of these https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/wiki/List-of-known-qBittorrent-themes
they already use fosshub & github for distro and dev. They probably are paying like $20 a month max for server costs for their site
>I'm on 4.3.2, is this bad?
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Alright, updating it.
Thanks bros.
No idea what that means but I updated because of this post
the sounds of a child btw
now the RED tracker is down too :/ wat do anons?
/g/ is too dumb to run rtorrent? lmao.
scoop update qbittorrent
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>not winget
Winget is complete fucking jeetware that is 100% unusable without installing a separate powershell module.
1. It shartslops programs all over your machine
2. It reguarly reports available updates before it actually can install them
3. It doesn't update your PATH in the same session that you install the program in
4. The default "winget list" isn't sorted at all, and isn't even sortable with flags

I could go on and on.
Scoop absolutely giga mogs winget in terms of simplicity, ease of use, and ability to trivially make your own scoop manifests to install your own person programs.

Winget shills honestly make me sick, it's like they have zero experience using any package manager on any system because winget is easily the worst of all.
>now the RED tracker is down too :/ wat do anons?
wait for it to come back like always
plz die
>/g/ is too dumb to run rtorrent?
choco upgrade qbittorrent

there is a gnu version wget
>Stop using the lt20 builds. We keep saying this.
it's x64 on windows dumbass
qt6 lt20 doesn't have these problems
>qt6 lt20 doesn't have these problems
but it does
Windows defender flagged a game I made 15 years a go as virus and deleted it, had to use some complicated CMD routine to restore it.
How come torrent clients are still full of security holes? Or is it because they keep adding new flashy features that nobody needed?
>How come torrent clients are still full of security holes?
they're not. all software will have holes that have to be patched due to bugs and discovered exploits.
Updooted and fixed my theme issue.
This. Winget is the biggest garbage I've seen in my entire life.
Those niggers added obligatory dark mode if windows was on dark mode with no option to switch, at least they fixed that
i use chocolatei gui myself
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Should I reinstall Windows?
I'm on 4.6.0 will I be hackz0r'd?
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No, I will stick to Transmission
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why would we?
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o7 thank you for your service
does deluge distribute peer downloading across multiple antennas, for MIMO wifi routers
>close qbit
>disappears from tray
>still in task manager
>try ending process
>access denied
sweet now i can have a whole hdd full of ultimate topgear pack!
it's writing fastresume data, dummy
I'm on 4.2.2
RIP in pepperonies.
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I'm on 3.3.4
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not him but for me years ago i had qbit, dont remember why but sth did work and i checked the next big name,it was deluge,got it never needed to uninstall it
i remembered, i think it used the full space of the torrent's size on the hard drive even i was only going to download 5% (a single episode in a torrent of all seasons of a show for example )
maybe i could untick sth but deluge just didnt do it
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Didn't read the thread but why would anyone use a bitorrent client other than deluge?
shit python client
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WOMM(Works on my machine)
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Still not updating.
dunno about now, but I dropped deluge because qb had better options for selecting NIC

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