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redpill me on trackballs
contrarian meme
there has to be a reason they stuck around since the beginning of pointing devices
you will enjoy them immensely
Thumbballs are superior
I'm debating on the slimblade pro and the ploopy adept
it's my first trackball, normal mice feel too clunky and I play games without the mouse anyways
because contrarians will always exist
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Don't get one if you play video games.

They are much easier on the wrist and a good solution if you have limited desk space.

That said, there really is a gap in the market for a well built high DPI trackball mouse. Any of the Kensington ones are pretty good. The Logitech ones are garbage, don't even bother.

Basically you're trading speed and a little accuracy for superior ergonomics compared to a conventional mouse.
skill issue
dont get me wrong track balls rule
I just prefer the trackman wher you could hold your ball in your hand - but they dont make it anymore
what made them indispensable was being able to watch youtube and vids on /gif/ in bed without using a book or some other flat surface like i had to with a mouse.
>Don't get one if you play video games.
great, I either play games with an arcade stick or regular gamepad

ergonomics are more important since I sit at my desk all day for work and then some more when I'm done working for winding down and playing video games

do you own a trackball anon?
There's a lot of knowledge on the subject here:
only if you redball me on trackpills
i tried it for 2 weeks and sent it back
I'm pretty sure these things are made for disabled people. I worked with an old Nigerian lady who had crippling arthritis; she needed one of those meme keyboards that's split in half, and she used a trackball.
they're ok. i keep a trackball in a box for travel because it is more desk space efficient than a mouse. but I wouldn't use it as a daily driver.
also it was much less ergonomic than expected.
Inferior to keyboard-only set ups.
which one did you use?
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take the ballpill
but seriously I like mine, I'm a bit faster with a mouse but I switch between them to avoid stressing my arm. If you don't get any pain using a mouse or don't have limited desk space it probably isn't worth it.
Some places are too cramped for mice.
Only losers do that
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carpel tunnel
>$400 meme keyboard
>poverty-stricken malcontent
Good for precision work like audio editing, but slower for general navigation. Use a trackball + trackpad combo for godking mode
This whole setup looks so gay and unnecessary
they're for people who have wrist problems like carpel tunnel
it's garbage for precision if you want it to be usable as a pointing device.
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thanks for the replies friends
anyone here have a direct comparison between ploopy adept and Kensington slimblade pro?
how's the scrolling on those? is it stepped or smooth?
Makes me feel like my mouse has a heart.
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I'm using the slimblade pro, it's the best trackball overall but don't game with it. I have the kensington expert too but the scroll wheel is inferior to the slimblade. Sometimes I'll switch to a thumb trackball and I've got the Protoarc em01 for that.

It's not a meme, trackball are really comfortable to use. Only when I'm playing games do I switch to my razer orochi v2

I haven't used a ploopy but I think they're more of an enthusiast product, I've heard the finish on it can be a little rough. If it's your first one, get the slimblade pro
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Trackballs make me miss my early PC/FPS days
ordered one ther other day should arrive tomorrow
Can't say much about them except I know the guy who invented them and holds the patent. I ran the kitchen of one of his restaurants just outside London. Very chill guy for someone who's filthy fucking rich but that's probably because he came from humble beginnings leaving school early to work on building sites before he took up engineering as a hobby. Used to stop by the restaurant every now and then halfway through a days long coke binge and just sling everyone on shift a bung of a few hundred quid (each). Total fucking lad.
>slimblade pro is the best trackball overall but don't game with it
great, I already got it in my shopping cart and waiting for payday to order it with my new monitor
I already said I don't game with mouse anymore in
the video reviews about the ploopy said it's nice but the ball bearings are audible which would probably annoy the fuck out of me

do you use windows or Linux?
if Linux how do you assign button chords to special functions?

comfy, what ball did you order

would be interesting to hear his whole story, did he ever publish a book or something to read?
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for me its VicTsing PC325 Wireless Ergonomic Keyboard with Trackball and Scroll Wheel USB 2.4G Quiet Split Keyboard with 16 Multimedia Keys...
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nice, but I already own picrel and just want a trackball to complement it
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that's cool, anon. but thats nothing...look at this

*slides in an Elecom TK-TB
>a full sized keyboard with numpad
>the tasteful thickness of it
>oh my god, it even has a trackball
"a..anon, something wrong? you're sweating..."
OP so gay he desperately needs to fondle balls
It's on a Windows machine. Just warning you right now the clicks on the slimblade are quite loud, you can always change the switches yourself. Also, there's an audible click whenever you are scrolling, this can not be turned off. So if sounds annoy you, buyer beware. I happen to like the sound.
Elecom M-xt3urbk it had gayming and creative work on it so why not
>Not playing with your balls
>That said, there really is a gap in the market for a well built high DPI trackball mouse
The ploopy adept is there if you don't mind it being 3D printed from PLA. The Gameball could also be a good option but I have not tried it. (I chose the adept over the gameball because it's cheaper, has open-source hardware and software, uses roller bearings and has a detachable cable)
They use them on boats and shit where normal mice would flop around too much.
Better for your hands than a mouse, but obsoleted by trackpads. Now they are just a toy for people who never grew up.
I don't think I would get a thumb operated trackball, so I can use it ambidextrously
what gaming do you plan on doing on your new device?
>it even has ISO
I have a good keyboard and I like to use it, man.
come home, white man
I own a ploppy adept and it's shit
You'll be tinkering to fix shit that you already have to manage with a trackball but worse. I replaced mine with a slimblade it's a death by a thousand cuts device and don't get memed by reditors you will have to clean the rollers not as often but when you do it will be 50x more annoying
[s]man[/s] child
I have an elecom huge. It's everything i could want from a mouse
yeah I figured that the ball bearings are aids to clean
the trackball subreddit is full of shit and cocksucking

how is the sticktion? I read that elecom has awful quality control
also they are mostly unavailable in my region
They're the best pointing device, they just take some getting used to. That's about all there is to it.
As someone with an M570 I've been eyeing the Slimblade Pro for a while now. This thread might have finally convinced me to get one.
the kinsington slimblade pro (pic) scroll by twisting the ball itself, the kensington expert version (which i think is superior) has a scroll ring around the base of the ball and the buttons feel better, better wrist angle. the slim may look better (subjective) both are really good
I plug my laptop to my tv and use it from my bed as a HTPC and gaming device. So a regular mouse doesn't really work since I don't have an even surface. I also needed for it to be usable with both hands since I often switch hands in order to rest. I also use a gamepad for any gaming so I don't care about performance.

My girlfriend got me a Kensington one and it's pretty great for this. It is not that comfortable for working and it actually makes my hands hurt quite a bit if I have to use it for long periods and repetitive movements.

I recently set up an old laptop for my mother to watch her Turkish telenovelas and instead went for a logitech K400 with a trackpad included in the keyboard and it is also very nice for that. Less stuff floating around you in bed.
I replaced the bearings with whatever the recommended ones are. It's heaps better. It's my first trackball and I have nothing to compare it to though. It was also the cheapest to source in Aus at 50 bucks on Amazon for some reason.
Like 'em.
they were more appealing when mice had shitty rubber balls that collected dust and hair
Trackballs are satire. https://youtu.be/Yx33RK_TGGc
Imagine picrel but instead of a red ball it has a small red thinkpad nipple
take the becoming my trans gf pill
Shittier version of a touchpad. At least with a touchpad you have gestures. This is like a cross between a touchpad and a mouse with none of the upsides of either, and all the downsides.
I use them. Kensington Orbit with scroll. They're great on my wrist.
But don't try to game with them...
I mean unless you're playing like missile command or tempest or something.
Trackballs fall into a few different categories. The vast majority of these use static bearings.

Static bearings are, with ONE exception, shit to mediocre. I've used literally dozens of static bearing trackballs, the worst are Elecom, then Logitech, and then Kensington has the "best" but they're still awful. Gameball (not the garbage thumb, that's a rebadged chinkball) is the only usable trackball with static bearings, and it's what I use daily. The bearings themselves don't actually seem that important, what's important is the geometry, and gameball seems to be the only one that gets it right.

Next you have roller bearings, which can be divided into 2 separate types. The first is the CST/X-keys type, which is a steel roller in a delrin sleeve that requires relubing every year or two. These are trivial to work on, quiet, and work the best. The second are full on ball bearings in races, and these are noisy and not suitable for precise movement. They're fantastic in arcades with a large 3"+ trackball that you spin like a mad cunt to play Golden Tee or something, but ignore anyone who puts them in a desktop mouse, they're a moron. Ball transfer units fall into this same category, I don't care that they have slightly different properties.
It is the best kind of pointer device, and not those cucked thumb-ball variants. An index finger trackball will do you good like the Logitech Marble or the Gameball.
they are good if you dont game
the only reason i stopped using it was its very poor tracking accuracy and low polling rate
i'd happily take one if there's one with g305 level of latency and smoothness
I game well with a Logitech Marble.
I'm thinking of getting a slimblade pro for work, and other general computer usage. I'm probably going to pick up a a 4000 pulling rate wireless mouse for the gaming as I suck as is at gaming and even getting a gaymer trackball will make me play immeasurably worse.
the ploopy adept is literally the best trackball money can buy. I literally have no idea what you are bitching about. I have been using the adept for the past year full time and its been nothing short of great.
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The world of trackballs is a world of compromise.
Unlike the regular mouse market, where you have small and large companies outcompeting each other with great products in every price range (because gaymers are willing to pay for stuff), the trackball mouse market consists of a) decades old shitty products from mainstream companies that are never refined at all, b) 3d printed "enthusiast" junk, and c) chinkshit that barely works.

Companies like Logitech and Kensington are either selling off the inventory they have had since 2010 or keep producing low number of the same stuff with extreme margins because they have the molds and old parts and can still sell them to desperate trackball users that are too beaten down to ask for anything better.
Then you have your "Ploopys" and other enthusiast crap that you pay hundreds of dollars for (or similar value of your own time) just to receive a rough DIY meme. Great!
Lastly the chinkshit from amazon or directly from the mainland. Yeah you're going to need to order a shipment of new bearings from AliExpress to swap to the poorly constructed trackball just so you can tone down the "sticktion". If you read through trackball subreddit or any other trackball community, you can see how cucked trackball users are by the low quality of the products we get. There isn't a single trackball that is generally considered "good" choice; rather you need to decide which aspects of the mouse you care about and which you are willing to compromise on.

t: a trackball user

Also I do not recommend falling for the Slimblade meme like these goobers did: the ball itself is nice, and by default it doesn't have TOO much sticktion to be annoying, but the buttons themselves are dogshit. You are literally bending the plastic frame to click the button and it feels exactly as bad as it sounds.
can anyone recommend me a trackball with +1000hz polling rate and accurate tracking with very low latency?
i don't game but the smoothness of gaming mouse prevents me from going back to office mice
there isn't one
>a rough texture low-res low-rent 3D printed hunk of shit is literally the best device ever created
I'm the goober and you're right about the slimblade's buttons. Easily the weakest part of the product and I'd rather take the buttons from the expert while keeping the scrolling and shape of the slimblade.

Don't forget there's maintenance too, I clean and lube it daily but you can probably get away with less. It takes less than a minute but it's shit you got to deal with.
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The actuation force is lowest in these areas and increases as you move further away
poorfag problems.
why would I redpill you. I like mine, idgaf what you use. wtf happened to subjective preference.
We did this rodeo last time and you had a mental breakdown redditor slimblade pro cost more than the adept too.
Take your fucking meds
summoning ploopy schizo
I have no idea what you are talking about schzio. Take your meds please.
Just fuck off anyone can search the archive for ploppy and poor.
I'm not engaging with this retardation today
holy pms. sorry king neckbeard. others have opinions about trackballs. christ.
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>redpill me on trackballs
They're cruise control for cool, you get to feel like Saruman operating his palantir, but all you're doing is making a powerpoint for some bullshit meeting.
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The position of those knobs look pretty uncomfortable desu.
If they were any good people would be winning esports tournaments with them.
That just means that they're better at esports anon. I dont play esports.
The two on the keyboard or the one on the chair?
I need this
I work in IT and it's important for my computer setup to look way better and more ridiculous then everyone elses
Esports are the most demanding test of pointing device quality. Best esports pointing device is just best pointing device.
The two on the keyboard.
alright king semantics, please share your personal preference about trackballs
I never understood why people hate on the expert's scroll ring, personally like it a lot.
one flaw was that I started experiencing double clicks (like with every mouse) ~9 months in after use, but I got a new one for free from warranty and didn't even need to send the old one back.
will probably buy a different switch to the old one and fix it eventually
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esports equipment is not the best, only the fastest
You don't want to drive around to work on a formula one car
esports are for mentally ill unproductive people to play and watch anyway
whats the keyboard?
Good post. Thanks for confirming my prior assumptions.
Iris CE from Keebio
>take up less desk space
That's the gist of it, even though I would turn my sensitivity all the way up and use a 65% board I'd still hit my keyboard with my mouse. That's just my personal body mechanics (is that even the right term?)

Also, FWIW to a few people you may appreciate the ability to be able to put the cursor over something and then press a button with little worry you're going to cause the cursor to move. So they're good for precision.

Been using them for five years now, the Elecom Deft Pro has been my favorite:
>lots of buttons
>very customizable
>finger ball > thumb ball
>scroll wheel (and it tilts)
>great ergos

But there's a lot of room for improvement
>shitty software
>USB Micro
>Only 1 BT connection in memory (also has IR dongle and can hardwire)
>Should come with ceramic bearings (cheap and easy to replace)

I've heard complaints about battery life but honestly have never had any complaints with it. I run it on "low" mode but don't do anything crazy I guess. I don't game so can't tell you but I do use Illustrator, Photoshop and AutoCAD.

Just checked too, I ordered some batteries on Amazon and replaced the one in there for shits and giggles when they arrived: it's been on the same AA since May 18
thanks for your input, I doubt I'll go for an elecom device
the availability in my region is cucked and I've read more negative than positive about the sticktion and quality control
I don't know the difference between a regular slimblade and a pro, but I have a regular one and the "twist the ball to scroll" mechanic is completely stupid, that makes it unusable for me.
You can use it exactly like a wheel, that's what the notch around the ball is for. Even works with one finger
I know a few other things that flop around on boats
>Anon really wants to touch balls all day
can you scroll very slowly line by line or does it jump a few of them? sorry, I don't know the terminology
I need something that can scroll with precision for reading
You can change this in mouse settings or in kensingtonworks software

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