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Find the digit at position `k` in a string consisting of numbers (1, 1e18] appended in increasing order, i.e.:

Constraint: 1 <= k <= 1e18

Example 1: input: 20, output: 1
Example 2: input: 123, output: 6
Example 3: input: 5318008, output: 9
Example 4: input: 1000000000000000000, output: 3

Your Input: 560981764105518902

You will be able to save Christmas, right anon?
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Can't wait for jeets to get the first 100 leaderboard spots with sub-10 second times because they all used chatgpt or github autopilot.
won't be a problem after day 5
eric will just require the solution be derived from a world model, which makes it impossible for an LLM to solve
sixth digit of 33652522071566471
5 is correct
yeah fuck off now
i'll be back in 6 days and post something harder
you are todays goodest goy
your problem/examples doesn't make any sense, fuck you
in the string - which is too big to actually store in memory - find the digit at position `k` (1-indexed)
so for index 20:
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Implemented double dabble for binary to BCD conversion. My old method (a LUT) was ending up slower than the FC solution (because it was doing more work per frame which overcomes the CPU difference).
How many people here seriously care about the leaderboard? Seems really stressful
I used chatgpt to ask syntax
I don't even understand the assignment
numbers appended in increasing order?? but some numbers are smaller than others in the example
what does 1e18 even mean? is this some autistic math expression?
why does 20 give 1, and 123 give 6? none of this makes sense or even remotely explained
>find the output of this blackbox function that I just made up xdd
>How many people here seriously care about the leaderboard?
Approximately 0.
>but some numbers are smaller than others in the example
It's like
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 etc without spaces, and it goes to 1^18
20 gives 1 because the first digit of 15 is in the 20th position.
>why does 20 give 1
1 is the 20th character in 123456789101112131415...
that's 1 you idiot
Yes. I am an idiot.
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No, I don't even understand what you are asking from me
i'd like to get on it one day just for the sake of it
similar to mine:
cache = [None] # index of 1st i-digit number
tmp = 1
for p in range(1, 18+1):
tmp += p * 9 * 10 ** (p - 1) # 1*9, 2*90, 3*900, ...

k = int(input())
for i in range(1, 18+1):
if cache[i+1] > k:
k -= cache[i]
print(str(10 ** (i - 1) + k // i)[k % i])
I won't participate because now after work the last thing I want to do is more coding
>How many people here seriously care about the leaderboard? Seems really stressful
We only have one guy good enough for the global leaderboard. Competing for the top 3 of the 4chan leaderboard can be fun. I've never been first, but I've been second and third a few times.
you should have made the problem be
>string consisting of numbers: 0123456789101112131415161718192021222324...
>0-based index
your problem statement makes the solution dirty for no reason
Very impressive, may I ask why you learned bc?
should i learn a new language this year
or stick with good ol reliable
>why does 20 give 1, and 123 give 6?
yeah honestly 20 should give 2 as far i as can tell. Because 2 and 20?
unless we dont count the first number in the sequence, only how many bigger numbers we can interpret from its position, but then 123 = 6 would be wrong. 1, 2, 3, 12, 23, 123 which is 6 but if we dont count the first number then it should be 5.
in the string - which is too big to actually store in memory - find the digit at position `k` (1-indexed)
so for index 20:
numbers (1, 1e18]: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ...
appended: 123456789101112131415161718192021222324...
+--- 1 is the 20th digit in the string
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The elves, having been busy fucking everything up for the last 9 years, have neglected sanitary conditions at santa's workshop and now you have a critical fly problem. To manage the flies the elves have brought in some spiders but they need you to install them in the workshop's spider web. The spiders must each be placed at a node in the web and each node will allow a spider to capture a different number of flies per day. You may place any number of spiders in the web however no more than one spider can occupy each node and no two adjacent nodes can have spiders occupying them or the spiders will try to eat one another. The web (your puzzle input) is represented as a table of node ID, flies that can be caught per day at that node and connected nodes. What is the maximum number flies the spiders can catch in the given web?

Example input: https://0x0.st/XnSG.org
Solution: 3147

input: https://0x0.st/XnSD.org
thinking of tackling this as a bitmask dp problem
2^30 is scary, but at most half the nodes can be picked? so i'm thinking it's more like 2^15
Do it in Lisp
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Cleaned up the original solution from >>103240591 a bit.
post unwashed ass please
prob none, I'm in for the rush of just completing it all
holy shit how do you manage to make python an unreadable mess?
you don't know python as well as you think you do
nta but it IS an unreadable mess
you don't know python as well as you think you do
How is THAT an unreadable mess?
A big(ger)boy input https://0x0.st/XnjN.org
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This will be the first year I don't participate at all
The schizo retard ruined it years ago and I can finally say I have better things to do
11259, took 6 min 30 seconds with the Python solution on my 10 year old laptop
you don't know how to write good code
Rewrote it in Rust, now it takes 22.7 seconds, so 17 times faster than the Python.
But it was incredibly painful to write lol.
C is typically 60x faster than Python for numerical tasks
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Already starting this year off well.
The right tool for the job, nice
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Doubt. It didn't happen last year.
Set-builder notation is the most cancerous garbage construct to ever infect programming languages like python. Even in haskell I hate they added that shit. do notation is a superior construct.
Filtered by mathematics
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Graphs filter me hard. Every year i brute force them and then prune branches until it executes in less than 5 minutes. How would I learn how to do these problems in a non retarded way?
Learn the following common patterns:
"Painting" nodes to mark them as visited, accepted, rejected, etc. This is usually done not on the graph itself but in a separate structure. For example this problem looks like each node can have two states: on and off; but actually while searching for the solution you use three states: on, off, and not processed yet.
Keeping a "frontier" of nodes, for example for breadth-first search. If you are starting from some node, then everything between the node and the frontier is visited, and the frontier is the set of all nodes directly accessible from what you have visited. Not really necessary in this problem, but usually comes up.
The rest is judicious use of recursion (sometimes iteration in the final code, but recursion conceptually). Recursion is finite because you only go to nodes that you haven't already visited.
With these things in mind, go learn and actually understand the A* algorithm and you are all set.
Every graph problem has already been named and studied. Just google around until you find the name.
This (>>103240190) is the maximally weighted independent set problem.
Once you know the name of the problem, just use python and import solution.
>when part 2 is sort of like part 1 but adding both code paths in the same loop looks shitty so you copy/paste and make minor tweaks instead
I hate when that happens.
Thanks anon for the effortpost. I am fine with the basic a* search type problems, but usually the hardest problem of the year soft filters me. I get a solution, but it takes me over three hours, and execution takes an order of magnitude longer than the best solution.
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yo fr this sml shit is fire
>eric will just require the solution be derived from a world model, which makes it impossible for an LLM to solve
That sounds interesting, what does a "world model" mean here?
i would define it as an internal representation of the environment which can be used to make inferences
e.g. ask an LLM to imagine a short series of actions with an object (e.g. a cup of water) and ask which way the base of the cup points, or if the cup still has water
older models would e.g. fail to understand that if you are in a windowless basement, you can't see the sky
companies try to fix these mistakes by e.g. CoT reasoning, but they're not true fixes and the lack of a world model remains a fundamental limitation of LLMs
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i don't think i'll do it this year
Anyone know what the thing like advent of codd but for logic was called.
this one?
No it was with logic gates, and nors etc
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how's your progress?
You don't even need a string though, do you? the same result can be obtained easily.
This task can and probably should be performed entirely with integer operations.
This needs cleaning up, but solves OP's problem fairly quickly:
fn get_digit(k: u64) -> u64 {
if k < 10 { return k; }

let mut p: u64 = 2; // Current power of 10
let mut r: u64 = k-9; // Remaining indices
loop {
// Iterate with d = 180, 2700, 81000...
let d = 10_u64.pow((p-1) as u32) * p * 9;
if r <= d {
let i = (r-1) / p; // Index among p-digit numbers. Is 0-indexed, so i=0 would be 10, 100, 1000...
let b = (r-1) % p; // The digit to use from n, in big endian, so b=0 would be "1" from 10.
let l = p - b - 1; // b, converted to "little endian". So l=0 would be the "2" from 12.
let n = 10_u64.pow((p-1) as u32) + i; // The number we take a digit from

return (n / (10_u64.pow(l as u32))) % 10;

r -= d;
p += 1;

fn main() {
println!("Input: 20, Output: {}", get_digit(20));
println!("Input: 123, Output: {}", get_digit(123));
println!("Input: 5318008, Output: {}", get_digit(5318008));
println!("Input: 1000000000000000000, Output: {}", get_digit(1000000000000000000));
println!("Input: 560981764105518902, Output: {}", get_digit(560981764105518902));

It's basically O(log(k)) time.
>in 2024
speaking of AoC
someone tell my why my solution for 2015/day5 isn't working?


at first i thought it was just me fucking up the logic attempting to do it efficiently with a switch statement, so i implemented it more plainly (isNiceString_slow) but they both give the same answer: 239 to the input. Apparently thats not right!
they look correct to me. what answer do you get for your part 1?
oh. you said the answer.
I got 238
238 for your input*

here's my snippet if it helps. I legitimately can't see where you're getting your off by one.

    let vowels_cnt = word.iter().filter(|&chr| VOWELS.contains(chr)).count() > 2;
let double_letters = array_windows(word)
.try_fold(false, |acc, &[a, b]| {
if matches!(
(a, b),
(b'a', b'b') | (b'c', b'd') | (b'p', b'q') | (b'x', b'y')
) {
None // same as BadPattrn
} else if a == b {
} else {

vowels_cnt && double_letters
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yeah im kind of tearing my hair out atm

im definitely getting 239
is it possible you have a trailer in your input? maybe insta fail any string shorter than like... 4 or 5?
do a len on it, might be more than 1000?
no that won't matter. hmm
at this point, I'd just print:
has bad pattern
has vowel count
has doubles

and review all of the ones with all true, because I am looking at your _slow one and as far as I can see, it's basically the same unless there is some subtle case I'm not seeing.
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do u think it could be anything to do with the way im executing it or reading the input? i cant see any issue myself but im also pretty new to c# so its possible im missing something

for example AFAIK the TrimEnd() only removes whitespace so it shouldn't make a difference to the input but maybe thats wrong?
unemployed general
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Anon, Javascript is 20 times faster than Python.
I rewrote some of my older AoCs from js to rust and can see a massive boost. most of it is honestly startup time though. node is a beast.
I sort of did the first couple of years. I knew I wouldn't be on it but it still was disappointing to start at midnight, finish fifteen minutes later, and then see a bunch of people with sub-five minute times (this was before LLMs). I stopped staying up to do the problems at midnight and that cured by scoreboard envy even if the gap is larger now.

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