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i thought they already made one a few years ago
Introducing the google faggottop
Google has their own in-house ARM processors.

I'm typing this on the OG Google Pixel Laptop (I believe I'm one of like three people) and can confirm Google can't do hardware for shit. Nor software tbf. Half of the features including the touchpad are broken. Keyboard is the best I've ever tried though.
What's the point of making a high-end laptop for Chrome OS? Doesn't it only use web apps? Who needs a high-end laptop to run web apps?
They wont use that. They will use cheap phone slop.
they've had the Chromebook Plus for a couple years now. it's just for AI tools.
Tensor G5x
It sucks by the way
That's the slop they put in their own phones though.
pixel laptop as in the chromebook pixel, or the pixelbook?

i had a pixelbook and then a pixelbook go, they were... fine? for uni where literally all i needed was web browsing + google docs, if id needed to do literally anything else id have been fucked. go started to run like absolute shit really quickly too, only about a year and a half
Why would they use their arm, anon? Do you know how awkward it would be to have an arm attached to a laptop? What would you even use it for? Handshakes?
arm chips suck dick.
fuck off, intelgoy
i am A Mad Dick winner not arm loser
imagine having to throw away all your efficiency to run worse than x86.
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And they are absolute shit, even worse than Samsung's.
Snapdragon one are on pair with m1, can't google catch up at least to those?
Eh for now
Most people around the world tried to use their own arm, and it worked for a while. But one day, for no reason at all, the snapdragon quickly killed them, and they were never seen or heard from again. Technology comes with good intention, but it also comes with a price. How much you ask? Look within you.
grapheneos sisters. Soon.
latest snapdragon 8 elite is ahead of M2 now in 1T and multithread
nuvia really was worth $1.4 billion

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