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Nature is healing
i don't understand so are those front facing drives functional? because that's definitely a disc drive behind one of them, but that shell on the outside looks like a giant 6 inch floppy insertion point
It's a flap that opens when the optical drive tray pushes it
Just decorative molding
too big and cumbersome
i like compact and sleek pcs
>No LED frequency counter
I want to go look it up but their website takes 10 years to load any page. Case name?
Where is the turbo button?
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where's the keylock?
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you 4chan drones, hear me out, what about this: a 3.5 floppy disk BUT, it's an ssd drive, you know, like an sd card but bigger and more sovlful.
Now, games, you buy the game and it comes ready to play on this format, with it's cool stickers and box
Those noodle arms of yours will break easily.
I'm a retard, didn't see the file name.
Is that a real case I can buy?
they should make this a thing
you can still use old cases, ATX is still ATX
With all the 90s and 2000s nostalgia becoming trendy recently, it's strange why no case companies have released new beige retro-style cases yet.
I miss horizontal cases.
Every case are vertical now with gay glass side panel.
You have to be 18 to post here
>people will not die, we will be absorbed in streams of information, I know nothing about this
>computers will die
>they are dying in their present form
>they are just about dead as distinct units
>a box, a screen...a keyboard
>they're melting into the texture of everyday life, is this true or not?
>even the word "computer"
>even the word "computer" sound backward and dumb

we go from black machines to white machines to grey machines to white to black to grey and so on and so forth
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some cases officially support horizontal operation.
still gay glass and won't let you put anything on top, but at least this gay glass would not be reflected in the monitor.
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as based as desktop cases are, I'd rather not have my pc as far away as possible these days to minimize the noise

now if you could do a decent passively cooled or nearly silent build...
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This case is just a GD08 short rack/HTPC Case with a new front panel and beige, its been on sale for like 15 years in some form or another.

Basically no one is buying them outside of a few niche people that still want a HTPC box.
because employed marketingfag grifters are all iphone brained
Some gook brands going back to white I got white ram white case black psu black mobo keep an eye out on ali express
Honestly, black and white is going to fall out of favor in a few years. I predict that in 2027-2028 gamer/color accents will be back on the menu, but it will have more industrial and mature look compared to 2010s plastic toy design.
Can you try having something other than being a tranny define your entire personality. You know, maybe a TV show you like, whatever.
Comfy computer and desk anon!
>Open F29 retaliator from win 3.11
>Black unresponsive screen
>i didn't ask
>Hard reset with physical flipping I/O power button
>Open to DOS
>Press turbo to boost 80486 dx2 to 66 MHz
>Splash one lizard
Those cases are fabulous. I recommended them to a half-dozen friends who wanted HTPCs in the 2010's.
That slot is begging to be cut and fitted with a slot-loading drive.
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It can
>it's strange why no case companies have released new beige retro-style cases yet.
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>only blower style cards compatible
Almost. I still need it to be functional with modern pigfat parts.
your post is not helpful to anyone
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that flap looks cheap they should have had functional 5.25/3.5bays
This case would be so much better with a solid panel option with some support inside so I could use it as a footrest.
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I recognize that Bob Ross
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That's a tray-loader ya dingus.
I found a youtube video of a guy that made modified 3.5 floppies with SD cards in them, complete with reader inside the drive.

But yeah, you could really take this all the way to full size M.2 drives so it was actually usefull for modern day file transfers.
There was a company back in the day that made SD readers inside of 3.5" diskettes. I have one somewhere.
What's the performance impact?
since there are 4 of them, the cooling liquid might leak 4 time at different periods of the month. Apart from that, I don't think there are any.
I think it would be cool too bu Its basically just comes down to cost, devs will cry and moan but they're really delighted to give away ONLY 30% of their profit to steam or whoever on every sale because by comparison that is a very good deal compared to what they used to get from distributors who had to also cut in the retailers and the cost of boxes and disks and distrbution to stores and everything else. Simply they have it way too good these days and there's no going back.
My now ex-wife and I did some drunk painting bob ross things with kids paints and canvases in 2019 and 2020 and that was the result. It was pretty fun honestly.
that node 605 was built a lot better than any silverstone case, with thicker steel, good mass damping bitumen felt, and over all sturdier build. I regret selling the two I had.
Do they even make slot-loaders anymore? When I was last shopping for an optical drive a few years ago, I didn't see any (except for external ones, which don't count)
not him but probably not. the more unique or fancy versions of something usually disappear once the thing it's for becomes less popular, leaving behind only the more basic types
or in this context, since optical drives aren't as popular as they were in the '00s when slot loaders were most common, there's little incentive to make them now that the only people left buying optical drives aren't spending more for the nicer or unique ones
i'm sure you've noticed this elsewhere, the best versions of a product for an obsolete or near-obsolete format were when the format in question was at its' peak
What a coincidence.
Better not be tacky plastic crap.

I want THICC 90s metal. I want the case to be heavy enough 90% of zoomers will break their arms trying to lift it. I want a durable chonky boi.
bob ross died at an early age of lymphoma due to constant exposure to paint thinner.
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That thing is moving so jerky that it makes it seem like the weak mechanism will break after 2 dozen times doing this
>Oooo wow so cool!!
Average low IQ gaymur scrub reaction to this

>Over complicating a steel box so it'll be landfill in a year or two
Average high IQ persons reaction
He was also a chain smoker, that has much more to do with it. And there are less hazardous paint thinners than turpentine now

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