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>How do I activate Windows?
HWID2 mimics a valid Windows installation to generate a permanent legitimate license
>and Office?
Same link, use Ohook option
You can also use Office.com if your needs are very minimal
or try OnlyOffice/LibreOffice and set it to save in MSOffice file formats

>What version should I install?
W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021
-10 years support on IoT LTSC, EoL 2032
-5 years on LTSC, EoL 2027
-LTSC releases are binary identical to Enterprise except no MS Store, no bloat apps, and no feature/version updates
-If you need MS Store run this in cmd: wsreset -i
-ISO: 4.5GB

W11 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2024
-EoL 2035
-Only if you fell for the 12th+ gen Intel meme and need the new CPU scheduler
-Same UI downgrades as regular W11
-ISO: 4.8GB

W10/W11 Home/Pro/Edu/Enterprise
-Only 1.5-2 yrs support
-No control over updates
-Preinstalled bloatware apps (games, music, news, weather, onedrive, start menu ads, etc)
*W11 specific
*Removed features and reduced performance in Start, Taskbar and Explorer
*Recall bloat (ARM)
-ISOs: 6.4~6.6GB

Windows IoT LTSC https://pastebin.com/ywkasnhM
Windows https://pastebin.com/nUMgAr0b
Office https://pastebin.com/G8w5qu6z

>Should I debloat / build my own ISO?
If you need to ask, then no.
If you know what you're doing:

>Windows/Office install guide

>Portable programs & reinstall-proofing

>Useful programs (new installs, essentials, utilities, adobe, etc)

>I miss Windows##

Change to .co if links don't work

Previous: >>103194852
Just switched to Linux, goodbye /fwt/
mating press, nakaԁashi, impregnate, and marry hotaru-chan
I love Windows!
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>just moved up to Win10
>notice powershell is running almost immediately on startup, ~100MB varying, then disappearing
>also occasionally flashes on and off to the same tune of ~100MB
>not even downloaded any shady shit (yet), I'm not that stupid (yet)

>>not in startup Task Manager
>>not in startup folder
>>autoruns doesn't seem to detect anything
>>install + run CCleaner, doesn't seem to detect anything
>still present when I turn the computer on
>>manually try to disable it from the command line, with admin priv (Dism /online /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:"MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellV2Root")
>still fucking flashing itself on and off
I've got simplewall, portmaster, OpenRGB and OpenShell set on startup.
Am I missing anything here and this is normal microshit behavior, or am I just hyperfucked.
I cannot for the love of fuck identify what is causing this, why it's happening or how the fuck to even nuke Powershell. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It's probably just Edge updooter process. Same thing was driving me crazy about a year ago, console window kept popping up and closing down every couple of hours or so.
Use sysinternals Autoruns to take care of it.
I'll always cherish the 9x/2000 era
Same but I'll stay for the tits, where are the linux tits at?
Why is the Windows 11 Explorer performance so fucking bad if you have a disconnected SMB share?

When I browse for a file, the explorer often just hangs for 20+ seconds and takes forever to load thumbnails, and it's almost always because SMB connections are timing out.

Why does the 11 explorer insist on trying to load them? Even if I'm just browsing local storage, it still freezes up because it keeps trying to connect to the shares.
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But Anon, I've completely uninstalled Edge (deleted, gone, removed), and autoruns ain't showing shit.
It could still be some Microsoft thing coming from task scheduler or something. Autoruns can still help you if you know how to use it.
Or it's just some faggot software updater which is running in the background.
HArd to say more than this, really.
I might suggest Process Monitor to be able to see when the Powershell process is created and who's the parent process, maybe that way you can hunt the app that's causing it.

I'm not so sure it's an MS thing, unless it's doing some updates, Windows likes to download a lot of shit on fresh installs and that keeps up for the first days
>he fell for the debloat meme
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what image sorter/viewer are you guys using for large meme folders?
kek I was like "wtf how" for a moment
Trying to move to windows 10. Anybody know why rufus won't run? Every time I click it, nothing happens.
Guessing you're on 7? Current versions of Rufus can't run on 7.
You'll need to use the last version that could IE 3.22 to make a 10 USB.
Thank you very much.
This didn't work as well.
that's so late 2010s
I have a folder of a couple dozen wallpapers. I want it to pick one at 12am and use that on both the lock screen and desktop. Can this be done?
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XnView MP
Lads, I really need to coom to that doujin where the purple bitch gets the candy wedding ring at the end. mind giving me a link?
Laptop users, how do you keep your drivers up to date?
You could always just use SDIO if you want a third party solution to driver installing/updating.
Just search for Dagashi Kashi doujins on panda and look for it
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found it
So I have Windows 10 IoT LTSC Enterprise installed. How do I get rid of the telemetry? I set firewall up so only approved programs can access the internet, yet when I open Wireshark I'm clearly getting a shit load of IPs connecting to my internet.
Run ShutUp10 and enable its recommended settings to set registry keys and disable services that're telemetry related.
Thanks, that seems to have mostly done the trick though I'm still getting occasional Azure IPs connecting.
See you in a fortnight.
Really if you're using a local account and have set those settings you're fine.
Windows 11 will never be good simply because of the UI changes.
I kinda like 11's sound effects if anything. They're just so... friendly?
>Windows 95 will never be good simply because of the UI changes.
>Windows 2000 will never be good simply because of the UI changes.
>Windows XP will never be good simply because of the UI changes.
>Windows Vista will never be good simply because of the UI changes.
>Windows 8 will never be good simply because of the UI changes.
>Windows 10 will never be good simply because of the UI changes.
>Windows 11 will never be good simply because of the UI changes.
It's hilarious how everybody ended up handing these UI changes just fine once Microsoft dropped support for Windows n - 3, and the quackies were forced to start using the latest version.
I still use Windows 7, and I won't ever use 11.
I still use Windows XP. But VMs for specific uses (code testing for me, posting screenshots in Fruitnigger Gaybo threads for you) don't count.
>Fruitnigger Gaybo
I hate those threads actually and I hate that term.
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I sure to love using an operating system that Just Works (TM).
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Except from 95 to 2000 the UI didn't change much, XP got a fisher price uplift but it was still functionally the same. Everyone also hated what they did with 8. 10 went back to classic Windows. 11 again tried to change things and people hated it.

Why re-invent the wheel? 2000s Windows is already peak desktop operating system.

Never listen to 7 babyducks, I would gladly update to Windows 12 if it did the 2000/10 aesthetic.
It's the other way around for me btw, I run 10 in a VM. I do it on Linux too.
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Is Wireshark the best tool for this? Because your machine is connected to internet your ethernet adapter will automatically broadcast stuff related to various protocols and such. It's not all just "telemetry".
Infinite love for 2000
>Except from 95 to 2000 the UI didn't change much,
This is correct.
>XP got a fisher price uplift but it was still functionally the same
Not even close. XP is where the "HTML sidebars in literally every Explorer window, even Control Panel" started in earnest (Win2k had them in a very short list of folders, and it was one click to turn them off completely), thus proving the ducks don't actually care about radical UI changes - it's just another attempt to distract from Windows 11 not running on their 2500KYS povertyboxes.
>Everyone also hated what they did with 8
I didn't, the full-screen start screen is great and objectively superior to the old start menu and I continue to use it in Windows 10

You just need to remove all the default apps from it and add and arrange only your stuff to it.
how much recommended disk space do i need on a windows 10's vm i want to learn windows stuffs without breaking my main computer
I usually make my Windows VMs about 50GB or so, but only take as much space on my disk as the virtual disk is filled.
Messing around with Windows virtually is a great learning tool and really helped me with my own Windows questions.
Did you debloat your ISO before installing?
Shutup10 barely scratches the surface.

If you use a firewall:

Get rid of Edge:

Disable all the retarded MS integrations like Meet, People, Maps, Photo Viewer, One Drive etc.

Use gpedit.msc to disable telemetry (can't disable it fully).
>Scratches the surface
I mean, if you're a total schizo.
>Did you debloat your ISO before installing?
Nah, I've never done this before.

>Meet, People, Maps, Photo Viewer, One Drive etc.
Seems these were disabled with ShutUp10, and it didn't come with OneDrive.

>Use gpedit.msc to disable telemetry (can't disable it fully).
Yeah, I did that before posting. I'll check those programs out, thanks.
Why is this being recommended all the time?
Because it's a good and easy to use program for installing drivers if you don't want to rely on Windows Update for them?
Is there a winget for this
The drivers are frequently wrong.
You only need to install it once. Just download it from the git.
Because it's pretty much retard-proof, making it perfect for your average /g/ denizen.
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Why does min maxing the most bare bones windows instooling with deblooting feel like sex? I genuinely feel my neurons tingling and activating
You're really sticking it to the trillon dollar corpo by hard neutering their operating system
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some quick questions please
i alredy got mpv setup with a custom uosc and scripts
now i need a decent image viewer and a decent music player
any kino recomendations, i rather have not dead projects.
I use nomacs for images and foobar2000 for local music.
Make sure to get the latest preview build of nomacs from its git as the stable release is years behind.
for foobar i do pick preview as well?
I've just used the stable release but you might as well use the preview branch.
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this looks terrible lmao
i use jpegview
i use my phone for music so i dont have a music player installed on my windows
did not ask
fuck you nigger
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html'ified explorer started in windows 98
Had the same one-click off switch as Windows 2000. XP on the other hand had entire Control Panels written entirely in HTML and JS.
How does 11 IoT compare to 10 IoT?
what the fuck is a ninite
sounds gay and homosexual
>Shutup10 barely scratches the surface.

So, what do you recommend for proper debloating?
Is the ltsc guide in the OP good enough?
It's more then fine for "proper debloating." Anon probably just wants you to use a firewall instead or somesuch.
Firewalls aren't for debloating, they're for neutering software that phones home.
'bout the same performance except worse UI and pajeet diarrhea on top
Well, how do I get updates then?
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How to get better at powershell?
Now that winget is the defacto package manger, I want to get script to install post fresh install.
good morning saar
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The third thing I do on any fresh Win10 install (after telemetry & drivers) is registry edits / hacks and scripts that restore everything to look like Win7 UI again. Sure, Win7 wasn't perfect, but it was the last time it was genuinely usable, and a step up from 98's grey-everywhere with a shitton of wasted space. The file explorer, the volume adjust, the start menu, the default icons, the settings panel, everything.
I still have multiple smaller computers running Win7, and I am never touching Win11 (and would sooner wait for Linux to be usable for people who value their time before every touching that useless resource-wasting infantile smartphone-wannabe UI).
What reg hacks and scripts do you use to do that? I've used UxThemePatcher before, but I'm pretty sure that's malware.
You don't really *need* updates to a VCRedist AIO package.
IMO just download and run the package again if something doesn't turn on properly.
Been on Linux for over a decade now but unfortunately I need a windows build for certain software. I'm making a small portable build specifically for my usecase, and will probably also use it for VR gaming as well. Congrats on the switch though!
Linux is very usable. Something like arch + kde plasma is basically a mimic of windows with all the expected behavior. Installing that would be far less time spent then messing with debloating windows and messing with the registry for every install
bought one of these mini PCs preloaded with win11. what is the general consensus here, wipe and reload? will be getting office regardless.
No idea why someone would buy these, but I've heared some these can even be preloaded with trojans and other malware, so it's probably better to wipe it first.
I made an LTSC win10 usb install back in October 2023.

Should I just run it and update in settings, or should I look for a fresh ISO?
Everything just looks so cohesive. So perfectly readable and easy on the eyes. Sharp and sleek, professional looking.

I look at current Win10 and I just feel sad.
>left has a bigger ass
it's hotaruver
Windows 10 is just basically the new classic theme though, it's simple, no gradients, no overly complex theme or anything. What?
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No, I disagree. Win10 is ugly imo. There's little consistency between its elements, which are various forms of flat. Its messy and chaotic. It's like its ashamed of being a desktop OS, or even being Windows, so it rolls paint over its UI in the worst ways. This is but an example of how little they thought about making something beautiful, clear and cohesive. You could argue it gets the job done or has nice features but please don't say its the "new classic theme".
Also the stupid square backgrounds on the icons in Start or powertoys run, they're so ass who thought it was a good idea. Glad Win11 got rid of that.
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unironically ask chatgpt
>Windows 10 keeps shitting the bed
>RAM leaks galore
>Nothing I do seems to fix it
>CPU outright freezing
Bros... Do I just hard reinstall Windows 10 or do I try my luck with Jeet 11?
use Jeet 11. The idea of a "good Wind*ws" is a massive cope
Fuck it, I'll give it a go, what's the harm?
If I didn't get Jeet prices for Gamepass I would be switching to Linux.
i use chocolatey to quickly mass-install all my software in a single command, is there also a way to change the location of my Downloads/music/documents shortcuts quickly with some tool raher than having to go one by one?
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Why is gimp so iops intensive? I want to work with xcf files off of a nas running a bunch of hdds in raid. However when I save an open xcf that is 300mb and has maybe 50 layers it takes like a full minute and gimp is frozen for half of it. Contrast to working with the same file off of a local 870 evo sata ssd and it takes about 3 seconds.

It's one file. Is it doing a shitload of random writes for some reason? Why? Or is windows just being retarded about a networked drive? For reference this is connected by 10gbe which I can fully saturate copying large files to the nas meaning it should be actually faster than my 870 evo but it's not.
>See you in a fortnight.
More like see you for fortnite since it doesn't work on linux :^)
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>purple bitch
BE NICE, you butt hurt dumb boy! BE NICE!
W11 Pro vs Edu for new gaming pc build? I fear that IoT lacks the newer optimizations for shit
Any thoughts? I can do this on my Macbook and my Android phone but I haven't found a way to do it on Windows.
musicbee has cleared foobar for years at this point.
Sounds like something a scheduled task would do. Look that up.
just get windows xp
Is a 4090 enough to run Into the Breach?
Is windows 8.1 usable or does it get blocked by steam and others like 7?
It didn't even get a chance to get extended security updates like 7. MS ignored that Windows like a red headed stepson.
what a moron
I assume this was one of the objectives of their migration to the new UI framework, to be more cohesive. despite being a design language, Metro was not "built into" Windows, so most app developers, even MS devs, designed their own UI elements barely following the rules.

MS never fully committed to Metro like they did with Aero and it showed since Win8. Sadly, it seems like a lot of shit just can't be changed because of compatibility and because Windows is held by duck tape, there's even a lot of Win95 elements there still
This image entertains me immensely. They have to copypasta UI elements from 10 different Insider versions - whereas you'll see this much variation on a single Troonix DE, all at the same time.
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No, you need an RTX 5090! It looks like you're going to have to wait until the year 2025!

I can't imagine someone who gets their panties in a twist over context menus of all things. Relax.
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>Linux is very usable. Something like arch + kde plasma is basically a mimic of windows with all the expected behavior. Installing that would be far less time spent then messing with debloating windows and messing with the registry for every install
Sure it is retard.
But 1000x more usable than what it was 2 decades back is still less usable than the worst copy of Windows.
Wake me up when its basic suite is even half as usable (and no, kdenlive is unusably bad compared to a legit copy of Vegas I definitely bought, Libreoffice is laughably dogshit and Librewolf / Icefox / Palememe / etc might as well noose themselves compared to Tor + Waterfox) (yeah, turns out that people actually want to do shit on computers that isn't just coding, file storage and gooning on an 'eck).

tl;dr it just werkz, linucks don't
does SumatraPDF have "dark mode" for pdfs?, I can't believe such an obvious feature is hard to get in desktop, even in Acrobat is not straight forward
dog every time I put arch on my laptop there comes a time where I just randomly cannot fucking boot for no discernable reason
>hasn't used linux
I'm not coping, you haven't used linux.
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>I have entered a dedicated Windows thread and I have found people who prefer Windows to Linux as their operating system?! How dare they have a different opinion?! Do they not use Linux?! How could this be happening to me?!
I entered a Windows thread to ask a Windows related question actually. I just saw your retarded post along the way, and I can tell you don't know shit about Linux. At best you used one of those retarded meme distros that you got trolled into using.
Is the privacy.sexy thing worth running with a fresh win 10 install? Or is stock ltsc iot good enough?
privacy.sexy just allows you to make a custom script that sets a bunch of registry keys that disable telemetry-related things mainly, which are still enabled by default on LTSC. You could use that or ShutUp10 or UnattendedWinstall and basically reach the same goal.
Which is better?
They have a default set though, is that useful or does it break anything? It's the 'standard' set.
I use ShutUp10 cause it's the easiest

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